Possessed (3 page)

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Authors: Kayla Smith

BOOK: Possessed
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“Sean, come on, we have to go! Alana sounds very anxious. We may be sent out on a mission,” I say to him as he is getting dressed. I am already fully dressed in my tight black fighting gear. I added chains to the front of my shirt to give me more of a badass look; I like to look different from the others since
we all wear similar things... so I added my own "bling" to it.

He walks out of the bathroom and gives me a kiss. He's fully dressed now, too, and wearing his black t-shirt and black jeans. “I know, babe, I’m ready, and I hope it’s a mission. I need to relieve some of this pent-up energy on some Demons, Vamps, or Weres,” he says as he puts his shoes on.

We walk out the door and up the stairs to the attic. I am anxious to hear what they came up with about the bowling alley situation. I hope that Rebecca is fine now. She seemed very out of it when she woke up after passing out. I wonder what the mission could be; maybe she’s anxious because she's figured out a way to get rid of those Demons?

Only Sebastian and Alana are here when we arrive. We took a long time to get here so I was expecting all of the others to be here already. “What’s up? Where is everyone?” I ask as I look at the empty room. Only Destiny is here, sound asleep in her bassinet in the corner of the room.

Alana looks at me and contemplates what she is about to say. I know she is going to tell me; she wouldn’t have called us up here if she didn't want to. “It is just us. What we are about to tell you is to be kept between us and only us. Rebecca has orders for a few Wolves and we may take in Milissa and Yashira, but for now what I say does not leave this room, understand?” 

“I do,” Sean and I both say in unison.

Alana looks to Sebastian for him to talk. He nods his head, takes a deep breath, and announces: “Rebecca and John are being possessed. I was able to communicate with her briefly last night before she used all of her energy and passed out. She is still talking to me, but not a lot at once and only when she has enough energy to talk.” He sounds very torn up about it.

“So what does that have to do with us?” Sean asks.

Alana answers: “Well, you are to get the two ingredients we do not have in this attic. They are rare and you can only find them on an island that isn’t quite on the map.” She hands me the oldest book I have ever seen and I look at the picture of an island. “You need to get a branch full of leaves from Ley’s Whitebeam,” she resumes, pointing to the tree on the next page.

“How do we know if we have the right tree?” I ask.

“Because you will take this picture and look for the tree that looks like it,” she explains as she summons a picture of the tree and hands it to me.

“What is the next ingredient?” I ask her.

She looks at me and gives me a wiry look that suggests that she doesn’t even want to think about it, let alone say it. “You need to get the blood of a Wolf that lives on that island. The book doesn’t say the Wolf needs to die, but you need to at least fill three of these vials.” She says this reluctantly, handing Sean the vials. “And the Wolves are only on the mountain on the island. In the book it says they stay on the mountain because they have everything they need up there: fresh water and food. So, you may be dealing with other animals, but you have your powers to help you. The only source of fresh water is on that mountain so take plenty with you. I will give you three days. After that Milissa and Yashira will go to retrieve you. After five full days Rebecca and John’s souls will die and all we will see is their bodies walking around with Demons in them.” She pauses briefly then continues, "please don’t let me down, I really need to save my mate and my best friend... so please hurry, every day that goes by is another day they grow weaker.” She sounds so helpless.

I hate seeing her like this and I desperately want to help. Our leaders are all doomed and will die in five days unless we bring home the ingredients. “Okay,” I say. “We will do it. How hard can it be to find a tree and a Wolf anyway?” I’m trying to sound supportive. She gives me a small smile and I take Sean’s hand in mine and we are off.


We land in the water. How? I don’t know, but at least it isn’t in the middle of the ocean. I walk onto the shore and immediately feel the heat from this island. It is so hot- at least one hundred degrees. In Massachusetts it never gets this hot, how am I supposed to search quickly if I’m dying of a heat stroke? I’m glad I wear layers because I pull my black shirt off and am left with my white spaghetti strap tank top. I roll up the bottom of my pants to my knees and then I look up at Sean. He looks amused with me which I guess is an everyday thing.

We start towards the bulk of the trees. Judging by the picture that Alana gave me, it looks like this tree is in the middle of the island surrounded by hundreds of other trees.

We walk for what feels like hours, passing palm tree after palm tree. If we weren’t on a timeline I would be all for taking in the scene; it is the picture of paradise: beautiful landscape with the sound of the ocean splashing on the sand and rocks, and most importantly I am here with the love of my life. Too bad we can’t use this as one of the human’s honeymoons; it is the perfect place. No interruptions, no cell phones or television- just us and nature.

Sean stops when he sees the trees change from palm trees to something I have never seen before. I take out the picture and am surprised to see that we have found it. That was easy! I use one of my daggers to cut a branch full of leaves off and put it in the cloth bag we brought with us.

“Now we only need the blood. I hope we don’t have to kill them, but if they put up a big fight we just might have to resort to that,” I say to him as he grabs the bag from me.

“Are we teleporting to the mountain?” he asks.

I think about it for all of three seconds. We need to hurry up, but I want to take in some of the beautiful scenery in front of me. “No. We can walk for now. Which way do we go?” I ask, turning in a complete circle. We can’t see the mountain from under all these trees.

“Um, I don’t know sweetie,” he says as he takes my hand.

“Fine, just teleport us there, then,” I say. The next thing I know we are on top of the mountain. I can see the entire island up here. It is so breathtakingly beautiful. I can’t believe the view from up here. The water all around us... and the trees... I just can’t even begin to put into words what a sight this is.

“Um, Clarisse you should turn around now,” Sean says with a hint of something nervous in his voice.

I turn around and see why: a pack of Wolves! And they all have icy blue eyes. Looking into them gives me chills that I have never felt before. I put my hands out and use my new power. Nothing is happening! They are supposed to freeze like everyone did when we fought Arianna. “Uh, babe, we have a problem,” I say and show him that my power isn’t working. Now he's getting really nervous.

“We should leave,” he says, taking my hand. We try to teleport out of there but that power doesn't work, either. It seems that all of our powers are being blocked- but by what?

“What is going on?” I ask, frightened for our lives.

Then the weirdest thing happens: the leader of the Wolves transforms right before our eyes! “I’m sorry to do that to you, but I couldn’t risk you harming my pack. I am the Alpha of this pack. My name is Victor. My powers are very strong since I have been alive for thousands of years. But I feel your power is strong as well. Not as strong as when you’re with your Covenant, but you are very powerful,” he says, and then asks “Why have you come here? This is sacred land, no one knows of this land except for my allies of the Luna Covenant.”

I am shocked beyond belief. I am talking to a very old Wolf who knows- and is apparently friends with- people from our Covenant! “My name is Clarisse and this is my mate Sean. We are
the Luna Covenant. We were sent here for two very rare ingredients for a potion. We need to get two of our leaders un-possessed. They are both Werewolves like you. We went into battle and they were bit,” I say giving him the very brief description of how they ended up as Weres.

“You are a Covenant of Witches and Warlocks and you have Werewolves leading you? Now that is something I have never heard in my three-thousand years of life,” he says, sounding amused by my story. “How did they get Possessed? If they were so powerful then they should have been able to fend off the Demons.”

I tell him the story of what has been going on in our part of the world and he takes it all in. I also tell him what we came here for and he didn’t seem the least bit shocked by my needs.

“I had a feeling. I shared my blood with Lillian. She was the first to discover this island- and therefore me- over a thousand years ago. She was in search of a potion for the same reason. I gave her my blood, and she said she would leave this in her Grimoire for future generations, but she would leave out the part of me and my pack being Werewolves. I was grateful for her secrecy and her companionship. She declared that day to be the beginning of your Covenant and my packs' alliance. Since that day she would visit every few weeks and I met her mate Abraham. They were very nice people. I realized they had passed when they stopped coming here. She was young when she last came by... I wasn’t expecting their deaths. But in your line of work I understand why that happens,” he says, looking lost in thought.

I feel bad for him; not knowing if your friend is dead or alive has got to be hard. “I’m sorry for your loss; she must have been a really great person,” I say. “Will you help us?” I ask him, unsure what else to say.

“Thank you; it was a long time ago,” he says; and then: “Of course I will.” He is smiling.

“Oh, thank you! They have about four more days to live and I really don't want to watch them die,” I say, thankful for his help. “Will you come back with us? Just to visit? We can bring you back. This way you and your pack could finally get to know and meet the people of our Covenant so we can truly be allies again.”

He looks thrilled by the idea of leaving the island, but his face falls as if remembering something bad. “We cannot leave this island. If we do, our age will catch up to us... and we will die.”

My jaw drops. “Why? What is keeping you alive?”

“This island is a magical island that only magical beings can see. We are here to protect the magic that is here, and, since we never really battle anything, we live forever. The Alpha that I took over from died in battle with Demons. They thought they could take over this island, but they wouldn’t survive on it for long. I avenged my friend by killing that Demon and I have since ruled.”

I feel sorrow for him; it is a hard, but honorable fate to not be able to leave this island- but we all must live by the choices we make. “Okay, so we will all come to you when we defeat these possessor Demons,” I say.

He smiles a warm smile and holds out his hand. We follow him and his pack to their home where he gives us the necessary amount of blood to fill the vials and create the potion. He lifts his magic and we are able to leave.

“Thank you so much, Victor, you have helped save our people’s lives,” I say with pure sincerity.

He gives us a hug and we leave.



I feel my soul getting weaker...  I can’t help but panic. I can still feel Sebastian and my pack, but not as strong as before. I try to reach Sebastian to tell him I don’t feel strong anymore but I can’t communicate with him.

The Demon hasn’t found Annie yet and I’ve been wondering why. I know I put her in my closet, under everything; but he threw everything out of my closet and still hasn’t found her. Did Sebastian move her? Or Alana? But she doesn't know where Annie is, either.

I start yelling at this Demon. “HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME? WHY ARE YOU STILL IN MY BODY?” I scream louder and louder until he finally decides to acknowledge me.

“What the fuck do you want?” he asks bitterly. “Why can’t I see this doll of yours if it’s in your closet? Look around you, this room is trashed. I threw everything out of there when I went looking for it.”

Now I remember! The invisibility
spell I had Alana put on her! She is there alright, but completely invisible. “Well, maybe someone else took her. Apparently everyone wants this damn doll. I don’t know where she is nor can I try and figure it out. Just get out of my body. Or lay down so I can rest for a few minutes,” I say, hoping that will jolt my body again.

Apparently Demons don’t sleep because he’s been up nonstop since the day he took over my body- and that was two days ago... I think... I can't tell time anymore. I can barely tell if the people I love are still alive and looking for ways to save me.

I feel lost, alone, and– and sad. I feel so sad, as if I’ve already lost everything we have been working on this past year.

I'm about to fall asleep from weakness when I feel this pain rip through me. It is like half of my soul died, like I am suddenly stronger and weaker at the same time. I ask myself why and then realize that I can't feel Sebastian anymore. “Sebastian!” I scream as I feel my body fall to the bed and a surge of electricity fills my soul. I don't know why or what is happening, but I feel more powerful now than I have in a long time. I revel in all this electricity and relax knowing that- eventually- I’m going to kick some Demon ass.

It must be the markings on the bed, the spells to keep us safe. I didn’t know it would do something after I’ve already been possessed, but I’ll take what I can get. Right before I pass out from exhaustion I hear my pack howl and I know things just got worse.


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