Possessed (2 page)

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Authors: Kayla Smith

BOOK: Possessed
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After drinking the potion (and pushing aside the nagging feeling of something being wrong) I grab a hold of the others and we teleport near the bowling alley. I just can't help the feeling of dread that is creeping in. Something is going to go terribly wrong and I can’t stop feeling like it’s going to be one of us that loses this battle. Why can’t I have a premonition about this upcoming event? My premonitions never come when I want them to come. Sebastian must have been eavesdropping because I feel him tense near me. In fact, I notice that they are all a little tense. I turn my head in their direction and notice the reason for them tensing up.

“How is it that there is a parking lot full of bones and yet no one has reported it to the authorities?” I ask them all in a low voice, almost inaudible. I know they heard. We all have super hearing, Sebastian especially.

“Magic,” John says. “And lots of it."

“So that’s it, then, we're going to go in and possibly not make it out?” I say the very words they're all thinking. All I get back is head nods from the other three. Great, I find out that I’m pregnant just to die in the same day. Congratulations, Rebecca your pregnant
!... But you’re going to die now so don’t get too excited. I huff out an exasperated breath and say, “Okay. Let’s go do this thing.” Then I start walking toward the bowling alley.

They follow me and as we get closer we notice that the parking lot isn’t full of bones, it is full of
of bones. There is one big one next to the door and the stench is its own problem altogether. Of course, we have to act like we can't see or smell what is there so I hold my breath (so I don't barf all over the place) and I notice that Alana does the same.

When I get to the door I hesitate.
“What if this doesn’t work?”
I asked them through the bond.

“We have to try. We can’t just sit back and do nothing. They are getting more and more powerful by the bodies they eat and we can’t afford for them to get more powerful than us. Then we
John says to me. All of us hear it, though-  I kept the bond open so the four of us can converse. I feel their mutual agreement so I relent and open the door.

Alana walks by my side and the guys walk behind us. I notice that the inside looks completely untouched and the “owner” Dave is standing in his usual spot at the counter. He certainly doesn't
possessed, but that’s obviously the point. You can’t get away with it if people can tell.

I walk up to the counter and wait for him to acknowledge me. I looked at him straight in his eyes and notice that there isn’t much life in there. I am worried that he is unable to be saved, but he finally says something that takes me by surprise, mostly because the past few months I haven’t heard that name even once.

“Hello, Monika. How have you been? This is such a wonderful surprise,” he says, then pauses and looks over at our little group. Alana and John had put in contacts so their yellow eyes wouldn't stand out. Even though the Demons may be able to sense us, we are trying to look like we just want to bowl. He looks back at me and says “The four of you for a game?”

I look at the others and then back at him. “Well, they have never bowled before so I will be teaching them. Can we pay after, based on how many we do?”

He takes my question into consideration and agrees. “Yes, but no more than three hours. We are closing early to the public today: there is going to be a private party and they rented all the lanes.”

I feel the anxiety from Alana, but I suppress it. “Okay, great!” I say and we all get shoes and head to the lane he pointed to. Sebastian and John had started a conversation about football. I don’t know where that came from, but it does help make us look less conspicuous.

I’m sitting in the chair leaning over to tie my shoes and Alana does the same. “Okay. I’m ready- let’s start this game.” I stand up and walk to the lane. I turn back towards them and say “Are you ready to lose to a girl?” The guys eye me skeptically before giving a little chuckle.

We play for the whole three hours and only manage to do three games. I don’t know if they really didn’t know how to bowl, or if they were making it look like they don’t, but they really were horrible. Alana was teamed with me and she was really good. Needless to say, we kicked the boys’ butts pretty badly. It was really fun and I almost forgot why we were there until Dave shows up out of nowhere and tells us we have to go now. He has a pleading look in his eyes and I'm worried that if we stay that we might be the next meal.

I feel the sudden tension build between all of us and I get up to grab my shoes. Sebastian follows me and we bring over Alana and John’s shoes for them. Dave never takes his eyes off of me, and I feel a strange chill crawl up my back. I don't pay any mind to it and just shake it off as the Demons coming out to play.

We pay and leave to go home and discuss what we found out. But, when I get home... I collapse to the floor. The last thing I hear is Clarisse and Alana screaming for Sebastian to come and help me.


All I see is black. It’s so dark in here that I can’t even tell if my eyes are open or not. There are no widows, nor any form of light for me to see anything. I try using my fire to light up the place, but I can’t conjure it. I can feel my Wolf but I can’t call on her powers. I’m trapped in this dark place with nothing to help me fight my way out.

I can feel my body moving, but I’m not trying to move. I can feel Sebastian’s touch. I know it’s him; my body sparks with a fire that is unexplainable whenever we touch. But he doesn’t seem to be worried. In fact, I think he’s having a conversation with me. How am I replying back to him? I can barely make out what we are talking about. What is happening to me?


“Yes, I know, but we have to try again,” I say to Sebastian as he rubs Rebecca’s back. He’s
been so close to her since she collapsed, not wanting to let her out of his sight. I know he’s probably just worried about her and the baby, but he has been stuck like glue to her since she woke up yesterday. She doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by it, so I guess I shouldn’t worry.

“We have to try again, you're right, but that was cutting it close. We barely found anything out and barely made it out alive.” He stops and looks over at John, who looks a little out of it himself. “Are you seriously thinking about going back in there and risking their lives?” Sebastian shouts. I have never really heard him shout, especially at us. Something is definitely wrong.

John looks lost, but when he answers Sebastian all he says is “Of course I am.” Then he goes back to looking into the air as if he has never seen it before. I got a weird vibe from him from the moment we teleported here but I didn’t think anything of it since we were all on edge. But now that I am more relaxed I can definitely tell there is something wrong with him.

I look at Rebecca for advice but she looks just as lost. I wonder what happened to her. Why did she pass out? Why is she so quiet? And just when I am about to say something she stares right at me with an ice cutting stare that sends chills down my spine. I can't believe what I am seeing. Why can't Sebastian see it? I look to John for some help but he gives me the same ice cutting stare. What am I saying to them to make them want to stare me down like that? I get up, look to Sebastian and say “I need to speak with you privately if you don’t mind.” Then I leave the room. I watch from the hall as he gives Rebecca a kiss on the cheek and walks out of the room.

As soon as we leave the room they both become vibrant and talkative. It is hard to process these events: what are they hiding from us? Sebastian closes the door to the conference room and walks up to the table and takes the chair across from me.

“What’s up? I know I crossed the line back there yelling at you, but, seriously, we can’t go back there. I won’t allow her to get into danger again,” he says, calmly but sternly.

I know I am about to go way overboard here but I have to get it out before I blow up in front of them. “Look around you. She’s already hurt!” I say very loudly. “She’s freaking pregnant
possessed by a goddamn Demon and you can’t even see it. Did you notice how quiet she and John were in there? Did you notice how once you and I stepped out of the room they became alert and talkative amongst themselves?” I say, panicked. “I really didn’t want to say this out loud because I didn’t want it to be true, but now that I have I realize that there is something really fishy going on and I need to do something to stop them. We need to get those Demons out of them before they die.”

The look on his face says it all. He believes me and knew something was wrong, but he didn’t want to admit it either. “You're right. I knew from the moment we left the damn bowling alley something was wrong, but I thought it was due to the potion she had taken. Then when we got here and she collapsed I was too freaked out to notice that she wasn’t herself.” Taking a deep breath to steady his racing nerves he slowly says “What are we going to do? We can’t go in there knowing what we know and act like everything is all peachy. At least
can’t. I can’t have her sleep in my bed, knowing she isn’t really her.” There is so much sorrow in his tone that I feel bad for him.

I know how he feels. “How do you think I feel? I have a baby. Destiny loves her daddy. She won’t understand that daddy can’t hold her tonight or put her to sleep. How am I supposed to deal with that?” I say as my anger and fear spike.

He stands up and comes over to me. Wrapping his big body around me, he tells me everything is going to be alright. And then the waterworks start. I cry for John and Rebecca. I cry for my baby that won't be able to spend time with her dad. I cry for Sebastian and his unborn child. What if the effects of this cause harm to the baby or even kill their baby? I cry until I can’t cry anymore more... and then I get pissed. I pull away from Sebastian and look into his dark eyes of anger as well.

“I’m going to fix this. I’ll find a way to get them out. I’ll research every book we have and find a potion to get them out without harm,” he says to me with confidence that I eagerly drink in.

“Okay. Let’s work- through the night if necessary. I’ll keep Destiny with us in the library. I’ll tell John to get some sleep because he looks defeated and you put Rebecca to sleep. Tell her she’s been through enough for today, that you will work on things tonight and fill her in in the morning. We will fix this,” I say as I walk to the door and leave.


I hear them, John and the demon possessing me, talking. It didn’t take me long to realize I was being possessed. When I felt the shock from Alana about the Demon I knew that she knew as well- which is good, because I need out of this shit hole and I need out
. I focus all my energy to be able to see through my eyes. I don’t know how long I have been trapped in the back of my mind, but I need to be able to see something other than blackness and maybe that will help me fight off the Demon. I just need to try.

I focus on sight. I tell myself that I
see... I just need to open my eyes. I force myself to see the room we are in. I can smell the scents of my Wolves and it makes this Demon gag. Apparently he doesn’t like the smell of my pack. But I do. I take great comfort in knowing they are near me. Now if I could just see them...

Suddenly, I can see some light. Though it is just the smallest amount it is still better than nothing. I feel claustrophobic being in a space so small and being unable to move my body. I am on the verge of a panic attack when I hear a voice. It is not the voice of someone I want to hear, but at least I can hear- I'll take that.

“So- I know you think you can get control over your body, but you can’t. You see, I will control your body until the day it dies because your soul no longer lives. When that happens I will be long done with my plan. You cannot stop me. No one has ever been able to take control of their bodies once I have taken control of them.”

“What do you want with me? And how is it that you paralyzed my powers?” my thoughts respond.

“Well, since I don’t intend to let you live, I will tell you my plan.” The voice, the Demon, sounds so sure, as if he knows everything there is to know about me. “I want you because you are powerful, more powerful than any human I have ever met. Your friend John here is just a distraction. I really wanted your partner Alana too. You see, we have been trying to bring you all down for years, and since you have returned it is more important to take you down now while you’re still weak. Annie, the doll that you keep so close to you is your source of power, and I want it. Since I can access your memories I know where you put her. All I need to do is figure out how to get the power from that damn doll into me.”  There is frustration in his tone.

I can't believe this. This is the second time someone (or some
wants my Annie. “How do you know that you can take the power out of her?” I say, unsure if I want to hear the answer.

“Because, dear,
was the one who helped
the doll. She was meant to trap your Covenant's power to be used against you. I heard that you defeated Arianna a few months ago- I applaud you for that- but she didn’t finish her assignment and I am here to do just that: to get your powers and kill you all.”

My bodiless spirit inhales a sharp breath. Arianna really was into all this evil crap and even after getting rid of her she is still trying to kill us! “If you created the doll, why don’t you know how to take the power out? And how did it trap our power?”

He seems a little skeptical if he wants to tell me or not, but he tells me anyway: “A Witch has to cast a spell. She has to say the spell to release the power to her; that is where you come in. Your powers got trapped in there the same way. Not all of them, but the more powerful ones that will make you invincible are trapped in the doll.”

Wow, more powerful than I am already? How is that possible? Why would anyone want more power? I’m more than happy with what I have now, mostly because I can’t control it all, but still... even I have my Alpha powers that I need to learn to control better. I need to get a message to the pack, or Alana. She needs to hide Destiny until we can defeat the Demon; but how? How can we defeat him, save my life before my soul dies,
save the whole Covenant and my pack? I’m alone in my battle. I have no outside help except for Alana if she really does think something is wrong. I have no idea how to get control over my body and I need to reach my pack. And now it’s getting dark again. “WAIT!” I yell to him and the voice returns.

“What do you want?” he says, sounding annoyed with me.

“I want to at least be able to see what you are doing to my friends and family. Can you allow me to see the people you intend on killing before you kill them?” I plead.

It is my lucky day because he says “As you wish.” Then he disappears. Now I am at least able to see the room I am in. I still can't move my body on my own, but I can see. It is like looking through binoculars the wrong way: everything looks further away than it actually is.

I look around the familiar room. It is my room. The room I share with my mate Sebastian. I look at the bed with its big purple and blue comforter spread out around it. There is a blue pillow for Sebastian and a purple one for me, and there are blue and purple drapes that hang in the window behind the four-poster king-sized bed. There are engraved symbols all over it. I was told they were made to help protect us while we sleep and to help us create the next generation... but I don’t think it’s going to protect me tonight since I’m already possessed.

I look around for John but he is not in here. Alana must have come in before I could properly see and taken him to their room. I wonder if she will be able to tell that he is possessed.

The Demon walks around the room looking at all of my stuff before he sits on my bed. I don't know what he is looking for- he said he knows where I keep Annie. So I wait patiently for him to go digging through my stuff. He doesn't. As I wonder why, the door opens and Sebastian walks in. My heart races the moment I see his beautiful face. Then the Demon starts talking. It’s crazy how he sounds just like me when he’s talking to other people. I hear him say he wants to stay in and rest, that he is still not feeling well. Sebastian gives me a quick kiss on my forehead and meets my gaze. Well, technically it is the Demon's gaze, but I am focused on it too. Sebastian knows! I see it in the way he looks at me- us. He knows that I am in here fighting and he is going to fight with me and for me. 

“I love you, Becca,” he says and then kisses my forehead again. As he walks to the door he says, so faintly that I can't tell if he is saying it, “Fight it.”  The Demon lays down to make it look like he is actually going to sleep and as he does I feel a surge of electricity or something shoot through me; not through my body- through my
. I'm not sure why or if the Demon feels it, but I feel more powerful now. Then, as the door closes, he shoots up out of bed and starts digging through my closet.

I hear him talking to himself as he is digging through my things. “I know it’s in here. I watched your memories of it in here. Where is it?” I can’t stand having him inside my body. I can feel myself get drowsy- I have to force myself to stay awake! I am afraid that if I fall asleep I will never wake up again...

STOP! I need to stop him. I can’t let him get our powers. I can’t let him find Annie. I can’t die. Then I feel it again, that surge of electricity. And I feel them, my pack, my Sebastian. Oh, how I miss feeling them! I talk to Sebastian first since I know that he knows that I'm under possession.

“Sebastian! It’s me- please tell me you can hear me. Please! I need to talk to you,”
I say, pleading, on the verge of losing it.

I am about to give up hope when I hear him:
He sounds a little unsure if it is really me or not.

“Yes, Sebastian, it’s me! I’m so excited to hear you! I’m losing it in here. John is possessed, too. They want our powers that are trapped inside of Annie. He said he needs a Witch to complete the spell and that John is just a distraction. Please, Sebastian, hurry and find a way to get him out of me. I’m feeling drowsy. I can’t fight it that much longer”
I say, feeling relief that I can communicate with him but dread that I don't know how much longer I have.

“Oh, baby... I’m so sorry. We are trying to find a way. The ingredients for the potion are very rare. But, from what I have read in the books so far, what you are doing is impossible... you shouldn’t be able to use any of your powers or communicate outside of your body without the Demon controlling it. Does he know you are talking to me?”
he asks, realizing that he may have just given the Demon vital information.

“He told me the same thing, but since I can feel you in my soul I’m sure he can’t hear you. He told me he has access to my memories. He’s looking for Annie right now. He’s going crazy throwing everything around the room, making me watch as he tries to destroy our family.”
I am sobbing now.
“I don’t want to watch you all die! He doesn’t even need
to speak the spell- as long as he’s in my body he can get the spell to work. Please hurry!”
I say as I start feel weaker. And then everything goes black.


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