Possessed (5 page)

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Authors: Kayla Smith

BOOK: Possessed
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We’ve been walking around the compound for hours. I can’t figure out what the heck this guy is doing but it is definitely making me weaker. I felt it when Alana was healed by Rebecca which means they got the Demon out of her. I feel stronger, too, but this guy is going to kill me considering the amount of energy needed to keep walking around this place. He finally starts to walk towards town, I'm guessing to the bowling alley.

We walk through all the main areas of town. If this guy is trying to keep a low profile he sucks big time. I have bright yellow eyes and the more my Wolf surfaces the brighter my eyes get. I can feel it wanting to break through but I don't know if it is possible to change with the Demon in control. I’d rather not find out, since my Wolf is more dangerous than my Warlock side.

I can feel Rebecca trying to push into my head to get to me. I can’t respond back, even if I try. I have tried several times to reach her or Alana and failed every time; I’m getting weaker again, and I can feel that Alana is, too. We’re using the same energy, and my weakness doesn’t help if it takes from her strength. I need her to save me. My eyes are closing and I can’t keep them open anymore, no matter how hard I try.


I wake up feeling more energized again. Rebecca must have healed Alana because I always feel more rejuvenated after she heals her. I try to take in my surroundings. I look around to see an empty room. It must be an office of some kind because there is only a desk and a chair in the corner next to a boarded-up window. There is nothing on the walls but years of smoke stains. To the right of the desk, up against the wall, is a filing cabinet. It looks severely abused with dents and scrapes all over it.

On the door is the only thing that gives away my location:

Southbridge Bowling Alley Tournament

Saturday at 12pm"

The paper is yellow and crinkled. This Demon seems to be looking for something in this room- I wonder what it is.

I am quite startled when the door flies open. In comes the owner- what did Rebecca call him? Dave? I know it doesn't really matter since it isn't actually him and since the chances of him being alive after four or more weeks with a Demon inside of him are close to zero. I watch as Dave stalks closer to me and I feel the fear from the Demon inside of me. Is he scared of Dave? Is this like his boss?

“Jeffrey,” the Demon inside me says. Did he just bow his head? Wow, he really is his boss. This is too funny.

“Josiah, where is Samuel?” he asks him in a tone that makes me put my defenses up. I’m a Wolf and a Warlock- everything in me says to fight, take him down. And the fear that this Josiah is feeling is making it worse.

“He is still at the compound with the Witches. I left when I heard fighting and screaming. I think they killed him,” he says in a tone that stinks of failure.

“Well, did he at least get that fucking doll?” Jeffrey asks in a menacing voice that makes all my hairs stand on end. “Are you afraid of me? You smell of fear so strong that I can barely smell the Wolf you wear.”

“N-no master. That is the Wolf. I assume he has the ability to still fear even though I feel him weakening,” he says. Even though I know that I am
in fact, afraid, I feel his fear spike which makes goosebumps appear along my arms.

Jeffrey just stares at him and looks lost in thought. His only answer is a grunt of some kind that makes Josiah
relax a little. He seems to tense whenever this Jeffrey character mentions Samuel.

My mind is pulled away as I get pulled into a vision- wait, I don’t have visions, do I? I guess I do, now: “Oh my God, it worked, John!” Rebecca says to me as she races over and gives me a hug.

“What is this?” I ask her skeptically. “I’ve never heard of this happening.”

“I astral-projected myself into your head!” she says excitedly. “Don’t worry, it’s completely safe; but I do need to warn you, we're coming in. We’re taking potions and the whole Covenant is standing on guard outside. They are far enough away to not be detected, but they are close enough to come in and help us if we need it. I'm a decoy.
Kind of. I mean, I gotta talk and act like that Demon is still in me. I don’t know that I can. In the meantime I will keep healing Alana in order to keep you alive, but we move in tomorrow morning.” She sounds confident. Surprisingly, it makes me feel better.

“Okay, but you should know that the name of the Demon you just killed is Samuel and the leader who is in Dave’s body is Jeffrey. My name is Josiah,” I say to her in a rush.

“Okay. Samuel, Josiah, and Jeffrey,” she repeats to herself. Then she gives me hug again before turning to leave. I feel her healing me which is good because I was feeling weaker again.

“Bye, see you tomorrow,” I say and she waves and vanishes. I am immediately brought back to that small empty office.

We are alone again. I decide I need to rest my mind and energy so I close my eyes with full faith on the others to save me and Rebecca to heal me if I go too far under.



I’ve seen many things but watching my sister Rebecca defeat herself without knowing it is one thing I just can't stay inactive for. She has no memories of me thanks to Arianna kidnapping me as a child
and  her (rather, our) parents taking away her memories and her powers... but I’ve watched her from afar. I watched her suffer with those foster parents and struggle with the loss of Jorge; I watched as she slowly came into her powers and then when I thought she was safe and found the right place amongst these people, she became a Werewolf. I remember that night because, for some reason, I felt all her pain. 

The love that I have for my sister is overwhelming and I only hope one day she feels the same. I knew she was possessed immediately due to a vision. One that I thought was the end of us all: She was running in Wolf form and then barged into the meeting room- still as a Wolf- and had to defend herself against the Covenant and the Weres. What I didn’t know was that she was already herself again at that point, but I refused to have to fight my sister even if she

So I resorted to searching- for information, for tools, for weapons. I found some things to help us out but most of them ended with the vessel- my sister- dying. Obviously I had to find something else. I have no idea how she overcame the possession without potions, but I’m glad she did. Now they are on a rescue mission for John and as long as Rebecca keeps healing Alana, John will stay alive and their chances of getting him back are a lot greater than before.

I just can’t shake the feeling of something not being right. I wasn’t there when she called the meeting, I didn’t want to hear that she was going to dive head first into the lion's pit with no care for her life.

I’m almost as upset as I was when I had a vision of her going into the Werewolf building. I had a vision she was going to defeat Ralph but I didn’t know it was going to make her the Alpha. I watched as it happened. I don’t know why, but I knew there was a reason we were linked. I watched every vision I had with anticipation that if something were to happen to her... then something bad would happen to

When she was possessed I knew I had to do something to save her because if I lost her then my fate would be a mystery. So here I am, still searching. I probably
be with the rescue party just in case something bad happens- my power would help save her.

After a few more minutes of useless searching I decide that it's best for me to join the others. They already think I’m evil since I was raised by Arianna and I don’t need to give them more reason to believe it. I quickly shower, change, and join the others in training. If I fail at saving her life then I will lose mine in the process. I will not live another day without Rebecca.


I meet them in the field. All of them are in various
fights  with all sorts of weapons and powers flying here and there. Training and working out is the best way to relieve stress for me. I was technically brought up as an only child- I didn’t get to go upstairs and play with the other kids in my Covenant. I trained alone and lived alone. I was always one step ahead of my "mother” in our mock battles. I never told her I had visions and that I always saw what she was sending my way ahead of time.

I walk up to the sister Witches Yashira and Milissa. They are practicing their freezing of flying objects coming towards them. For some unexplainable reason I feel drawn to these two.
Mostly Yashira. The way she rolls out of the way to freeze the dagger thrown at her and waves her hand to throw it back is mesmerizing. Milissa is equally as fast and aware of the various objects being thrown her way.

“Hey, can I join you?” I ask as I walk closer. I wait until they stop throwing objects so I won't get hit.

Yashira gives me a small smile and says “Sure” Before Milissa can say no. I feel the need to connect to them and let them know I am on their side. Milissa just gives Yashira the evil eye and allows me to join.

“Have you tried to freeze fire while it is being thrown at you?” I ask them.

They both look at me and shake their heads. “Alana never wanted to train with her fire just in case we couldn’t stop it- that way nobody gets hurt,” Yashira says.

“Okay, well, I can make sure it has low voltage if you want to try a few rounds of fire with me,” I say to them both- but looking for approval from Yashira.

Milissa actually approves it before Yashira. That is unexpected and the amount of excitement in her voice when she says “Yeah, of course!” throws me off as well.

So, I train with them, throwing low voltage fireballs at them while they freeze them and send them back at me. To their surprise I freeze a few, too. Things begin to get more serious after that: I throw another one at them and they freeze it, naturally, but when they send it back at me it almost hits me. I freeze it just in time and return fire, which just misses Milissa as she rolls out of the way and sends it back at me without freezing it first. I dodge this surprise just in time- it hits a tree behind me and leaves a big burn mark on it.

Laughing at each other they come over and examine the tree with me. “Alana is going to be so pissed that we were practicing with fire,” Milissa says, trying to cover her excitement.

“Well, it did well for us. We didn't get hurt and Wyatt kept his word and left them low voltage,” Yashira says, making it sound harmless and beneficial. “Plus, with John still gone I don’t think she’s going to pay much mind to a tree with some burn marks on them. At least not until after we get him back,” she finishes, looking at Milissa.

“Okay. Okay. I get it, and it did help us out anyway. Plus, now I know this guy can freeze and shoot fire at the same time.” Milissa says with a smirk, pointing at me. “And at least we learned how to deflect them without freezing them,” she says. I can't help but think that I won her over.

We spend the rest of the night at dinner laughing and joking. I walk the girls to their separate rooms and it takes me by surprise when Yashira gives me a kiss on the cheek before I leave her room. She tries to turn to go into her room and I catch her arm and pull her into my arms. I give her the best first kiss ever. When we pull apart we are both panting. Did she feel that spark, too; that spark of belonging? Could she be my mate?

“Good night, Wyatt,” she says and walks into her room, closing the door before I can say anything more.



When you’ve known battle your whole life it’s easy to come up with your next plan, but it's not so easy when you've only known war for two years. Knowing that, why do so many plans keep popping into my head lately? After going through many different scenarios I have finally decided which one is best. Better yet, I found out I had yet another power, courtesy of being an Alpha-Witch.

I was so excited that it worked. To Astral project is one thing, but to do it into another person’s mind is completely different- and I still managed to do it! I’m one badass Werewitch.

I lie down in my bed with Sebastian for the first time in days. I feel overwhelmed with emotions and I can't get a handle on them. It must be the pregnancy. I know my baby is fine, too, because after I changed into my Wolf I got hit with a sensory overload. The knowledge of a baby within my own body and the knowledge that he was okay were as clear as day.

“According to my Wolf we're having a boy! I’m not too far along- maybe two months,” I say to Sebastian as he holds me close.

His face lights up; I missed the way he shows excitement. It is in his eyes at hearing the news.
“A boy? Are you sure? I mean, your Wolf could read things wrong within your hormone-induced body. I don’t want to expect a boy and then have a girl,” he says to me playfully.

I smile at him. “As much as I would love to have a girl, I know my Wolf is right. It’s the Alpha’s natural instincts to know what her pack members are having. If I was a male I would say that my mate is having a boy, but I know she’s right,” I say looking up into his eyes. He looks so handsome at this moment and I am so incredibly happy to be in his arms again. I’ve missed him so much.

He bends his head down close enough that our noses touch and he says “I know your Wolf is never wrong. I just wanted to hear the passion come out of your mouth. I love the way you protect her and stand up for what she tells you. I could only imagine how you are going to be with our child,” he finishes in a whisper. Then he closes the distance between us and his lips feel so soft on mine. He starts gentle and when he realizes I want more he grows fiercer.

I love how he can read my body’s wants and needs. He removes himself from me as he takes my shirt off and slides down my pants. He stares down at my almost-naked body with a desire in his eyes that I have never seen before. I sit up so I can take his shirt off, rubbing my hands along his abs as I slide it up over his head. I reach for his pants and unbutton them, and then I unzip his zipper. I slide his pants off and gaze at his almost naked body. God, I want him so bad.

He must have noticed my hungry look because he pushes me back down and covers me with his slightly cool (but very sexy) body. My body aches in anticipation of what he is going to do to me.

He starts at my neck and gently massages it with his tongue as he makes a trail down to my breasts. He lifts me up slightly without breaking contact and unclasps my bra. My breasts fall loose and he massages them with his hands¸ continuing the trail with his lips and tongue down to my belly and lower, lower.... He gently massages it with his tongue and makes a trail back up. The next thing I know I feel him inside me. It is amazing and I don't want it to ever end! I bring my mouth up to his to keep me from screaming out.


The next morning, everyone is downstairs and ready to go. They have all sorts of weapons and potions to kill the possessor Demons. Alana and I have
de-possess potions as well. We need to get the Demon out of Dave, even if he is dead, so we can bury him. He deserves better than to be left rotting from the inside out by a Demon.

“Good morning, thank you all for being ready so quickly. Rebecca has some wonderful news about John she would like to share with you!” Alana greets everyone. Then she lets me speak.

“Well, some of you know that being an Alpha comes with special gifts, but being an Alpha
a Witch comes with another perk: I was able to Astral project myself into John’s mind. It let me know a little bit about what is going on. First: they don’t know that I'm back, they still think the Demon possessing me still possesses me. Second: John gave me a few names that you all must know about. The boss is called Jeffery, he is the one in Dave’s body. Dave is the owner of the bowling alley. My name is Samuel; and John’s is Josiah. I have no idea if these names are going to come in handy to you, but I'm sharing them with you just in case you may need them.

“John said that he is doing fine and every time I heal Alana he feels more powerful, stronger, so I hope that this last healing I’m going to do to her gives him the strength he needs to help us win this battle.

“As soon as we get in I want a confirmation from all the Wolves that you are near and ready to come in the instant we need you. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Alpha.”
The sound echoes around me as the Wolves and the Witches and the Warlocks agree with what I said.

“Good, now let’s eat- and then we're out!” In the kitchen the food was already prepared for us: we had pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, toast, home fries, oatmeal, and all the toppings you would need to add to anything. I love mornings like this. The retired members of our Covenant take care of cooking for us so we don't have to. That way, we can focus on the day and prepare ourselves.

At the table I sit between Alana and Sebastian. Next to Sebastian, surprisingly, are Wyatt and Yashira. They seem oddly friendly with each other, but I don’t pay them any mind because at the moment I am focused on finishing my food so we can go.

When we finish I call over my Wolves. I don’t know if this is going to work, but I try to use my power to get as much of their power into me as possible without weakening theirs. It works! I feel so much stronger than before. The only Wolf I leave out is Alana, for obvious reasons.

“Okay, so the place you are to wait is the common. If you use your powers to get there be sure to land out of sight and conceal all your weapons, especially considering the police station is right there,” I say to everyone as I grab my things and put them in my pockets. I make sure to conceal my weapons and hide my yellow eyes because my Wolf is on the surface.

I give Sebastian a kiss. “I love you, stay safe,” I say to him.

“I love you, too; and
stay safe? You’re the one going into the middle of danger just hoping your plan works.
stay safe. You and my boy need to come back alive and in one piece,” he says back to me. He takes me into his arms and kisses me passionately before letting me go.

I look up into his eyes and notice how deeply upset he is that I am going in headfirst without him. I understand his worries but I need my friends to come home safe - and this is how it has to happen. “I know, babe. I know. I’ll be safe and come back in one piece, but you better be ready to come in there and help us when we need you,” I say to him playfully, trying to break the tension.

His eyes light up a little more; he kisses me quickly and sends me on my way. I grab Alana’s arm. We leave and land in the woods next to the bowling alley. I try my best to look and feel as evil as possible, but I’m not sure it’s going to work.

With her arm in my hand I give her a reassuring squeeze, and then we walk to the door. I open it up and pull her in behind me. She puts on her best scared face and she definitely pulled it off. It also looks as if she is trying to be brave at the same time. I should make her teach me that trick- it would be useful in a situation like this.

“Jeffrey!” I call out before I realize what I'm doing. Then I continue to call his name until he appears in front of me.

I immediately drop my head and say “Master” like John had instructed me to do. “I have the Witch, and the doll,” I say, raising my head to meet his eyes.

“Why do you bring me another Witch?” he asks, eying Alana.

“The Witch within my body is dead. I don’t think we can do the spell without a live Witch,” I say. Wow, that came out better than I thought! I sound a little shaky but confident all at once.

He looks me over skeptically and then looks at Alana. “The doll?” he asks with a little annoyance in his voice.

“...is right here,” I answer, summoning Annie in my hand.

“Very well, go to the office and wait there until I get the items we need for the spell. And do not let the Witch out of your sight or it will be the last thing you ever do,” he says, sounding like the ‘master’ he was. Threats and demands is all these freaking monsters know how to do.


I make my way to the office and find John standing there, looking at me. His face betrays him for a brief second as he shows that he is impressed- but it quickly changes into something I can’t recognize. “Josiah” I say in a way of greeting that I have noticed these Demons do a lot. 

He looks at me briefly and then responds with my name. “Samuel.” He looks over at Alana. “Why did you bring the Witch here? She’s going to ruin everything,” he growls at me angrily.

I pull on her arm a little aggressively for dramatic effect and she tumbles over like we rehearsed. “I brought the Witch because the Witch inside of
body,” indicating myself and showing clear disgust, “is dead. I wanted to be sure we had enough power to do the spell so I took the next strongest in the Covenant. Plus, when she sees her mate she will not want to kill him so I figured she was our best shot at keeping you alive as well as getting the powers from the fucking doll,” I growl back at him, but not the way I intended. My Wolf is surfacing- I have to push her down so we won't get busted.

Josiah buys it, though. He nods his head and turns back to the wall he was looking at. I don’t bother trying to talk to him after that; instead, I use the potion to separate him from John while he's unfocused and then go for the kill with the last potion. He bursts into flames before he even knows what is happening. I go over to John and heal him quickly before Jeffrey comes back. I hear him coming so I quickly tie Alana’s hands together with a wave of my hands from where I stand next to John.

But, even though we were all prepared for the worst, there is no way I could have been prepared for what comes into this small office when he opens the door.


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