Never Be Sick Again (46 page)

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Authors: Raymond Francis

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My latest venture is a nonprofit foundation, Health-e-America Foundation (HeAF). HeAF's purpose is to end the epidemic of chronic disease in America by educating our schoolchildren about the basics of good health using the One Disease, Two Causes, Six Pathways model. For more information on Health-e-America Foundation see appendix F. For more information on the radio show and newsletter, see appendix A.

Finding the Needle in a Haystack

Perhaps a few examples will best illustrate the difficulty in discerning among the most healthful products and information. It took eighteen months of study and analysis to find a single brand of toothpaste that did not contain toxic ingredients (colors, flavors, fluoride or toxic foaming agents) but still cleaned teeth well. It took two years to find a safe and effective deodorant. It took eight months to find a pure and healthful brand of olive oil that contained only fresh, high-quality olives and was extracted in a manner that would neither damage the nutrients in nor create toxins in the oil. Recommendations for toothpaste, deodorant, olive oil, and other products can be found in appendix C.

Vitamin supplements were the biggest challenge. Almost half of all vitamin brands do not dissolve quickly enough to be of any use to the human body, and many do not contain all the nutrients listed on the label. Most brands contain cheap ingredients that have only marginal biological activity.
In fact, the
vast majority of vitamin brands on the market are not worth
what you pay for them—they are only marginally useful, and
many contain toxins such as solvent residues and artificial
It took me over a year of research to find a superior multivitamin brand and several additional years to find a superior brand of vitamin E (see appendix B for what I use and recommend in vitamin supplements).

It is amazing how many difficulties the average person faces in trying to make healthful choices. I find it a full-time job to keep up, but it is a job worth doing. I learned the hard way how suffering can come when health is failing; the challenge and success of recovering from a terminal illness has given me an opportunity to arrive at unique insights that I am now sharing with you.

Perhaps the most profound conclusions I reached in my study of health are that
health is a choice
and that
virtually no
one ever has to be sick.
But first, we must educate ourselves; we must know not only what to look for, but how to look. To choose health, we must learn how to make better choices in the foods we eat, the supplements we take and the products we use.

While most of the products I selected for my own use are available in health food stores, some are not in every store or every state. To make life easy for those who care about their health, Beyond Health makes most of the products I use and recommend available to the public.

Beyond Health can be reached by calling 800-250-3063 or by accessing


An Ounce of Prevention

n Ounce of Prevention
has been called the best health show in America. On the frontier of health information, this radio talk show will give you a regular supply of critical health knowledge. For information on how to access the
Ounce of Prevention
show on the air or the Internet, go to

Beyond Health News

This bi-monthly, cutting-edge newsletter features the latest scientific breakthroughs and critical information essential to your health. We often bring you information that is years, sometimes decades, ahead of mainstream media and other health newsletters:

• The first in the world to warn the public of the cancer-causing danger of local anesthetics.

• The first, outside of Italy and Switzerland, to expose the scandal in the olive oil industry, and its negative health effects.

• Medical doctors supply reprints of our osteoporosis article to their patients.

• Groundbreaking articles on the health hazards of vaccinations, hormone replacement therapy, X rays, micro -waved foods, and milk.

Tape Album

Never Be Sick Again
—a double cassette album for those who want the principles of
Never Be Sick Again
the book on tape.

For more information go to
or call 800-250-3063.


illions of Americans take vitamin supplements on a daily basis. Does it improve their health? For the most part, no. Large-scale epidemiological studies have been unable to find health benefits in those who take vitamins. Confused? There is a simple explanation. Most vitamin products are ineffective and even the best-selling brands contain toxins. Indeed, taking supplements will benefit your health, but only if you take the correct supplements.

After years of research and testing vitamin products, I selected the Beyond Health brand for my own use. During my recovery from terminal illness, I knew I needed a nutritional supplement supply of the highest quality. Even small amounts of impurities and toxins were sufficient to make me very sick, thus
was one of my most important criteria in choosing vitamins. As it turns out, fillers and/or chemical additives constitute about half of most vitamin brands. These fillers can introduce toxins and allergens, interfere with solubility and/or absorption and ultimately reduce the biological activity at the cellular level. Why bother to take a supplement if it's going to contribute to your toxic load, or if the impurities will prevent the nutrients from reaching and being metabolized inside the cells?

Almost half of all vitamin brands do not dissolve soon enough to be assimilated by the body. Even among brands that dissolve soon enough, most of them provide only the RDA of the nutrients they contain, yet it takes much more than the RDA to be biologically significant in preventing or reversing disease. Furthermore, just because a vitamin pill contains a nutrient does not mean that the nutrient will be useful to your body. Cheap and inappropriate raw materials (with low biological activity) are used most often in the major vitamin brands. Some manufacturers even make a habit of purchasing —at tremendous discounts—outdated raw materials that have lost their potency.
The most expensive vitamin pill in the world
is one that doesn't work.

It is neither easy nor cheap to make a quality vitamin product. Consider the question of synthetic versus naturally derived vitamins. Natural ingredients tend to be more biologically available and more expensive, which is why most vitamin brands use synthetics. The molecules of these synthetics often differ in shape from the natural molecules, which is important in how they react, and thus how the body uses them. For example, synthetic vitamin E and beta-carotene are well known to be less biologically active than their natural forms. Taking synthetic beta-carotene can even cause a deficiency of other carotenes. In addition to the problems posed by synthetics, other considerations include the age and purity of the raw materials and how they are shipped, stored, handled, compounded and packaged. All these can have a big effect on the quality of the finished product.

Based on the criteria I set for safety, quality and effectiveness, the one brand that stood out from the crowd was Beyond Health. In my weakened and chemically hypersensitive condition, Beyond Health was the first brand of supplement my body was able to tolerate, especially at therapeutic doses. Only after taking Beyond Health did my health begin to improve. These supplements are extraordinarily pure and have exceptionally high biological activity. The vitamin E brand I selected for my own use is called Unique E.

Unfortunately, because of the many subtleties and complexities, it is almost impossible for the consumer to make an informed judgment about the quality of a vitamin supplement. There is a great deal of information you need to know that simply cannot be found on the label. There are, however, some clues anyone can look for such as the chemistry of the minerals. If you find carbonates, oxides, sulfates, phosphates and chelates, you are most likely looking at an inferior formula. Save your money, because your cells will see little, if any, benefit. Also, a multivitamin containing iron, iodine or copper is not well designed because these can cause loss of antioxidant nutrients in the formula. A formula that lists beta-carotene without listing the source is most likely the inferior synthetic variety. Vitamin E with a “dl” in front of it is the less desirable synthetic version. The best solution is to research and understand the chemistry of the supplements thoroughly or else purchase from a trusted source.

Based on what your body actually gets for what you pay, Beyond Health is the least expensive brand and the best value on the market, which is why I recommend it and use it myself. For more information about Beyond Health and Unique E go to
or call 800-250-3063.


ost of the countless thousands of products on the market today do not meet my criteria for both safety and effectiveness. Many are effective, but fail on the safety issue. A few brands are in the acceptable category for use by most people. However, especially for those who have health problems and are struggling to get well, I recommend only those products that have met my standards for both effectiveness and safety. Following is a list of products I have chosen for my own use. Most of these are available at
or by calling 800-250-3063.

Cleaning Cloth

Most household glass, bathroom, and kitchen cleansers contain toxic chemicals that are damaging to cells. The nontoxic answer is One Cloth. One Cloth cleans almost anything with just water, even greasy stoves and car windshields. Use a spray bottle with water instead of toxic chemicals. When a One Cloth gets dirty, just throw it in the regular wash (do not use chlorine bleach and they will last through hundreds of washings).


Most people use deodorants daily and are unaware that they are placing toxic chemicals on a sensitive skin area where they can be absorbed into the body. Almost all deodorants contain toxic chemicals such as aluminum compounds, triclosan, and artificial fragrances, colors and preservatives. Even the “rock” deodorants are made of aluminum salts. After two years of research, my choice is IndiuMagic. IndiuMagic is a colorless, odorless liquid spray that is non-staining, non-allergenic, safe, inexpensive and effective.

Fats and Oils

Certain fats and oils are essential nutrients. The body requires them every day for good health. The problem is that most of the good fats and oils have been removed from our modern diets and unhealthful fats and oils have replaced them. The fats and oils I choose to use follow.

Bariani Olive Oil

Most commercial olive oil is processed in a manner that damages its nutritional content. Most of the time people are
getting what they
they are buying when they purchase a bottle of olive oil (hence the scandal in the olive oil industry which was first introduced to the public by my newsletter,
Beyond Health News,
and was ultimately included in a worldwide broadcast by the BBC and by ABC news). Almost all olive oil is processed and diluted in ways that result in the loss of vitamins, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and other nutrients, not to mention the addition/creation of toxins. In my search for a healthful olive oil, I found only one U.S. producer that's doing everything right. Not surprisingly, this oil also has the best flavor; the brand is Bariani.

Barleans Flaxseed Oil

Everybody needs essential fats. Flaxseed oil contains essential omega-3 and -6 fatty acids that are required for good health. In choosing an oil, look for one that is as fresh as possible and unfiltered, so as to retain all its precious nutrients and goodness. Barleans is my choice. It is a high-quality oil that is pressed daily, given a four-month shelf life date stamp and expressed directly to your local health food store.

Carlson Cod Liver Oil

Carlson Cod Liver Oil comes from the livers of fresh cod fish found in the pure North Atlantic waters near Norway. It is a rich source of vitamins A and D along with DHA and EPA (fish oils beneficial to human health).

Organic Ghee or Butter

Organic butter is acceptable when a fat is required, such as for frying. Do not allow the butter to smoke, as it becomes toxic. Organic ghee (clarified butter) may be a better choice since it lacks the milk proteins and is less allergenic than butter. Ghee is made by removing all the milk solids and water from butter, leaving only the fat. Ghee withstands higher temperatures well, making it ideal for cooking. My choice is Purity Farms Organic Ghee.

Udo's Choice Perfected Oil Blend

Udo's Choice is a blend of organic, unrefined oils and nutritional co-factors that balances the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to coincide with those obtained from traditional diets.


Pesticides are among the most dangerous of all man-made chemicals. When we are exposed to pesticides, not only do they harm us and our children; they harm all life on the planet. Yet, there are times when it sure would be nice to have something that effectively kills and repels bugs without doing harm to you, your children, your pets, or the environment. I found such a product; it is called Orange Guard.

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