Never Be Sick Again (47 page)

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Authors: Raymond Francis

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pH paper

pH balance is a critical part of cellular health. For monitoring the pH of urine and saliva, pH paper in the range of 5.5 to 8.0 is ideal. pH paper in this range is available at Beyond Health, along with guidelines on how to measure and control your pH.


Health is determined by many factors, including diet, toxins, genes, stress, thoughts and emotions and
the amount of
physical activity we get.
Research has proven that the benefits of exercise are cumulative and that physical activity is essential for health. Rebounding is a simple, easy, and inexpensive way to address this problem without leaving your home.

If you consider buying a rebounder, do not purchase a cheap $50 mini-trampoline at your local sporting goods store. This type of rebounder actually can do more harm than good. Inexpensive rebounders tend to have bad springs; these cheap tube springs do not absorb and cushion your weight properly, causing a bounce that is abrupt and jarring. People have suffered permanent nerve damage from using such units. Select a rebounder with fat, barrel spring that allows for smooth deceleration, bringing you to a gentle stop. Another problem with cheap rebounders is poor-quality matting material. Cheap mats stretch too much, do not support your feet properly and thus place undue stress on your ankles, knees and back. By contrast, good rebounders have high-quality mats that hold their shape and do not overstretch. Other considerations for a rebounder include the strength of the frame, the height and number of legs, the quality of the sewing that attaches the webbing to the mat and the ease with which the unit can be folded, stored out of the way or made portable. The rebounder I selected for my personal use is available through Beyond Health.


All shampoos will remove oil and dirt from your hair, but the challenge is finding one without toxins. Common toxins include sodium lauryl sulfate and artificial colors, fragrances and preservatives. Depending on the formula, other ingredients in shampoo are capable of reacting with sodium lauryl sulfate to form nitrosamines, which are powerful carcinogens. The brand I chose for my personal use is Aubrey Organics. Aubrey makes a variety of shampoo products, so there is bound to be one that is just right for you.

Skin Cream

Like shampoos, most skin creams contain a long list of highly toxic chemicals including artificial colors, fragrances, and preservatives such as parabens (capable of damaging sub-layers of skin even more severely than a bad sunburn— damage that goes essentially unnoticed—until a cancer diagnosis). My search for a skin cream that contained no toxins and only high-quality natural ingredients led me again to Aubrey Organics, which makes a variety of safe and effective skin creams. My favorite is their Green Tea & Ginkgo Moisturizer, which is available at quality health and specialty stores or at Beyond Health.


Soaps generally come in either bar or liquid form and are made from either vegetable or animal fats or synthetic detergents. There are enormous differences in the amount of skin irritation caused by different brands of soap. Generally, soaps made from glycerin are among the mildest. Soaps can also contain a variety of toxins including artificial colors and fragrances as well as antibacterial chemicals. I look for soaps that minimize both skin irritation and toxicity while still doing the job. My favorites are soaps made by Weleda and Aubrey Organics. I also like Kirk's Castile bar soap and Dr. Bronner's liquid soaps; both are effective, safe and relatively inexpensive.


This is a perspective issue more than a recommendation. Sunlight is a health promoting, required nutrient. Sunburn, however, damages health. The answer is to get sun in frequent moderate doses and build a tan. Unless you do something foolish, the sun will not cause disease in healthy people who have adequate amounts of nutrients like carotenes, lycopene, essential fatty acids, and vitamins A, C, E, and zinc and selenium. Our need for the sun is exemplified by the fact that nature intended us to get most of our vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D is almost totally absent in vegetable foods. If you must have a sunscreen skin product, I recommend looking for those that do not contain any toxic, synthetic chemicals. My personal choices are any of the several sunscreen products by Aubrey Organics, or merely sticking to the ancient Mediterranean custom of rubbing high quality olive oil (such as Bariani) on the skin.

Synthetic chemical sunscreens may indeed help prevent a sunburn, but they do not prevent skin cancer—in fact, they may even promote it. Researchers at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston cite: “There is no substantial evidence that sunscreen protects against any of the three forms of skin cancer.” Robin Marks, M.B., M.P.H., a dermatologist and a professor at the University of Melbourne said: “Relying on synthetic chemicals to prevent cancer is laughable.” Arthur Rhodes, a University of Pittsburgh dermatologist, told a 1994 meeting of the American Cancer Society that sunscreens “appear weakly effective or ineffective.”


Because almost all toothpaste is toxic, I looked for a toothpaste that would clean teeth without adding to toxic overload. The mucus membranes in the mouth are highly permeable and chemicals in toothpaste pass right through the membranes into the blood stream where they can bioaccumulate in the body to toxic levels. Toxins such as sodium lauryl sulfate, fluoride, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, and artificial flavors are common contaminants in toothpaste. The brand I selected after eighteen months of research is Weleda. While there may be other acceptable brands, I did not find any in my search that were superior to Weleda. If you decide to look for one on your own, the objective is to find a brand that is made from only natural and exceptionally pure raw materials.

For additional information about these products, go to
or call 800-250-3063.


ancer may be the most feared of all diseases, but like all so-called diseases, it is nothing more than malfunctioning cells. Restore those cells to normal function and the cancer will disappear. Modern medicine's dangerous treatments have failed to put a dent in our cancer epidemic. Meanwhile, alternative methods have been clinically proven to reverse cancer.

Good resources include the
Definitive Guide to Cancer
by Diamond, Cowden, and Goldberg, published by Future Medicine Publishing. Another resource is
Beating Cancer
with Nutrition
by Patrick Quillin. For specific suggestions regarding alternative treatment options, consult with People Against Cancer. By becoming a paid member, they will provide information about treatment options through an International Physicians Network that reviews your medical records and provides specific recommendations. In addition, People Against Cancer provides a wide range of educational materials of interest to people with cancer.

For more information go to
and click on the links page or call 800-250-3063.


yesight can be improved using natural vision improvement exercises. By regularly performing a series of simple exercises, most people can throw their eyeglasses away. Meir Schneider's
Yoga for Your Eyes
offers a complete program including a 62-page booklet, eye exercise chart, and an 82-minute videotape teaching you how to improve your vision naturally. Meir Schneider was born without sight. He developed his own total approach to self-healing and used it to reverse his own blindness.
Yoga for Your
is available through Beyond Health at
or 800-250-3063.


ramatic increases in disease-care costs and rates of
disease are threatening to overwhelm the economic
and social structures of the United States.
An aging population and an unprecedented epidemic of chronic and degenerative disease are making costs spin out of control. With the percentage of young taxpayers shrinking, providing health benefits to the elderly will overwhelm the national budget within thirty years. The United States spends more on health care than any other nation. Yet the incidence of almost every chronic disease continues to increase, the health of our people continues to deteriorate, and costs are soaring to unsustainable levels. According to the Medicare Board of Trustees, Medicare spending will double over the next ten years. Medicare costs will exceed those of Social Security, and by 2030, 75 percent of the federal budget will be allocated to Medicare, Medicaid, and social security. The promised benefits under Medicare and social security are projected to exceed scheduled income by $465 trillion over the next 75 years. The combined economic and social disruption from supporting such a large, diseased population could be catastrophic.
A program to prevent this crisis must become a
national priority.

The solution to this crisis is to arrest and reverse the epidemic, thereby lowering health costs to a fraction of today's expenditures. Aging is inevitable, but health is a choice. The variable over which we have control is whether people remain healthy as they age. We must teach them how to do this. Since this epidemic is man-made, we can choose to unmake it through a dramatical and new scientifically based education model.

The mission of Health-e-America Foundation (HeAF) is to arrest and reverse our chronic-disease epidemic through education—by teaching schoolchildren and their families the basics of good health and empowering them to achieve it. With childhood disease rates increasing, teaching children how to improve health and avoid disease will produce an almost immediate reduction in costs, with the savings compounded each year.

Health-e-America Foundation will provide health education using a new model of health and disease based on the revolutionary concept of maintaining and improving cellular health. In essence, there is only one disease—malfunctioning cells. It is malfunctioning cells that become susceptible to infection and which manifest as cancer or other so-called diseases. Teaching children how to prevent and repair cellular malfunction will begin to immediately arrest and reverse America's chronic disease epidemic. This epidemic took generations to create, but we must reverse it much faster. This can only be accomplished by teaching an entire generation of children.

Existing health education is disjointed and incomplete. It has not been effective in curtailing this epidemic because it fails to provide a coherent understanding of health. Worse, most of the existing educational materials have been supplied by industries promoting unhealthful or outmoded solutions. The
one-disease concept
is a vastly more effective way to teach health. This concept is easy to understand and it is a comprehensive system incorporating all aspects of health. Using advanced E-learning technology, HeAF will provide,
free of charge
and in CD ROM format or online, educational materials that are stimulating to students and available to teachers in grades kindergarten through high school. HeAF will produce these unique educational materials as well as launch a national educational campaign for parents, teachers, and school administrators to facilitate the introduction and use of these materials in the schools. This program will benefit the existing generation, but most important, it will improve the health of each succeeding generation, which we all have a responsibility to ensure—to ensure the future of America.

For more information on HeAF go to
To support this important work, tax-deductible donations can be sent to:

Health-e-America Foundation
P.O. Box 150578
San Rafael, CA 94915

“Never doubt the power of small groups to change the
world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead,
Anthropologist 1901–1978

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