Never Be Sick Again (45 page)

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Authors: Raymond Francis

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Throughout this book, you have learned the keys to a long and healthy life: perspective, power and perseverance. Understanding my theory of disease brings you a new perspective on health and modern medicine. Using that knowledge creates the power to choose your destiny. Persevere with the right choices along all six pathways toward health, and you will never be sick again!


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fter deciding, in 1991, to devote the remainder of my life to helping others achieve health, I knew I needed to develop an approach that would eliminate all the confusion and misinformation. I needed to simplify health and disease. Next, I needed a model easily understood and applied by adults and children alike. My new theory of health and disease was born—One Disease, Two Causes and Six Pathways. The next need was to identify safe and effective products of all kinds, which would support health as indicated by the model.

In order for my work to benefit the public, I needed effective methods of presenting both my health model and my research. I needed people to understand the ineffectiveness of our society's current health model (medical suppression of disease symptoms). I also needed to demonstrate the significance of the damage we commonly suffer from seemingly benign sources (small amounts of toxins capable of bioaccumulating to dangerous levels in our bodies). Perhaps most important, I wanted to share what I had learned about the benefits of good nutrition and a healthful lifestyle.

My answer to these needs was to create a new entity called Beyond Health. My goal in creating Beyond Health was to help people achieve a level of vitality and performance surpassing anything they had experienced before—to help them go “beyond health.” Today, Beyond Health is a unique resource for people who care about their health, providing two major services to the public: It supplies accurate, cutting-edge health information and makes available the world's best health-supporting products.

Unfortunately, there is a great deal of conflicting information, particularly with vitamin supplements and personal care products, and consumers remain confused about how to make the best choices. It is very difficult to know, merely by reading the label, if products are healthful and/or toxic. In my own recovery process, I had to be extremely careful about the products I selected. Even small amounts of impurities and toxins were enough to make me ill. I ended up with a refrigerator full of vitamin supplements that I could not take because of toxic contamination. I later realized that even healthy people were being injured by these same impurities and toxins, even though it may not be obvious to them. Beyond Health researches and approves only the safest and most effective choices in supplements, foods and personal products— discerning between those that claim to be the best and those for which there is credible evidence that they really are the best. This is a difficult, time-consuming and unique service.

Cutting through the contradictions and confusion, Beyond Health translates a chaotic mountain of medical and scientific data into the critical knowledge that people must have in order to maintain healthy bodies. This information is made available in several different ways, including public appearances at health conferences around the world, through my newsletter,
Beyond Health News,
and through my radio talk show,
Ounce of Prevention

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