Nationalism and Culture (107 page)

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Authors: Rudolf Rocker

Tags: #General, #History, #Sociology, #Social Science, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Culture, #Multicultural Education, #Nationalism and nationality, #Education, #Nationalism, #Nationalism & Patriotism

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Warren, Josiah, 149, 167, 548.

Washington, George, 148.

Wasserzieher, Ernst, 285.

Watson, John, 548.

Watt, James, 116.

Watteau, A., 505.

Watts, G. P., 515.


Watteville, J. Ch. de, 450.

Weber, K. J., 276.

Weismann, August, 468.

Weitling, Wilhelm, see Socialism.

Wellers, E., 548.

Wells, W. C, 465.

Wels, Otto, 263.

Wencelaus, of Bohemia, 108.

Werner, Z., 222.

Whewell, William, 488.

Whipple, L., 548.

Whitehead & Co., 268.

Whitworth, J., 266, 268.

Wieland, Ch. M., 154.

Wiertz, Antoine, 515.

Wilda, W. C, 548.

Wilde, Oscar, 548.

Wilhelm I, of Prussia, 125.

Wilhelm II, German Emperor, 280, 307,

308, 312, 313, 314. William the Conqueror, 290. Willis, Th., 488. Winckelmann, J., 361, 475, 476. Winstanly, G., 139, 539. Wirth, Albrecht, 310, 313, 332, 336,

363, 386. Wollaston, W. C, 459. Woltmann, Ludwig, 192, 194, 312, 326,

33i> 332, 333> 334, 335, 336,437-Wordsworth, Wm., 147. Wren, Christopher, 458. Wycliffe, John, 103, 106,



Xenocles, 358. Xenophanes, 356. Xenophon, 367. Xerxes, 370, 371, 484. Ximenes de Cieneros, 417.

Young, Arthur, 548.



548. "Zendavcsta," 49, 50. Zcno of Kittion, 129, 357 Zeuxis, 362. Ziese, Maxim, 268. Ziese-Beringer, H., 268. Zille, H., 515. Zimmermann, W., 548. 2lzka, Jan, 108. Zola, Emile, 320, 516.

31, 415, 416,

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