Nationalism and Culture (100 page)

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Authors: Rudolf Rocker

Tags: #General, #History, #Sociology, #Social Science, #Political Science, #Political Ideologies, #Culture, #Multicultural Education, #Nationalism and nationality, #Education, #Nationalism, #Nationalism & Patriotism

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Today the same thing is happening again, except that the roles are reversed. The same sovereign states, just mentioned, are now altogether under the influence of the Russian sphere of power. They not only lost their national sovereignty, they also lost the few rights and liberties they enjoyed before. Not only the political situation but the economic conditions as well have become worse for most of these peoples since their national liberation. World War I had created nine new sovereign states. All these countries which formerly belonged to larger economic unities,

were compelled to create an economy of their own, a task in which none of them really succeeded, with the exception of Czechoslovakia. The latter succeeded only due to the great riches of its subsoil.

But neither did the peoples of Europe's dominant powers really find in their national unification the protection and security, which they had been promised. Due to the shortsighted power politics of their national governments, they were continuously being saddled with new taxes and contributions, which were not only absorbing more and more of the total national income, but were exposing them permanently to the danger of new wars, the logical result of their power politics.

The fate of Germany and Japan, and the terrific injuries inflicted during World War II on all peoples, large and small, should at last convince anyone who has the honest desire to find a way out of the labyrinth of errors, of what little value is national sovereignty which does not give real security to any people and exposes its very existence to ever recurring catastrophes, which permanently impede all peaceful development. The political and social independence of national groups will always remain a Utopia, as long as the economic premises are absent and the wholesome and peaceful co-existence of the peoples is being obstructed by the intrigues and ambitions of power hungry politicians and nationalist megalomaniacs.

A federated Europe with a unified economy, from which no people is excluded by artificial barriers, is, therefore, after the bitter experiences of the past, the only way which can lead us from the ruinous conditions of the past a brighter future. It will open up new channels for a real reorganization and a rebirth of humanity and make an end of all power politics. This will also make it possible to achieve further changes and improvements for the general organism of our social life and to abolish economic exploitation of individuals and of peoples. As long as labor is considered a mere commodity, to be exchanged for any other merchandise, and the great ethical significance of all human creation is shamefully disregarded, the organization of national economy will continue to bestow upon a small upper crust all the advantages in which the masses at large will not be permitted to participate. Only cooperative collaboration, subject neither to the arbitrary power of monopolistic groups nor to that of a state bureaucracy, will make the production of economic assets equally accessible to all and secure to all members of the various human groups a worth while existence, without limiting their freedom.

The latest achievements of scientific research prove convincingly that such an aim is no longer a Utopian dream, but on the contrary, it has become an undeniable necessity, if we are to avoid the destruction of our civilization and of the human race as well. It is up to all of us whether the atomic bomb which today has become the nightmare of our times, be

the doom of human life, or whether the technical utilization of atomic power for the purpose of peace and general prosperity, will be the beginning of a new epoch in our history. Everything depends on our choice.

A federation of European peoples, or at least a beginning towards this end, is the first condition for the creation of a world federation, which will also secure the so-called colonial peoples the same rights for the pursuit of happiness. It will not be easy to achieve this aim, but a beginning must be made if we are not to be plunged again into an abyss. And this beginning must he made by the 'peoples themselves. For this purpose we need a new understanding and the strong will for a rebirth of humanity. And today more than ever the words of the French historian Edgar Quinet apply to the situation:

^^The peoples will not rise to greater heights before they have fully realized the depth of their decline"

- ^ Rudolf Rocker

Crompond, N. Y., May, 1946 ^



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Gegenuart, 1899. Andrews^ Stephen Pearl: The Science of Society, 1851. Aristotle: Politics.

Arnould, Arthur: Vi-tat et la revolutiony 1877. Aulard, A.: La societe des Jacobins, 1889. Baird, C. W.: History of the Rise of the Huguenots, 1880. Bakunin, Michael^: FederalisTm, socialisme et antitheologisme. M. Nettlau, 1895.

Lettres a un Franqois sur la crise actuelle, 1870.

Uemfire knouto-germanique et la revolution sociale, 1871.

La thcologie politique de Mazzini et PInternationale, 1871.

God and the State (the only English translation of Bakunin's works by

Benjamin Tucker), 1883.

Balabanova, A.: Wesen und Werdegang des italienischen Fascismus^ I93i—

Barker, E.: The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle, 1906.

Barthelemy, C: Vesfrit de Josefh de Maistre, 1859.

Bauer, Otto: Die l

Beard, Charles A.: Economic Origins of Jefersonian Democracy, 191 5.

Beer, Max: Allgemeine Geschichte des Sozialismus und der sozialen K'dmffe, 1929.

Bentham, Jeremy: Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, 1789.

Berens, L. H.: The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth: as Revealed in the Writings of Gerrard Winstanley, the Digger, Mystic, Rationalist, Communist and Social Reformer, 1906.

Berger, M.: Gorres als folitisclur Publizist, 192 I.

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Die deutsche Revolution, 1921.

Bismarck, Otto von: Gedanken und Erinnerungen, 1898.

Bisset, Andrew: Omitted Chapters of the History of England, 1864.

^ Most of the works already quoted in the text or in footnotes are not mentioned here.

2 Editions of Bakunin's works have been published in French {Oeutres de M. Bakounine, 1896-1914, 7 vol.); German {Michael Bakunins Gesammelte Werke, 1923-25, 3 vol.); and in Spanish {Obras comfletas de Miguel Bakunin). The Spanish edition contains also his Russian work, ''Etatism and Anarchy,'' which had not been translated before into any other European language.



Blanc, Louis: Histoire de dix ans: 1830-40, 1841.

Histoirg de la revolution jran-qaise, 1847-1862.

Histoire de la revolution de 1848, 1870-80.

Blanqui, August: Critique sociale, 1885.

Boetie, Etienne de: De la servitude volontaire, 1577.

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Buckle, Th. H.: History of Civilization in England, 1885.

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Burke, Edmund: A Vindication of Natural Society, 1756.

Reflections on the Revolution in France, 1790.

A Letter to a Noble Lord, 1796.

Thoughts on a Regicide Peace, 1796.

Burkhardt, Jakob: Die Kultur der Renaissance, i860.

Die Geschichte der Renaissance, 1867.

Qriechische Kultur geschichte, 1898-1900.

Campbell, Douglas: The Puritan in Holland, England and America, 1892.

Carlyle, Thomas: On Heroes, Hero-Worshif and the Heroic in History, 1846.

Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, 184 5.

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Classen, J.: Franz von Baaders Gedanken iiber Staat und Gesellschaft, 1890.

Clausewitz, Carl von: Vom Kriege, 1880, 4th ed.

Clement Mme.: Histoire de Colbert et son administration, 1892, 3rd ed.

Coerderoy, E.: De la revolution dans Vhom^me et dans la societe, 1852.

Condorcet, M. J.: Esquisse d'un tableau historique de frogres de Pes frit humain, 1823, 4th ed.

Considerant Victor: Destinee sociale, 1837-1844.

Princifes du socialismev^Manifeste de la democratie du XlXme siecle, 1844.

Le socialisme devant le vieux monde, 1848, 2nd ed.

Conway, M. D.: The Life of Thomas Paine, 1892.

Cornelissen, Ch.: La evolucion de la sociedad m^derna, 1934.

Costa, Joaquin: Colectivismo agrario en Esfana: Doctrina y hechos, 1898.

Cunow, Heinrich: Die soziale Verfassung des Inkareiches, 1895.

Die Marxsche Geschichts-Gesellschafts- und Staatstheorie, 1920-21.


Curtius, Ernst: Die Jonier vor der jonischen Wanderung, 1855

Geschichte Griechenlands, 1857-67.

Bailing, Lord: The Life of Loid Palmerston, 1870.

De Greef, G.: Vevolution des croyances et des doctrines folitiques^ 1895. Dehio, Georg: Geschichte der deutschen Kunst, 1919-24. De Man, Hendrik: Zur Psychologie des Sozialismus, 1927.

Sozialismus und National-FascisTuus, 1931.

Dhorme, P.: La religion Assyro-Babylonienne, 1910.

Diderot, Denis: Oeuvres completes, 1829.

Diercks, Gustav: Geschichte Sfaniens, 1895.

Dragomanow, M.: Michael Bakunins sozialfolitischer Briefzvechsel mit A. Herzen und N. P. Ogarew, 1895.

La Pologne historique et la democratie Tnoscovite, 18 81.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo: Essays: Second Series, 1844.

Representative Men, 1850.

Journals of Ralfh Waldo Emerson, 1909-14.

Engels, Friedrich: Herrn Eugen DUhrings Umzvalzung der Wissenschaft, 1877,

Der Ursfrung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staates, 1884.

Ludu'ig Feuerbach und der Ausgang der klassisch-deutschen Philosofhie,


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Ewald, A. C: Life and Times of Algernon Sidney, 1873.

Fabbri, Luce: Camisas negras, 1935.

Fabbri, Luigi: Carlo Pisacane, 1904.

Dittatura e rivoluzione, 1921.

Ferrari, G.: La filosofia delta rivoluzione, 185 i.

La federazione refublicane, 18 5 I.

Feuerbach, L.: Das Wesen des Christentums, 1841.

Das Wesen der Religion, 1845.

Fourier, Charles: Traite de Passociation dom.estique-agricole, 1822-23.

Le nouveau monde industriel et societaire, 1830.

Frantz, Constantin: Kritik aller Parteien, 1862.

Das neue Deutschland, 1871.

Der Foderalismus, 1879.

Friedlander, L.: Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Rom^s, 1869. Galton, Sir Francis: Hereditary Genius, Its Laws and Consequences, 1869. Garrido, Fernando: Historia de las asociaciones obreras en Eurofa, 1864.

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La revolucion en la hacienda del estado, de la -provincia y del municipio,


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Gentz, Friedrich von: tjber den Ursprung und Charakter des Krieges gegen die

franzosische Revolution, 1801. Gibbon, Edward: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1776-88. (Bury

edition, 1896-1900.)


Gille, Paul: Esquisse d^une fhilosofhie de la dignite humaine, 1924.

Gobineau, Arthur de: Essai sur Pinegalite des races humaines, 1853-55.

Godwin, William: An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and Its Influence Upon

General Virtue and Happiness^ 1793-Goldman, Emma: My Disillusionment in Russia^ 1923. Gorres, Joseph: Teutschland und die Revolution, 1819.

Die Heilige Allianz und die Volker auf dem Kongress zu Verona, 1822.

Grote, George: History of Greece, 1846-56.

Guillaume, James: VInternationale: Documents et souvenirs, 1905-10.

Karl Marx: Pangermaniste, 1915.

Gumplowicz, L.: Der Rassenkampf: Soziologische Untersuchungen, 1883.

Die soziologische Staatsidee, 1892.

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Gurlitt, C: Geschichte des Barockstils, des Rokoko und des Klassizismus, 1886-89. Guyau, Jean-Marie: Esquisse d'une Tnorale sans obligation ni sanction, 1885.

L'irreligion de I'avenir: Etude sociologique, 1887.

Harper, R. F.: The Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylonia, 1904. Haj«n, Rudolf: Hegel und seine Zeit, 1857.

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Hegel, Karl: Geschichte der Stadteverfassung in Italien, 1847.

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