Margaret Thatcher: The Autobiography (137 page)

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National Industrial Relations Court (NIRC), 126, 138

National Insurance, 79, 318

National Rivers Authority, 623

National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations, 460 & n

National Union of Journalists (NUJ), 303

National Union of Mineworkers (NUM): rejects NCB’s 1973 offer, 12; strike (1972), 133–4, 136; continuing militancy, 144–5, 436–7, 440; threatens strike (1981), 324–5,
437; overtime ban (1983), 438–9; balloting procedures, 440–1, 443, 448; calls strike (1984), 440; strike tactics, 441, 445; court cases, 444; negotiations with NCB (1984), 444, 447, 450–1, 455; picketing, 444–5; fined and funds sequestered, 453, 455; receives financial support from foreign countries, 453; acts of violence, 454; return to work, 454–6; legal actions against, 455;
see also
miners’ strikes

National Union of Teachers (NUT), 108

National Working Miners’ Committee, 451

nationalized industries, 306

(TV programme), 412

natural gas: pipeline from Soviet Russia, 387–9

Nazism, 20–4, 41

Neale, Gerry, 718–19

Neave, Airey: background, 167–8; supports MT in leadership campaign, 168–73; and MT’s Shadow Cabinet appointments, 175–6; as Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, 179; supports changes at Central Office, 180; and MT’s personal staff, 181; killed by INLA bomb, 239, 481; and Northern Ireland problem, 463

Neave, Diana, 168

Netherlands: and South Africa, 539

Neubert, Michael, 718–19

New Ireland Forum, 470

Newton, Sir Isaac, 16

Newton, Tony, 661, 731

Niehans, Jurg, 320

‘Night of the Long Knives’ (1962), 81–2

Nimrod Airborne Early Warning System, 486

1922 Committee: MT attends, 71–2; du Cann chairs, 140; Heath’s opposition to Executive, 163; MT meets as Party leader, 177; MT addresses (1986), 558; and 1990 leadership election, 714–15

Nitze, Paul, 397

Nixon, Richard M., 203, 209

Nkomo, Joshua, 286–7, 289

No Turning Back Group, 719

Noble, Michael, 126

Noraid, 481

North Atlantic Council, 696

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO): US leadership, 203, 386; strength compared with Warsaw Pact, 210; Soviet attempts to split, 281–2; strategy, 282; and defence spending, 316; Reagan and, 335; modernization programme, 382; and Western security, 386; need for unity, 388; and arms control, 414; and Anglo-Irish Agreement, 473–5; MT on importance of, 657; and missile deployment, 672–3; and ‘flexible response’, 673, 681; heads of government summits (Brussels), 675, 682–3, 688; and SNF modernization, 682; united Germany in, 690; MT proposes membership for east European countries, 693; foreign ministers’ meeting on (1990), 694–6; MT discusses future with Bush, 694–6, 720; Turnberry meeting (1990), 694

North Sea oil, 272, 282, 299, 318, 320

Northern Ireland: and Scotland/Wales devolution, 238; MT visits, 278–80; terrorism and violence in, 278–80, 462, 477–80; conflict in, 462–3; and dicussions with Republic of Ireland, 462–3, 468–73; administration and government, 463–4; education, 464; MT’s policy on, 464–5; relations with UK, 464; hunger strikes, 465–9; general strike (1985), 475–6

Northern Ireland Office (NIO), 472

Nott, (Sir) John: in Economic Dining Group, 164; as Trade Secretary, 261; on union reform, 304; and British Leyland finances, 312; as Defence Secretary, 319; attacks Howe’s budget proposals, 329; and Argentine threat to Falklands, 343–4; in Falklands debate, 348; in War Cabinet, 350; announces Falklands exclusion zone, 351; supports MT in Falklands War, 352, 355, 362, 364; and conduct of Falklands war, 368, 373–4; attends Trooping the Colour ceremony, 379; and dual key control of nuclear weapons, 395; stands down from Parliament, 486

Nottinghamshire: miners ballot against strike, 441

Novak, Michael, 588

nuclear power stations, 625

nuclear weapons: used against Japan, 41–2; control of, 204, 211–12, 383, 395–6, 423–4; in NATO, 382; French, 383; independent British, 383–5, 424; and British defence strategy, 394–5; and unilateralism, 395; Gorbachev on, 511; as deterrent, 513–14, 518

Nutting, Sir Anthony, 60

N.W.L. Limited v. Nelson Wood
(legal case; ‘Nawala Case’), 304

Nyerere, Julius, 288, 337

Obaasanjo, General Olusegun, 538

(newspaper), 402

Official Unionist Party (OUP, Northern Ireland), 465, 469

Ogilvy, (Sir) Angus, 429

Ohira, Masayoshi, 284–5

oil price rises, 143, 268

Olivier, Sir Laurence (
Baron), 183

Olympic Games, Moscow (1980), 294

O’Neill, Sir Con, 200

Onslow, (Sir) Cranley, 714, 718, 723, 725–6

OPEC, 334

Open University, 110

opinion polls: and 1979 election, 251–2; MT disregards, 394; in 1983 election, 413; show Labour lead (1987), 557; (1990), 711, 714

Organization of African Unity, 286

Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), 427, 431

Orgreave Coke Works, 445

Orpington (constituency), 59, 63

(bulk carrier), 449

O’Sullivan, John, 204, 561

Outer Space Treaty (1967), 515

Owen, David (
Baron), 564

Oxford: in wartime, 29

Oxford Union, 34–5

Oxford University: MT attends (Somerville College), 27–34, 39; political life, 34–6, 38–40; MT graduates from, 43

Oxford University Appointments Committee, 44

Oxford University Conservative Association (OUCA), 34–6, 38–9

Oxford University Graduate Conservative Association (OUGCA), 45, 53

Ozal, Turgut, 699, 721

Paisley, Ian, 465, 469, 474–5

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 530–2

Palestinians: terrorists, 499; claims and rights, 529–30; refugee camps, 531

Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount, 596

Pannell, Charlie, 72

(TV programme), 308, 410

Papandreou, Andreas, 434, 549

Pardoe, John, 85

Paris: MT attends CSCE summit (1990), 720–3, 726

Parkinson, Cecil (
Baron): and MT’s 1981 Cabinet reshuffle, 330; as Party Chairman, 332; in War Cabinet for Falklands, 350, 368; and preparation of election manifesto, 404, 406; and 1983 election campaign, 407; reorganizes Central Office, 407; affair with Sarah Keays, 420–2; as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, 421; resigns, 422; as Energy Secretary, 569, 623; and privatization of electricity, 623–6; unsuitable as Party leader, 660; as Transport Secretary, 661; supports MT in 1990 leadership election, 728

Parsons, Sir Anthony: condemns Soviet aggression in Afghanistan, 294; and Falklands crisis, 346, 370–1, 373, 377–8

Patten, Chris (
Baron): as Director of Research Department, 181; and MT’s 1975 Conference speech, 189; co-drafts
The Right Approach
, 193; prepares Party manifesto (1978), 225; and trade union reform, 234; as Environment Secretary, 604, 661–2; reviews community charge, 604–5; opposes capping of local authorities, 608–10; as potential Party leader, 660; and 1990 leadership election, 730

Peace Ballot (1935), 8, 231

Pearce, Sir Austin, 494

Pearl Harbor, 27

Peel, Sir Robert, 404

Peking, 390

penal policy, 77

pensions: reforms, 79–1; widows’, 80–1; retirement, 318

Pensions and National Insurance, Ministry of: MT’s post in, 78–9, 82, 86

Pepper, Gordon, 187

Peres, Shimon, 532–3

, 692

Perez de Cuellar, Javier, 365, 370–3, 376

Pershing missiles, 334, 338, 384, 396, 414, 433, 672–3

Personal Equity Plans (PEPs), 616

Peru: peace initiative in Falklands War, 369

Peyton, John, 172

Philby, Kim, 82

Pike, Mervyn, 75

Pile, Sir William, 105, 107, 113

Pitt, Edith, 75

Pitt, William, the younger, 11

planning, 592

Plaza Agreement (1985), 630, 680

Pohl, Karl Otto, 640–1

Poland: Germany invades (1939), 22; and Nazi-Soviet pact, 24; Solidarity movement, 334, 387, 676–9, 683; martial law in, 386–8; MT visits, 676–80; communism collapses, 683

Polaris submarines, 383, 536

police: demoralised, 263; and enforcement of union picketing laws, 302; and riots, 326–7; in miners’ strike (1984), 441–2, 445

Pompidou, Georges, 129–30

Ponsonby, Amanda, 645

Popieluszko, Fr Jerzy, 678

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 122

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands: airport bombed, 367; British assault on, 378–80

Portillo, Michael, 731–2

Portugal: admitted to EC, 549–50; and Social Charter, 659

Potsdam Conference (1945), 37

Poulson, John, 123 & n

poverty: and crime rates, 588–9

Powell, Anthony, 5

Powell, Sir Charles: meets Gorbachev with MT, 510; on outbreak of Gulf War, 697–8, 700; at 1990 Paris CSCE summit, 721; and MT’s resignation, 732

Powell, General Colin, 705

Powell, Enoch: resigns from Treasury, 62; speaks at new MPs’ dining club, 76; on immigration, 92–4, 222; qualities, 93; opposes British EC entry, 94, 129, 131, 146; resigns from Shadow Cabinet, 94; in general election (1970), 103; on changing policies, 120; and control of Rolls-Royce aerospace, 128; and industrial development, 137; challenges Heath, 140; recommends voting Labour (1974), 146; policy of integration in Northern Ireland, 464

Pre-Retirement Choice
, 166

press, the: access to local government, 73–4

Prevention of Terrorism Act, 482

Price, Charles, 459

prices, 90, 94–5, 120, 264, 269;
see also
incomes policy

Priestley, J.B., 18, 36

Prior, James (
Baron): in Heath’s Cabinet, 125; as Leader of the House, 140; and manifesto for October 1974 election, 154; in leadership election, 172; MT reappoints as Shadow Employment Secretary, 179; and trade unions, 186, 219, 232–5, 240–1, 269, 301–2, 305, 330; and inflation, 187; co-drafts
The Right Approach
, 193; on pay policy, 228–9; and election manifesto (1979), 240; in 1979 election campaign, 246; as Employment Minister, 262; and British Steel Corporation closures, 308; on MT’s economic strategy, 319; as Northern Ireland Secretary, 391, 469–70; aschairman of GEC, 471, 492; resigns as Northern Ireland Secretary, 471;
A Balance of Power
(memoirs), 89

Private Eye
(magazine), 259

Private Members’ Bills, 73–4

Private Office, 257

privatization, 405, 417, 619–26

Privy Councillors, 263

Programme Analysis and Review (PAR) system, 117 & n, 120

proportional representation, 202

Provisional IRA, 480

public expenditure: cuts under Heath, 126, 144; and counter-inflation, 186; cuts under Labour, 192; Keith Joseph on, 193–4; reduced under MT, 270, 276, 317–18, 321–2, 329, 618; White Paper on (1980–81), 277; Conservative dispute over, 316; growth in, 320–1; long term implications examined, 401–2

public sector: workers’ pay, 264, 268, 273; growth, 273

Public Sector Borrowing Requirement: reduced under MT, 276, 316–18; increases, 320–1

Public Sector Debt Repayment (PSDR), 616

Pym, Francis (
Baron): on death of Iain Macleod, 123; and devolution question, 238; requests increase in defence spending, 316; leaves Defence, 319; as Leader of House of Commons, 320; responsibility for disseminating government information, 320, 329; criticizes economic strategy, 329; as Foreign Secretary in Falklands crisis, 348–9, 352, 355, 358, 361, 363, 365, 369, 372,
418; in War Cabinet on Falklands, 349; visits to Washington, 361–3, 368; differences with MT over proposed Falklands settlement, 362–4; announces US supply of Trident to Britain, 385; in 1983 election campaign, 411; on landslide majorities, 411; questioned about Argentina negotiations, 411; retires to backbenches, 418

Quayle, Dan, 700

Queen Elizabeth II
(ship), 375

Queen’s Speech, (1979), 268

Question Time
(TV programme), 411

Rabin, Yitzhak, 533

race: and ‘negro problem’, 24; legislation, 93; MT on, 222; and riots, 326, 328

Race Relations Bill (1968), 93

Raison, Timothy, 164

Rakowski, Mieczyslaw, 677

Ramat Gan, Israel, 533

Ramphal, Sir Sonny, 288, 537

Rantzen, Esther, 92

Rapier Air Defence system, 386

rates (property), 152, 155, 597; capping, 417, 597; replacement by community charge, 599; revaluation, 599; reforms, 603

Ravenscraig, 449

Reagan, Ronald: bids for Republican presidential nomination, 209, 213–14; relations with MT, 213–14, 335–6, 423–5, 430–1, 514, 518; presidency, 295, 334–5, 423; qualities, 335, 415; and Argentine threat to Falklands, 344, 349, 365, 366; communicates with MT in Falklands dispute, 359–60, 365–6, 369–71, 376; attends G7 meeting at Versailles, 377, 389; and supply of Trident to Britain, 385–6; European mistrust of defence and arms control, 386; on repression in Poland, 387; anti-communism, 389; speechmaking, 389; and control of missiles, 396–7, 673; and Williamsburg G7 meeting (1983), 414–15; and intervention in Grenada, 427–30; on US involvement in Lebanon, 432; and US air attack on Libya, 500–2; Strategic Defence Initiative, 504, 511–12, 514–15, 517; on nuclear weapon-free world, 511, 514, 519; Soviet mistrust of, 511; meets and negotiates with Gorbachev, 516–17, 674; proposals at Reykjavik meeting, 517–18; MT discusses defence strategy with, 518; and Western liberty, 523; sanctions on South Africa, 536; and exchange rates, 630; MT meets after Irangate affair, 672; signs INF Treaty, 672–3, 675; and missile deployment, 673; and NATO summit (Brussels 1988), 675; visits Moscow, 675–6; address in City of London, 676

rearmament, 21, 36

Red Star
(Soviet newspaper), 210

Redmayne, Martin, Baron, 167

Reece, Gordon: MT first meets, 158; supports MT in leadership election, 166; joins MT’s full-time staff, 182–3; and MT’s 1975 visit to USA, 207–8; and
Red Star
’s description of MT as ‘Iron Lady’, 210; as Director of Publicity, 225; and Conservative advertising campaign, 226; and MT’s policy on trade uions, 233; and 1979 election campaign, 244–5, 252; and Argentine claims to Falklands, 340; advises on television in 1983 election, 406; amd 1990 leadership campaign, 719

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