Margaret Thatcher: The Autobiography (132 page)

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Abby (nanny), 70

Aberfan disaster (1967), 91

ABM Treaty (1972), 515, 517;
see also
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) defence

abortion, 97–8

Abse, Leo, 96

Abu Nidal group, 499

Abyssinian war (1935), 21

Acland, Sir Antony: supports MT in Falklands War, 352, 368; and Iraqi attack on Kuwait, 698

‘Action for Jobs’ programme, 484

Action not Words
(1966 manifesto), 89

Adams, Gerry, 478

Adamson, Campbell, 146

Adefope, Major-General H.E.O., 288

Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS), 309

Afghanistan: Soviet invasion of, 213, 284, 293–5, 297, 338, 384, 521; gives support to miners’ union, 453; Soviet withdrawal from, 674–5

Africa: disorder in, 337, 525, 541

African National Congress (ANC): bases attacked by South Africa, 539; banned in South Africa, 540; ban lifted, 542; talks with de Klerk’s government, 543, 544–5; on case for sanctions against South Africa, 544

Agar, Herbert:
A Time for Greatness
, 24

Aldermaston: Atomic Weapons Establishment, 646

Alexandra, Princess, 429

Algiers Settlement (1975), 297

Alison, Michael, 459

Allenby, General Edmund Henry Hynman, 1st Viscount, 531

Alliance (party): in 1983 election campaign, 409, 415; manifesto for 1987 election, 563–4; loses support in 1987 election, 566

Alliance Party (Northern Ireland), 465

Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (AUEW), 311–12

Amersham International, 620

Amin, Hafizullah, 294

Anaya, Admiral Jorge, 341

Anderson, Betty Harvie, 84

Andreotti, Giulio, 285, 552, 666, 668

Andrew, Sir Herbert, 105

Andrew, Prince (Duke of York), 345

Andropov, Yuri, 505–7, 516

Anglo-Irish Agreement, 463, 467, 472–5, 479–80

Anglo-Irish Inter-Governmental Council (and Conference), 469, 474–5

Angola, 209–10

Annenberg, Walter, 266

Antall, Jozsef, 693

, HMS, 374

Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) defence, 512–13, 515

anti-semitism, 66

, HMS, 362, 428

Any Questions
(radio programme), 160

apartheid, 535;
see also
South Africa

APEX trade union, 216–17

Arab-Israeli dispute, 525, 529

Archer, Jeffrey (
Baron), 485

, HMS, 373

Argentina: claims and invades Falklands, 339–45; fights in Falklands, 347; Britain attempts to withdraw in Falklands, 351; Haig visits, 353–4, 359–60; negotiations over Falklands, 354–8, 360, 365, 369–72; demands sovereignty over Falklands, 357, 361; defeated in Falklands, 380; USA supplies arms to, 423

, HMS, 373

Armed Forces Pay Review Body, 264

Armilla Patrol, 297

arms control, 382–3, 395–6, 414, 423–4, 681

Armstrong, Sir Robert, 470

Armstrong, Sir Thomas, 31

Army Education Corps, 36

Ascension Island: in Falklands War, 353, 358–9, 367

Aspen, Colorado, 697–9

Associated British Ports, 620

Association of Education Committees, 113

Athens: European Council meeting (1983), 433–5

Atkins, Humphrey (
Baron Colnbrook), 174–7, 229, 238, 246, 331, 343, 465

Atkins, Maggie, 175

Atlantic Conveyor
(container ship), 375

atom bomb
nuclear weapons

Atomic Energy for Military Purposes
, 41

Attlee, Clement (
1st Earl), 37

Austin Rover motor company, 498

Australia: MT visits, 285

Baker, James, 680, 683, 695, 700–1, 705–6

Baker, Kenneth (
Baron): supports Heath in leadership election, 170; in Department of Industry, 320; opposes Left in local authorities, 558; policy on schools, 564; on education in 1987 election campaign, 566; as Education Secretary, 569, 572–5, 601; on local government financing, 599, 601; as Environment Secretary, 601; on effect of community charge, 604–5; as Party Chairman, 604, 661, 663; as potential Party leader, 660; and Howe’s resignation, 713; MT meets on Monday mornings, 714, 716; warns of poor by-election results, 716; and 1990 Party leadership campaign, 719, 723, 725–6, 730–1; and MT’s resignation, 732–3

balance of payments, 76, 143

Balfour of Inchrye, Harold Harington Balfour, 1st Baron, 51

Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, 479–80

Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD), 512, 515

Baltic States, 24, 668–9, 691

Bank of England: alarm at intervention, 636; Lawson proposes independence for, 639

Barbados: and Grenada coup, 427–8

Barbara (nanny), 57, 70

Barber, Anthony (
Baron), 111, 123–4, 126, 137, 143, 150

Barnet, Hertfordshire, 109

Basnett, David, 245

Begin, Menachem, 532n

Beirut, 426–8, 431

Belgrano see General Belgrano

Bell, Tim (
Baron): and Conservative advertising, 225–6; in 1979 election campaign, 252; in 1983 election campaign, 407; unavailable for 1987 election campaign, 560; and 1990 leadership campaign, 719

Bellairs, Charles, 154

Belstead, John Julian Ganzoni, 2nd Baron, 105, 728

Belvoir Hunt, 16

Benn, Tony: at Oxford, 35, 40; moves to Industry Department, 202

Berlin Wall: built, 77; falls (1989), 663, 683, 686;
see also
West Berlin

Bermuda: MT meets Bush in (1990), 694

Bernal, J.D., 32

Better Tomorrow, A
(Conservative manifesto), 102

Beveridge, Sir William (
Baron): Report and social reforms, 37, 79–80

Bevin, Ernest, 40

Bibby’s Annual
, 3–4

Biffen, John (
Baron): and industrial development, 137; promoted, 140; in Economic Dining Group, 164; declines Shadow Cabinet appointment, 179; joins Shadow Cabinet as Energy spokesman, 191; replaces Heseltine as Industry Secretary, 195; as Chief Secretary to Treasury, 261; and British Leyland finances, 312; criticizes MTFS, 319; moved to Trade Department, 319; as Leader of Commons, 348; leaves Cabinet (1987), 569

bill mountain, 631 & n

Birch, Nigel (Baron Rhyl), 36, 62, 77

Birkett, Norman, 1st Baron, 18

Birmingham: educational policy, 109

‘Birmingham Six’: appeal, 478

Bishop, Maurice, 427

Black Monday (19 October 1987), 634, 641

Black Papers
(on education), 106

Blatch, Bertie, 65–7, 69

Bluff Cove, Falkland Islands, 374, 378

Boaden, Roger, 253

Bolton East (constituency), 252

Boothby, Robert (
Baron), 40

Bossom, Sir Alfred, 53–4

Botha, P.W., 535, 539, 541

Botha, R.F. (‘Pik’), 535, 543

Boyd of Merton, Alan Lennox-Boyd, 1st Viscount, 286

Boyd-Carpenter, John (
Baron), 66, 78, 80–1, 89

Boyle, Edward (
Baron): at Oxford with MT, 35; friendship with MT, 45, 92; resigns
over Suez, 60; appointed in 1962 reshuffle, 82; and race relations, 93; leaves politics for academe, 99; educational policy, 108; opposes Open University, 110; opposes MT’s policy on financing student unions, 115

Brandt, Willy, 204; Commission, 336

Brezhnev, Leonid: and MT’s speech on Helsinki Summit, 205–6; and SALT II agreement, 384; and arms race, 425; and Gorbachev, 506

Brighton: IRA bomb at 1984 Conservative Conference, 458–62, 472

, HMS, 373

Bristow, Alan, 487

British Aerospace: and Westland affair, 490, 494

British Airways, 405, 620–1

British Antarctic Survey, 593

British Association of Colliery Managers (BACM), 452

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): proposes TV election debates, 244

British Empire, 19, 37

British Gas, 405, 622

British Leyland (BL): industrial disputes, 310–13; Corporate Plan, 311, 313–14; weak productivity, 313; government funding, 314; privatization, 396–7, 405, 557, 621

British Medical Association, 585

British Nationality Act (proposed), 224n

British Rail Hotels, 620

British Shipbuilders, 405, 620

British Steel Corporation (BSC): and 1980 strike, 304, 308; and trade union reform, 304, 307; closures and job cuts, 307–9; low productivity, 309; government funding, 318; privatization, 405, 420–1; and coal strike (1984–5), 443, 449; and dockers’ strike, 446

British Telecom: privatization, 405, 417, 620–2

Britoil, 620

Brittan, Leon (
Baron): as Chief Secretary to Treasury, 320; as Home Secretary, 419; in committee on miners’ strike, 442; and Brighton bomb, 459; moved to Trade and Industry, 484; and Westland affair, 487–8, 490–5; resigns, 493, 496; and British Leyland, 497–8

Brittan, Samuel, 187

Britto, Keith, 253

Brixton: riots (1981), 325–7

Brooke, Henry (
Baron), 74

Brooke, Peter: as Northern Ireland Secretary, 481, 661; supports MT in 1990 leadership election, 729

Brown, George (
Baron), 90

Brown, Harold, 385

Brownlow, Edward John Peregrine Cust, 7th Baron, 259

Bruce-Gardyne, Jock, 133, 137, 140, 164

Bruges: MT’s speech in, 656–8, 712

Bruntisfield, Victor Warrender, Baron, 20, 27

Brussels: European Council meeting (1984), 441, 549–51; NATO heads of government meetings, 675, 682–3, 688

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 211

Buchan, John:
The Gap in the Curtain
, 75

Buchanan-Smith, Alick, 196–8

Buckingham, University of, 101

budgets: under Heath, 126, 131, 137, 141; quarterly by Healey, 164; April 1975, 185; under MT, 270–2, 277, 320–2, 328, 396; Lawson’s, 616–17, 630; Major’s, 618

Building Societies Association, 155

Burke, Edmund, 21, 38

Burnet, Alistair, 410

Bush, Barbara, 723

Bush, George (senior): discusses arms control, 396–7; on Hungary, 507; at Houston G7 meeting, 666; elected President, 670; MT meets in Washington, 680, 700; and German reunification, 686–8, 690; MT meets at Camp David, 687; view of Yeltsin, 692; MT meets in Bermuda, 694; on future of NATO, 695; and Saddam’s attack on Kuwait, 698, 702; confides in MT over First Gulf War, 700, 703; and budget compromise (1990), 705; at CSCE summit (Paris 1990), 720, 723; on ‘new world order’, 720; MT writes to on resignation, 734

Buthelezi, Gatsha, 543

Butler, Adam, 217–18

Butler, Sir Michael, 649n

Butler, Richard Austen (
Baron): Education Act (1944), 37; pre-election Budget (1955), 60; in leadership contest, 61, 63; congratulates MT on Commons performance, 75; speaks at new MPs’ dining club, 76; tax cuts, 271

Butler, Robin (
Baron), 408, 459

BX Plastics (company), 44, 49

by-elections: Ely and Ripon (1973), 141; Walsall North and Workington (1976), 194; Crosby (1981), 332; Mid-Staffordshire (1990), 606; Eastbourne (1990), 711; Bootle (1990), 716; Bradford North (1990), 716

Cabinet: under Heath, 110–20, 140; MT first attends, 119; Economic Sub-Committee, 142, 399; MT first chooses, 260–3; economic discussions, 328–9; discusses Falklands crisis, 344–5; sub-committee on Falklands (‘War Cabinet’), 349–50, 359, 362, 369, 372; reshuffled: (1962), 81–2; (1981), 319, 330–2; (1983), 418, 421–2; (1985), 483–5; (1987), 569; (1989), 659–63; fails to support MT in 1990 leadership election, 730–1

Cable and Wireless, 620

Callaghan, James: MT opposes as Chancellor, 90; opposes union reform proposals, 102n; manner in Commons, 192; and pact with Liberals, 199, 215; opposes entry into Europe, 201; criticizes MT for US visit, 208; and extreme Left, 218; premiership, 225, 235; delays calling election (1978), 226–7, 230–1; denies crisis, 234; and winter 1978–9 strikes, 234; in debate on trade union reform, 236; and devolution question, 237–8; 1979 election campaign, 243–4, 247; concedes defeat in 1979 election, 255; support in Falklands War, 351; rejects unilateral nuclear disarmament, 413

Camp David, 514, 519, 687

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 395

Campbell family (of Grantham), 10

Campbell, Gordon, 125

Campbell, Judy, 10

Camrose, William Ewert Berry, 1st Viscount, 52

Canberra, 285

(liner), 350

Cancún summit (Mexico, 1981), 336–8

Candidates’ Conference (August 1974), 154

capitalism: popular, 621

Cardiff, 247

CARICOM (Caribbean organization), 427

Carlisle, Mark, 331

Carlton Club, London: bombed, 481

Carr, Robert (
Baron): and race relations, 93; as Employment Secretary, 124, 126; and miners’ strike (1972), 134–5; moves to Home Office, 140; interventionism, 150; and manifesto for October 1974 election, 154; and mortgage rates, 159; MT appointed deputy to, 164; not appointed in MT’s Shadow Cabinet, 176, 179–80

Carrington, Peter Carington, 6th Baron: as Defence Secretary, 124; MT reappoints as Leader of Lords, 178; in 1979 election campaign, 246, 248; as Foreign Secretary, 262; on Rhodesia question, 286–8; and reduction of British EC budget contributions, 293; and Iran-Iraq war, 297; and MT’s 1981 Cabinet reshuffle, 330; and Argentine threat to Falklands, 343; defends Falklands policy in Lords, 348; and Soviet threat, 387; replaced by Pym, 418; on MT’s leaving office, 711

Carter, Jimmy: elected President (1976), 210; disarmament policy, 211; letter to Sakharov, 211; in London, 211; at Tokyo G7 meeting, 284–5; and Iran hostages crisis, 293–5, 334, 704; and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 294; and SALT II agreement, 384; and supply of Trident to Britain, 385

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