Margaret Thatcher: The Autobiography (134 page)

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European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism (ECST), 473, 476

European Council, Strasbourg (1979), 281, 283; Dublin (1979), 290–3; Venice (1980), 296; Athens (1983), 433–5; Brussels (1984), 441, 549–51; Stuttgart (1983), 470; Milan (1985), 473, 551–3; Hanover (1986), 478; Rhodes (1988), 481, 681; The Hague (1986), 539; Fontainebleau (1984), 541, 546–55; Hanover (1988), 640; Madrid (1989), 642–4, 653; Strasbourg (1989), 663–6, 689; Dublin (1990), 665; Rome (1990), 666, 668–9, 711

European Free Trade Association (EFTA), 83, 88

European Monetary System (EMS), 554

European Parliament: elections (1989), 657–9

Evening Standard
, 162

exchange controls, 272, 317

exchange rate: policy on, 627–8, 630–4, 636–8; and money supply, 628–9; sterling against deutschmark, 650

Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM): disputes over British membership, 291, 629–32, 634, 637, 640–4, 648–50, 654, 658; Walters ridicules, 645, 650; MT agrees to join, 650–1; and British interest rates, 710

Exocet missiles: in Falklands war, 366, 368–9, 374–5

Express Newspapers v. MacShane
(legal case), 302–6

Ezra, Derek (
Baron), 134, 323–4

Face the Nation
(US TV show), 672

Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia, 700–1

Falkland Islands: Argentina claims and invades, 339–45; history and British settlement, 339–41; Maritime Exclusion Zone (MEZ) established, 351; Haig’s proposals on, 354–5; negotiations over, 354–65, 369–72; self-determination principle, 355, 360; Argentina demands sovereignty, 357, 361; MT rejects proposed settlement terms, 363–4

Falklands War: outbreak, 338; conduct of, 339, 367, 373–6, 378–9; British task force
raised and despatched, 344–5, 347, 350–1, 356, 360; press coverage, 345; international reactions to, 346–7; Commons debate on, 347–8; British losses and casualties, 369, 373–87; British landings, 372–3; British victory, 380; effect on Conservative Party, 393–4; costs, 397; MT justifies in 1990 No Confidence Debate, 736

Fallon, Michael, 732

families: and social values, 589–91

Far East: MT visits, 390, 525; and Chinese dominance, 524

Farnborough, Kent: MT’s house in (‘Dormers’), 69–70

fascism: ideology, 19–20–1

, HMS, 350

Federation of University Conservative and Unionist Associations (FUCUA), 39

Feiling, Sir Keith, 34

Fergusson, Sir Ewen, 721

Ferrier, Kathleen, 31

Fieldhouse, Admiral Sir John, 350, 368, 373

Financial Services Act (1986), 422

Financial Times
, 635, 645

Finchley: MT adopted as parliamentary candidate, 64–7; MT first elected MP (1959), 68; MT retains seat, 85–6, 89, 103, 147, 162, 253, 568; MT’s constituency duties as PM, 258; twinned with Ramat Gan (Israel), 533

Finland, 24

Finsberg, Geoffrey, 165

Fitzgerald, Garret: and Northern Ireland problem, 465, 468–74, 476; signs Anglo-Irish Agreement, 473

Fletcher, Michael, 454

Fletcher, Mrs (of Dartford), 46

Fontainebleau: European Council meeting (1984), 546–8

Foot, Michael: co-authors
Guilty Men
, 23; opposes entry into EC, 129; and Liberal alliance with Labour, 199; on Falklands dispute, 365; policies, 394; traduced in 1983 election campaign, 412; defence policy, 413; Mortimer declares to be Party leader, 414; Kinnock succeeds as Party leader, 448

Ford, Gerald, 209

Ford motor company, 498–9

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO): and Falklands conflict, 345–6, 362–3; and British membership of EC, 553

Forsyth, Michael, 732

Fowler, Sir Norman: as Health and Social Security Minister, 331; proposals on Health Service, 561, 579; describes hospitals in 1987 election campaign, 566; withdraws from 1990 leadership campaign, 719

France: and agricultural claims, 292; opposes British EC budget contributions demands, 292; supports Britain in Falklands dispute, 347, 351; independent nuclear deterrent, 383; and sale of cheap food to Soviet Union, 388; and arms control, 414, 424; troops killed in Beirut, 427; sells power to UK, 438; Scargill seeks support in, 453; opposes confrontation with Gaddafi, 500; denies US flyover permission in attack on Libya, 501; axis with Germany in EC, 652, 663–4; assumes EC presidency, 663; federalist policy in EC, 664; concedes German interests, 685; opposition to German reunification, 689; involvement in First Gulf War, 699

Frankfurt: Anglo-German summit, 681

Franks, Oliver, Baron, 342

Fraser, Sir Hugh, 172–3

Fraser, Malcolm, 285, 288, 538

Friedman, Milton, 642n

Fry, Christopher, 31

Fuel and Power, Ministry of, 91

Group of Seven

Gaddafi, Colonel Muammar: National Union of Miners seeks support from, 453; supports IRA, 462, 473; and US attacks on Libya, 500–1, 503

Gaitskell, Hugh, 62, 83

Galtieri, General Leopoldo, 341, 344, 349, 353, 356–7, 359, 372

Gandhi, Indira, 337

Gandhi, Rajiv, 488, 536, 540

Gardiner, George, 732

Garel-Jones, Tristan (
Baron), 709, 727, 730

gas: prices increased, 277; privatized, 620, 622

Gatehouse, Stella, 37

GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), 666–8

Gaulle, Charles de, 82–3, 129

GCHQ: industrial action, 323n

Gdansk, Poland, 677–9

General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 638

General Belgrano
(Argentine cruiser), 368–9, 412

general elections: (1935), 20–1; (1945), 36–40; (1950), 50–2; (1955), 59; (1959), 62, 67; (1964), 85–6, 87; (1966), 89; (1970), 103; (1974 February), 145–8; (1974 October), 151, 153–4, 159–61; (1979), 240–55; (1983), 243, 396–7, 401, 404, 408–16, 436; (1987), 243, 559–69

General Electric Company (GEC), 492

General Motors (GM), 497–9

General Practitioners: budgets for, 584

general strike (1926), 437

Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 652, 675

George V, King: Silver Jubilee, 16

George VI, King: broadcasts, 18

Georgia, 523

Germany: and rise of Nazism, 20–5; and outbreak of war, 22; pact with Soviet Russia (1939), 24; invades Soviet Union, 26; and G7 meetings, 283–4; and British budget contributions to EC, 291–2; economic success, 299–300; and Polish situation, 388; and defence strategy, 396, 675, 681, 694; in EC, 433–5; prospective neutralism, 435, 673; opposes coal sanctions on South Africa, 540, 544; and EC monetary system, 554; fiscal policy, 629; and EMU, 649; axis with France in EC, 652, 663; supports Social Charter, 659; reunification, 664, 684–90; Bush administration sees as main partner, 670, 680; desire for federal Europe, 685

Gibraltar: IRA terrorists shot dead, 477–8

Gibson, Squadron Leader Guy, 26

Gillies, Miss (headmistress), 27

Gilmour, Ian, Baron: MT appoints Shadow Home Secretary, 178; replaced at Research Department, 181; as Shadow Defence Secretary, 191; and reduction of British EC budget contributions, 293; criticizes monetarism, 319; MT dismisses from Cabinet, 330–1

Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry: and Britain’s EC budget contributions, 281–3, 292; at Tokyo G7 meeting, 285; and British arms supply from USA, 385

, HMS, 379

Glenholmes, Evelyn, 476

global warming, 593

Glover, Eleanor, Lady, 723

Godber, Joe, 150

Gollancz, Sir Victor, 23

González, Felipe, 550, 669, 687

Goodlad, Alastair, 713

Goose Green, Falkland Islands, 375–6

Gorbachev, Mikhail: and Soviet aid for NUM, 453; MT’s estimate of and relations with, 505–6, 509–22; deal with MT over embassies, 508; MT invites to Britain, 508–9; meets Reagan, 516–17, 674; succeeds to Soviet leadership, 516; arms control proposals, 517, 674; MT meets in Moscow, 519–21; Delors meets, 668–9; signs INF Treaty, 672–3; reforms, 673–4, 684, 691–2; revisits Britain (1987), 673, 681; on human rights, 674; announces Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, 675; proposes denuclearized Germany, 675; suspicion of Bush administration, 681; on German reunification, 685–7, 690; MT support, 691; relations with Yeltsin, 691–2; at CSCE summit (Paris 1990), 721, 723; MT writes to on resignation, 734

Gorbachev, Raisa, 508–9, 516, 522, 681

Gordievsky, Oleg, 516

Gormley, Joe, 142, 323

Gould, Bryan, 566

Gouriet, John, 218

Gow, Ian: as MT’s Parliamentary Private Secretary, 263; discusses Cabinet reshuffle with MT, 330; on dispute over Falklands policy, 348; and 1983 election strategy, 406–7; reservations on Northern Ireland settlement, 469, 474; resigns Treasury post, 474; killed by IRA, 481–2; funeral, 701; campaigns for MT in 1990 leadership election, 709

grammar schools, 99–101, 109, 116, 269; in Northern Ireland, 464;
see also
education; schools

Granada 500
(TV programme), 252, 410

Grant, John, 45

Grant-Maintained Schools Trust, 572

grant-related expenditure assessments (GREAs), 596 & n

Grantham: MT’s childhood in, 1–5, 10; religious life, 4–5, 8; cinema in, 10–11; character and history, 15; in Second World War, 18–19, 22, 24–6; by-election (1942), 27; in general election (1945), 36–8

Gray, Hamish, 198

Greater London Council (GLC): abolished, 417

Greece: European subsidies, 549–50; opposes IGC at Milan, 553

Green Party: success in 1989 European eletion, 658

Greenham Common, Berkshire, 383

Grenada, 425, 427–32, 698

Griffiths, Brian: and economic policy, 187; and manifesto for 1987 election, 560–1; and grant-maintained schools, 571, 575; and education policy, 575–6; on Exchange Rate Mechanism, 634

Griffiths Report (1983), 274n

Gromyko, Andrei, 514, 516

Group of Seven (G7): Tokyo meeting (1980), 283–5; Versailles meeting (1982), 376–7, 389; Williamsburg meeting (1983), 408, 414–15; Toronto meeting (1988), 652; Houston meeting (1990), 666

Grunwick dispute, 6, 216–19, 221

(newspaper), 111–12, 271, 276

Guilty Men
(by ‘Cato’), 23

Gulf Embargo Surveillance unit, London, 713

Gulf, the: and Iran-Iraq war, 297; first war (1990), 680, 697–8, 702; British troops and equipment in, 704–6; MT’s speech on in 1990 No Confidence Debate, 736

Gummer, John: contributes to MT’s speeches, 410; as Party chairman, 421; and Brighton bomb, 459; Tebbit succeeds as Party chairman, 485; supports review of local government financing, 598; as Minister for Agriculture, 661; and MT’s standing in 1990 leadership contest, 726, 730, 732

Gummer, Penny, 458

Hague, Douglas, 157, 317

Hague, The: European Council meeting (1986), 539

Haig, Alexander: negotiates in Falklands dispute, 341, 343, 349, 351–4, 356–61, 364–5, 369, 376; proposals for settlement of Falklands dispute, 354–5, 363; on role of Ascension Island, 358–9; and British recovery of South Georgia, 361; and Peruvian peace initiatives in Falklands crisis, 369; and British military commitment in Falklands, 375; instructs Jeane Kirkpatrick to withdraw support for Britain in UN, 377; and Soviet threat, 387; and Western alliance, 388

Hailsham, Quintin McGarel Hogg, Baron: as MP for Oxford, 36; proposed as Party leader, 84; on race relations, 93; as Lord Chancellor, 123; congratulates MT on election as leader, 177

Hamilton, Archie, 479–80, 702

Hammond, Eric, 450

Hanna, Vincent, 567

Hanover: European Council meetings (1986), 478; (1988), 640, 652–3

Hanrahan, Brian, 367

Harding, Miss (history teacher), 14

Hare, John, 56–9

Harlech, William David Ormsby Gore, 5th Baron, 286

Harris, Air Marshal Sir Arthur (‘Bomber’), 26

Harris, Kenneth, 35

Harris, Ralph, 157

Harris, Robin, 560–1

Harrods (store): IRA bomb, 471

Harry Ramsden’s Fish and Chip Shop, Leeds, 413

Hastings, Stephen, 367

Haughey, Charles: discusses Northern Ireland with MT, 465–7, 469, 479; opposes Anglo-Irish Agreement, 476–7; speech in USA on British policy in Northern Ireland, 478; and Patrick Ryan case, 481; and Irish presidency of EC, 664

Havel, Václav, 684, 693

Havers, Michael (
Baron): and Falklands War, 350, 368; and miners’ strike (1984–5), 442, 455

Hawke, Bob, 536, 540, 542

Hayek, Friedrich A., 645;
The Road to Serfdom
, 40–2

Hayhoe, Barney, 217

Heald, Sir Lionel, 74

Healey, Denis (
Baron): downplays inflation rate, 159; quarterly budgets, 164, 195; MT mocks in Commons, 165, 169; as Chancellor, 178, 187; criticizes MT’s views on immigration, 223; attacks Conservative advertising campaign, 226; attacks Howe, 261; on Falklands dispute, 365; defence policy, 413; in 1983 election campaign, 415; accuses MT of relishing Falklands slaughter, 415

health: Conservative reforms, 561, 578–80

Health and Security, Department of, 274

Heath, (Sir) Edward: abstains in Scotland and Wales Bill debate, 19; as Bexley Heath candidate, 49–50; and MT’s adoption as candidate for Finchley, 66; enthusiasm for British entry into Europe, 82, 88–9, 125, 129, 132, 200, 202; opposes Douglas-Home’s leadership, 87; wins leadership contest, 87–9; qualities and character, 88, 162; election defeat (1966), 89; Shadow Cabinet, 91–3; relations with Powell, 93–4; educational policy, 101–2; general election victory (1970), 103–4; appoints MT Education Secretary, 104, 113; consults MT on education, 116; premiership, 119–26; and release of Leila Khalid, 122; economic strategy, 123, 126, 128, 132–3; and 1972 miners’ strike, 136; and industrial relations, 138, 141–3, 145; prices and incomes policy, 139–40, 185; announces three-day week, 143; strategic failure, 144–5; calls 1974 general election, 145; loses office in February 1974 election, 147–50; favours coalition government, 148–9, 160, 202; in Opposition, 150–2; and mortgage rates, 153, 159; and MT’s housing policy, 154–5; and October 1974 election, 154, 160–2; approves Keith Joseph’s research unit, 156; reaction to Keith Joseph’s policy proposals, 157–9; leadership questioned and challenged, 162–4, 166, 168, 170–2; and MT’s standing for Party leadership, 166, 169; declines MT’s offer of Shadow Cabinet post, 175–7; warns against Party shift to right, 183; at 1975 Blackpool Conference, 190; favours Scottish devolution, 196–7; on Labour’s pay policy, 228–9; and 1979 election campaign, 250; attacks MT at 1981 Conference, 332–3; and Falkland Islands, 340; on European elections (1989), 658; loses three general elections, 708

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