Loving True (29 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Loving True
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“No, if you want me
you have to reach for me.” She teased.

He reached out his hand grasped her wrist and slowly slid her toward him. He walked backwards until the back of his legs hit the bed. Sitting down, he positioned her between his legs and traced the embroidery through the
, “How in the world did you do this?” Grabbing the slip, he eased it from her smooth brown body.

“I purchased it from a catalog. Do you like it?”

Flipping her over onto the bed, he brushed his erection against her. “Doesn’t it feel like I like it?” His hot breath settled by her ear. “It’s every man’s fantasy to have his name written across his woman’s chest, among other things.” He said brushing his knuckles against her underwear.

“When am I going to get my t
you kiss?”
She questioned softly.

He braced his hand on either side of her head. “Right now, Kitten.” His mouth nibbled at the corner of hers not fully touching her lips for a full kiss. Making his way up to her jaw, he feasted on her sensitive earlobes. He pushed her legs further open with his knees and pressed his erection against her.

True felt her breast tingle as
pulled a hard nipple into his mouth. She squirmed on the bed from desire and tried to get closer to him. She felt the heat start in her fingertips and worked it way down her body, ending in her toes. She never remembered it being this good between them. “You need to stop playing around,
. You know I want you to kiss me.”

“Do you mean like this?” He opened her mouth wider sliding his tongue in to mate with hers. True purred in the back of her throat and a growl erupted from his. Unclasping her bra from the back he threw it on the floor.

“I love your full breasts.”
whispered against her hard nipple. “I think they were the second thing I noticed about you.”
He lavished attention to both breasts. He didn’t want either one to feel neglected.

True closed her eyes and moaned.
“Darling that feels so good.”

Seconds later he tossed her underwear to join her bra on the floor.
stood up and yanked his clothes off his body. “Do you like what you see?’

Leaning back on her elbows, True looked up at the gorgeous man in front of her. Her eyes froze on his tall, powerful form and she took a deep breath. Massive shoulders filled her vision and blocked out everything else in the room. Muscles rippled under a well-toned naturally tanned body. A light dusting of black chest hair started in the middle of his chest and worked its way down to the part that wanted her the most. Thighs and powerful legs dusted with the same dark hair stood braced apart, waiting for her to finish. Licking her lips, she couldn’t wait for the night that was ahead.

“Yes, I like what a see.”

Easing back onto the bed,
raked his eyes slowly over
body. Reaching out, he slid his hands across her smooth skin and he loved how she flinched under the light touch. “Do you know I could eat you up?”
Gently, he moved his hand up her body as he outlined the fullness of her breast. The heat from her, almost burned his fingers, he knew that she ached for him. Her nails raked at his back and the stinging sensation only fueled his fire.
He placed his mouth on her neck and kissed the pulse throbbing at the base of her throat. His body hardened even further, knowing he was the only one that brought about this reaction in her.

“Are you as hot as I am?” He said softly, licking the side of her neck.

“You know I am.” Her voice was filled with desire as she tilted her neck, giving him better access.

“Well, let’s find a way to cool both of us down.”

He paused to grab the condom out of the drawer, slipping it on. He recovered her throbbing body with his. He paused to kiss her, whispering his love for each part of her delicious body. Sliding between her warm thighs, he pushed forward with one thrust and moaned as her wet heat gripped him. He would never get use to being in her like this.

He heard her moans softly as he began to move inside her. His thrusts became more demanding as she writhed under him.
tried to get closer to him. He wanted to use his body to show her how much she meant to him, but the purring sounds coming from her throat were driving him quickly over the edge. He held back until he felt her come apart beneath him, then he joined in the moment of ecstasy. Unable to hold his weight anymore, he collapsed on her body.

“Honey, you’re heavy.” True whispered, pushing at his shoulders.

Rolling over on his back, he pulled True on top of his body and covered them both up with blanket. He watched her get comfortable over his heart and
asleep. He watched the steady rise and fall of her chest.

“I can’t believe you did this for me. I won’t ever forget this.”
Kissing her lightly he turned off the light and settled into a blissful sleep.

* * * *

“Listen, I know you want more information on her boss, but I can’t give you what I don’t have!” Sylvester yelled. “I checked in on her today. She took her friend to the airport and then she came home packed a bag and went over to
’s. Do you still want me to get rid of him first before I go after True?”

“Don’t worry about him now. I’ve found a better way to deal with him. You only need to worry about Ms. Williams.”

“Are you sure?” Sylvester asked. “I still don’t know what your problem is with

“I don’t inquire about your past, so I expect the same from you.”

“I never walk into a situation blind. Tell me something or I’m out of here.”

His boss growled. “
stole something from me a long time ago, but I could never find him to get even. I never thought that when I went after True I would find him too. So, I get the two people I hate the most in the world for the price of one.”

Sylvester’s interested was peaked. “What did he do?’

“I’m not saying anymore about
. True is the one I want gone first. I should have your money ready in a couple of weeks.”

“When am I going to get my money? I’m tired of waiting for it.”

“Sylvester, you are threading on thin ice with me. I’m the only, who is giving the orders, not you. Do we finally have an understanding?”

“Yeah, I guess we do.” He mumbled.

“Good, I’ll be back in touch in a couple of weeks.”

The phone went dead.

Sylvester stared at the phone, with disgust, after his boss had hung up. “You are beginning to get on my nerves. Maybe I need to show you, who the real boss really is. I don’t let anyone dismiss me.”

He picked up his knife off the table and flung it into a wood panel half way across the room. “I can do anything I want to. You may think you have the upper-hand but you don’t.”

Chapter Twenty


Rolling over,
reached for True, but her side of the bed was cold and empty. Rising up his eyes looked around the room and found her by the window looking out at the woods. “Baby, what are you doing way over there?” He muttered. He had a different way he wanted to wake her up this morning.

Still looking out the window she said, “I was watching the sun come up I love doing that since I moved here.”

Moving out of the bed, taking the sheet with him, he stood behind her and wrapped it around them. “I love watching you sleep. You look so peaceful.”

She leaned back against his body. “I learned that you snore.”

“Ms. Williams, I don’t snore.”

“Baby, I love you but your snoring woke me up.”

Cupping her breasts he nibbled on the back of her neck. “Here I was under the impression my sexual expertise woke you up several times last night.”

Laughing, she slipped away from his hold and walked over to the closet. “Well, I have to admit that could have been a small part of it too.”
She opened it and looked inside. “I don’t feel up to going on our trip today, so what do you want to do instead?’

“Well, I have wanted to ask you something.”

Grabbing the outfit she shut the door and faced him, “What do you want to ask me?”

He watched True walk past him in her nightgown. No matter how many times he asked last night she didn’t want to sleep nude beside him. “Would you like to spend T
sgiving with me in

“Are you sure?” She asked, spinning around to face him. “T
sgiving is a big family holiday and this is the first one without your mother.”

The tenderness in her eyes shocked him. “Honey, when are you going to
You are part of my family? Plus, my father was the one who suggested I bring you.”

“I would love to spend it with you and your family.”
She whispered.

“Good. I’ll go downstairs call dad and give him the good news.” He said heading toward the bedroom door.

“Sweetheart, I think you should at least put on a pair of pants before you go downstairs.” True said pointing at the sheet wrapped around his waist before going into the bathroom.

* * * *

Later that afternoon,
stood inside a department store and waited while
looked at desks for his office. He wanted to buy her a desk for his office. No matter how many times she told him ‘no’, he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

“What do you think of this one?”

She went to look at the desk. It looked like the other four he had shown her in the last hour. “I don’t see a difference.”

“Baby, we need a good study desk so when we make love on it, it will hold up.”
muttered, running his hand down her butt.

Her head spun around to make sure no one heard him. “
. Don’t discuss our sex life in public.”
Two men over by the computer section were staring at them from behind the display case. Why did she let him talk her into coming her with him?

Picking her up,
kissed her and then sat her on top of the desk, “Now what do you think of it?”

She had to admit it did feel good beneath her. “It does feel sexy with its smooth finish.” She confessed, running her fingers over the shiny surface.

I’ll go tell the sales clerk we want it.” He picked her up and placed her back down on the floor and went in search of the salesman.

After giving the store clerk all the information he needed,
took her out to a restaurant for lunch. He waited until the waitress left with their orders and then he slid a blue box across the table to her.

Picking up the box, she looked at him. “What’s this?”

“You have to open it to find out.”

Taking off the lid, a soft gasp emitted from her lips, staring back at her from the box was an initial T diamond necklace. A single tear slid down her cheek. “It’s so beautiful.”

laid his hand over hers on the table. “Not as beautiful as you are to me, sweetheart.” He got up from the table and placed the necklace on her. His lips caressed the back of her neck after he was finished, then he retook his seat across from her.

“Why did you buy me another gift?”

“I want you to always have something with you to remind you of me.”

“I don’t need gifts to remind me of you. I have our love for that.”

Before he could answer her, the waiter came with their food and after he left
bought up their T
sgiving plans. “I think we should leave early the week before and then stay for the whole week of T
sgiving. I want to take you to my favorite restaurant while we are there.”

“Aren’t you going to tell me more about it?” She asked, taking a bite of turkey sandwich.


“All right, I guess I just have to wait and see.”

After that,
relaxed. She enjoyed being out with Hayward because this was truly the first time that they were out together, that didn’t involve a trip to the grocery store. It felt nice.
looked so handsome across from her. She noticed how the other women in the establishment couldn’t mask their envy.

“Are you ready?”
asked refocusing her attention back on him.


paid for the food and tossed a nice tip on the table along with hers. She was amazed that money really never seemed to matter to him. Her boyfriend tossed money around like it grew off trees. Wrapping his arm around her waist,
walked her to his car while she was pushing the thoughts about his money out of her mind.

* * * *

Sitting in the corner by the kitchen door, Sylvester’s eyes narrowed into cold hard slits as he watched through the restaurant window whilst
escorted True to the parking lot.
You won’t have her much longer,
he thought.

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