Loving True (31 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Loving True
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Reading the neatly typed line in bold black letters,
screamed; dropping the letter to the floor.
Somebody out there wanted to hurt her, but why?
All the crank phone calls were for real and now the man was sending letters to her house.

How did this happen to her? What had she done to piss someone off bad enough that they wanted to hurt her? All her enemies she had left back in
? Could it be
? No, she dismissed that idea immediately. He was too vain to waste the energy on something like this.

“Baby, my god what is it?”
yelled, busting through the door. “I heard your screams all the way in the living room.

With a shaky finger, she pointed to the letter lying on the floor. “I got that in the mail.”

Glancing at the purple sheet of paper,
snatched up the letter and read the single line of big black print.

Bitch your time is coming!

Balling up the horrible letter in his hand,
flung it across the room. Taking her by the arm, he pulled her into his arms. “Do you know who would send you that?”
He questioned, rubbing her back through the cashmere sweater.

True shook her head, as she pressed her body closer to his. Sheer fright swept through her body. Someone out there was stalking her. Who would care enough about her to do that?

“Have you gotten any other letters like it?”
He questioned, his warm breath tickled the side of her ear.

“No. This is the first time I received a letter.” She replied frightened.

Moving her back from his body,
wrapped his hand under her chin and tilted her face up to his.
“The first time you have received a letter, so what has happened previously?”

“I received a few phone calls. One time a man whispered almost the same thing written on the note.” True confessed, staring into
’s eyes. Maybe she should have told him about the phone calls before now, but she honestly thought they were harmless.

“Damn it! You didn’t think I needed to know about this?”
glowered at her. Letting go of her he turned away and shoved his hands into the front of his slacks. The tension was so thick in the room that she felt the hairs on her arms stand straight up.

“When did you get the first phone call?”
He asked, pacing in front of her.

“I think the first call happened the first or second night I moved here.” Her body was still numb with shock, so her mind wasn’t a hundred percent sure.

whirled around and stared at her, fury rising in his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me back then?”

“I wasn’t even dating you then,
so how could I tell you?” She questioned, trying to keep from snapping back at him.

“Have you had anymore since?”
He questioned.

Her eyes glanced away from
. Now wasn’t the best time to go into this with him. He was already upset, she wasn’t about to make it worse.

“True, answer me.”

“I got another one the day you brought me breakfast.” She answered trying to ignore the ringing in her ears. “I think it’s has been a total of five calls maybe six.” He wanted to know, so she told him.

Running his fingers through his hair,
glared at her. “Why in the hell didn’t I hear about this before now?”

“I thought it was some kid playing a joke or something. Anyway the calls didn’t last that long, maybe a few minutes at the most.”

“True, we have been dating for months now and the woman I’m in love with has been getting threatening phone calls but doesn’t feel the need to tell me.” He ground out the words between his teeth. “Baby, you should have told me about this.”

“I’m not letting you stay in this house a moment longer. Pack a bag. You are coming home with me.”
wrapped his arm around her arm and pulled her toward the door.

“No, I’m not running away from my home.” She snapped, digging her heels into the carpet and yanked her arm away from him.

“What in the hell are you talking about? Do you think I want you to spend another night in this house after reading that note?”

“I love my home and no one is going to make me leave it.” True declared, planting her body in the middle of the room. “I’m tired of running from my problems. I’m staying here.”

“Fine, let me go home and pack a bag I’ll stay here with you a couple of days.”
brushed past her heading for the door.

“No, if you go home it will be to stay. I don’t need you to protect me
. I’m not allowing you to stop everything to watch over me.” She said, chasing after him. True rushed around
and planted both of her hands in the middle of his chest. “I promise I will be okay here by myself. I do have an alarm system.”

“You aren’t going to let me drag you back to my house, are you?”
He sighed, removing her hands from his chest.

Smiling she shook her head. “No, I’m not going back home with you.”

raked his eyes over her face. She held her ground against his intense stare. He wasn’t going to win this battle. She wasn’t letting some nut job chase her out of her own home. If she wanted to start standing up for herself, now was a good of time as any. She still saw the indecision in
’s eyes, but she knew for now she had stood her ground.
wasn’t going to force her to go back to his house.

“I’m going to check every room before I leave. I need to make sure you’re safe.” He sighed, planting a kiss on her forehead. “Let’s go and get this over with.” He complained as he dragged her from the room.

She stood in the living room while
searched the house from top to bottom. “I didn’t see anything, but if you hear the slightest noise I want you to call me. Do you understand?”

“If I hear anything I promise to call you.” True agreed.

“You know its killing me to leave you over here like this.”
complained as she pulled him to the front door. “I can sleep downstairs on the couch. We don’t have to share the same bed. I’ll sleep so much better knowing I was here with you.”

Unlocking the door,
opened it and gently shoved
out. “I’ll be fine. It’s not like the guy is hidden in the bushes, watching my every move.”

She started to close the door, but
’s hand shot out and stopped her. “I never gave that a thought. What if the bastard is lurking out there waiting for me to leave?” He retorted. “You’re a sitting duck over here all by yourself.”

Sitting duck??

True knocked
’s hand off the door. “Baby, you’ve been watching way too many movies. I’m not a sitting duck for anyone. I’m tired and I want to go to bed. Please leave and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Don’t unlock this for anyone.” He stated, tapping the door with his knuckles.

“I swear I won’t
.” Looking at her one last time,
shut the door behind him and True locked the door setting the alarm. Shaking off her uneasiness, she went upstairs to bed.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Get your coat. We’re going on a little trip.”
said the next morning standing at her front door.

True pulled her hair up in a ponytail and stared at
. She didn’t have a clue what he was up to. Why was he always surprising her this away? Every time she opened the door, he was always there ready to go.

“What in the world are you talking about?” She asked. “Where are we going?”

“You ask too many questions.”
muttered. “Just get your purse and coat.”

She didn’t feel like having a twenty minute guessing game with him, so she went back, grabbed her purse and coat off the couch. Shoving her arms into the jacket, she came back over to him. “I’m ready.”

“That is what I wanted to hear.”
grinned. He pulled her out on the porch and shut the door behind her.

“Are you sure you can’t tell me where we’re going?” True asked following
to the car.

“It’s a surprise.” He replied, opening the car door for her. “If it’s the last thing I do I’m going to make you love surprises.”
waited until she got into the car then slammed the door shut. Walking around the front of the car, he got in on the driver’s side, got in and then drove off.

* * * *

Hours later
parked in front of a beautiful two-story Victorian bed and breakfast house several miles outside
. Turning off the engine, he slid his arm behind
seat and tugged at the end of her ponytail. The silky strands slid across his fingers and her body shivered at his touch. Masculine pride filled his chest that he could do that to the stunning woman sitting next to him. Easing closer, he whispered in the soft shell of her ear, “Surprise Kitten.”

“Oh, baby what have you done?”
True leaned forward in her seat untangling his hand from her hair. She stared out the window in awe and he was glad he made this last minute decision to come.

“I wanted to get away from everything so we could have some time together before our trip to
.” His heart swelled with love from the pure joy on her face.
I did it!
His spur of the moment idea totally blew True away.

Tears rained down her cheek as she looked away from the window back at him. “I don’t know what to say.” She undid her seat belt and slid across her seat. Wrapping her arms around his shoulder, she pressed her damp face into the crook of his neck. “Do you know how much I love you at this moment, for doing this? This is just what I needed.”

Easing True back he wiped her tears away with the pad of his thumbs.
Kissing her gently on the lips he sealed his love for the only woman he had ever truly loved. “Let’s go take a look at our room.”

“But I didn’t bring a change of clothes.” She frowned, glancing down at her clothes.

“Not a problem.” He opened the car door on his side and tugged True out behind him. He slammed the door shut and wrapped her softness next to his body. He would never grow tired of feeling her body pressed against his. “You should know by now I probably have another surprise tucked under my sleeve.”

Sliding her arms around his back,
stood on tiptoes and nibbled at the side of his jaw. Hot waves of electricity shot the length of his body. “Can I have one little hint?” A soft pink tongue darted out and licked its way down the column of his neck.

Fighting the growing erection in his pants, along with the need to give in,
gently shoved
away from his aroused body. Linking their hands together, he led her around the house toward the front. Walking up the steps side by side, he let go of her hand to hold the door open. “No, you can’t have a little hint.” He replied after he regained his senses.

After checking in,
took True upstairs to their room. He opened the door and gently pushed her inside. “Darling, I hope you like what you see.” He whispered.

A slim mahogany four-poster canopy bed was positioned against the wall. Armchair and ottoman slip were covered in tan fabric, sprinkled with floral print fabric sat several feet from the edge of the bed. Matching comforters and pillows covered the bed. Similar material hung from the windows and curtains. Delicate peach and pink paints were brushed lightly on the walls added a light airy look to the spacious room.

In the far corner an imposing armoire took up most of the wall. It should have made the space seem smaller but it added elegance to the already stunning space.
watched True walk around the room in amazement. She didn’t know where to look first.

“Go look in the armoire. I think there might be a surprise in there for you.”
suggested closing the door behind them.

Running to the closet True opened the door to see a variety of clothes. Her fingertips brushed the clothes in shock. “How in the world did you do all of this? How did you know what size I wore?”

“Well, I have seen you naked on numerous times, Ms. Williams.” He uttered from the middle of the room. “I have an eye for a sexy body.”

Dashing across the room, True threw herself into his arms. “You are very sneaky Mr. Campbell.”
She praised kissing him the mouth

“We better not start that or we won’t leave this room all weekend.” He loved how she fit so perfectly into his arms.

“Is that really a bad thing?”

“Yes, it is since I have plans for us tomorrow.” He patted
on her butt and moved her away from him.

“I have another surprise?”

“Yes, you do but kissing me again won’t get it out of me.” Looking around the large room he noticed a tray sitting on a table in the corner. “I believe we have something to eat.”
He strolled across the room and lifted up the lid: a variety of fruit, cheese, crackers and croissants stared back at him.

“Good because my stomach is growling.” True confessed, as she came across the room to peek over his shoulder.

“Come and sit on my lap I want to feed you.” He sat down in the chair and patted his thigh.

She shook her head; her ponytail swung back and forth between her shoulder blades. “I don’t know if that is a good idea, sir. I don’t want you to think I’m trying to seduce you to get more surprises.”

“Darling, you can seduce me anytime you want to.” He growled, pulling her down into his lap. “You always feel so good in my arms. If I could hold you forever I would.”

“I really don’t think that would be possible because your legs would go numb.” True laughed. The sound of her laughter made him want to join in with her. It sounded like clear, crisp, music on a cold, dark, lonely day. It vibrated through every cell of his body recharging it and giving him more love to shower her way

“You know what I mean.”

“Have you heard from your brother?”

“I talked to him last night, as a matter of fact.”
replied, taking
hair out of the ponytail. He hated when she wore her hair up. He loved it down so much better. Running his fingers through it, he brought it his nose for a quick whiff. It always smelled so good.

“Hayward Brian Campbell, don’t you hold out on me.” True scolded, poking him in the ribs.

“How did you know my middle name?” He asked curiously brushing his fingers underneath her firm breasts.

“I’ll tell you later. I want to hear about

“All right,
asked if we finally got the alone time we needed.”

“What did you tell him?” Taking a strawberry off the tray, he watched
teeth take a small bite out of it.

“I told him it was none of his business.” Grabbing the strawberry out of her hand, he ate the rest of it. The juicy fruit tasted wonderful in his mouth. He knew of only one thing that tasted better.

“Hey. Get your own.” True complained.

“No. I rather eat a bite of yours.”

True stretched her arms above her head and snuggled closer to him. “I’m so tired I want to crawl into bed and sleep all night.”

“Why don’t you go ahead?” He suggested

“You don’t mind?”

“No. I want you to be well-rested for tomorrow morning.”

s.” Getting out off his lap
went over to the armoire and pulled out a nightgown, she winked at him then went into the bathroom.

got up out of the chair covered up the half-eaten tray of food. Picking it up, he opened the bedroom door and sat the tray against the wall. He came back into the room, closing the door behind him. He glanced at the closed bathroom door and wondered what was taking
so long.

Ten minutes later the door opened and
came out wearing one of the nightgowns he ha brought for her.
Blowing him a kiss she crawled into bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

“I might as well go to bed too.” He looked at True cuddled up in the huge bed. Her beautiful brown skin stood out against the off white sheets making her look even more stunning.

stretched his arms above his head trying to relieve some of the stiffness in his shoulders. He took off his clothes and laid them in the chair across from the bed. Turning back the cover he climbed into the bed beside True. Her body automatically rolled toward his.
Even in her sleep, she wanted to be closer to me,
he thought turning off the light.

* * * *

Mid-afternoon the next day
pulled his car behind a yellow Hummer and turned it off. He almost didn’t think he would find this street. The location of his surprise was further out than he first guessed, but none of that mattered now. He got them here and there was still enough time left to shop.

“Get ready for surprise number two.”

. Is this what I think it is?”
True asked looking at all the booths and vendors through the windshield.

“What do you think it is?”

“It looks like an antiques sale. How did you know I loved coming to these things?”

“I felt so bad about not doing the watching wildlife deal with you. I thought maybe this would make up for it.” He confessed, pleased by the joy on her face. “I didn’t know if you might enjoy this or not.”

True hurriedly opened the door and left him sitting in the car. “Move it,
I might be missing something good to buy.”

He got out of the car and locked it behind him. Rushing across the grass he tried to catch up with True.
He saw her bumped into a couple holding hands as she brushed past them.
He laughed at the surprised looks on their face when she muttered sorry and kept going. She looked so pretty in the jeans and off blue sweater. Walking faster, he caught up with her. In her current mood, she was already reaching for the pen in her purse, posed to write a check.

* * * *

True didn’t know what table to visit first. Several stands caught her eyes and begged for her attention, but she finally decided to look at the jewelry first. A tall man with a beard stood behind the table looking at her. “Hello, miss do you see anything you like?” He asked with a slight
New Orleans

“There are so many beautiful pieces here to choose from.” She replied, bending down to get a better look at the items. The vendor had watches, bracelets, necklaces, charms, earrings and rings. Prices ranged from eighty dollars to two hundred dollars. “I don’t know which one to buy.”

Coming up behind her,
wrapped his arms around her waist. “Do you see anything you want?”
She didn’t doubt he would buy her the whole damn case if she wanted it.

Looking more closely, a turquoise and silver ring did catch her eye. “I think the turquoise ring is stunning. May I try it on?”

The merchant took the ring out of the display case and handed it to her. She slipped it on her finger and the ring fit perfectly. Waving her finger in front of her,
admired how well it looked on her hand, but the price tag hanging off it was way more than she was willing to pay.

s you but I don’t think I want it.” She started to slip the ring off her finger, but
’s hand shot out and stopped her.

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