Loving True (14 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Loving True
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Ending the kiss,
spun around. He saw the hidden hurt in his brother’s eyes and his usual charming smile was forced. “Clint, I got here as soon as I could.” He whispered, moving away from True.
hugged his brother.

“I didn’t think you would actually come,”
admitted, returning his hug.

“Nothing would ever keep me coming home for mom’s funeral.
How’s Dad taking it?” He inquired ending the embrace.

“Dad’s not doing well at all. He blames himself for not checking on her sooner. He was at home when mom had the heart attack.”

“Was there anything he could have done?”

shook his head. “No. The doctor said it was a massive heart attack. She died instantly.” His brother glanced away from him over at True. “Umm…aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”

Reaching for her hand,
next to him. “Clint, this is my girlfriend, True Williams. True, this is my older brother, Clinton Campbell.”

* * * *

True was a little taken back by
’s brother. Clinton Campbell didn’t fit the image she had envisioned. He stood a few inches taller than
maybe around six feet five inches tall with dark brown hair and thick bushy eyebrows arching over amazing sea green eyes. There was no doubt about it Clinton Campbell was a very handsome man.

“I’m sorry about your loss,” she said, looking at him.

replied in a warm smooth voice. “Come on; let’s get your suitcases so we can leave. I don’t want to leave Dad alone for too long,”
continued turning away from her and

As they headed toward baggage claim, True noticed all the female attention the brothers drew as they walked through the airport. But, they ignored the stares or they didn’t care that most of the women in the airport found them attractive. She had no doubt that when they were younger the two of them were a force to be reckoned with. Men this good-looking always had a wild story hidden away in their past.

What in the world have I gotten myself into?


Chapter Eight


An hour later, she sat by the swimming pool still in shock after a tour of
’s home, she still couldn’t believe how his house looked. The two-story, eight-room and three-bathroom house resembled a mansion more than a house.
It felt cold and uninviting. A feminine touch would help the space so much, but from what she could tell there wasn’t a woman in the picture. “I wondered why he isn’t married.”

Crossing her legs, she stared at the flower garden that surrounded the pool. It resembled something out of a magazine. Breathtaking perennials were arranged in boxes by the far concrete wall fence, bell shaped brunt clay pots contained honeysuckle, fuchsias, and a dash of beautiful caladiums were added in, here and there. She watched as two large yellow jackets buzzed and landed on one of the stunning rose bushes.

Taking a deep breath, True thought about
and couldn’t fight down the wave of emotions. A smile tugged at her mouth, she was falling in love with him.
However, this time she wasn’t rushing in, declaring her feelings of love.
had taught her well and she graduated with a perfect score.

* * * *

In the family room,
sat next to
and listened quietly as his father talked about Linda Campbell. His mother had been a very loving and forgiving woman. She never spoke a bad word about anyone. Even when he confided in her about Brooke lying about him being
’s real father she had taken it well.

In that soft-spoken voice, she said,
“Maybe she realized you would be a better father than
’s biological one.”

A sad smiled tugged at the corner of his mouth because his mother would have fallen in love with True. She always wanted him to be happy with a woman who loved him and he knew True loved him. She proved it by coming here with him.

“I’ll be right back. I need to check on dinner.”
muttered getting up from the chair across from him.

He watched
leave the room and swung his gaze back over to his father.
Lance Campbell looked ten years younger than his age with his slim build and dark brown hair slightly graying at the sides. Reclining back in the seat,
watched his father move from the bar over to the sliding doors that lead out to the swimming pool.
Panic set in his chest, what would he say about True? His father hadn’t brought her up, but
knew he would.

, who is that woman sitting outside by the pool?” Lance asked.

“She’s my girlfriend True Williams,”

Spinning around Lance gawked at him. “Why did you bring her here with you?
This is a time for the family,” his father muttered, then tossed back his drink.

“Because I need someone here with me Dad, I did lose my mother.” He answered trying to stay calm. “Do you have a problem with her?”

“I don’t want another Brooke sinking her claws into you. You’re mourning your mother and now would be the perfect time for that woman to snag you.”

quickly composed himself before he answered his father. “She isn’t after my money.”

“Do you really believe that?” His father muttered turning back around to stare at True through the glass doors. “You are one of the top ten richest men in Forbes Magazine.”

“Dad, I don’t want to discuss
anymore.” Leaning forward in the seat
continued, “I came here to help with the funeral arrangements. Don’t you realize this is the first time I have been home in years?”

His father sat his empty drink down on the bar. “
, I know you haven’t been home since the funerals. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to get on that plane. How are you doing son? You never really talked to me after the accident.”

Looking away,
brushed a tear away from his eye. “I won’t discuss them with you or anyone else.” The painful image of his family’s wet dead bodies, lying on the drenched ground, wasn’t a vision he wanted anyone else to experience.
His mind used to burn with the horrible memory for days until True came into his life.

With a pained look imprinted on his handsome face, his father moved closer to him “Son, I know that I haven’t always been there for you like your mother, but I love you as much as she did.”

He felt strange hearing his father confession. It was so out of character for him to say those words, however it touched a place in his heart. “I love you too, Dad,”

Nodding his head, his father moved back to the bar and poured himself another rum and coke. Taking a long satisfying swig he glanced back out the window at True, “
, I apologize for my comments about your girlfriend,” Lance whispered. “If she is the one in your life now I’ll accept her. However, if she isn’t true as her name, she’ll answer to me.”

“Dad, I don’t want you harassing her.” He hated how Lance always threatened people, because of his years on the police force.

“How old is she?”

“She’s twenty eight. Why?”
asked. He got up from the couch and joined his father at the sliding doors. His heart swelled with love when he saw True, he couldn’t believe someone as gorgeous as she was his.

“She’s too young for you,” Lance grumbled. “She won’t have the maturity to deal with dating a man in your position.”

Dropping his head,
blew out a breath through his mouth, the controlling father he knew was back. “Dad, why don’t you stop talking bad about True and give her a chance,”
questioned, tired of his father’s meddling ways, “She’s a lot like mother.”

“Have you lost your mind? There aren’t any women left in the world like your mother,” his father snapped at him. Spinning on his heels, Lance stormed from the room slamming the door behind him.

* * * *

Walking back over to the couch,
fell down on it with a long, exhausted sigh and closed his eyes. A second or two later Clinton rushed back in the room slamming the door behind him. “Hey did you and dad have an argument?”

“Dad doesn’t like True and wants me to dump her,” he replied without opening his eyes. “Who does he think he is telling me who I can and can’t date at my age?” He already felt drained, and he didn’t need his father’s bad advice adding to his problems.

“You know he really doesn’t dislike
. He’s upset about mother and I’m worried about him.”
He felt the couch cushions move when
sat next to him.

“No matter how much he gets on my nerves, I’m worried about him too. Mom was the glue that held this family together. What are we going to do without her?” He replied, without opening his eyes.

“You’re asking the wrong guy.
How about we talk about something else?”
tossed at him before getting up and heading for the bar.

“Fine with me,”
glanced around the family room and felt an instant connection with his mother.

This was his favorite room in
’s house, because their mother decorated it. Rich bright colors were spread throughout the area. Rugs covered the floor, paintings hung from the walls. A small music entertainment system was pushed back near the back wall. Everything a bachelor could ever dream of was in this room.

“What…or should I say whom do you want to discuss?”

After fixing a brandy,
took a seat across from him, “You’ve one sexy girlfriend. Are you sure she doesn’t know about your wealth?”

“Shit, I don’t want to hear this from you too.”

mumbled holding up his hands. “So, when is the wedding?”

“I don’t know, he answered honestly. “I would marry True tomorrow, but she isn’t ready.”
This was the first time in years he had thought about getting remarried and it didn’t frighten him. “As soon as I think she ready I’ll give her the ring.”

barely caught his glass before it hit the floor. “You already have a ring for her?”
He choked out.

“Yes I brought it last week,” He answered. “I know True is the one and I‘ll do anything to get her to say yes.”

* * * *

Walking into the kitchen, Lance slowed his pace when he saw True washing out a glass at the sink.
He wasn’t going to let another woman like Brooke into his son’s life. Somehow Brooke had slid under his son’s defenses, but True wouldn’t.

“Ms. Williams, may I speak with you for a moment?”

True spun around and gave him a sad smile. “Mr. Campbell, I’m really sorry to hear about your wife,” she said, wiping her hands on a napkin.

He always knew his son had an eye for beauty and
was no exception. “T
you for your sympathy.” He ran his eyes over the young woman’s face looking for any signs of deceitfulness.

“I guess
told you who I am.” She asked sitting at the table in front of him.

“Yes, he mentioned that you were his girlfriend,” he mumbled taking a seat across her. “I hope you don’t mind if we talk openly.” Lance wanted her to understand he would do anything for his son and even if that meant keeping her out of the picture.

“No, I don’t mind.”

“Ms. Williams, this is a hard time for my family right now. If you aren’t here because you care about
you need to leave.” He stated pointing toward the door. “My son made a bad decision about a woman before and it cost him a lot. I don’t want to see him hurt like that again. Do you understand me?” Without giving
a chance to reply, he got up from the table and left the room.

True watched Lance Campbell until he was no longer in sight. She didn’t understand why he would confront her like that.
She wasn’t about to hurt
, but who was Brooke and what had she done to piss off
’s father so badly. Getting up from the table, she went to stand in front of the kitchen window and thought more about what Lance said to her.

* * * *

Standing in the doorway,
slid his hands into the front pocket of his slacks and stared at True by the kitchen window. He couldn’t get over how much better he felt with her in his life now. She was his soul mate and in the near future he knew, without a doubt, she would be his wife.

“Are you ready to leave?”

She glanced over her shoulder and looked at him. He enjoyed how the sunlight reflected off her hair.
“We aren’t staying here?”

“No, I told
we’d rather stay at a hotel,” he replied, waiting for her to join him at the door. He led True to the front door.

He was taken aback when
met them in the hallway and walked them to the front door
His brother wasn’t exactly known for his hospitality.
wondered if True have anything to do with the sudden personality change in his brother. His brother had a weakness for beautiful women and
exotic beauty would capture any man’s attention, including that of his brother. He frowned when
reached out and took her hand between his.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to make you feel more welcome in my home. Hopefully, I’ll get to see more of you in the future and not under such sad circumstances.”

His frown deepened, once True let go of
’s hand and hugged him. “It’s okay. You’re going through a devastating lost right now. There will be another time for us to get to know each other.”

Not if I’ve anything to say about it,
thought. Wrapping his hand around her upper arm, he pulled her back next to him.
He didn’t miss the quick light of interest that flashed in
’s eyes. He might be able to charm most women, with his killer smile and green eyes, but True wasn't available and the sooner he knew it, the better off he would be.

Opening the front door, he guided True outside into the warm
sunshine. “
, we better go. We have a long drive to the hotel. I’ll call you after we get settled in.”
He watched
’s eyes dart over to True, one last time, then back at him.

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