Loving True (13 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Loving True
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“Are you sitting down?”

He fell down into the chair next to the phone. “Yes.
Now tell me what’s wrong with mother.”

“She was outside planting flowers and had a heart attack,”

His heart started to pound against his ribs, he was terrified to ask the next question. “How is she?”

she’s dead.”
replied in a harsh, raw voice.

“God no,”
screamed, the words were ripped from his throat. The phone dropped from his hand and landed with a thump by the chair’s leg.

, are you still there!”

* * * *

True stiffened at the sound of Hayward’s scream as it ricochet through the room then she raced over to him. “
, what’s wrong?” She touched his cheek, the skin felt cool beneath her fingertips. “Please answer me.” She shook his shoulder, but his eyes still stared right through her. Finally, the sound of a man screaming on the other end of the phone caught her attention. Picking the phone off the floor, she held it to her ear.


“Who is this? Why are you answering
’s phone?”

True jerked the phone away from her ear and stared at it. She was pissed at the man’s harsh line of questioning. Who in the hell was he? She bit down of her lip to keep from snapping back at him, “True Williams, I’m
’s neighbor.”

“You’re the woman he called me about.”

She wanted to know why
would be discussing her with this man. “Are you going to tell me who you are?”

“I’m Clinton Hayward’s older brother. I just told him our mother died today from a heart attack.”

True gasped at the news. “I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?”

“Yes, can you tell me if my brother is okay?”

“No, I believe he’s in shock.” Reaching down, she brushed her fingers down the side of
’s face. “
, can you heard me? Your brother is still on the phone, you need to talk to him.” She placed the phone in his hand and walked away.

* * * *

stared at True, but he really didn’t see her. He kept hearing
’s words over and over in his head-his mother was dead. Why hadn't he gone home all those time she asked to see him?
His heart squeezed in anguish as he realized he didn’t even get the chance to tell her goodbye, the swell of pain he felt was beyond any tears.

, are you there?”

“Yeah, I’m still here.”

“Please tell me that you’re coming home.”
pleaded. “Dad’s a mess and I’m barely holding it together myself.”

He blinked back tears. “Yes, I’m coming home. How could you even ask me that?”

“I know you don’t have good memories here. I wasn’t sure if you would come or not,”

“Clint, our mother is dead.” He snapped angrily. “My past there doesn’t matter. I’ll book the next flight to be there ASAP.”

s, little brother,”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can,”
muttered, then hung up the phone.

Tossing the phone on the table, he closed his eyes and rested his head on the back of the chair. He couldn’t believe his mother was dead and he never got the chance to tell her good-bye. Why didn’t he go home all those times she called and asked him to?
He swallowed hard and bit back tears. He didn’t have time to break down now. His brother and father needed him now more than ever. He had to stay strong for them.

Getting up from the seat,
walked over to the bar and fixed himself a drink. He had to get his emotions under control before he found
. He didn’t know if she was still in the house or had left. Either way, she needed to know what was going on with him.

Twenty minutes later, he walked into the kitchen and saw True making coffee. The smell of the rich almond beans relieved some of the tension in his body, but not all of it.
“I wondered where you went.”
Without saying a word, True turned around and opened her arms. Without missing a beat, he walked right into them. “I can’t believe she’s gone,” he muttered against her neck. He pulled her softness closer to him. “My mother was the best person in the world. I don’t know what I’m going to do.” He wasn’t ashamed of the hot tears falling down his face.

True hugged him and her comforting warmth spread into his body.
“You’re going upstairs and pack a suitcase,” she whispered. “Then you’ll come back down and drink this coffee until it’s finished.”

He leaned back in
arms and stared at her. Her eyes were filled with pain and understanding. His heart swelled at the tender sight, the feelings he possessed for her intensified.
How did I luck out and find someone as wonderful as her?

“Will you call the airport and book a flight.” He asked, ending the hug. One
more minute
wrapped in her arms and he wouldn’t be able to leave. He turned on his heel and strode to the kitchen door.

“Wait,” True yelled at his back. “Where are you going?”

Pausing in the doorway, he replied looking back. “
and I want you to purchase two tickets.”

True frowned. “Why do you need two?”

He cleared his throat and shoved his hands into the front of his slacks, “I want you to come with me.”
That admission had cost him part of his pride, because he didn’t like asking for help from anyone.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? Shouldn’t you be there with your family? I’m sure they don’t want me tagging along.” True stared at him from across the room with a slight frown.

“You aren’t going there for them. I want… No, I need you there with me,” he confessed.

“All right, I’ll go with you.”

you,” he whispered, and then went out the door.

* * * *

Thirty minutes later,
came back into the kitchen with a suitcase in his left hand. Placing it by the front door, he headed for the kitchen “True are you still in there,” he yelled. His gaze searched the room, but didn’t find her. Instead, he spotted a note next to a plate of food. Unfolded the sheet of paper he stared down at
beautiful handwriting.



I reserved two plane tickets for the
eleven forty-five
flight for tonight. Please eat the sandwich. You can pick me up after you finish. Remember I’m here for you.



Folding the note, he shoved it into the front pocket of his slacks. Shuffling over to the coffeepot, he poured himself a cup of steaming coffee; then strolled back over to the table. Sitting down he took a quick sip of coffee, the hot liquid burned his tongue, but the sting blocked out some of the ache in his heart. He didn’t want to leave, because the sooner he went back home-the more real his mother’s death would become. “I’m not going to make it,” he mumbled taking a bite of

Spicy sliced roast beef, with melted sharp Swiss cheese, teased his taste buds. Tangy mustard, real whipped rich mayonnaise and a thick sliced tomato finished off the club sandwich.
groaned and swallowed the first bite.
After he finished the sandwich, he wiped his mouth with a napkin and got up from the table.

Grabbing his bag from the living room,
went out the front door and got into his car. As he pulled his black Trailblazer into
driveway, the cool night breeze blew in through the car window. The light sound of crickets echoed in the background.
He pressed his horn twice to let her know he was there. Resting his head against the leather headrest, he turned his face toward her front door and waited.

Five minutes later,
opened the front door and came out a small red overnight suitcase. Just the sight of her made him feel a little better. I was then he noticed she had changed clothes. Gone was the sexy jumpsuit replaced, by a pair of tan jeans with a red leather jacket over a white shirt.

“I’m ready if you are.” True whispered getting into the car. She tossed her bag in the backseat and fastened her seat belt.

Leaning across the seat, he slid his hand behind her neck and tugged her to him. He planted a quick kiss on her open mouth and moved back. “Now I’m ready.”
replied starting the Blazer, he pulled out of her driveway for the airport.

* * * *

The usual routine of checking in the car, the ticket counter and boarding the plane took an over a half an hour.
didn’t say too much to
during the whole process and she fell asleep on his shoulder a little after takeoff.

He didn’t mind, because he needed this extra time to think. He still couldn’t believe how much he wanted her here with him. Was
in love with him like Ms. Pinson said?
He shook the thought from his head. “I’m probably reading more into the situation than there is,” he muttered staring down into her face. She looked so relaxed and young whilst asleep. He adjusted the blanket he
on her.

“Well, I better get some sleep too. I don’t know what in the world I’m walking into with Clint and Dad.” He prayed his father wouldn’t hate
on sight. Laying his head against
, he drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

woke up the same time the plane was landing. Glancing down he saw
sweet body still curled up beside him. Touching her arm he muttered by her ear, “Kitten, wake up.”

Slowly True eyes opened, “Sorry, I fell asleep,” she apologized, stretching her body.

“Don’t worry about it.” Standing up he took the blanket off her and laid it into the seat next to him. “Let’s get off so I can rent us a car.” Taking
by the hand, he pulled her up from the seat then kissed her softly on the mouth

“Have I t
ed you for coming with me?” He asked letting go of her hand. “You don’t know how much this means to me having my girlfriend here with me.”
Hell, he hadn’t meant to tell her that yet.

True brushed her hair off her face then shook her head. “I’m not your girlfriend.”

He didn’t realize how much he wanted her as his girlfriend until now. “Yes, you are. You became my girlfriend that morning you and Ms. Pinson dragged me to the shower. Only a girlfriend would do that unless, you don’t want to be my girlfriend?”
Would she reject him now that
revealed his feelings

“I would love to be your girlfriend.”
Standing on tiptoe she kissed him on the mouth. “I couldn’t think of a better man to be my boyfriend.” True whispered, moving away from his body.

“Good, now let’s go and get a car before all the good ones are gone,” he said pulling her toward the exit.

“We don’t have to rent a car.
should be waiting for us,” True replied behind him.

“What makes you think my brother would be waiting for us?” He knew how much
hated crowded airports and avoided them at all cost. His brother hadn’t liked airports since he got lost in one when they were kids, playing hide and go seek. It took their father almost fifteen minutes to find him inside the men’s restroom. Ever since that incident,
stayed out of airports as much as he could.

“He called while you were packing and I told him what time our plane would arrive, and he said he would pick us up.”

stopped in the middle of the crowded airport and yanked True to him. He heard her small gasp of surprise. “You’re wonderful,” he praised and then kissed her.

“Leave it up to you to be kissing a stunning woman in the middle of the airport and keep me waiting,” a deep voice muttered behind him.

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