Loving True (24 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Loving True
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From the bottom of the steps, True watched her friend. A frown was etched on her forehead. She knew there was something wrong with
and she would try to do her best to find out what it was before she left.

She took one last look at
before she closed the bedroom door. Turning, she walked back into the dining room, got the china out of the cabinet and placed it in the middle of the table. “I’ll come back and set the table later.”
She stated as she went back into the kitchen to get everything else set up for the party.

* * * *

Forty-five minutes later,
knocked on
bedroom door and went in. She was surprised to see
standing in the middle of the room wrapped in a towel.

“Hey, I was coming to wake you up.”

“I’ve been up for about fifteen minutes now.”
answered, picking a dress off the bed. She shook her head and tossed it back down. ‘I’m having a hard time deciding what to wear.”

Going over the bed, True stared at the two gorgeous dresses laid out in the middle. The first one was black and white with a small slit up the front. A dark blue dress with a white rose on the shoulder was the other option. “I think you should wear the black and white one, it’s so beautiful and classic.”

lifted up the dress and pressed it against the front of her body. “I bought this when I was in
on a whim and I’ve never worn it. After I got it back home I thought it was too revealing.”

“Well, tonight is the perfect time to wear it.”

“I’m not sure about the dress True.”
mumbled shaking her head.

True rolled her eyes at
shyness. “Live a little and wear the dress.” She would drag
out of her shell if it killed her!

“Okay, little Miss Fashion expert, I’ll wear it.”
snatched up the blue dress and hung it back in the closet.

“You’re going to look so striking.” True beamed. “I better go and get ready myself.” She said looking down at her light sweater and jeans. “I’ll see you downstairs.”

* * * *

The doorbell rung as True placed the first batch of fried shrimp balls on the paper towel. Placing the spatula on the counter, she left the kitchen and answered the front door. Looking through the peephole, she saw her two handsome male dinner guests on the other side. Unlocking the door, she swung it open and flashed them a huge smile.

“Kitten, you look gorgeous,”

“You look very handsome tonight,” True whispered. The dark blue shirt was the same shade of indigo blue as his eyes. The musky scent of his cologne filled the air around them, heightening her senses. Immediately, she wanted to break her no sleepover rule.

pulled her into his arms for a kiss. Moaning, he tugged her even closer, deepening the kiss. God, the taste of him was killing her. Maybe it was a mistake that she suggested waiting until
left, before they made love again. The nights were so much longer and a lot colder now, without his warm body beside her. Sliding his hands down, he gripped her butt joining their bodies still closer.

“Maybe, I should go back home,”
laughed behind them.

Breaking away from her,
sucked in a deep ragged breath. “Sorry, I forgot you were there.”

Wiping her lipstick from the corner of
’s mouth, she laughed. “
, you look very nice tonight.”
She approved of the gray slacks and crisp white shirt he decided to wear. The neutral colors only enhanced the natural tan and set off his deep emerald eyes.

replied. “My brother is right. You do look very beautiful tonight.”

“Please come in gentlemen.” She moved back and held the door open wider. “I’ve to go and check on the shrimp balls in the kitchen. Please go into the living room and have a seat. If you want you can look through my CDs and find some music to play.” She closed the door and went back toward the kitchen.

“I’m not much of a music person, so I’m fine without it.’
muttered, sitting down on the couch.
He picked up a cracker top with a small piece of sharp cheddar and stuck it in his mouth, and then watched
followed True into the kitchen.

* * * *

Damn! Did she wear that dress to torture the hell out of me all night?
He braced his shoulder against the doorframe and watched True take three shrimp balls from the skillet. How was he supposed to keep his hands off her for the rest of the night? Easing further into the kitchen, he waited until she moved to the island and then he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Why are you wearing your hair up?” He complained. “You know how much I love it down.”

“Darling, the dress looks better with my hair pinned up.” True answered squirming in his arms.

He had to admit the purple short sleeve dress did look fantastic on her body. The tightened waist made her chest look fuller, his right hand moved up to cup her right breast stroking the already hard nipple with his thumb.
Using his free hand, he slid it between the spilt in the front, and brushed his fingers across her thighs. “Let me touch you,” he whispered nipping at the side of her neck.

Moaning softly,
started to ease her legs apart, but then reality quickly intruded. They weren’t alone in the house Clinton or
could walk in at any minute.

“Stop, you know we can’t do anything with Clinton and
in the house.” True moaned pulling at his tempting hands.

“Well, you shouldn’t have worn this dress.”
growled, removing his hands. “You know how much I love your breasts.”
Walking over to the kitchen table he picked up a shrimp ball off the silver-serving tray and stuck it in his mouth. D
amn his woman could cook
! “I didn’t see
, where is she?” He mumbled around the food in his mouth.

“She’s upstairs. She’ll be down in a few minutes.” She replied, placing three more shrimp balls on the paper towel by the stove.

Five minutes later, True heard
soft footstep coming down the stairs. “Let’s go back in before she gets downstairs.” She said rushing back to the living room.

stuck another shrimp balls in his mouth and followed her out of the kitchen.

* * * *

was halfway into the living room before she noticed the extremely handsome man sitting in the chair, and she knew he spotted her at the same time. They stared at each other across the room. His stare was bold and a little heated as his eyes wandered over her body. She felt a slow tingle start in her stomach and work its way through her body. Who was this man and why was she reacting to a total stranger like this?

He broke the silence first.

“Hello,” he whispered. His low smooth voice sent chills over her body.

Who in the hell was he?
“Hi,” She replied over her pounding heart.
There was a tingling in the pit of her stomach that invaded her being. This didn’t happen with other men. What was so special about him? Sure, he was sinfully sexy with his moss green eyes and brownish-black hair, but he was disturbing her in another ways.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” True gasped rushing into the room. “I wanted to be in here to make proper introductions.
Roman, this is Clinton Campbell,
’s older brother.
, this is my best friend

“Very nice to meet you,

“Nice to meet you too Mr. Campbell,” she muttered.

“Please call me Clinton.”

“All right, it’s nice to meet you Clinton.”
murmured. She hadn’t felt butterflies in her stomach for a man in a long time and she didn’t relish the feeling now either.

“Well, let’s have a seat,” True suggested.

noticed that
sat down on the couch next to True and left the chair next to
opened for her. She sat down and tried to not to look at the man next to her.

, how long have you and True been friends,”

“We have been friends for close to six years now.”

“What else can you tell me about yourself?”

“I’ve taught second grade in
for about five years now.”
crossed her legs and pulled down the hem of her dress. Why wasn’t
helping her out? She knew how much she hated being put on the spot like this.

“What does your husband do?”
murmured next to from her. His moss green eyes were still on her, and he searched her face like he was looking for something, but what?

“I don’t have a husband or boyfriend.” She felt her face burning under his scrutiny. She didn’t remember the last time an attractive man showed her attention. It was almost too much for her mind and body to handle. Her pulse was racing; she was surprised
didn’t see how hard her heart was beating beneath her dress.

“I find that hard to believe.”
stated. “You’re a very stunning woman.”

The buzzer went off in the kitchen and drew her attention away from
. T
God! She needed something to happen before she had to answer another one of his questions.

“Sorry, I need to check on the food.” True said getting up from her seat.

“Wait… let me go and help you.”
volunteered. She jumped up from her seat and rushed in the kitchen behind True.

* * * *

waited until both women were out of earshot, and then he turned to
. “Did you see how gorgeous
is? I love her shyness.” This was the first time a woman had ever run away from him instead of toward him. He found
very appealing.

“I guess she’s pretty, but she has nothing on True.”

is more than just pretty.”
said, massaging the back of his neck with his fingers. Never in his forty years had he felt this kind of attraction to a woman. “I looked up and there she stood, like a vision. Have you noticed the unusual color of her eyes?” He blurted out. “I can’t take my eyes off her.”

“I’m happy you find
mumbled crossing one leg over the other. “But don’t be so aggressive.”
His brother shot him a look that meant he wasn’t kidding.

He held up his hands to hold back
’s stare. “Okay, I’ll calm down with the questions.”
Reaching across the table,
grabbed a shrimp ball and stuffed it into his mouth, ignoring the dirty looks his brother was still giving him. He wouldn’t get into an argument with
tonight. He wanted to remain calm and collected, because he wanted to give his undivided attention to the ebony vision inside the kitchen with True.

* * * *

Inside the kitchen,
by the stove, she wanted to know what was going on. “What’s up with
’s brother? Why does he want to know everything about me?”

Checking the trout, True slid it back into the oven for a few more minutes. After resetting the timer, she looked up at her. “I don’t know what’s wrong with
.” True shrugged. “He’s usually more reserved than this.”

“Are you trying to set me up on a date?”

“No, I wouldn’t do that to you after the fiasco with Kyle. I learned my lesson from him.” True folded under arms underneath her breasts and stared back at her.

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