Loving True (22 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Loving True
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His eyes traveled from her jet-black hair fanned out against the pillow to her slender neck. Lying down next to her, he fondled one perfect breast and watched the nipple hardened under his light caress. He didn’t miss the low purr coming for
mouth. Leaning over, he ran his tongue across the sensitive nib, drawing another moan for her. Smiling against her breast, he gave it another quick lick, before his tongue made a path down across her ribs, down to her stomach.

Screaming, True twisted her head on the pillows, “Stop you’re killing me.” She panted, scratching at the sheets, arching her back as he searched out pleasure zones on her body with his mouth.

“But Baby, isn’t it such a wonderful death.” He breathed against the inside of her thigh.

He couldn’t help but notice how amazing
body was, as he made his way back up it. It wasn’t overly muscular, but well portioned in all the right places, like a woman should be. He paused to kiss her and whisper his love for every warm part of her delectable body.

True writhed beneath him. “God, you have to stop teasing me.” She moaned scratching his back. Placing her hands on his chest, her nails clawed at his chest hair; then moved down to his pants. “Why am I the only one naked?”

“You won’t be the only one for much longer,” he bit out and then rolled off the bed. Standing up, he removed the rest of his clothes and stood there. He wanted to feel her eyes on his body.

True lay panting. Her chest heaving, as her eyes started at his collarbone and eased down to the rest of his body. He stood tall and straight. .He was justly proud of his physique. Dark chest hair dusted his chest and arms. Licking her lips, her eyes travel further down. She was drawn to his long and muscular thighs “You’re beautiful,” she whispered, staring at him.

Chuckling, he reached down and grabbed some protection out of his wallet. Discarding his jeans
tore open the condom and quickly covered himself; then fell back down on the bedside her. “No, you’re the beautiful one.” He reached out to cup one of her breast gently in his hand, brushing the hard nipple with his thumb. A delightful electric shiver shot through him as True responded to his every touch and caress. A soft purr escaped through her mouth, telling him what she wanted.

Growling at the intense heat pumping through his veins, he captured
moist swollen mouth in a demanding kiss. He wanted to wipe all trace of other men from her mind.

Pushing her thighs apart, he eased only the tip of his penis into her vagina before withdrawing. He wanted her to get use to the feel of him inside her before he filled her completely. Slipping his penis in a little further for the second time, he gave True several shallow slow strokes, and then slipped out of her once more.

“What are you doing to me?” True asked, brushing her body against his; trying to get closer. “Don’t you want us to make love?”

swallowed down the words that he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs. He wanted to do more than make love to her. He wanted their souls to connect for the rest of their lives.

“Oh baby you’re so damn tight.” He hissed, inching his erection slowly inside her body. He didn’t know how many other men True had been with and he didn’t want to hurt her. Swallowing hard, he tried to distract himself, whilst he remained halfway inside her tight body. “You’re burning me alive.”
groaned, as
wet haven started to grip him even tighter.

He tried to slip out of True again, but she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Please stop playing with me like this,” she panted. Sweat slowly dripped down her body. He leaned forward and licked at the tiny line between her breasts. The salty moisture tasted wonderful on his tongue.

“Okay, I hope you’re ready for me,”
muttered softly.
Easing her legs further apart, he thrust in to the hilt and felt
jerked under his body. He captured her shocked scream with his mouth. “I’m so sorry,” he mumbled by her earlobe. Resting one hand on her hips, he used the other one to pull her arms above her head, so she couldn’t move.

, the pain is killing me.” True cried, yanking at her arms.

He stayed perfectly still while True got use to the feel of him inside of her body. He couldn’t believe as stunning as she was that he was her first. He gave him a touch of male pride that she waited to share her special gift with him.

“Kitten, are you okay?” He asked kissing the side of her mouth. He wasn’t about to take his own pleasure until True was ready for hers. It didn’t matter it was killing him not to move inside her tight body.
She was holding him like a glove. This was another indication that they were destined for each other.

Licking her lips, True looked up at him from underneath her lashes, “I think I’m ready now.”

“Stop thinking about the pain baby and enjoy the feelings working their way through your body,” he coached, pulling out and thrusting back into her wet entrance. Letting go of her wrists, he slid both hands under her hips and sped up his tempo.

He knew True was feeling something the second her legs tightened around his waist and she raised her hips to meet his thrusts.
kept moving until they both found the right tempo. “Are you still in pain?” He asked before drawing a hardened nipple into his mouth.

With her eyes closed and head thrown back on the pillow, True could only shake her head no. She didn’t want to talk, but enjoy the waves of ecstasy throbbing throughout her body. It was pure and explosive. She knew she would never feel this excitement again.

body about ready to explode and he wouldn’t let her reach it until she looked into his eyes. “True, look at me.”

Passion filled eyes finally opened and stared at him. “You aren’t with any other man but me. I want you to look at me, when I give you your first taste of pleasure,” he whispered. Pulling out, he thrust back into her, sending them shattering into a million pieces. In the back of his mind, he head
screams of pleasure and then his came. When he finally came down from his high, he collapsed on

Rising up on his elbows, he smiled down into her sleeping face and muttered. “Mine.”
He pulled her into his arms and covered them up with the sheet. He never had a clue when he brought her keys back they would end up making love. He stared down at True curled up next to him.
How did you grab a hold of my heart? I thought I would never feel this away about anyone.
head on his chest. Turning off the light, he fell asleep beside her, totally unaware someone was watching them from the woods.

* * * *

Sylvester flung his high-tech binoculars down on the ground in disgust. “She’s mine.” He didn’t feel the dampness from the rain as it soaked the thin t-shirt and jeans that covered his body.
“He doesn’t deserve her. I’ve been the one following her for months. I know her likes and dislikes better than anyone.”
He growled in the back of his throat. “True, I won’t let you do this to me.”

His mind screamed for revenge, rubbing his hands together, he knew the perfect opportunity would show itself and then he would punish her for doing this to him. “You’re a slut like the rest of them.” Sylvester spat looking up at the dark bedroom.
Why had I thought she
would be any different?

Reaching down, he snatched up the binoculars off the ground. Throwing one last look over his shoulder, he headed back to his parked car hidden in the woods. Inside his car, he lifted the purple nightgown off the seat; taking the hunting knife from his back pocket, he sliced it into several pieces. “Bitch you’re going to pay,” he mumbled. He started the car, and headed back to the shack.

Chapter Fourteen


Early the next morning,
lay completely still in the four-poster bed as True reached across his chest for something on the floor. He didn’t have a clue what she was looking for, but he was enjoying the feel of her bare skin, brushing against his chest.

“Kitten, what are you doing?”
His fingers moved down her back, he loved how silky her skin felt. Did she always feel this good in the morning?

True jumped back at his sudden touch and the sheet slipped from her grasp and fell to her waist. Quickly she yanked it back up, but not before he saw her exquisite breasts. “I didn’t know you were awake.” She whispered. “I was trying to get my nightgown off the floor.”

Fully awake now, he sat up in bed. “Why are you trying to get your nightgown?”
Why was she trying to get rid of him? Did she not feel the same thing he did last night?
He cupped her chin in his hand and forced her to look at him. He wasn’t leaving this bed until she answered his question.

“I need to get dressed.” She brushed his hand off her chin and leaned over the edge of the bed again.

He ran a finger down her arm, and she shivered at the light touch.
“I thought we would spend the day in bed.” Hell, there was no reason for her to hurry up and get dress.
Whatever she wanted to do couldn’t compare to what he wanted right now. “Let’s stay in bed and I swear I’ll make it worth your while.”

She kissed him quickly on the lips: then eased out of the bed with her nightgown in her hand. “Baby, Saturday morning is my day to clean house and I’m already running late.”

couldn’t believe True blew off the spending the day in bed with him for damn dust bunnies. He jerked back from her like he had been slapped. He didn’t like the feelings of hurt, rising in him. “Are you saying I wasn’t good enough for you in bed, so you rather clean then be with me again?”

True laid her hands against his bare chest and shook her head. “Sweetheart, we made love most of the night, remember I’m not use to that. My body needs time to rest.”

“Was I too rough last night,” he asked quickly. He pressed her hands to his mouth and kissed each fingertip tenderly.
“It has been a while for me. Oh Baby, I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

Pressing two fingers against his lips, True eased his fears. “I’m fine. I simply need some time to adjust to all of this. I thought maybe we could practice again later on in the day?”

“Darling, I think you got all the practice you needed last night. You don’t need anymore,” he praised. They went through the four condoms he had in his wallet. He had started buying them again when he realized the attraction he had for her wasn’t going away.

She pressed closer to him and ran her fingers through his chest hair. “Are you sure there isn’t anything else you can show me later?”

“Well I did leave a few things out last night.” He confessed.

True didn’t miss the trace of arousal in
’s voice. If she didn’t get him out of her bed in the next two minutes, she would beg him for more than a kiss. “Can those few ideas keep you busy until later on?”

His fingers traced the side of her jaw. “I guess they will have to tie me over until later.”

a good boy and the time will fly by. I’ll be at your house before you know it.”
She tried to move away from him, but he wouldn’t let her go.

“Don’t I get a good morning kiss?”
asked. His fingers pulled at the cream colored sheet that concealed her full breast.

Easing her arms around his neck, True brushed her mouth over his for a quick wet kiss and pulled back. “Okay, there’s your kiss.”

narrowed his eyes. “I don’t call that
a good morning kiss
.” Flipping her over, he pulled her arms above her head and secured them with one of his hand. He placed his other hand under her chin, and opened her delicious mouth wider. Slipping his tongue into her mouth, he used the tip to graze the top of her teeth. Then he licked the sides to get reacquainted with her unique taste.

Little by little he coaxed her tongue back into his mouth until he sucked on the tip. After one, long, passionate kiss, he finally tore his mouth away.

“Now that’s a good morning kiss, Kitten.”

Throwing the covers off his body,
rolled out of the bed, leaving a dazed True on the bed behind him. Moving around the room, he picked up his scattered clothes off the room and pulled them on.
He knew the second True recovered from his kiss, because she wrapped the sheet around her body and started to watch him get dressed. Her hot gaze licked at his skin, making him want to rethink his decision to leave.

“You have a beautiful body.” True blurted out; then quickly covered mouth with her hands. “I’m sorry.
I know you don’t like compliments like that.” She whispered

replied, stopping by the edge of huge four-posted bed. He was startled by her continuing compliments on his looks.
Brooke never complimented him in that way during their marriage. Bending down he gave her a quick kiss, “I’ll see you later on today.” He moved away from the bed then walked out the door. He had to get out of there before he yanked her back into his arms.

* * * *

After pitching his keys on the tray by the front door,
hurried upstairs to his bedroom going to the closet he pulled out a sweater, shirt and pair of pants. He tossed them on the bed, and then made his way toward the shower. After getting undressed he stood underneath the spray and wished
was in here with him.

She felt so good in his arms last night. He lost count how many times he woke up just to watch her sleep, curled against him. Her sheets felt unbelievably smooth wrapped around their bodies. He had been totally into pleasing her last night. Every caress, nibble, and whispered endearment had been for her pleasure. He wanted her to cherish her first time with him. Later he would teach her how to please him with a certain touch or kiss.

Turning off the shower,
got out and went back into the bedroom and got redressed for the day. He wondered where
was this morning, as he left his bedroom. He didn’t see any sign of him when he came home and his brother was an early riser.
never stayed in the bed past
six o’clock
and it was already a little past
ten o’clock

Downstairs he checked the den, family room, and living room but was no sign of his brother.
I know he didn’t leave without telling me so where in the hell is he
, he thought.
stood in the middle of the living room and thought about it until an idea came to him.

“I bet I know where he is.” He spun around and headed back in that direction. Opening the door,
walked in and sat in front of his desk, and waited for
to get off the phone.

Hanging up the phone
grinned at him. “I guess True finally decided it was time for you to sleep over?”

“Yes she did and that’s all I’m going to say about it.” He answered, picking up a file off his desk. “Now, are you going to tell me what that phone call was about?”

* * * *

Later on in the day,
relaxed on the couch tossing a handful of raisins in her mouth, she pushed the play button on her answering machine and listened to her messages. The first two calls were hang ups, but the third call was from
. She had left her a short message saying that her flight arrived tomorrow morning at
eleven o’clock

Dropping the raisins back in the box, she jumped up from the couch in a panic. “I have so much to do. There’s no way I’m going to have everything ready by tomorrow.”
She raced into the kitchen and checked the refrigerator. It stared back at her without a single thing to fix for a party.
Pulling out a kitchen chair, she plopped down and started working on a grocery list, but halfway though it she thought of something.
Picking up the cordless phone next to her, she dialed
’s number.


, I need you, can you come over here?”

‘I’ll be right there.”

Five minutes later, she opened the front door and let
in. “I’m so glad that you could come over.”
She said, looking up at him.

yanked her into his arms as his mouth covered hers in a white-hot kiss while his warm fingers quickly worked their way under her shirt. Twisting her mouth away, she shoved at his chest. “I didn’t call you over here for foreplay or sex.” It amazed her that no matter what time it was, his body always exuded a sensual aura.

“So, you just wanted to see my handsome face?”
joked, closing the door behind him.

“I need to know what you and Clinton like to eat.” True turned away from him and walked towards the kitchen. She was totally oblivious to the look that passed over
’s face behind her.

“Why are you interested in my brother’s food choices?”
asked as he followed her into the kitchen.

True blew off
’s jealousy and sat back down at the table. “Calm down. My best friend
is coming for a visit and I want to throw her a small dinner party. But I can’t work on the menu until I know what you and your brother like to eat.”

muttered. He crossed the room and stood behind her glancing over her shoulder his eyes scanned the partial finished list.

True rested the back of her head on
’s chest enjoying the rich scent of his cologne.
Why did he always have this affect on her?
She needed to finish working on this list and all she wanted to do now was drag his sexy ass upstairs. Damn, one night of great sex and
has turned her into a

Shaking off her feelings, she moved her head and refocused her attention on the grocery list. “I thought about having a few appetizers first like: Crackers, cheese, fruit, and fried shrimp balls.” She rattled off remembering how much
loved shrimp.

“Well, you have to fix more than a few fried shrimp balls I love those things.”

True made a mental note of
’s suggestion. “Okay, one hurdle down. What should I fix for dinner?”

“I love seafood and so does Clint.” He answered. “Every time we go out to eat both of us always ordered some kind of fish.”

“I have a wonderful recipe for broiled trout, steamed potatoes and sweet butter rolls. It’s also one of
favorite meals too.”
Now she only had to remember where the cookbook was with that recipe in it.

She jumped when
pulled her out of the chair and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Baby I think we better go to the store so you can buy everything you need.” His warm breath caused her heart to flutter.

True swallowed hard; then moved away from
. She knew he was excepting something else when she called him over here. Nonetheless, she wanted a relationship that involved more than good sex.

“Okay, let me grab my purse and then we can go.” She eased away from him and hurried from the kitchen.

* * * *

drove them to the grocery store True rechecked the items on her list for tomorrow night. She wanted everything to run smoothly for her best friend.
shyness wasn’t apparent to most people, but she knew
would enjoy the party as long as she wasn’t forced to be the center of attention.

Inside Brown’s parking lot, she waited patiently for
to find a decent parking spot. This time of night the parking lot was packed with last minute shoppers and a spot near the front was impossible to find. She was glad when he finally found one at the end of the third row.

“Hurry up, let’s go before all the things I need are gone.” She reached for the door, but was stopped by an iron grip on her wrist. Her eyes flew down to
’s hand then back up to his face. “What’s the matter?”

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