Loving True (40 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Loving True
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Chapter Thirty-One


Two weeks later,
glared at True as she packed for her trip. Anger seeped from his body. “I still think I should go with you to
. I don’t see why you have to see that bastard by yourself in the courtroom.”

, I won’t be by myself at all.” True moved around him to grab a shirt from the closet. Rolling it, she placed it on the left side of her suitcase. “Stephen and
are going to be there with me during the trial. Plus nothing is going to happen to me while I’m there.”

“I still think I should go with you.” He countered.

you can’t go with me to
. You need to catch a flight out to
tomorrow to deal with the
’s problem. I still can’t believe they’re suing CCD. Didn’t the judge listen to your lawyers? They’re two con artists who burn down homes and get the insurance money.”

“Shit…I got so caught up in your problems I forgot all about that.” He growled. “Clint does need me there when he talks to the lawyers. My brother is an honest man. He wouldn’t set anyone up to take the fall or use any kind of cheap wiring in their house.”
studied her then ran his fingers through his hair. “But Clint would understand if I wanted to be with you instead.”

She couldn’t testify with him in the
courtroom .
Her stomach was doing somersaults as it was, so she couldn’t handle anymore-added stress. “I need to face
by myself to let him see what he did to me didn’t stop me from finding love.”

“I want…no crave to be there for that.”

is very cocky,” she stressed. “He would take one look at you and know how to push all your buttons.” Turning back around, she picked the suitcase up off the bed and placed it by the door. Her mother always told her that your life had of way of coming full circle and that day had arrived.

“Please don’t let him have the upper-hand.” She pleaded facing
“He’s still expecting me to be the shy withdrawn girl he used and threw away; not the woman I’ve became. I need to do this for myself.”

“Are you really sure about this?”


“Who is going to meet you at the airport?”

“Stephen is going to be there.”

“I need to leave or I’ll miss my plane.” She walked from
, picked her suitcase off the floor and then walked out the door ready to confront her past.

* * * *

The warm
sun beamed down from a clear blue sky. It was the perfect picture to stick on the back of a postcard. However,
didn’t have any reason to buy postcards. Visiting
Los Angeles
wasn’t a vacation. She was here on business.

The crisp smell of the sea enticed her to take a walk on the beach, but she refused to be diverted. Walking into the airport lobby, her steps slowed as she stopped Stephen talking to Michael. Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and prepared herself for the worst. Michael wasn’t the first person she wanted to see the second she stepped off the plane, but she could deal with him.

“Stephen, there you are.” She yelled. .

Stephen grinned at her as she approached him. “True, you look gorgeous.” He whispered kissing her on the cheek. “Being in love really has worked wonders for you.”

True peeked at Michael from the corner of her eye. She didn’t miss how he rolled his eyes at her. Hell, he was more of a pain in the ass than she remembered. “Hello Michael. It’s nice to see you again.” She said stepping back from Stephen.

“Nice to see you too,” Michael muttered under his breath. Hearing his plane being announced over the intercom Michael picked up his bags. “That’s my plane I have to go.”

“True, do you mind waiting here while I walk with Michael?” Stephen asked.

She shook her head. “No, I’ll be in the gift shop when you are ready to leave.” True turned and headed in the direction of the shop.
Placing her bags beside her True looked for the latest copy of Lucky Magazine. She left her copy lying on the nightstand in the bedroom.
Finding it she went to the cash register to buy it.

When she came out of the shop, Stephen was standing by the door, waiting for her. “Are you ready?” He asked taking the heavy suitcase from her.

“Sure, let’s go.”

Once he had pulled into LA traffic, Stephen started a conversation with her. “I’m shocked
didn’t come with you.”

True laughed at Stephen and how well he knew
. “Oh, he wanted to come but I told him not to. He has a lot going on with his business right now and needed to go back home for a few days. He made it a battle but I won in the end.”

Stephen glanced sideways at her. “Are you sure you not mad I can’t let you stay with me during the trial? I still feel bad telling you no.”

Why would she be upset with him? His place was being remodeled, so he was staying with his parents until the work was done. She loved his parents, but they were two people she didn’t want to spend the next three days with.

She touched his hand on the wheel. “I’m not upset at all. I don’t mind staying with
. We always have so much fun.”

“I’m glad you staying with
, but worried at the same time.” Stephen made a right turn onto the street that
lived on.

“What are you worried about?” True questioned.

“When the two of you get together there isn’t a department store safe in all of
North America
.” He teased.

“I wished I was here to shop instead of testifying.” True sighed. Now that she was here in
the thought of seeing
was getting to her. Could she go up there on the stand and stare down into those eyes of his. When they dated he would made her weak just with one long sweeping glances. Did he still have the ability to do that?

“Don’t even let you mind go there.” Stephen exclaimed. “
doesn’t have anymore control over you.
is the man in your life now. Remember that when you are in that courtroom.”


“Hey…that’s what friends are for.” Stephen sighed.
He shut off the engine. Looking over
shoulder, he saw
standing on her front porch waiting for them. “There’s the other gorgeous woman in my life now.” Stephen grinned.

True glanced at
through the car window and waved. “T
you for leaving work early and coming to meet me at the airport.” She opened the car door and got out.

“Hey, don’t I get my goodbye kiss.” Stephen complained as he got out of the car. Moving around to the car, he unlocked the trunk and carried her luggage to the front porch. “
, please keep her out of trouble.” Turning he placed a quick kiss on her cheek.

Making a fist, she punched him in the shoulder. “I don’t get into trouble.” Why she kept him as a friend, she would never know. “I thought you needed to be somewhere,” True said, shoving Stephen back toward his car. He was almost as bad as

Laughing Stephen walked back to his car got in then he waved at both of them before he drove off.

Groaning, True hugged
“Girl, I have missed you.” She whispered. Stepping back, she gave
a long look. “Let me get a look at you.”

The dark blue denim dress with wide belt highlighted
ebony skin to perfection. It made her more stunning. Her natural spiral curls were pulled back from her face with a clip, which enhanced the perfect bone structure that she was so jealous of. “You’re looking good girl.” She teased.

replied picking up her suitcase. “Let me show you to your room.”

* * * *

Once they were inside the house,
closed the front door behind them and took
down a long hallway to the very last door on the left.
Pushing open the door,
walked and sat the suitcase in the middle of the room.

The room was adorable with its purple and white accents. “What a charming room.”
The atmosphere in the space was so relaxing and inviting.
Maybe when she got back home, she might change one of
’s extra bedrooms like this. Lord knew he needed some help with those two extra rooms downstairs by the staircase. He didn’t know what to do with them, but now she did.

s, I knew you would like staying in this room.”
went across the room and got comfortable in a chair by an open window. “I’ll keep you company while you unpack.”

“Great, I want to discuss the trial with you.”
She picked the suitcase up off the floor and placed it on the bed.

“I don’t want you even thinking about talking about that trial on your first day here.”

“It was only one or two things.”


“Fine, I won’t bring it up for the rest of the night.” True muttered.

answered. “After you’re finished we can order something to eat.”

* * * *

An hour later two slices of pizza stared back at True from
kitchen table. “I couldn’t eat another bite.” She groaned; pushing her plate away.

“Well I can.”
grabbed one of the two slices and took a huge bite.

She gawked at her skinny friend. “I don’t know how you do it.”

“Do what?”
questioned, swallowing the bite of pizza in her mouth.

“Eat the way you do and still stay so in shape.”

“I run eight miles a day plus I teach second grade.”
answered, waving the pizza in her face. “You’re always on the move with the children. I also don’t indulge like this a lot only when you are around.”

True arched an eyebrow. “Are you saying I’m a bad influence on you?”

nodded at her while she munched on her pizza.
“Okay, I admit I can be pretty persuasive when I have to be.”

Tossing the half-eaten pizza on her plate,
wiped her mouth with a paper napkin and threw it on her plate. Rising her leg up in the kitchen chair, she rested her chin on it. “Okay, I want to know how things have been going with
. Is he still the dream boyfriend?”

“Do you think he’s going to propose?”

“I don’t know he had such a horrible first marriage he might be hesitant about getting married again.” True replied. Visions of her walking down the aisle wearing a white dress surfaced.

“Would you stay with him if he didn’t want to get married again?”

“I really haven’t thought about it honestly.” She admitted as she placed her empty paper plate on top of
. “We have only been dating for eight months.”

True stood up and glanced down at
. She couldn’t think about marrying
not right now. She still had to get up and go into that courtroom tomorrow and face the worst mistake of her life.
“I’m going to turn in early. I need the extra sleep.”

“Did I say something to upset you?”

“Of course not…I want some time to myself that’s all.” She couldn’t let
worry about her. Turning, she strolled from the kitchen keeping all her fears to herself. Tomorrow morning couldn’t get her fast enough for her.

Chapter Thirty-Two


“It’s going to be okay,”
said to True the next morning, whilst standing outside the courtroom.

hands shook so badly that she couldn’t hold the glass of water.
She sat it beside her on the bench that was inches from the courtroom doors. Why couldn’t she stop shaking? Was she sick?

Stephen felt the trembling coming from
body. Grabbing her cool hands in his warm ones, he placed a kiss on each one. “Your hands are so cold. Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

“Yes, I will be fine as soon as this is over. Then I can go back home.”
She removed her hands from Stephen’s and wiped them on the side of her skirt. Deep breathes. She could do this.
no longer controlled what she said or did.

The door in front of her opened. A court officer came out and stared at her.
“Ms. Williams, you are next.” He said; his voice was void of all emotion. He watched her with deadpan eyes as she prepared for the forthcoming ordeal.

Well it’s now or never, she thought. Standing up, True placed one foot in front of the other and walked through the wooden doors, with Stephen and
right behind her.

They sat down in the back while she made her way to the front of the courtroom. Taking the stand, True laid her hand on the bible and promised to tell the truth. After she had taken her seat, the prosecutor got up from his and made his way to her.

“Good Morning, Miss Williams.”

“Good Morning.” She replied.

“Sorry we had to drag you all these miles for this case, but we felt your testimony would be very helpful to us.”

“I’ll try my best.”

“The man you dated for about three years is he in the courtroom today?” The prosecutor asked.


“Is his name Dalton Alexander Blake?”

“Yes, it is.” True answered.

“Could you please tell the court why you and Mr. Blake are no longer a couple?”

only dated me to gather information from the company I was working for and after he stole it off my computer he dumped me.” True answered blocking out the painful memory.

“Please point him out to the court room.”

Turning her head slowly to the right, she looked at
sitting at the defense table looking as gorgeous as the first day she met him. Deep brown eyes were so dark they almost looked black. He stared back at her coldly.
Not one emotion showed on his face. She could have been a stranger, not a woman he once dated for months.

Lifting her finger and in a strong voice, she said, “That’s him sitting right over there, wearing the dark blue suit.”

bolted up out of the chair and shouted. “You bitch. I’ll get you for this!”
Unfazed by his outburst she stared at him. “It’s not my fault your past came back to haunt to
. Haven’t you ever heard of karma? What goes around comes around?”
She smirked as
’s lawyer pushed him back down in the chair and told him to shut up.

you Miss. Williams. I don’t have any more questions for you.” The prosecutor walked away from her and retook his seat.

’s lawyers didn’t even bother to question her after his little outburst and threat against her. Since the defense didn’t want to talk to her and wasn’t planning on calling her in the future, the judge told her she was free to leave and to back home.

Getting off the stand True practically ran to the back of the courtroom towards Stephen and
. She hugged Stephen first and then hugged
. “Can you believe that part of my life is finally over? I don’t have to think about
ever again. He’s going down for being a corporate trader.”

“Honey, I’m so proud of you.”
smiled, touching her arm. “I knew you could get up there and give
what he deserved.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you,
.” She replied. “You gave me the extra strength to go up there and stand up from myself.
You made me see I wasn’t the one to blame about Starr Technology.”

“You know I how much l love it when the bad guys are sent away.”

True looked over her shoulder at
. Now, she truly had let go of her past. He couldn’t do anything to her ever again. She frowned when she noticed a strange man staring at them seated behind
. The hatred on his face almost froze her heart. What was his problem? Why was he so interested in them? Her frown deepened when
turned and drew the dark-haired man’s attention.

“What about me?” Stephen pouted; drawing her attention away from the strange man.

“You did
too.” She whispered, dragging them both from the courtroom and the weird man.

* * * *

Outside on the sidewalk Stephen parted ways with them and headed back to his office. After he was gone, True voiced her fears about
’s threats. What if he was the one that had been threatening her? “Did you hear what
said to me? What if he keeps his promise to get me?”

Grabbing her by the elbow,
tugged her away from the courthouse. “Don’t pay any attention to him. With all the charges they have on him, along with your testimony,
isn’t going to be doing anything but spending a very long time in jail. Didn’t we have plans to go shopping after the trial?”
opened her purse and dug for her car keys.

“Yes, I believe we did.”

“Let’s walk to the car maybe I’ll find the keys when I get there.”

“Girl, the fresh air will feel good after being trapped in that cramp and stuffy court house.”

On the short walk to
car, they walked past an antique shop. True noticed a familiar looking statue in the window. “Wait,” she yelled at
, who kept walking.

“What has caught your eye now?”
asked, coming back to stand beside her in front of the stunning display of African artifacts. They had a variety in shape, size and pose. All of them looked handmade from the detail on the faces.

“Do you know what this is?” True asked, tapping her finger on the glass.

looked at the warrior statue shaking her head. “No, what is it?”

“This is the last statue to
’s collection.” She grinned as she continued to tap against the glass with her fingernail. “He has been searching for it about three years now. I have to buy it for him.”

“True, this place looks really expensive. Do you think you can afford it after the watch you brought him for Christmas?”

“I’ve got to at least check on the price. Maybe it’s cheaper than we think.”


* * * *

The bell above the door rung as True entered Wesley’s Antiques. A young man in his late twenties came from the back stumbling in his tracks when he saw two gorgeous African-American women standing in the middle of his shop. The shorter woman was stunning with her shoulder-length hair and big brown eyes.

“May I help you?”

“Are you the owner of this shop?”
True asked the young man.

“Yes, I’m the owner. Wesley Hayden.”

“I was wondering how much the warrior statue in the window was?”

Walking over to the statue, Wesley took it out of the window and turned it over. The statue hasn’t moved from the window in the last two years ago and he wanted it gone. “I’ll sell it to you for fifty dollars.” He knew it was worth three times that price, but the lady in front of him was the only customer who had shown interest in it.

“I’ll take it.” True beamed. Taking her checkbook out, she wrote the check for a little more than he asked for. Tearing it off, she handed it to Wesley.

“This is more than I asked for.”

“I know but I need you to do me a favor.” True stated. “If I give you a name and address, can you box it up and mailed it to the name for me? I don’t want to carry this back on the plane with me because it might get lost.”

“I can do that.” Wesley handed her a pen and paper.

True wrote down all of
’s information and handed the paper back to Wesley. She smiled at him one last time and then left the shop with
behind her. She couldn’t wait until she got home and
got his present from her.


* * * *

Two weeks after she got back home from testifying against
, True opened
’s bedroom door and found a rose petal trial leading down the hallway. A white note card was folded up toward her with
’s handwriting.


Follow the petals to your future.


Holding the card in her hand True followed the roses down the hall. Turning the corner, she saw they continued down the stairs and stopped at the closed living room door. She opened the door to find
bent down on one knee holding a ring box. Opening it he said, “True, will you make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?”

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