Loving True (42 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Loving True
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Tearing his mouth from hers, he trailed hot kisses over her collarbone, down to her high, perky full breasts. Her shapely beauty always sent a quick shudder through his body; he could feast on them for hours.
Capturing both her hands in one of his,
put them back above her head.
His hand lightly stroked her nipples. Her body jerked under the light touch. “How about I tease you the same as you did me?”
suggested, and his tongue explored the hard peak of one nipple.

True eyes shot draggers at him, “You wouldn’t do that to me,” she cried, pulling at his grip on her wrists.

“Watch me, beautiful,” his mouth closed around one hard nipple while his free hand played with the other one. Her body squirmed under his. Low moaning sounds poured from the back of her throat.
answered her with a growl of his own, “Baby, you taste so good,” he muttered around her nipple.

Passion pounded in his blood, it blocked out any other sounds in the room. His mouth slowly released
nipple, and he stole a quick glance at her as she lay beneath him. Her body heaving with every breath she took. Outlining the tips of her breasts with his forefinger, he bent his head and nibbled at her jaw, a faint trace of vanilla teased his nose.

Slowly he worked his hand down over her taut stomach, letting go of her wrists with his other hand; he parted her thighs with both hands. “Stop teasing me,” she said, Sweat poured from both of their bodies; the pungent scent drove him further.

dropped his head to
engorged nipple; he pulled the hardness between his lips and suck.
“Oh my God!”
She screamed, and he marveled at the low meowing sounds that erupted from her mouth. Her complete and unabashed desire for him overrode everything else.

His body hummed with the need to have her. His passion increased. He parted her thighs still wider with his hands, and thrust completely into her hot welcoming warmth.

The pleasure was explosive as waves of ecstasy passed through him. He heard
moans over the ringing in his ear, as her breath came in long shudders and her body shook with her orgasm.

Moments later,
found his release. With their bodies naked and moist from their lovemaking, he covered them with a light blanket.
looked down at True. She’s perfect for me. Everything I’ve ever wanted and more. His fingers brushed her damp hair away from her mouth;
head under his chin and they succumbed to the blissful sleep of lovers.

Chapter Thirty-Four


The next morning
felt the heavy sensation of butterfly kisses all over his chest and the tender brushes woke him up. He cracked one eye and found True sitting on the edge of the bed, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. “Good Morning, Handsome,” she whispered, kissing him on the mouth.
Placing the hot cup of coffee on the nightstand, she brushed a lock of hair off his forehead.

All the events of last night came back to him. God did I hurt her? Was that the reason she wasn’t in bed this morning?
rose up off the
The baby blue sheet fell unnoticed to his waist.
Reaching out he wrapped his hands around
upper arms and pulled her closer to him, his eyes searched the beauty of her face. “Are you all right, I didn’t hurt you?”

She shook her head slowly. “No, I’m fine," she assured him.
True leaned into him, and tilted her face toward his. “Why were you holding back all those other times?”

whispered, and rested his back against the headboard. He reached out and grabbed the cup of almond roast coffee off the nightstand. Taking a quick sip of the nutty coffee he placed it back.
“I never want to hurt you by being too rough.”

“I’m a lot tougher than I look,” she said poking him in the chest. Damn he needed to give a girl some credit. A little wild sex here and there wasn’t going to break her.

“Okay, I’ll remember that the next time I want to make love on my desk,” he winked.
placed the sheet more securely around his hip. From the corner of his eyes he noticed the Tiffany diamond sparkling in the sunlight. Tracing the engagement ring on her left hand, he muttered. “I thought I had dreamed you saying yes last night.” Bringing her hand to his mouth, he kissed the flawless diamond, but it would never compare to the jewel in front of him.

“No it wasn’t a dream and you are going to be struck with me for a very long time Mr. Campbell,” True replied. Her hand traced a pattern through his chest hair and that familiar desire he loved shot through his body. He would never grow tired of her fingers on his body. One touch from her was enough for all his problems to disappear.

Pulling her down to his chest, he kissed her on the lips. “Wonderful because that is what I want too.”
hair away from her neck and brushed his lips across her neck. His mouth felt a slightly cold to her skin. Leaning back, he noticed she was full dressed and her thick black hair was a little wind-blown.
“True, where have you been this morning?”

Biting her lip, True dropped her eyes before his steady gaze.
His stomach knotted up even before she answered, he already knew the answer without her saying a word.

Standing up, she moved quickly away from the four-poster black bed. His eyes never left her face for a moment. True took a deep breath and blurted it out. “I decided to go for a walk on the trail.” She replied, tossing her head back staring him directly at him. “I won’t stay locked up in this house forever.”

body flinched at the sound of shattering glass, as it bounced off the bedroom walls, Her eyes swung to the left.
’s forest green coffee mug laid on the floor in pieces across from his bed.
Hot almond roast coffee slid down the beige walls,

“Damn it, True why did you do that,”
’s voice demanded as he flung the covers off his body and jumped out of bed.
“You know I’m still concerned about the psycho who was calling you.” He stopped an inch from her face.

Taking a deep, unsteady breath, she stepped back from him. “Don’t you understand that jerk could still be out there,”

True was stunned by the anger in
’s voice, “Nothing has happened since I moved in here with you.”

She took an abrupt step toward him, “I got tired of being inside this house.” True said waving her finger under his nose. “So, I went for a walk on the trail like I’ve done everyday since I moved in months ago and I made it back safely.”

The grandfather clock ticked loudly over her right shoulder. The clicks sounded like small pops in the tension filled room, but she didn’t care. True had no intention of allowing
or anyone else to rule her life again.

He cupped her face in the palm of his hand, “Kitten, the thought of that bastard’s hands on your body makes me sick.” Looking into her eyes he continued. “I wouldn’t be able to hear your screams for help,” he explained. Crushing her to him,
kissed True on the forehead.

He kept True pressed against him, enjoying the match breath sounds that she made. He didn’t know how long they stayed like that until she brushed a gentle kiss at the side of his mouth and moved away.

“Where are you going?” He complained, watching her full hips sway toward the door.

“Downstairs,” True replied. “I need to finish the paperwork I got behind on while I was in
testifying at
’s trial.”

“I’ll be down there later on, after I clean up the coffee and get dressed.”
yelled as True went out the door.

* * * *

Thirty minutes later,
sat in his expensive leather chair behind his stained oak wood desk. He searched through several blueprints on the cluttered surface, searching for the information
called about.
didn’t know he had proposed to True and he couldn’t wait to tell him.

His eyes swung over to her and his heart caught in his throat. True sat at the mahogany desk he had brought for her. She was busy working on his color-coded files. He hated that system, yet from the moment he showed her how to work it, True enjoyed her job.
folded his arms and rested his elbows on the top of his desk.

He stared at the stunning woman who agreed to become his wife. How did I get so lucky?
How could so much love come in such a small package?
Hell, he didn’t care, as long as all of it was showered his way.
Smiling at her bent head,
removed his elbows off the desk, picked up a pencil and went back to work.


* * * *

six o’clock
reached for another colored file folder, her fingers brushed across an empty desktop instead. Damn. She raised her eyes and looked at
from across the room. His dark head was turned away from her; his fingers were wrapped around a pencil and he was writing something down on a yellow legal pad.

“Handsome, I ran out of colored file folders. Do you have anymore?’

Without looking up from his paperwork,
replied, “Go look inside my desk in the other room. I think there are some in the top drawer.”
He tore off the sheet of paper and added to the neat stack of papers by paperweight in front of him.

Pushing her chair back from the desk True went past
. Reaching out she touched him on the shoulder. “T
s,” she muttered.

Looking up from his paperwork
tossed his pen down on the desk and yanked her down into his lap. “Don’t I get more than a touch on the shoulder?” He questioned, as his mouth nibbled at the side of hers.

She gasped at the desire in his voice. Restlessly his fingers stroked the back of her neck. True pushed
’s wandering hands off her neck and stood up. ‘If you don’t stop, we won’t finish in time to have a late dinner,” she scolded.

His lust filled gaze clung to her, “Fine.” He grumbled, picking up the gold pen off his desk. She smirked at the small pout to his lips. “You can bet that I’ll finish what I started later,”
promised then refocused his attention on the yellow note pad.

Chapter Thirty-Five


True raced out the study’s door before
made another grab for her. The next time she might not be able to fight off his advances. Running to the closed-door, she opened it and walked in.
’s cologne filled her
its earthy scent reminded her of the forest after a heavy rainstorm. Okay, I can only stay in here a few minutes before I can no longer control my body.
She strolled over to the massive desk that took up most of the room. Pulling out the chair, she sat down at the desk and flicked on the lamp.

“Let me find one more folder.” She muttered shoving around several folders on top of
’s desk.

was wrong about the folder, because she had searched all over the desk and there wasn’t another colored folder in sight. “That’s it.
I give up,” she sighed, standing up. “There isn’t another folder in this office.”

True was about to move from behind the desk when she spotted the edge of a purple folder sticking out from a drawer at the left side of the desk.

“Yes!” True screamed. She pulled out the folder and her face fell, it has already been used.
’s very masculine handwriting stared back at her in big black letters.

Her hand started to shove it back in the desk until she saw her name written across it in. “I bet it’s the ideals for the wedding
brought up last night in bed.”
She glanced quickly at the closed door; she didn’t want
walking in of her. What if it was suppose to be a surprise?

True waved a hand over the closed folder. “Oh he won’t mind if I take a quick peek,” she mumbled, sitting back down in the comfortable leather chair.

With the flick of her wrist, her hand opened the purple file and Joe Rowan, owner of Rowan’s Private Investigator cream stationery letterhead stared back at her from the slip of paper, she held loosely in her hand.

“NO!” Her breath hissed.
loved her, he wouldn’t check into her past. Shaking her head in disbelief True held the paper in her hand and read the neatly typed print.




Buddy, it was great to hear from you again. How’s that spectacular
Of course, I didn’t mind at all checking into the background of Ms. True Williams. That’s what you pay me the big bucks for, isn’t it? Below is what I found out about her for you. It doesn’t seem like she would be a huge threat to your fortune. If you need to know anything else, let me know.


Until next time,



True Monica Williams was born
August 24, 1976
to Neil and Karen Williams in
Los Angeles
. Both Howard educated parents worked for a real estate firm a few blocks from their home and
was their only child. When True was eight years old, she was visiting her aunt on her father’s side in
, when her parents died in a plane crash due to pilot error. They were on a flight to
when the pilot lost control of the plane and it fell from the sky.
aunt adopted her and raised her for the next fifteen years. When True turned twenty-three she moved back home to
Los Angeles
and rebuilt her friendship with a classmate named Stephen Turner (I don’t know much about him but will find out more and let you know). She worked a variety of odd office jobs until she landed a good one at Starr Technology as an executive secretary.

A few months into the job she started dating a man who she helped steal valuable information from her boss. (Don’t know how factual this information is, but when I know for sure, I’ll let you know). Boss fired her from the job and blacklisted her from getting another job in the city as well as the surrounding area.
Since she couldn’t find a job in LA because of the allegations, she packed her belongings and moved to


Wiping the hot salty tears that poured down her face, True flung the report to the side.
knew everything about her the day he asked her on their first date. The heart she worked so hard to rebuild slowly broke. She felt it shatter into pieces. Every soft-spoken word, tender caress and loving look
shot her way was based on one big lie.

hands covered her mouth so
wouldn’t hear the crying and come in here. She wasn’t ready to face him yet. Her misery was like a steel weight in the middle of her chest. Her mind clouded with visions of the perfect future she dreamt about with

A loving home filled with children but none of it would happen now, because of his deceit. She swallowed hard, and closed the folder finally allowing the tears to rain down her cheeks. “God, what a fool I have been all these months,” True gasped, placing her hand over her chest.

The pain she felt was unbearable, it tore at her insides slowly stripping away any love she held for
. “Here I thought I was opening up to the man I loved and in reality….” She sobbed. “I was being used from the beginning.”

She gasped for breath in the now suddenly chilly room. Standing up, she snatched the file off the desk then hurried out the door and headed upstairs to pack her bags. “I won’t spend another minute in this house with him.” True choked out over the hot tears pouring down her face. Her tennis shoe covered feet didn’t make a sound as she raced up the stairs toward the bedroom.

Flinging open the bedroom door, it banged against the wall, but she didn’t care.
eyes landed on the rumpled bed, she remembered all the wonderful times spent there with
and none of it had been real. He used her as a plaything to scratch an itch. “Why didn’t I stay away from him?” She stiffened and pitched the file on the dresser.

Gathering her courage, True yanked her suitcase from his closet and tossed it on the bed. She wiped the stinging tears from her eyes. “I won’t give him another chance after this,” she cried. This is one thing that she could never forgive him for, he had her investigated like a criminal and never mentioned it.

True raced over to the closet and her hands jerked clothes off the hangers. She stifled another scream. She shoved her clothing into the open suitcase, pain replaced the anger. “Shit, why did he have to lie to me?”

A choked, pitiful laugh erupted from her throat. “What’s so sad is if he had been honest with me months ago I would have forgiven him,” she said in a low voice. The tears wouldn’t
her face was soaked with them. She felt like she was crying a river of tears and nothing would ever stop their flow. Her throat was raw from resisting the urge not to scream. The searing pain in her heart raged on unabated solely due to
’s duplicity.

Her eyes swung over to the source of her torment, the purple file taunted her from across the room. It lay on the dresser where she first tossed it. As much as she tried, she wouldn’t stop staring at it. “Stop looking at it and finish packing before
comes looking for you.”

Running back to the bathroom she gathered the rest of belongings shoving them into her suitcase. Some of the items landed in the suitcase, but most of them fell on the floor next to the bed.
She snapped the lid closed and locked it, but she couldn’t stop the devastation from taking control of her body.
“God, why
True screamed falling to the floor.

She lay curled up on the floor as this new anguish ripped at her heart.
Her shouts echoed out the open door into the hallway and down to the study where
was waiting for her to come back.


* * * *

’s head snapped up at the sound of
screams coming from upstairs, “What the hell?” He muttered tossing the pen down on the desk. “True, baby I’m coming.” He jumped up from the desk, his footsteps thundered down the hallway as he raced up the stairs to his bedroom.
A sensation of intense fear swept over him, “Please God, don’t let anything happen to her,” his anguish voice begged.

She was lifting her body up off the floor when he burst through the door, he noticed her clothes were thrown all over the room, “Kitten, what happened,” he asked.

His hands reached for her but she sprang back from his, “Don’t you dare touch me you bastard,” True screamed at him.

He flinched at the hate in her voice. He didn’t understand what was wrong. Why was she upstairs instead of downstairs looking for a folder? How did her clothes get all over the room like this?

“Kitten, what in the world is the matter with you,”
asked in a softer voice, he tried pulling her in his arms again, but she moved further out of his reach.

Swallowing the sob that rose in her throat, she looked up at him, “Did you not hear what I said?” True slapped his hands away. “I don’t want your hands near me.”

He was worried about the sudden change in her. This wasn’t the loving woman who had left him a half-hour ago. “Please tell me what the problem is so I can fix it,” he pleaded with her.

True stormed over to the file lying on the dresser and clutched it between her hands.
Walking back over to him, she flung it against his chest. “This is what the problem is Mr. Campbell.” True walked around him and snatched her suitcase off their bed.

felt a sudden chill go down his spine. He closed his eyes then opened them then looked down at the contents of the folder scattered around his feet. “Shit!” He tried to grab
by the arm but she slapped his hand away.

Letting go of the suitcase she spun around to face him. He noticed her eyes were dark with pain. “Aren’t you going to say anything about it?” True snapped.

“You aren’t going to leave me over that damn report.”
He uttered. “I know you’re hurt right now, but we can work this out.”
took a step closer to her and True narrowed her eyes at him.

“Why, because I’ve this ring on my finger?”
True raised her hand and slipped the ring from it, she dropped it to the floor on top of the report.

“Don’t do that,”
pleaded with her, and she enjoyed the devastation in his voice.

True shook her head. “No, baby I don’t want you to think I’m after your billion dollar fortune.”

stood in shock as his world crumbled down around his feet. True wouldn’t listen to him, but he would help her calm down, then she would listen to him. This isn’t the first time they had a fight and it wouldn’t be the last. “Listen Kitten, I can explain about the report, if you calm down and let me.” He slowly tried to close the distance between their bodies.

“No!” True yelled darting away from him. “I have listened to lie after lie from you. I’m done with you and your gifts.” She reached up and jerked off the initial necklace he gave her. “Take this thing back and give it to the next woman dumb enough to fall for your distortion of the truth.” She flung it at him and watched it land in the middle of his chest.

His eyes clouded with tears, at the little tremble in her voice. How could I do this to her after I found out about the pain she went through with
’s stomach knotted as he watched True snatched her suitcase up by the handle and raced toward the door. What in the hell was he doing? He couldn’t let her leave him.

Coming out of his daze, he caught her before she left the room. Wrapping his arms around her, he hugged her to his body. “I won’t let you leave me,” he choked out.
The fresh scent of her hair tickled his nose, even when she was pissed at him, True was still the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen.

She struggled in his arms. “Let me go you bastard. You have been lying to me for months and you think I’m going to stay with you.”

Her small fingers yanked at his tight grip, but he wasn’t about to let her go. “I know baby please let me explain about the investigation.” He breathed by her earlobe. True stopped fighting him and relaxed against his body.

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