Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
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of my bones and flesh of my flesh.’8
mother also sent down her spirit which
Therefore the man will leave his father
is in her likeness and a copy of those who
and his mother and he will cleave to his
are in the pleroma, for she will prepare a
wife and they will both be one flesh. For
dwelling place for the aeons which will
they will send him his consort, and he
come down. And he made them drink
will leave his father and his mother.
water of forgetfulness, from the chief ar
“And our sister Sophia (is) she who
chon, in order that they might not know
came down in innocence in order to recfrom where they came. Thus the seed tify her deficiency. Therefore she was
remained for a while assisting (him) in
called Life, which is the mother of the
order that, when the Spirit comes forth
living, by the foreknowledge of the sovfrom the holy aeons, he may raise up and ereignty of heaven and [ ] to him [ ]. And
heal him from the deficiency, that the
through her they have tasted the perfect
whole pleroma may (again) become holy
Knowledge. I appeared in the form of an
and faultless.”
eagle on the tree of knowledge, which is
And I said to the savior, “Lord, will all
the Epinoia from the foreknowledge of
the souls then be brought safely into the
the pure light, that I might teach them
and awaken them out of the depth of
sleep. For they were both in a fallen state
and they recognized their nakedness. The
7Gen 2:21–22. 8Gen 2:23.
pure light?” He answered and said to me,
ible one, it is saved and it is taken up to
“Great things have arisen in your mind,
the rest of the aeons.”
for it is difficult to explain them to others
And I said, “Lord, those, however, who
except to those who are from the immovhave not known to whom they belong, able race. Those on whom the Spirit of
where will their souls be?” And he said
life will descend and (with whom) he will
to me, “In those the despicable spirit has
be with the power, they will be saved and
gained strength when they went astray.
become perfect and be worthy of the
And he burdens the soul and draws it to
greatness and be purified in that place
the works of evil, and he casts it down
from all wickedness and the involveinto forgetfulness. And after it comes out ments in evil. Then they have no other
of (the body), it is handed over to the
care than the incorruption alone, to which
authorities, who came into being through
they direct their attention from here on,
the archon, and they bind it with chains
without anger or envy or jealousy or deand cast it into prison and consort with sire and greed of anything. They are not
it until it is liberated from the forgetfulaffected by anything except the state of ness and acquires knowledge. And if thus
being in the flesh alone; which they bear
it becomes perfect, it is saved.” . . .
while looking expectantly for the time
when they will be met by the receivers
And I said, “Lord, these also who did not
(of the body). Such then are worthy of
know but have turned away, where will
the imperishable, eternal life and the calltheir souls go?” Then he said to me, “To ing. For they endure everything and bear
that place where the angels of poverty go
up under everything, that they may finish
they will be taken, the place where there
the good fight and inherit eternal life.”
is no repentance. And they will be kept for
I said to him, “Lord, the souls of those
the day on which those who have blaswho did not do these works, (but) on phemed the spirit will be tortured, and
whom the power and Spirit descended,
they will be punished with eternal pun-
will they be rejected?” He answered and
ishment. . . . And behold, now I shall go
said to me, “If the Spirit descended upon
up to the perfect aeon. I have completed
them, they will in any case be saved and
everything for you in your hearing. And
they will change (for the better). For the
I have said everything to you that you
power will descend on every one, for
might write them down and give them sewithout it no one can stand. And after cretly to your fellow spirits, for this is the
they are born, then, when the Spirit of
mystery of the immovable race.”
life increases and the power comes and
And the savior presented these things
strengthens that soul, no one can lead it
to him that he might write them down
astray with works of evil. But those on
and keep them secure. And he said to
whom the counterfeit spirit descends are
him, “Cursed be everyone who will
drawn by him and they go astray.”
exchange these things for a gift or for
And I said, “Lord, where will the souls
food or for drink or for clothing or for
of these go when they have come out of
any other such thing.” And these things
their flesh?” And he smiled and said to
were presented to him in a mystery, and
me, “The soul, in which the power will
immediately he disappeared from him.
become stronger than the counterfeit
And he went to his fellow disciples and
spirit, is strong and it flees from evil and,
related to them what the savior had told
through the intervention of the incorrupthim.
On the Origin of the World
This tractate, which was discovered for the first time as part of the Nag Hammadi Library (see p. 9), is not provided with a title in its manuscript.
Modern scholars have called it “On the Origin of the World” simply as a summation of its contents. The unknown author appears to be writing for outsiders, and is concerned to provide in involved and intricate detail a Gnostic view of how the world came into being. Many important aspects of Gnostic mythology are covered here: the existence of the divine pleroma before all things, the emergence of Yaldabaoth the creator God, his generation of other divine beings, the creation of the material world, and the formation of the human race. As with other Gnostic myths, “On the Origin of the World” is largely based on an imaginative exposition of the opening chapters of Genesis, in which a number of the gaps of the narrative (including the events that transpired before Gen 1:1) are filled in.
In many ways the mythological exposition here is similar to what can be found in other important treatises of the Nag Hammadi Library; but as a comparison with the Secret Book of John shows, there are key differences as well. Gnostic Christians did not have a single myth at the root of their religion, but a number of different ways of explaining the existence of the world and the place of humans within it.
Scholars debate the dating of the work; possibly it was written near the end of the third century. The following excerpt gives approximately two-thirds of the treatise, from its beginning through the creation of Adam.
Seeing that everybody, gods of the world
with the origin of chaos, nor with its root.
and humankind, says that nothing existed
Here is the demonstration. How well it
prior to chaos, I in distinction to them
suits all people, on the subject of chaos,
shall demonstrate that they are all mis-
to say that it is a kind of darkness! But
taken, because they are not acquainted
in fact it comes from a shadow, which
Translation by Hans-Gebhard Bethge, Bentley Layton, Societas Coptica Hierosolymitana in James Robinson,
3rd ed. (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1988) 172–81; used with permission.
has been called by the name darkness.
their worlds has been apparent. Now as
And the shadow comes from a product
for that jealousy, it was found to be an
that has existed since the beginning. It is,
abortion without any spirit in it. Like a
moreover, clear that it (viz., the product)
shadow it came into existence in a vast
existed before chaos came into being, and
watery substance. Then the bile that had
that the latter is posterior to the first
come into being out of the shadow was
thrown into a part of chaos. Since that
Let us therefore concern ourselves
day, a watery substance has been apparwith the facts of the matter; and furtherent. And what sank within it flowed away, more, with the first product, from which
being visible in chaos: as with a woman
chaos was projected. And in this way the
giving birth to a child—all her superflutruth will be clearly demonstrated.
ities flow out; just so, matter came into
After the natural structure of the imbeing out of shadow and was projected mortal beings had completely developed
apart. And it (viz., matter) did not depart
out of the infinite, a likeness then emafrom chaos; rather, matter was in chaos, nated from Pistis (Faith); it is called Sobeing in a part of it.
phia (Wisdom). It exercised volition and
And when these things had come to
became a product resembling the primepass, then Pistis came and appeared over val light. And immediately her will manthe matter of chaos, which had been exifested itself as a likeness of heaven, pelled like an aborted fetus—since there
having an unimaginable magnitude; it
was no spirit in it. For all of it (viz.,
was between the immortal beings and
chaos) was limitless darkness and botthose things that came into being after tomless water. Now when Pistis saw what
them, like . . . : she (Sophia) functioned
had resulted from her defect, she became
as a veil dividing mankind from the
disturbed. And the disturbance appeared,
things above.
as a fearful product; it rushed [to] her in
Now the eternal realm (aeon) of truth
the chaos. She turned to it and [blew]
has no shadow outside it, for the limitless
into its face in the abyss, which is below
light is everywhere within it. But its exall the heavens.
terior is shadow, which has been called
And when Pistis Sophia desired to
by the name darkness. From it there apcause the thing that had no spirit to be peared a force, presiding over the darkformed into a likeness and to rule over ness. And the forces that came into being
matter and over all her forces, there apsubsequent to them called the shadow peared for the first time a ruler, out of the
“the limitless chaos.” From it, every
waters, lionlike in appearance, androgy[kind] of divinity sprouted up . . . tonous, having great authority within him
gether with the entire place, [so that] also,
and ignorant of whence he had come into
[shadow] is posterior to the first product.
being. Now when Pistis Sophia saw him
It was �in� the abyss that [it] (shadow)
moving about in the depth of the waters
appeared, deriving from the aforemenshe said to him, “Child, pass through to tioned Pistis.
here,” whose equivalent is “
Then shadow perceived that there was
Since that day there appeared the prinsomething mightier than it, and felt envy; ciple of verbal expression, which reached
and when it had become pregnant of its
the gods and the angels and mankind.
own accord, suddenly it engendered jeal
And what came into being as a result of
ousy. Since that day, the principle of jealverbal expression, the gods and the anousy amongst all the eternal realms and gels and mankind finished. Now as for
the ruler Yaltabaoth, he is ignorant of the
Adonaios: his feminine name is
force of Pistis: he did not see her face,
rather he saw in the water the likeness
Eloaios: his feminine name is
that spoke with him. And because of that
voice, he called himself Yaldabaoth. But
Oraios: his feminine name is
Ariael is what the perfect call him, for
he was like a lion. Now when he had
And Astaphaios: his feminine name
come to have authority over matter, Pistis
is Sophia (Wisdom).
Sophia withdrew up to her light.
These are the [seven] forces of the
When the ruler saw his magnitude—
seven heavens of [chaos]. And they were
and it was only himself that he saw: he
born androgynous, consistent with the