Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament (76 page)

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Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman

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BOOK: Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament
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In its present form, the Apocalypse of Paul dates from the end of the fourth century, but it contains materials that were composed earlier, as they are alluded to by the proto-orthodox church father Origen in the early third century. The book became quite popular in Western Christianity, and was responsible for propagating many of the wide-spread notions of heaven and hell that have come down even till today.

The excerpts here are often thought to be among the older portions of the book.

In the consulship of Theodosius Augus-

should publish what he found, but he

tus the Younger and Cynegius, a certain

thought that these things were dreams.

nobleman was then living in Tarsus, in

the house which was that of Saint Paul;

But the angel coming for the third


an angel appeared in the night and re-

time beat him and forced him to

vealed it to him, saying that he should

open the foundation. And digging he

open the foundations of the house and

found a marble box, inscribed on the

Translation by J. K. Elliott,
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993) 620; 624–27; 629; 631; 633–35; used with permission.




sides; there was the revelation of Saint

the body, they immediately kissed as if it

Paul, and his shoes in which he walked

were familiar to them, saying to it, “Be

teaching the word of God. But he feared

of good courage, for you have done the

to open that box and brought it to the

will of God while placed on earth.” And

judge; when he had received it, the judge,

there came to meet it the angel who

because it was sealed with lead, sent it to

watched it every day, and said to it, “Be

the emperor Theodosius, fearing lest it

of good courage, soul; I rejoice in you,

might be something else; when the embecause you have done the will of God peror had received it he opened it, and

on earth; for I related to God all your

found the revelation of Saint Paul, a copy

works just as they were.” Similarly also

of which he sent to Jerusalem, and rethe spirit proceeded to meet it and said, tained the original himself.

“Soul, fear not, nor be disturbed, until

you come to a place which you have

3 While I was in the body in which never known, but I will be a helper to I was snatched up to the third

you: for I found in you a place of refreshheaven, . . .

ment in the time when I dwelt in you,

while I was on earth.” And his spirit

And I said to the angel, “I wish


strengthened it, and his angel received it,

to see the souls of the just and

and led it into heaven; and an angel said,

of sinners, and to see in what manner

“Where are you running to, O soul, and

they go out of the body.” And the angel

do you dare to enter heaven? Wait and

answered and said to me, “Look again

let us see if there is anything of ours in

upon the earth.” And I looked and saw

you; and behold we find nothing in you.

all the world, and people were as naught

I see also your divine helper and angel,

and growing weak; and I looked carefully

and the spirit is rejoicing along with you,

and saw a certain man about to die, and

because you have done the will of God

the angel said to me, “This one whom

on earth.” And they led it along till it

you see is a just man.” And I looked again

should worship in the sight of God. And

and saw all his works, whatever he had

when it had ceased, immediately Michael

done for the sake of God’s name, and all

and all the army of angels, with one

his desires, both what he remembered,

voice, adored the footstool of his feet and

and what he did not remember; they all

his doors, saying at the same time to the

stood in his sight in the hour of need; and

soul, “This is your God of all things, who

I saw the just man advance and find remade you in his own image and likeness.”

freshment and confidence, and before he

Moreover, the angel ran on ahead and

went out of the world the holy and the

pointed him out, saying, “God, remember

impious angels both attended; and I saw

his labors; for this is the soul, whose

them all, but the impious found no place

works I related to you, acting according

of habitation in him, but the holy angels

to your judgment.” And the spirit said

took possession of his soul, guiding it till

likewise, “I am the spirit of vivification

it went out of the body; and they roused

inspiring it; for I had refreshment in it,

the soul saying, “Soul, know the body

in the time when I dwelt in it, acting

you leave, for it is necessary that you

according to your judgment.” And there

should return to the same body on the

came the voice of God and said, “In as

day of the resurrection, that you may

much as this man did not grieve me,

receive the things promised to all the

neither will I grieve him; as he had pity,

just.” Receiving therefore the soul from

I also will have pity. Let it therefore be



handed over to Michael, the angel of the

And when they had led it forth


Covenant, and let him lead it into the

the guardian angel preceded it,

Paradise of joy, that it may become coheir

and said to it, “O wretched soul, I am the

with all the saints.” And after these things

angel belonging to you, relating daily to

I heard the voices of a thousand thousand

the Lord your evil works, whatever you

angels and archangels and cherubim and

did by night or day; and if it were in my

twenty-four elders, saying hymns and

power, not for one day would I minister

glorifying the Lord and crying, “You are

to you, but none of these things was I

just, O Lord, and just are your judgments,

able to do: the judge is full of pity and

and there is no respect of persons with

just, and he himself commanded us that

you, but you reward every one according

we should not cease to minister to the

to your judgment.” And the angel ansoul till you should repent, but you have swered and said to me, “Have you belost the time of repentance. I have believed and known that whatever each one come a stranger to you and you to me.

of you has done he sees in the hour of

Let us go on then to the just judge; I will

need?” And I said, “Yes, sir.”

not dismiss you before I know from today

I am to be a stranger to you.” And the

And he said to me, “Look again


spirit afflicted it, and the angel troubled

down on the earth, and watch

it. When they had arrived at the powers,

the soul of an impious man going out of

when it started to enter heaven, a burden

the body, which grieved the Lord day and

was imposed upon it, above all other burnight, saying, “I know nothing else in den: error and oblivion and murmuring

this world, I eat and drink, and enjoy

met it, and the spirit of fornication, and

what is in the world; for who is there

the rest of the powers, and said to it,

who has descended into hell and, ascend

“Where are you going, wretched soul,

ing, has declared to us that there is judgand do you dare to rush into heaven?

ment there!’ ” And again I looked care

Hold, that we may see if we have our

fully, and saw all the scorn of the sinner,

qualities in you, since we do not see that

and all that he did, and they stood toyou have a holy helper.” And after that I gether before him in the hour of need;

heard voices in the height of heaven sayand it was done to him in that hour, when ing, “Present that wretched soul to God,

he was led out of his body at the judgso it may know that it is God whom it ment, and he said, “It were better for me

despised.” When, therefore, it had entered

if I had not been born.” And after these

heaven all the angels saw it; a thousand

things, there came at the same time the

thousand exclaimed with one voice, all

holy angels and the evil angels, and the

saying, “Woe to you, wretched soul, for

soul of the sinner saw both and the holy

the sake of your works which you did on

angels did not find a place in it. Moreover

earth; what answer are you about to give

the evil angels cursed it; and when they

to God when you have approached to

had drawn it out of the body the angels

adore him?” The angel who was with it

admonished it a third time, saying, “O

answered and said, “Weep with me, my

wretched soul, look upon your flesh from

beloved, for I have not found rest in this

which you have come out; for it is necsoul.” And the angels answered him and essary that you should return to your

said, “Let such a soul be taken away from

flesh in the day of resurrection, that you

our midst, for from the time it entered

may receive what is the due for your sins

the stink of it crosses to us angels.” And

and your impieties.”

after these things it was presented, that it



might worship in the sight of God, and

angels as have no mercy, and because you

an angel of God showed it God who

did no right, so neither did they act commade it after his own image and likeness.

passionately with you in your hour of

Moreover its angel ran before it saying,

need. Confess your sins which you com

“Lord God Almighty, I am the angel of

mitted when placed in the world.” And it

this soul, whose works I presented to you

answered and said, “Lord, I did not sin.”

day and night, not acting in accordance

And the Lord, the just Lord, was angered

with your judgment. And the spirit likein fury when it said, “I did not sin,” bewise said, “I am the spirit who dwelt in cause it lied; and God said, “Do you think

it from the time it was made; in itself I

you are still in the world where any one

know it, and it has not followed my will;

of you, sinning, may conceal and hide his

judge it, Lord, according to your judgsin from his neighbor? Here nothing ment.” And there came the voice of God

whatever shall be hidden, for when the

to it and said, “Where is your fruit which

souls come to worship in sight of the

you have made worthy of the goods

throne both the good works and the sins

which you have received? Have I put a

of each one are made manifest.” And

distance of one day between you and the

hearing these things the soul was silent,

just person? Did I not make the sun to

having no answer. And I heard the Lord

arise upon you as upon the just?” But the

God, the just judge, again saying, “Come,

soul was silent, having nothing to answer,

angel of this soul, and stand in the midst.”

and again there came a voice saying,

And the angel of the sinful soul came,

“Just is the judgment of God, and there

having in his hands a document, and said,

is no respect of persons with God, for

“These, Lord, in my hands, are all the

whoever shall have done mercy, on him

sins of this soul from its youth till today,

shall have mercy, and whoever shall not

from the tenth year of its birth; and if you

have been merciful, neither shall God

command, Lord, I will also relate its acts

pity him. Let it therefore be handed over

from the beginning of its fifteenth year.”

to the angel Tartaruchus, who is set over

And the Lord God, the just judge, said, “I

the punishments, and let him cast it into

say to you, angel, I do not expect of you

outer darkness, where there is weeping

an account of it since it began to be fifand gnashing of teeth, and let it be there teen years old, but state its sins for five

till the great day of judgment.” And after

years before it died and before it came

these things I heard the voice of angels

hither.” And again God, the just judge,

and archangels saying, “You are just,

said, “For by myself I swear, and by my

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