Liquid Fire (5 page)

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Authors: Matt Stuart

BOOK: Liquid Fire
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Chapter 9 –
It was the Wednesday the week after the game and I was up on top of my world over looking Brisbane city. Because it was Wednesday it meant rock climbing, and then tomorrow was abseiling. I thought it was kind of stupid that the council wouldn’t allow us to run both activities in the same area. Regardless I was taking a group of kids from Hawthorne High rock climbing.

I was in m
y white tank top, black shorts and grey cross trainers, my typical rock climbing attire. There were Ray Bands covering my eyes, and I wore my black gloves, perfect for helping grip the rock faces.

As was my ritual, I always gave myself half an hour before the lesson was due to start in order to warm up. My partner Sarah was there also in a similar outfit, but on the ground, using her weight to make sure I didn’t fall to my death.
The most of her I could see was her long dark hair that was wrapped around her head. I was already three quarters of the way up the thirty meter cliff and left much better climbing without a harness on. But I knew the risks, and if I was seen up here with no harness I’d probably lose my instructors license and get fined pretty heavily.

I touched the flag at the top of the wall, since Sarah and I had been doing time trials.

“One minute fifteen!” shouted Sarah from below me.

I let out a huge puff of air and let go out of the wall. “Not bad!” I called back.

“Not bad? You smashed my record! Get down here, I want to go,” Sarah complained.

I leant back and repelled off the wall, Sarah doing her work on the ropes
. Within a few seconds my feet hit the solid ground so I could begin removing my harness, passing it to Sarah.

do you reckon we’ll get today?” she asked me in relation to the kids that would turn up.

A few good ones I think. Hopefully we get one of my seniors or two and they’re all great.”

“Anyone good looking ones?” winked Sarah. She was the biggest cougar I knew.

I felt a little fire in my chest, thinking about Sam. Then again there was Bret, he was pretty good looking, but focused all the time on his football. I knew Casey would never leave the chess board alone.  Sam was already pretty much at my level; I could see how well he climbed the few times he’d been here with Kate.

Sarah went up the wall almost as fast as I did,
and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the stopwatch hit a minute twenty. I called out the time to her, and she didn’t look happy on the way down. Sarah only had time to pull off the harness before today’s class arrived.

As protocol dictated
we had to take the class through all of the health and safety procedures. Boring stuff, yet I pressed through them at a million miles an hour. I was slowly beginning to lose them when finally I announced it was time to get on the ropes. Most of the class was made up of juniors, however today I saw several seniors, mostly girls but among them standing out like a beacon was Bret. Typically he was looking like your everyday high school stud while he cheerfully strapped the girls around him into their harnesses. One of the blondes turned towards me and I could see her harness around her breasts. Bret slapped her on the ass and she jumped, giggling.

“Bret Jones, what the hell do you think you are
doing!” I called out. “Get over here.”

, Ms Rain?” he said slowly, clearing noticing my name badge. Everyone outside of school called me Alexis but Bret was just being a smart ass.

“What were you doing?” I repeated.

“Strapping them into their harnesses. Why?” he asked seeming to be genuinely stupid.

“Are you aware that you’ve violated at least one point of workplace health and safety as well as sexual harassment,” I said bluntly.

“You wouldn’t be calling it sexual harassment if I came over to you and did it,” replied Bret.

He’d hit a big nerve and I almost ran over at him to slap him across his incredibly sexy face.
Had he not been second place in the best looking award things might have been a bit different. I found his arrogant smirk extremely distracting.

“Just do it properly,” I growled dismissing him.

Sarah came up beside me, clearing checking out Bret. “Well damn, if Alexis Rain hasn’t gotten hot over one of her students before. I’m going to get me a piece of that fine ass before any of the other sluts get all over it and ruin it.”

“He’s only
eighteen,” I sighed.

“So what’s the big deal? I was going out with a twenty year old when I was his age. Besides you’re the one that started this whole thing.” Sarah walked off over to Bret without another word.

“You’ll regret it!” I called after her.

I’d always thought of Bret as the dark side to Sam, and I now realized what role Sam played in their group. He had always been the anchor, keeping them in line with one another. Now with their balance out of hand, I had a feeling there would be many more episodes like this for a while.
I cast aside my thoughts and went back to work helping the younger students get ready.


The rest of the climbing session went rather well; I’d kept a rather close eye on Bret. Surprisingly, he had a couple of quick words with Sarah, and from what I saw, she seemed to be enjoying herself with him. Bret quickly learned and was the first to progress from the blue run to the green. It was typical that I had to pair with him since Sarah stayed on the blue run.

, Ms Rain,” said Bret as he came over to me, like nothing had happened before.

, Bret, are you ready?” I replied passively.

“Ready for what?
To climb this black run in record time or to strap your harness on you my way?” he winked.

What a rude asshole. Luckily
, I had good self control otherwise my jaw would have hit the ground. “You want to climb the black run? Alright, let’s do it then.”

I set Bret up at the black run station and I felt his eyes on me the whole time, like some sort of crazed
but calm predator ready to eat me. Once I had tightened the straps more than necessary I sent Bret on his way.

“Time to beat is a minute fifteen,” I said cheerfully
, knowing he wouldn’t be able to beat me in the thirty meter ascent to the top. “You’ve got to touch the flag at the top.”

“Ha, this’ll be easy,” he gloated looking up the wall at the tiny flag that could just be seen.

Bret started out strong, as everyone did. The black run was dangerous because the rock face was bare. Both the blue and green runs had clear laid out routes with climbing holds on them, but the black run had none. It was also one of the roughest parts on the cliffs. Regardless Bret still leapt up the face like he was born to do it. His long frame helped him out, and his football had clearly kept him light on his feet.

For a tall guy he was quick
in finding the tiny cracks and crevices, and I thought for sure he’d beat my record. He was less than a meter away when he reached the forty five second mark. My heart was in my throat; I couldn’t believe how quickly he had scaled the black run. At the last second Bret slipped, forcing me to hold him in place thanks to the belay. He spun around in circles out of control thanks to his rookie mistake. He’d reached for the flag far too early instead of moving up level with it, making sure his footing was secure.

“Fuck!” I heard him yell as he hit the wall with his shoulder.

“Looks like it’s not so easy after all!” I called back to him with a huge grin on my face. 

Chapter 10 – Alexis

The sight of Bret stuck at the top of the rock face still made me laugh on the inside, each time I saw him. Aside from that, Thursday passed slowly, and I found my heart beating faster as Friday drew near. I hadn’t seen Sam since the hospital visit. He’d undergone tests and what not to make sure he was ok. So far he was mostly in the clear, but suspended from sport for at least six weeks.

With head injuries
it was always difficult to tell, and I knew I wouldn’t be slamming him around anywhere for a little while.

Today was rumored to be Sam’s first day back. I knew the rumor was true as we often exchanged messages
when either of us was bored or when I wasn’t teaching. I was scrolling through our previous messages on my lunch break just before senior English. Sam told me how much he was missing me, and I told him I couldn’t wait to see him again. By the time I’d reached the end of the text conversation the bell rung and I leapt up.

I literally almost bounced into English, with my folders and
my copy of
in hand. My heart skipped a beat when my eyes glanced over the classroom, and rested on Sam briefly. He gave me a quick smile before opening his book, which I was glad to see, he was almost done with.

“Right, who’s done the reading?” I asked around.
About three quarters of the class put their hands up. They’d had a good week to get two hundred pages in; not a big effort by my reckoning. Of course the only exception I would have was Sam, but he had already put his hand up; otherwise, I would have had to keep him back for a detention.

“Out of you who haven’t read it, I want to hear why not?” I was barraged by the five or six students with the excuses of I’ve already read it. “That’s not good enough. You’re expected to read it for the coursework, which means reading the book again so it is fresh in your mind.”

I could only hand out detentions to those who had not read up to page two hundred yet, but I desperately wanted an excuse to give Sam one. This would require some creative thinking.

During the teaching time of the class gave me no real valid reason to put Sam in detention with me. It had to wait until after class as per usual. I told him to stay behind and waited until both Bret and Casey left the room. I rushed around in frenzy, closing the blinds making sure nobody could see us. Pulling
Sam tight I gazed into his eyes, briefly skipping over the scars.

How are you feeling?”

“Much better now,” he grinned back.

I pushed him away lightly, but only enough so he was still close. “No, Sam, how are you really?”

Alright, I guess,” he said hesitantly. “I really want to fuck your brains out though.”

, Sam,” I said playfully pulling him close again. “I might have to put you in detention. You might get your chance. But what did the doctor say?”

“I wasn’t to rush into any high contact sport, but other than that I’m pretty much cleared.”

“Hmm, I suppose that’s alright then,” I nipped him briefly on the lip, and grabbed his hand running it up my thigh. Sam took control from there and gripped me tightly. I wanted to rip his shirt off then and there and bury my face into his chest. “No, not here,” I whispered not wanting him to stop moving his hand. “My house tonight. You won’t need to leave early either since you won’t have a game tomorrow,” I winked.

“Can you at least give me something to satisfy me until tonight?” asked Sam.

“I dunno, can I?” Without hesitating I had his cock in a pincher grip, making him groan. “Be there at four. I’ll be waiting.”


My emotions were exactly the same as they were last Friday, except this time I’d be ready for Sam. As soon as I got home I changed into a black sleeveless skater mini dress. It would tease Sam with its V neck that would expose some of my breasts. I checked myself out in the mirror twice before I was happy with my appearance. Sure as anything, the doorbell rang at five to like it had done last week. I couldn’t help but grin as I opened it to find Sam. In his hand he held a single, solitary rose which he held out to me.

“Oh thank you
very much, Sir. Did anyone see you buy this?”

“Not anybody that I know,” said Sam.

“Very well, Mr. Fanning, you may enter.” I beckoned to him with my index finger. Sam turned and closed the door, but it was in that time that I attacked. I leapt into his arms when he turned back, and luckily, he caught me. The first kiss was long, much like the orgasms I had with Sam.

“Hold on a minute,” I pulled away from him. The rose was annoying me, so I snapped the stem off and placed it in my hair.

“I paid good money for that,” complained Sam.

“You get to fuck me while I wear it. That’s your money’s worth,” I said.

Sam made a non committal grunt and continued to kiss me, all the while walking us further into the house. My ass hit the longue and I told him to let me down. As soon as my back found a solid grounding, I began tearing and ripping at Sam’s school blazer, the same colors as his football jersey.  Once the blazer was off I quickly tugged his shirt over his head and that was it.

I began licking and playing his hairless, toned chest like I would never get to again and all I could think about was how much I wanted him in me.
Sam’s hot breath was all over my skin, touching everywhere on my face and what was exposed of my chest.

His hand quickly found my leg which he wrapped around him, and it felt good, flesh on flesh.
I could sense he was going to fuck me in the couch this afternoon. Nothing fancy or classy about it. I opened my legs wide to let Sam in closer but he wouldn’t have it. Instead he pulled me up and pulled my mini dress off, leaving me standing completely naked, except for my black lace thong and blue heels. He flopped onto the couch and unclipped his belt. I knew what he wanted and I wasn’t going to give it to him. My right foot was instantly at his throat, the point of the heel resting on the soft flesh of his neck.

“You’re going to fuck me today;
otherwise, I might keep pushing with this,” I growled.

, Alexis, where did you learn to do that?” he was shocked.

Taekwondo.” I smirked proudly. “Get that fine looking ass up here.” I took my seat and spread my legs open, flicking off my thong. “Get your tongue in my pussy now and don’t stop until I cum.” Sam obeyed me going straight to work, and his hand snaked up my belly coming for my tits. “Don’t you fucking touch them,” I snapped as I slapped his hand away. “You haven’t deserved them yet.”

Sam continued his work with his tongue, flicking it in and out of me, causing me to moan like always. He knew I loved it and added in two fingers and the feeling was as good as what his dick brought me. Then add the other finger from his right hand
, rubbing my clit crazy, and I was in heaven. All I allowed myself to do was pinch and twist my nipples since Sam was busy.

“Come here and feed me your cock,” I commanded him.

Sam stood up and pulled down his pants, treating me to the marvel that would soon fill me. I sat up properly and took it in both hands, lapping my mouth gently over the tip. Using my hands, I twisted the meat, sending Sam squirming.  I only remained wrapped around him for a few seconds before I pushed myself backwards and demanded that he join me.

am slid in between my open legs which was exactly what I wanted. With how tightly he was gripping me, I was sure my thighs would be left with his red finger marks all over them. He felt so good inside me as I wrapped my legs around his waist once again and latched onto his shoulders.

Sam let out a grunt of pain and I felt blood seep from the wounds I must have just inflicted.

“Jesus Christ, Alexis,” he grunted, lifting me up.

, Sam,” was all my strained vocal chords would let out.

The sex was a wild frenzy of thrusting and moaning. Sam controlled me for most of it, until I convinced him to let me take over. I clambered on top of him, taking everything he could thrust into me.
I could only stare down at him and his beautiful body while he stared up at me, sharing the extremely intimate moment.

Sam’s breaths grew more rugged and I looked down at him once again, just as he released his load into me, panting. I took it all and didn’t care where it ended up. It felt amazing having the warm sticky liquid mixing with mine. I rolled off him and stuck two of my fingers in, trying to get as much out as possible.

“Sam, are you going to stay the night?” I asked him moving over and cuddling in.

“I don’t have to go anywhere in the morning,” he replied. “And that rose does look good in your hair. I definitely want to see it again.”

“So you’ll stay?”

“Only for you
, Alexis.”

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