Liquid Fire (4 page)

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Authors: Matt Stuart

BOOK: Liquid Fire
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Chapter 7 – Sam

I looked down at Alexis who was covered completely in my cum. She looked broken and weak underneath me. Just how I used to like Kate looking after we finished. Oh my god, Kate. She’d be dead less than a week and I had just done this. But I felt something for Alexis, even if it was rushed like this. The only right thing to do was snuggle in by her side. She was panting and grinning like a lunatic, just given their latest dose of drugs.

, Sammy,” she said to me. “I thought you’d be good, but not that good.”

“Sorry, I should have warned you,” I replied sarcastically.

“Hmm, your cockiness is hot,” she leant over and kissed me.

“Thank you
, Ms Rain,” I whispered politely.

“Hmm very formal, I like that and it makes me want to bite you. Will you be ready for another round before you leave?” Alexis
asked reaching for my cock that was slowly getting smaller.

“That depends, are you going to be ready by the time I am?” I snarled ramming two fingers straight into her as deep as they could go.

Alexis groaned, which quickly turned into a smile. “Ready when you are.”


It was close to midnight when I left Alexis to herself. In the few hours I had been there we ate and I had fucked her another two times, both as hard and fast as the first time. With each round, Alexis grew more adventurous and wrestled control back from me a few times. The drive home was longer than expected, as I was lost in my own thoughts. Kate was prevalent and I couldn’t help but feel guilty.

The two sides of me were fighting one another. One argued that Kate was dead and nothing could be done with her now, while the other said it was way too soon to move onto another woman. I was torn, what had just happened with Alexis
had meant something; there was no way this was going to be a one night stand. Not if I had anything to say about it. My parents were sleeping by the time I walked in the front door, which I quietly locked behind me, falling straight to sleep on my bed. The sleep was dreamless and nothing filled my head until morning.


I woke up around nine the following morning, a good couple of hours before my game. Just what I needed. My muscles still ached from last night and I thought it would be a smart idea to put a shirt on, in case my parents were home and started asking funny questions. Alexis had left my back red with claw marks everywhere. I could still feel where her nails had torn apart my flesh.

Luckily my parents weren’t home, which allowed me to do my thing slowly and gingerly around the house.
A bowl of cornflakes served as breakfast, and I’d flopped onto the longue to watch my daily fix of wrestling. I found it to be a great sport, one that I eagerly wanted to start as soon as I left school and gained about five extra kilos. On weekends we didn’t have a footy game, Bret and I often tried techniques on each other that would help us perform in the real ring.

I went about my daily warm up still thinking of what Alexis had put me through last night. I couldn’t wait to see her again on Monday. Kate still remained in the back of my mind, the passion I had, wanting to kill her murderer still fiery. I was grateful that Alexis
was seeming to help me through this tough time. Halfway through the workout my phone started beeping.

“Hello,” I said picking it up to my ear.

“Sam, this is Officer Parsons. I’ve got bad news.”

“What is it
, Officer?” my voice showed clear concern. If Parsons was bringing bad news directly to me it could only be about one case.

“Kate’s body has gone missing from the morgue. Someone broke in overnight and took it out.
There’s no doubt in my mind that it was the killer,” sighed Parsons. “They left a note.”

“What did it say?” I growled.

Parsons sighed again on the other end of the line and read the note. It was short and very much to the point. “I have her now, she was always mine and never deserving of you.”

“Find him
, Officer,” I muttered sourly pressing the hang up button.


Kickoff was scheduled for two pm, and I rocked up at one like usual, always an hour early. Hawthorne Park was running at peak this time on a Saturday. Both ovals were running Australian Rules games and ours was the next one on. I sat in the hatchback boot of my lancer waiting for the boys. They came in a trickle, one every couple of minutes, with a few lads from Cooparoo interrupting the flow.  

Our teams were primarily
made up of guys from our schools, as I saw most of the Cooparoo players in their school team. The rivalry between us was always running high on tensions and spilled over into the cricket season as well. At one thirty the team was assembled and I had begun taking the team through drills by the time Coach Graves arrived, swearing and carrying on about the traffic even though we knew he’d probably had slept in.

Graves had been a great player back in the day
, but now he had grown a thick beard and a pot belly. Fifteen minutes before kickoff he called us all in after checking most of our ball handling skills. As usual he was pleased, our team kept to the highest standard which was why we were currently sitting at second on the ladder.

“Right boys, we know Cooparoo inside ou
t and back to front!” he roared in his sailor’s kind of voice. “This year we’ve got a few new trump cards up our sleeves. Timmy, you’ll be playing in on the right wing. I want you to run it down past their ruck and load it up to the big boys like Bret.” Graves continued on for several minutes before he got to me. “Fanning! I want your head in this one! If we win we’re up to first place. You’re going at halfback. If need be, you run that ball like the midfielders. I know you can do it!”

Coach Graves called us in for a team hustle when the under sixteen’s were moving off the field. We all lined up to run onto the field. I filed in behind Bret and his green and white striped number seventeen jersey. “Going to kick five today
, big man?” I slapped him on the back.

“Only if you stop five
, little man,” he winked back at me.

“I’m not playing fullback, you heard Graves.
Whereas you’re at full forward. My money’s on that I’ll score more than you will.”

“Ten bucks says that I get at least two more goa
ls than you,” replied Bret. In the Australian Football League kicking between the two big goalposts meant you scored six points. Between a larger post and a small post on either side was scored as a behind or one point.

“You’re on. I’ll see you in the fifty,” I said referring to the fifty meter arc that surrounded each goal line. It was usually the best range to kick from on a relatively straight angle. However as we weren’t A grade players, our fifty was closer to forty five meters.

Once all players had made it to their respective sections of the field, the umpire blew his whistle and dropped the ball for the official start of the match. Our ruckman Andrew leapt into the air and smashed the Sherrin with his fist, sending it towards one of our quick midfielders who handballed to Timmy. Timmy booted it up the remainder of the field, which found Bret at the top of the goal square. An easy ten meter kick was enough to push us ahead by six within the first minute.

We scored another goal and a behind before the ball came down my end. It was a long bomb from one of Cooparoo’s backs, set up perfectly for their tall forwards.

I read the arc better than the forward I was marking, and snatched it out from underneath him as he leapt up in the air, both hands snatching for the ball. I managed to pause for less than a second before my legs were taken out from underneath me. My face smashed into the ground and I blacked out briefly, only to be awoken on my back with the umpire standing over me.

“Fanning, can you hear me?”

I groaned and rubbed my hand over my increasingly hot face. I held it away and through my distorted eyes I could see it was covered in blood. Half of my team surrounded me while another umpire was sending off the offending Cooparoo, writing a report. I hope the fucker got at least four weeks for this. He’d stepped on my face with his treads, clearly trying to put me out.

The next thing I felt was my body being lifted onto a stretcher and bandages being wrapped around my face to stop the blood flow. Guess I’d owe Bret ten dollars.

Chapter 8 - Sam

The first thing I saw when I awoke was a masked doctor standing over me.
In their hand was a surgical knife that was covered in blood, probably mine. It looked as if I had just missed the procedure, thankfully.

“Patient has regained consciousness, and just in time,” said the doctor.
“There will be minor face scaring, but other than that he’ll make a full recovery.”

“How long was I out for?” I could only mumble. My head felt extremely numb as I tried lifting it off the bed.

“Head back,” said the nurse patiently. I suddenly felt a tingle up my arm and she’d injected me before I could say no.


It was dark outside once I had come to again. Whatever the nurse had given me sure was powerful and my body felt completely relaxed. My parents were in the room with me; mother sat beside me while dad sat in the corner, both on the typical blue wooden hospital chairs.

“Hello,” I smiled at them.

Mum was the first up out of her chair. “How are you feeling?”

“Numb,” I groaned. “Whatever the nurse gave me was too strong.”

“Well I’d best go find the nurse and complain!” said mother. “Come on, David.”

My parents left me in peace storming off to find the nurse who had been le
ft in charge of me; however, the peace was short lived. There was a soft knock on the door, and I thought it was my parents returning. The door opened and Alexis was standing there, in what looked to be a black lantern playsuit.

, Sam, how are you feeling?” she had a bunch of flowers held in her hands.

“You can’t be serious right? What are you bringing me those for?” I asked her.

“Why not? Nobody knows who they are from, and you deserve them. That was a nasty knock you took. I’m surprised you’re awake so quickly. You’re tough,” Alexis winked placing the flowers down on the bedside table.

“I take it you didn’t come here for just a friendly visit.” It wasn’t a question.

“How did you know what I was thinking, Sam? I wanted to make you feel better, since none of the nurses here seem to be able to help you,” she whispered her voice low and husky.

I laughed as she slid onto the bed and lifted up the lower part of the playsuit. Alexis wasn’t wearing any panties, and I felt myself rise underneath the sheets.

“Let’s get them off you,” whispered Alexis. “Not going to get anything if you’re still wrapped underneath them all.” She didn’t take her time in ripping the sheets off me. The next thing on her to do list was to remove my standard hospital issued pajama pants. Not even sexy in the slightest. Alexis pulled herself up on me, using her hand to make me just that little bit bigger.

When she was in position, Alexis lowered herself onto me, using her hand as a guide.

“Wait, what if my parents come back soon, Alexis!” I blurted out.

“I took care of them;
don’t worry,” she said with a sly look in her eye.

I already had some of her wetness on my thighs; she must have do
ne some work before she came into see me. Alexis did all the work since my head wasn’t in the right place. She rode me quietly, building to a climax. Having Alexis work for me slowly, letting small moans escape her barely parted lips was a huge turn on and I appreciated her showing up just for this. My head wasn’t feel so numb anymore, and I could feel myself ready to cum this early on.

I fought
back, suppressing it, as I began to thrust up into Alexis slowly, regaining my rhythm, getting deeper with each thrust. I knew I was doing well; Alexis’s fingernails confirmed it, digging well into my shoulders. It was lucky I still had the night shirt on; otherwise my back would be covered in scratch marks. Alexis did well taking me, letting out minimal noise in case someone walked past and came in on us. She reached several hurried climaxes covering me even more before I finished inside her, my cum pushed deeply inside her, and that was where I lay for several minutes. I could feel her pussy pulse around my stiff cock while my chest rose and fell rapidly. Alexis didn’t make any attempt to move off me, but rather smiled down at me as I filled her.

“You’re beautiful with your scars,” she whispered
, stroking my hair.

“I think they’re just a pain in the
ass,” I replied.

“When they heal up they’ll be sexier,” said Alexis.

“How do they look?” I asked.

For the first time, Alexis rolled off me and went to her bag, handing me the mirror she pulled from it. I recoiled at the sight of my face, battered and bruised, but looked deeper the second time. I had four scars running up the right hand side of my face, all of which had been stitched up pretty well. I couldn’t see how deep they went, but considering the blood I had split on the field they had been pretty bad. Each scar was no longer than an inch by my reckoning but they made it look like someone had taken a knife to my face and gone to work.

“They’ll make me look sexier?” I questioned.

“Oh shit,” Alexis said suddenly
interrupting our conversation. She straightened up and fixed her sex hair only seconds before my parents burst into the room with the doctor right behind them. I managed to pass her mirror back to her before they opened the door.

Ms Rain!” said my mother. “What are you doing here?”

“Just visiting
, Sam, showing my concerns for an injured student going through a difficult time in his life,” said Alexis. “I came to wish him on a speedy recovery. The classroom without Sam is just so dull and the standards of the other students drop.”

“That sounds like our boy! How did you know he was here?” questioned my father.

“I was at the game and had to wait until the nurses allowed me in here,” said Alexis without blinking an eye. I hadn’t seen her but it would have been true.

“Odd for an English teacher to be a fan of AFL,” said father. “Who do you go for?”

“The real Hawthorn of course,” replied Alexis referring to the senior club that was located within the eastern suburbs of Melbourne in the AFL heartland. It was still pronounced the same as our suburb; however it was missing an E.

“Ah a Hawks girl.
You weren’t born in Melbourne were you?” asked Dad.

“No, I was raised up here and I always wanted a Brisbane Bears jersey, but mum could only find a Hawks one so I was a keen fan ever since,” replied Alexis. “I assume the doctor wants to talk to Sam so maybe we should go outside?”

“Of course, come on, Tracy.”

It was good to see that D
ad had taken a liking to Alexis; I wonder how she felt talking to him only minutes after she’d fucked me. I could picture her tight pussy dripping still and I knew that I was all that was on her mind. Alexis was the only thing on my mind as I barely listened to the doctor explaining to me how I should keep the scars clean, ensuring they wouldn’t fester.


I returned home on Sunday afternoon and all that my parents could talk about was Alexis on the drive home. I answered each question quickly and found myself walking into the jaws of another one. Dad kept going on about how he hoped my grades would drop so he could get to go see Alexis at the parent teacher interviews. Mother just slapped him, knowing all he wanted to do was perv on her. In my stomach I also wanted to hit him. Alexis was mine and there would be no way I’d be letting someone willingly eye her off or let them take her from me. If I couldn’t have Kate Alexis would be the next best thing.



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