Liquid Fire (7 page)

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Authors: Matt Stuart

BOOK: Liquid Fire
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Chapter 13 - Alexis

I could see Sam gazing at the new eye candy I’d just bought into class. Mandy was every bit like me, except only younger. She had the face, the tits, the hair and the looks and I thought she’d be a great way to test Sam’s loyalty to me. Maybe a threesome with them would be fun. No it would be fun with Sam, his energy and kinks.

I thought again adding Mandy’s exquisite body to the mix would make the sex amazing even if
I only got half of the cock I usually got. Then again girls could play both ways and I didn’t mind that much. Hopefully, Mandy knew how to eat well because I would be sitting on that sexy face of hers while she got fucked.

If I wasn’t teaching I would have started fucking myself then and there. I couldn’t believe how wet these thoughts about two of my students made me. I’d definitely have to get them both in a double detention. Fucking Sam at school would be a crazy and risky move, but with another girl as well… I wanted them both.

“Afternoon class, now you may be wondering who this wonderful lady is here beside me. I’ll let her introduce herself,” I smiled at Mandy taking a step back.

, everyone,” said Mandy. I briefly closed my eyes. Even her voice shouted pure sex at me. “I’m Mandy, and I’ve been put into this class because my teacher believes I can handle the work. Down in Sydney  I’d be doing this kind of work. I got kept down because of the transfer.”

Nobody clapped but she was instantly waved at by the popular group up the back of the room and Mandy went to join them insta
ntly seeming happy. The only chair free was the one directly in front of Sam. I tried not to glare when she sat down; I saw her curvy ass register in his eye line. He was lucky I had my mind on the job.

“Right, who has their essays to hand in? For anyone that doesn’t it’s a ten percent deduction for everyday it is late as well as a detention after you’ve handed it in,” I snapped.

In an ordered hurried to get to me each student in the class except for Mandy placed their essay on my desk in a relatively neat pile. I wasn’t a Nazi when it came to these types of things so I didn’t mind. Counting them all I carefully placed them into each bag and I had received twenty six. I hoped the quality would be up to Sam’s standard.

“Ok that’s great;
I’ve got everyone’s in. I’ll try to have them back to you by next Friday.” When I said next Friday I meant the middle of the week, that way they were all happy. And my seniors were the most important out of any class I taught. They all sat down again before I continued. “Who watches
Law and Order
here?” At least three quarters of the class raised their hands. “Good and who knows anything about justice works?”

“My dad’s a lawyer,” Mandy called out from the back.

“You mean a wanker that sits around on his ass all day and does nothing except keep criminals out of jail,” Sam grunted.

“How dare you call my dad a
wanker!” shouted Mandy.

“Enough!” I yelled above both of them. My plan was working just as I had expected.
“Detention for both of you, in my office at three this afternoon!”

, Miss!” rang out across the room.

“Shut up or I’ll make it double!” I threatened. The pair of them quieted down. “Students
, you see here a prime example of how the law can infuriate different people, depending on how it has been portrayed to those different people. Now some experiences are through the media, like I assume Sam’s experiences have been, while Mandy’s are more personal through her father. Next term’s topic will be the media and how it changes perceptions. I was just using the law as an example. Let’s get stuck into it.”

I walked around handing out the first required reading for unit, not saying a word to either Mandy or Sam.  I knew Sam would be furious with me and that’s what I was counting on. We’d made the plans for this afternoon, but instead he’d be stuck in my office with Mandy as well.

The class read through the paper in silence, their eyes fluttering back and forth over the printed words. We had a short discussion on the piece and how the media portrayed police just before the bell rang.

“Sam, Mandy
, a word please,” I called out to both of them. The class filed out until it was just the three of us alone. “What happened today?”

“Nothing, I just hate lawyers since they’ve done nothing to help with Kate’s murder investigation,” said Sam.

“He insulted my father,” snarled Mandy.

“Alright well it is clear there is tension between the two of you, so I think we can sort this out after school in my office. Release some of the tension so to speak. Does that sound alright with you guys?” I asked them.

“Sure,” Sam grunted. “I’ll be there.”


I finished up class and made my way to my office, quivering with excitement. Getting these two fucking each other would be difficult but it’d be worth it. They were both outside my office when I got there, casually talking to each other. It seemed like they had defused the tension, but I still thought my idea was better.

, you two, come in and make yourselves at home,” I said holding the door open for them.

They stepped over the threshold
, and they were finally under my complete control. I would make them submit somehow. Mandy was single I, knew that much, and definitely not a virgin. Judging by the rumors floating around the school, she certainly knew what she was doing. I couldn’t wait to put them to the test.

“Would either of you like anything?
Coffee or tea perhaps?” I asked.

“I’ll have a coffee,” Mandy said
, her eyes lighting up. Maybe she was thinking this detention wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Do you have root beer?” winked Sam. He was already onto
me. Had I really made it that obvious?

I could only shake my head at him.
“You know I’m not allowed to give beverages like that to my students, Sam.”

“I know
, but I just wanted to know if you had it,” he said walking over to the fridge.

“You won’t find any in there,” I said almost giggling, and then I remembered what they were here for. I couldn’t believe I was letting myself go like this.
“Hang on, you two are here for a detention, now sit down and shut up!” I slammed one of my hands on the closest desk.

Sam gave me a funny look, while Mandy did as she was told straight away. I’d hope she’d be the submissive one. Chances would be that I’d get my wish.
“Do you know why you are here?”

“We swore mildly in your class
, Miss,” protested Mandy. “I think you overreacted.”

“I didn’t overreact.
I have you right where I want you,” I said. “If you thought for a second I wouldn’t be taking advantage of you, you thought wrong. But whatever happens in here cannot leave this room. Do you understand?” Mandy nodded as I moved in front of her.

“Is there anything I can do to help
, Alexis?” asked Sam.

“Come here and stand behind me,” I ordered him undoing one of the buttons on my
purple blouse.

Chapter 14 - Alexis

“What’s going on?” Mandy sounded shocked, but her eyes were telling me a different story. I could see them tracing back and forth at my neck line. She was hungry now, and she knew what was going on. I would satisfy that hunger.

“Do you have a boyfriend right now
, Mandy?” I asked her slowly.

Not anymore,” she said, hungrily eying Sam. “Do I get him?”

“Only if you’re good to me,” I purred finishing the last two buttons on my blouse.

Mandy’s eyes reverted back to me, smiling. “How do you propose I be good to you?”

“What do you think she should do Sam?” I asked him.

“I don’t know, maybe just do what comes naturally,” he smirked, grabbing my thighs.

Mandy slid onto the desk her legs facing me, and pulled me closer to her. Sam let go and sat down on my wheelie chair, seeming very pleased with himself
even though it had been me that had come up with the idea. I could tell Mandy was nervous, her eyes were rapidly dilating and her breaths unknown to her were getting faster.

It was
only natural being the dominant one, I make the first move and I grazed my hot lips over hers, letting her briefly taste me. It worked, and Mandy wanted me from that moment on. She literally threw herself at me, taking me full on the lips. Her kisses were better than Sam’s and soon mine were sore from her ferocity.

I gazed at Sam, who had his shirt off and was playing with himself on my chair, with a semi arrogant grin on his face watching us. Mandy made me ignore him for the time being, her hands racing through my hair. My blouse fell down from my shoulders exposing my torso a
nd Mandy began to work my neck, tracing her lips up and down it. They were incredibly soft and I could feel my clit pulsing. I had to sit on her face urgently to feel her tongue inside me.

I just couldn’t bring myself to do it yet. Her mouth and tongue wrapped firmly around my tits, made me moan with delight. I was glad my office was so far away from
the other staff members in the building. Also since most of them had cleared out for the day kept the risk of discovery lower. By this stage I was half sitting on Mandy’s legs, wrapped around me.

“Mandy I want your tongue in me,” I moaned. Sam’s face could easily be seen, getting lighter as he stood up ditching his pants.

I ditched my leather pencil skirt, taking my time to undo the zip at the front. Mandy’s eyes kept growing as she saw my black lace thong. I swapped positions with the young blonde and spread my legs for her. She pushed the thong to the side and I felt the warm wet tongue slide into me at the same time I felt a rock hard tip touch my cheek. I looked down to find Sam’s cock staring me in the face, with him standing tall over me.

My first reaction was to recoil not understanding at first, but I quickly rectified my mistake. I took Sam in both hands, leaving the tip to poke out enough for my tongue to
roll over, soaking it. I didn’t focus for long, as Mandy’s fingers smashed into my g spot. I gasped letting the dick fall out of my mouth. Sam grabbed it and thrust it back into me, causing me to gag. It was so deep in my throat; tears began to weep from my eyes.

Not only taking Sam’s dick that far in my throat was enough, Mandy
now had at least two fingers and her tongue buried in me. My body felt like it was being pulled in two different directions at the same time. Mandy made my back arch, and my head tilt further backwards allowing more of Sam in me than I thought possible.

I couldn’t moan at Mandy since my mouth was completely full. Slapping Sam’s leg was enough to tell him I wanted him out. He pulled out quickly and went around to Mandy, almost ripping her skirt off.

“Can you handle two of us at once?” I asked him.

“Get some desks together,” he muttered, his voice muffled by Mandy’s panties.

I did as I was told and put four desks together in a square then added a fifth at the head. So what if I kept a lot of desks in my room. I was always prepared. Sam took his place, lying across all the tables I had gathered. Mandy followed him closely and sat down on his face, teasing at first, slowly lowering her dripping pussy towards his mouth, and then taking it away suddenly.  I rubbed myself as I clambered up on to the tables behind Mandy and straddled Sam’s hips, sitting on the tip teasing him.

Sam’s cock grew even more, if that was possible. It was straining to get inside me. He moved his hand down towards it, which I grabbed. Sam got the message and moved it back to Mandy’s thigh, where he continued
to suck and nibble away at her clit. I felt a tinge of jealously as I watched her body quake. It should have been me and him alone, but the fault was mine. I’d invited Mandy in. But she was sexy as fuck and needed to be taught a lesson. She was well in line to become a favorite student, but her attitude was slightly concerning. I’d win her over.

I sighed. It’d been too long without Sam’s dick in me, so I climbed on, slowly
copying Mandy’s movements with it.

Sam groaned as I inched my way onto him. I held him with my hand at the base
and with each inch that went into me, I relaxed even more. My eyes were closed when I reached my hand, so I moved it away, and Sam was now one hundred percent inside me. Mandy’s constant little moans made me even wetter and I slowly rode Sam’s dick, using each down stroke to its full potential, ramming into my “G” spot.

I pulled at Mandy, making her lean back, and I looked over her shoulder to see Sam’s mouth clamped down on her clit, shaking his head like a rabid dog. Her moaning heightened and
doubled again as I started to caress her tits and neck. I pinched her nipples with great force, twisting them both at the same time. Mandy screamed in delight and turned her head to kiss me. Our lips met and our tongues entwined, my hair bouncing everywhere. Her eyes were misty, and I had no doubt mine were the same, thanks to the huge cock I was sliding around on. I continued shoving my tongue down Mandy’s throat, while she reached her first orgasm. Her body rocked more than mine did, and she climbed off Sam, letting me move up on him, sliding my wetness across his chest.

His tongue entered me
, and it felt almost as good as that amazing cock he’d stuck in me. I had turned to face Mandy, purely so I could help Sam with her as well. My fingers ran over her clit, teasing, even though she didn’t need it with Sam repeatedly ramming into her. I was surprised with how good her technique was. From what I could tell she was taking all of Sam deep in her.

I played with her making sure she was getting the both of us in her as much as possible. Sam slapped my thigh
, signaling he’d had enough being buried underneath us. I couldn’t exactly hear him when he had a mouth full of my clit.

Sam got on his knees
, and I spread Mandy’s legs, preparing my tongue to enter her for the first time. I felt Sam go into me from behind, pounding away, making my pussy throb. Mandy tasted sweet, and she was soaked from what Sam had done to her. Within a number of seconds I had her juice running down my chin, filling my mouth.

We switched around twice more before Sam came. The load was huge, spraying it all over my ass. Mandy came up to me and licked me clean, passing it from her mouth to mine. She didn’t swallow at first until later on. I turned and looked at Sam,
smiling letting him know what a good job he had done. His cock was still covered in cum and he deserved it to be sucked dry. Mandy and I got underneath it and let Sam know how much we enjoyed it.

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