lightning witch 02 - lightning legacy (17 page)

BOOK: lightning witch 02 - lightning legacy
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“Now, little wolf, tell me what you want.” Apparently, turnabout was fair play.

"I … oh God … Reid …" I felt his tongue dart out for a fast taste, and it nearly knocked the breath out of me.

Who the hell needed air? What was air again?

“Tell me, Delaney.” I felt his hands spread my drenched folds.

I gasped and nearly yelled the words, "I need you to lick me!" I felt his laugh low in his belly, but I was beyond caring. He licked the length of me and I honestly think my vision blurred. I felt him murmur something against me that sounded like “sweet honey,” but I was in a different reality. I gave him the same attention he gave to me. He sucked my clit into his mouth and I couldn't hold back a shout. I sucked him into my mouth. This was a game of tit for tat, and oh God, I had no idea who would win. I felt him slide a finger inside of me.
Oh God, he will win. Won? Winning? Oh to hell with grammar.
Where the hell was my white flag?

"You're so tight. I can feel you gripping me," he moaned.

I sucked and licked at him while he fingered and lapped at me. I was beginning to have concentration issues. I felt my peak nearing. I pulled back, because his rhythm was becoming too much for me. I wanted to continue my sensual assault of him, but he had my number and he was calling it in.

“Reid, I can’t keep …” I trailed off, as he again sucked my clit into his mouth.

He released me long enough to say, "Come for me." He then licked me harder and slipped a second finger inside of me. I don't know if it was his words or everything else, but it pushed me over the edge. I came in a wet rush. I nearly screamed with the intensity of it. He sucked and lapped up every bit of my orgasm. I tried to pull away, but his wicked fingers only slipped out of me to hold my hips to him. He growled at me. The stimulation was becoming overwhelming and I couldn’t take anymore. Finally, sensing this, he released me. I twisted my body until I was facing him. He looked nearly crazed for his own release.

“Take your bra off.” His tone was so garbled and rough that I almost couldn't understand him. I reached behind and unclasped it. I let it fall away. This male could only let me have control of the situation for a limited time. It just wasn’t in his nature. He groaned in approval. I was growing wet again. I shifted so his shaft was nestled right in my cleft. His cock felt nearly superheated against me. He bucked his hips at the contact.

I leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I'm going to fuck you so hard." He bucked again at my words and his eyes grew even wilder. I slid my sex along his length, gasping at the friction that was oh so electric. For the briefest moment our bodies aligned and he nudged at my entrance. I moaned at the feeling and he snarled. His hands cupped my breasts.

He found the stiffened peaks and rolled them between his thumbs and forefingers. I sucked in a breath and nearly sobbed with the pleasure of it. I shifted slightly and felt the head of him breech me slightly again. This time, instead of moving away, I slid on to him, impaling myself with his length, inch by aching inch. After what had to be the most agonizing hour, he was fully inside of me. It didn't hurt as much as it stretched me in a way that made me rock on him.

He grasped my hips and growled, “So tight.” He was so hot inside of me I just knew we would combust with the friction. One tiny spark and we would go up in flames. He withdrew slightly and then positioned up. The breath whooshed out of me and he shouted with pleasure. I leaned forward and rode his length. It started slow; what had been teasing him, grew to madden me. I needed him deep and was growing crazed. He seemed to sense my distress and thrust up every time I needed him to. I was getting so close to my climax; I couldn’t seem to stop myself. The build of my peak left me feeling in a frenzy, a quivering ball of nerves. I didn’t want this to end.

He pulled my hand from his chest and looked at me. Something was about to happen. Something that felt so right. He kissed the underside of my wrist. Then he licked it. I shivered. It was such a simple gesture that didn't look erotic, oh sweet God this was Reid. He could make reading the phone book feel sexy.

Against my skin he growled, “Mine. From this moment on. From this life on. Forever mine.” This felt like ritual and felt like it deserved an answer.

"Yours. From this life on. Forever yours." I had no idea if what I said was … He sank his teeth into the flesh. Hard. Had his fangs lengthened? I screamed at first in pain, but then, God help me, it hurled me into the most intense orgasm of my life. I only distantly recall feeling the trickle of my warm blood flowing down my arm. I felt his shaft jerk in response to my clenching sheath. The air grew thick with what felt like my magic, but it wasn't. I felt something snap in place at this moment. I could pay little attention to it though. I needed to be here with him at this moment. This moment that felt so soul-blisteringly important.

I ground my sex against him and couldn't stop myself from writhing atop him. He threw his head back and yelled my name as he came. I felt him spurt each hot jet inside of me, filling me, and I reveled in it. I was shivering in the intensity of this moment with him. Finally, the intensity ebbed. My muscles turned to Jell-O and I collapsed on him. We lay there for several moments. I wasn’t sure what had just happened, but speech was so far beyond anything I could manage.

I rested my head on his chest and tried to calm with the sound of his booming heartbeat. What the hell just happened? I knew he said he would bite me, but having an orgasm from it? Yeah, I was totally not prepared to have to pick up the former pieces of myself quite like that. I felt like I could take in a full breath of air now. There was no burn to it.

His arms slid around me and he gripped me to him.

“You’re mine now. Not just in this life. Forever, you’re mine,” he murmured in my ear. His breath tickled the hairs near my ear, causing me to shiver.

“You’re just as much mine, wolf. Remember that.”

I lay atop him simply trying to bring myself down from this. I didn't even know what to call it. Mating? Seemed too primal. Sex? Didn't quite cover it. I rested my head on his chest and he drew light circles on my back. His heart had calmed to a more normal rhythm. The steady beating lulled me to close my eyes.

I’d just dozed when Reid shifted me off of him to lay me on the bed. I growled at him in protest. He got up and I rolled to face him. I blinked up at him.

"I'll be right back." He kissed me on the nose and walked off to the bathroom. His ass moved in such a way that nearly left me panting. As soon as he returned, I got up and went to the bathroom myself to clean up. When I returned, he was sitting on the bed still nude.

I licked my lips and he snarled, “Keep licking those sweet lips with that wicked little tongue and I’m going to do more to you.”

I sauntered over until I stood right in front of him only a few inches apart. I licked my bottom lip slowly. His eyes tracked the motion just like the predator he was. He then seized my hips and pulled me to straddle him. His hand fisted in my hair and he pulled my head back, exposing my throat to him. His heated lips brushed my pulse point and then his slick tongue followed. My eyes slid shut and a moan slipped out before I could stop it.

Wait! I had questions. Didn’t I?
I couldn’t think with him this close to me. My body was already responding to him. It was preparing for round two without discussing it with me. Okay, well, let’s be honest, I wasn’t protesting too hard.

“Wait,” I replied in a raspy voice.

He paused, waiting for me to explain. Why had I stopped him again? He released his hold on my hair and finally I was able to think.

“What does this all mean?” I asked, breathlessly. I glanced down at my inner wrist. There was a deep bite wound that did not seem to be healing.

He lifted my hand up to inspect it. A look of pure male satisfaction was plastered across his face as he lightly kissed the wound.

"We are mated. If you’re in pain or distress, I’ll be able to feel it. And if I am, you will feel it."

“Had your fangs lengthened? You bit me really hard,” I questioned. I was so curious about all of this.

“They did. It’s in response to you and your willingness. Had I tried to force you, your inner beast would have not whispered the words you needed to say and my body wouldn't have responded.”

Interesting. So, Mitch could have never forced a mating with me. Thank God it never got to that point. I had to stifle a shudder at the disgusting thought of him.

“Will it heal?” I asked, looking at my arm again.

He crooked a finger under my chin and drew my gaze to his.

“No. Not like it would had it been a normal injury. It will always look like a fresh scar.” He searched my eyes as he spoke. He was looking for some sort of reaction. Horror maybe? He wouldn't find it. I wanted to wear his mark.

"Was that the magic I felt? It felt like my magic, but it wasn't. Then it felt like something snapped into place."

His brow furrowed and he had a questioning look on his face when he replied, “The snap was our mating. I didn’t feel any magic though.”

I knew I felt magic surge, the air was thick with it. What had it been? He pulled me close to him and we fell back on the bed.

“I love you, but no more questions. Let’s sleep.”

I nodded in response. I breathed deeply of his scent and melted into him.

"By the way. When it comes time for it, Troy gets to pick out our bedding," he said low in his chest.

I giggled and closed my eyes. Just before drifting off, I thought about something Reid said. I smiled. I think I’d been broken, but now he was fixing me. He was the only thought I had as I fell into sleep.





her naked back. The way her narrow waist tapered into her luscious hips and her mouthwatering ass had me in a constant state of arousal. All this female had to do was look at me and my cock was so hard if felt like it would explode. Her soft, even breaths on my chest made my heart swell with just how much I needed her and how much I needed to protect her. This meant that I needed to teach Delaney how to protect herself. In turn, I needed to teach her how to use her power as a wolf. We had a lot of work to do, but I was still reluctant to disrupt this moment for fear of losing all of it. Fear of losing this perfect serenity with her.

I brushed her hair up into my hand then let the loose strands fall through my fingers in a cascade of silk. When I looked at her, I saw my entire life. I saw how it could end in the blink of an eye. Then my thoughts shifted to all of the damage that had been done by Mitch. My beautiful Delaney was shattered into a million pieces when I got to her because of him. Now, I would find every shard and put her back together, there would be retribution. I knew she didn't tell me everything. But how she reacted to me and the way she cried in her sleep, I knew there was so much more he had done to her. I growled low in my chest.

“Don’t growl at me, wolf,” she whimpered, burying her face in the crook of my neck.

My chest shook with laughter. I smiled down at her. I couldn't help but smile at her. She did like to poke the wolf.

“My love, we need to get up. I have things I need to show you today.”

"Ugh! If you wanted me to get up so early, you shouldn't have woken me up four separate times last night," she grumbled.

I laughed out loud at that. “Delaney, as I recall, it was you who woke me up four times. I was simply helpless to say no to you.”

She shifted her hand to tap her chin in thought. “Hmm, did I? Yeah, that was me.” She shrugged and plopped her head back on my chest.

Just as I was about to add to my myriad of reasons why we should get up, I felt her little tongue dart out and lap at my nipple. I sucked in a breath. And just like that, I was hard for her.

"Love, as much as I want to bend you over this bed and do deplorable things to you, I want to show you some things and we have limited time." My tone was rough, but I was set on this. She must have sensed the resolution in my voice because she groaned and flopped onto her back.

“I don’t wanna get up! You can’t make me!” she whined, much like a petulant child would.

I rolled to my side to face her and raised an eyebrow.

Her eyes went wide in alarm and she pulled the cover over her head. “No! No. I know that look, don’t you do it!” she cried in a frantic tone.

I reached under the cover and felt around until I touched her side. I gripped her side and tickled her. She screamed and squealed.

Between gasps and laughs she begged, “Okay. Stop. Please.”

I stopped and crushed my mouth over hers. She responded so sweetly. Her arousal filled the air and her heart beat wildly under my chest. If we kept going like this, we would surely never leave this bed. I broke the kiss and she whined in protest.
I agree.
Her eyes were glowing silver and when they flickered to her normal storm-cloud gray, they looked like the flash of a lightning strike. And God, it made me insane with need.

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