lightning witch 02 - lightning legacy (16 page)

BOOK: lightning witch 02 - lightning legacy
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"Okay, what's the number?" My voice was tight, but I wouldn’t cry. Hell, I wasn't even sure I had any more tears left. She relayed the number to me, and I committed it to memory.

“Delaney, kill him. You kill Mitch and make it hurt.” Her tone turned cold and steady. It was as though this deed, this one action was the only driving force she had.

“Kate, I’ll rip him apart." My tone was just as cold. She hung up and at that moment I knew I would. I would kill him. Maker or not. I was never very good at following the rules anyway.





went out to the backyard to practice, and by practice I mean Monique was holding a fire extinguisher and Troy was screaming about burning his eyebrows off. The poor guy was going to have to watch some YouTube videos about drawing on eyebrows because from what I've seen, Troy was in a constant state of shock. Not a good look for anyone.

Reid and I went back to the bedroom. He told Monique and Troy that we had pressing business to attend to. I turned thirty-six shades of red and Troy just smiled. As much as I loved Reid and gods knows I did, I needed to call Anderson.

No sooner did that bedroom door close behind him when he said, “Call him.”

I raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a shy smile.
Silly man, he thought he needed to tell me that.
I sat down and dialed the number.

“Anderson.” His voice was nice. It was low, with a slight southern drawl.

“Um, hi …”

"Don't speak." He cut me off, and I was so shocked, my mouth just gaped at the phone.

I pulled the phone from my ear to be sure I dialed the correct number. I had. I returned to the phone to hear muffled voices and rustling. I caught Reid eyeing me. I shrugged.

"Okay, I know who this is." My eyes went wide.
He knew? How?

“This was Mark’s phone. He would only give it to one person.”

"Okay, Kate called me and told me to call you. Is he …" I trailed off, not wanting to ask the question for fear of it coming to fruition.

“Not yet. Mitch is ... playing with him.” I could hear the disgust in his voice. But it didn’t feel right. Like he was putting it on.

“Why did he want me to call you?” That was the question I needed answered before all others.

“The pack isn’t behind Mitch. He has about ten that are staunch supporters. But that’s it.” This could be what we needed, a way in without the pack getting in the way. Or he could be lying.


"Mitch is going south to find you, but he's waiting until the full moon. He wants to be as strong as possible. He won’t have the support of the pack. Though we won’t back you, we won't stand in your way either."

His tone was even. He sounded as though he was absolutely resolute in this decision.

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“Mitch is taking about twenty wolves down there. Half of them are mine. They won’t fight with Mitch. Not after what he has done to Mark. We won’t aid you. Just know you have eleven wolves after you, not the whole pack.”

“Why won’t you help me if you’re going against Mitch?”

“He’s our maker. And we will never follow a witch. This is as much as we are willing to do for you. For protecting Mark. You have two weeks. Get ready.” The line clicked then went dead.

“You don’t believe that bullshit, do you?” Reid asked, taking the phone from me and crushing it in his hand.

"Hey, why did you do that? And not a chance in hell."

“It was Mark’s. No need to give them a way to pinpoint our location.” Good point.

"What now?" I asked, staring up into Reid's hot caramel gaze. I could get lost in their depths. I let my eyes travel down his face to settle on his full mouth. I remembered how his lips tasted and the talented tongue that lay inside. I was growing damp, and a delicious throb began to build between my legs. Would he still want me? After everything? I wanted to kick myself for even asking that question. I tried to push the self-destructive thoughts out of my mind so I could focus on the man in front of me. His eyes sparked with desire, and his scent was spiked with an addictive quality.

He reached for my face. I had to stifle a flinch. I hated that I had that kind of reaction to Reid. It wasn't him; it was freaking Mitch. It was how he forced me to take his touches. It was how he beat me. It was what I had to do to get out of there. I pushed the thoughts aside and tried once again to focus on my Reid.

In a motion that was nearly identical to a predator pouncing on its prey. Reid descended upon my lips in a kiss filled with such longing and erotic need that it would leave me panting; that was if he let me go long enough. He was famished, and I was what he needed and I reveled in it. Who needed breath anyway, right? Breathing wasn't necessary with this man. His tongue teased mine with quick short laps, and his teeth nipped my lip. It took me a moment to realize that as he was obliterating my mind, he was moving me back toward the bed. My ass hit the mattress and it seemed to shock me out of the spell he was casting.

I pulled away from him just long enough to take in a much-needed gulp of air. My heart was racing like a wild thing. His eyes blazed green with his growing arousal and need. That flicker, that blaze of green, caused my heart to beat even faster. He lifted me up on the bed.

His head ducked down to the base of my throat. Right where my pulse was fluttering. He gave it a small lick, and I shivered at the contact. I let a sigh slip out, just as I grasped his shoulders. His right hand trailed from the nape of my neck and headed south. He traced one finger under my ear, down my collar bone, to settle on my left breast. He didn't grab like I expected and braced for, he trailed a finger, tracing circles around it. Both of my nipples puckered in response to him. When he drew a small circle around my pebbled flesh, I sucked in a gulp of air. Then his hand cupped my breast fully. He growled low in his chest in reaction. Liquid heat rushed to my sex, causing me to moan and arch up to him. This man wrecked me. He tore down every wall or barricade I had, leaving me scrambling to pick up the pieces.

He inhaled deeply and moaned huskily, “Take your top off. I want to see you."

I did as he asked. His eyes went wide at the sight of my chest, and a smile quirked his lips upward.

“Cherries?” he questioned with a smile.

"It was all they had," I whispered indigently. I was nervous, and heat spread across my face in a deep blush. There was no call to be shy. He loved me, and I loved him. I was not a blushing virgin anymore. There was no reason to be so scared of him. I closed my eyes as he reached for me again. He dusted light kisses along my throat while he dipped one finger inside my bra to brush my stiffened peak. I felt, more than heard, his steady growls of appreciation as he kissed his way painfully, slowly down my neck.

My body stiffened. What if he could tell? What if he could tell just what Mitch had done to me? What if he could tell what I’d let happen to me? He would find out. I just knew he would. I realized Reid had stopped kissing me and his hands cradled my face. His low voice finally cracked through the fog. I opened my eyes to see him staring at me with concern on his face.

“Delaney, love, what’s wrong?” He brushed a thumb over my right cheek.

Am I crying? Great, God I’m so messed up.

“I-I-I don’t know.” I looked away because I did know. I couldn’t do this. I tried to suck in more air. That was what I needed wasn’t it?

“Delaney, we don’t need to do this right now. Not if you’re not ready.” His tone was calming. I looked at him, trying to center myself. His tawny hair had grown out slightly and fell over in clumps across his forehead. He tilted his head to mine causing our heads to lean together.

I breathed in his scent, and that seemed to give me the strength I needed to admit the next words, "I think I'm broken."

"Oh, my love. You're not broken. But if you were, you shouldn't worry. I’m here to fix you." His voice held so much love. So much love that I didn't deserve.

“What Mitch did and what I let him …”

“Stop …” He lifted his head up and knelt to meet my gaze. “You did nothing wrong. He did. And he will pay. But, love, you can’t let this break you. Delaney, you’re stronger than that. It’s time you figure that out.”

God, but he was right. I needed to move past this.

"I want this with you, but I don't think I can do it like this." My words were shaky, but dammit I was ready to move past this fear.

"How do you want me, love?" My heart did a little flip-flop thing at the endearment.

“I think I need to set the pace. You know, be in control.” I flushed. I didn’t know how to talk about this kind of thing without feeling like a goober. His eyes flicked from caramel to green. Clearly, he was totally game with that idea. He kissed my nose then stood up. His smile went from sweet to wicked. I made a vow to him, a silent one. I wouldn’t let my self-doubt or the aftermath of what Mitch had done to me affect how I saw Reid. I wouldn't.

“How do you want me?” he asked in a gruff tone.

"Take your shirt off," I instructed.

He did, but as slowly as possible. His muscles rippled with each move of his arms. Part of me wanted to have him do that again, so I could see his taut stomach tense and his pecks move with his twisting. Someone was panting.
Oh shit, that’s me.
His tanned nipples were flat and my mouth watered to lick them. My sex throbbed in time with my wild heartbeat.

“Now what?” His voice was rough and he was trying to let me have control over this situation, but he was an alpha and this was difficult for him. And the fact that he was surrendering to me in this way aroused me to a near fever pitch.

I got up and spoke in a tone that was much huskier than I expected, “Lay on the bed.”

He did as instructed. His erection caused his pants to tent and my sex to throb so hard it was nearing on pain. I pulled my shorts off and kicked them to the side. Then I crawled on top of him so that I straddled his thighs.

"God, Delaney, I can smell your heat from here and it's driving me mad." His eyes no longer flickered. They blazed green. I was in control. I wouldn't fear him or this. He was not Mitch.

I unbuttoned his pants. The head of his cock was so swollen with need I nearly lost my control. I pulled the zipper down one notch at a time. By the time I got to the last notch, I realized I was grinding my slick heat against his thigh.

"I can feel how wet you are …" He groaned audibly. "And oh for fuck's sake, Delaney, I'm fighting the urge to drive into you."

His big chest heaved with each breath. He was trembling with the need to touch me. God bless that wolf, he didn't move a finger. His erection was now free and holy hell it was glorious. I could see a small bead of pre-cum on the head and wanted so desperately to lap it up. I shifted off of him only long enough to pull his pants off the rest of the way. I straddled him, and he groaned at the feel of my now dripping sex against his shaft. He could no longer hold himself back. He placed his hands on my hips.

I leaned down and pressed my mouth to his lips. I deepened the kiss by flicking my tongue in and out of his mouth, mimicking the one thing I knew he wanted to be doing.
Silly, predictable wolf.
He moaned into my mouth. I rocked my heated flesh against him. He groaned in response and thrust up. I nearly shouted at the delicious friction. I pulled away and kissed my way to his flat nipples. I licked each one in turn, watching them pebble at the cool air, then shifted my body down him until my lips hovered just above his throbbing shaft. It visibly pulsed. I looked up to him. He was leaning up, to get a better look at me. I wrapped my fingers around him, and his eyes nearly slid shut at the contact.

"What do you want, Reid?" I was playing. Teasing him. This control thing might have been going to my head, but I couldn't help it.

“Oh, Delaney. I … oh God …” He trailed off as I licked the salty bead of his arousal off the head of him.

I smiled up at him and cooed in a sweet voice, “Tell me. What do you want?”

He looked near crazed. He growled, “I want you to lick it again.”

Never taking my eyes off him, I licked him again. He shuddered with pleasure. He was salty, with a tang of sweet. I wanted more. I broke our eye contact and slipped the head of him in my mouth. I created a rhythm with my mouth and pumped my hand down his length, because there was no way I could fit all of him in this way. His hips began to thrust upward with each lap and suck. I was nearly dripping wet. My sex was aching. I reached between my legs and dipped my free hand into my panties. I slipped a finger into my sopping folds and found my swollen clit and began stroking it.

He saw the movement and snarled, “I can’t do this.”

I was so shocked, I stopped, lifting my gaze to his. He grabbed my hips and twisted me until I was straddling his face, leaving my mouth where it started. That was when I understood. He quite literally ripped my panties off.

"Delaney, God, you're nearly dripping."

I was panting. I could feel his cool breath against my super-heated folds. I tried not to whimper. It was a fleeting battle. I was shaking with need.

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