Lessons of Love (20 page)

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Authors: Jolynn Raymond

BOOK: Lessons of Love
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Your stockings will cover your ankles and legs and no one will see up your skirt. I will allow you to wear the petticoats that are necessary for the proper fit of your gown but nothing more. I

m the only one who will know that you are i
n a state of undress and the secret will make our evening more intense. Can you truly say that going around unclothed hasn

t made you more passionate, sweet? Every time I slip my hand under your skirts your
honey flows over my fingers.”

You are uncivilize
d and despicable!”
angrily tried to push away but
held her in an iron grip. She brought her fists up in desperation and began to pummel his chest. “
I won

t do it. Do yo
u hear me? I won

t, I won


pounded her tiny fists upon

s broad
let her continue until her energy was spent. He released one arm and slid a hand into her hair, holding her head still as he crushed her body against his and punished her lips.
fought him, pushing and twisting, trying to break his ho
ld on her but it was for naught. His a
rms were like bands of steel.

The kiss went on and on as their tongues battled fiercely,
trying to master her, dominating her with his strength and his passion.
began to give in, but

t relent. He
held her close, fierceness and desire roaring through him. She was so incredibly erotic when she was angry. He loved her fight and her spirit even if her sharp tongue and insolent ways went against every idea he

d ever had a
bout how a wife should behave.

e backed her up until they were against the wall and grabbed her wrists in his hand, raising them above her head, out of the way.
leaned forward and trapped
between his hard body and the wall. She could feel his desire pressing into her stomach,
and knew he was going to take her soon. She wiggled, trying to free herself, but it just made him groan and deepen his kiss.
released her wrists and
brought them down and beat him on the back. She was in a rage and wasn

t backing down.
wled deep in his throat at her actions and snaked an arm around her waist pulling her tightly against him, thrusting forward, his shaft s
training against his breeches.

finally broke the kiss and gazed down at his little hellion. Her eyes were full of
fury and fight. God she was passionate. He could never get enough of her. Her cheeks were flushed and the tops of her breasts strained against the thin material of her silk chemise. It had ridden up to her thighs in their struggle and
lowered one hand
to caress the satiny skin that was exposed. His fingers trailed lightly and got the small shudder he

d hoped for.
bent down and nuzzled her nipples through the silk until both were hard little peaks, but still
fought him. Well he was done fight
ing, it was time to give her a well-deserved spanking, and then tumble his little wildcat unti
l she was purring in his arms.

backed away from
and she looked at him, eyes leery. Her chest heaved as she tried to control her breathing. She would ne
ver admit it to
, but she was incredibly aroused. Their little fight had stirred a fire in her womanhood that begged to be quenched. Damn the man, it didn

t matter where or how, or even if she was angry, he could spark her passion with a kiss and a few

moved forward, intending to dart around him and seek her escape. She knew the look in his eyes. It was the one that told her she was about to be punished. Her
only chance was getting away. S
he could never talk her way out of a spank
ing. She made her move, but
easily caught her around the waist and scooped her into his arms. He strode to the chair in front of the vanity and deftly turned
her so she was over his lap.

fought like the wildcat he sometimes called her, but
simply held her there, arms gathered behind her back, and legs trapped between his. He let her struggle and then began to caress the backs of her thighs and bottom, running his fingers between her cheeks, slowly opening her legs.
knew he would find
her silky wet. Her body always betrayed her when it came to her husband

s touch. She shrieked and struggled but
simply held her without a word and continued his stimulating onslaught. He wanted her on the verge of orgasm as he paddled her. He controll
ed all of her body and she seemed to ha
ve forgotten that little fact.

, don

t you dare spank me. You have no right and I ... I w

t have it. Do you hear me?”

chuckled and easily slid a finger between her netherlips, her satiny folds were wet and
ready for her husband

s attentions. “
I have every right to spank your lovely bottom, sweet. You are my wife and you are being ve
ry disobedient at the moment.”

Damn it,
. Stop i

Such language from a lady
my sweet. I think I shall have to add a few
more swats to your spanking.”
pulled his finger out of her womanhood, pausing to tantalize her nubbin, then slid it back in accompanied by another.
wiggled in spite of herself and
smiled. He loved having her this way, full of fire and pass
ion that rivaled hi
s own.

Ooh! Let me go
! I

m not a child to be paddled!”


m well aware of that fact, love. Your beautiful body is far from childlike. You have earned this spanking and truly deserve it little one. You berated my wishes to Celia, you def
ied a direct order, saying you will wear under garments to the ball, you screamed at me and hit me, and I believe you calle
d me, what was it despicable?”

You are despicable, and
beastly and a bully as well.”

crossed his fingers back and forth inside
and slowly moved them in and out. He could see the flush of desire darkening her skin and used a finger to assault her swollen nubbin once again.
moaned and rocked her hip
s, unable to resist his touch.

Am I bullying you now, love?”
led her nub between his thumb and forefinger and
let out a cry that was passion mixed with anger. She didn

t speak to answer his question, so he increased his ministrations. “
Am I
, love? Am I being a beast?”

opened her thighs wider and
rode the delightful movement of his hand. She was lost. Let him spank her, let him do anything he wanted. She loved him and her body was on fire. She

d known she would end up like this, face down over his lap when she started the argument in the first pla
e. There were certainly worse places to be.
built her passion to the brink of orgasm and then pulled his hand away like she knew he would, but she cried out in protest never the less, not able to stop the sound from escaping her lips. What did it matt
er? Her desire was more than evident.

heard him pick up the hairbrush from her vanity and turned her head sharply, st
raining to look at him. “
no. Please no. Not the hairbrush. That will hurt too much. Please

This is supposed to hurt, lov
e. How else am I to get it into your willful head that my word is law? You will survive. Not wearing drawers tonight will be a relief, little one, you won

t want anything touching your sore bottom.”
brought the brush down and
wailed in pain and
outrage. He held her there as the sting from the brush shot through her body and began to rub her nubbin again until she was on the verge of climaxing once again. When she was moaning and rocking her hips
brought the brush down again, determined
to ta
me his little minx.

whipped her head back and forth and thrashed in his hold, trying to break free. He loved her fight and her spirit, but she had to learn to bow to him in the end. Wives didn

t disobey their husbands, it was that simple. He didn

want her to be a meek creature who followed his every wish with blind obedience, but given his business and his past
it was possible that a time would come when her life depe
nded on doing as she was told.

brought her to the brink of release over and
over, continuing to spank her until her screams of outrage had been replaced by quiet sobs. She rocked her hips as he punished her, trying to rub her swollen nub against his thighs to ease the fire in her womanhood even as the stinging pain from the hair
rush burned through scarlet cheeks. The a
nger had left her and she was l
ying quivering and panting over his lap, a mixture of intense sensations causing tumultuous feelings to roar through her body. Finally, he helped her up, and gathered her in his arms,
carrying her to the bed. He wanted to take her now while the fire still burned in her bottom. Her tender cheeks would rub against the sheets as he made love to her, reminding her that he controlled everything she felt, be it pain or pleasure, and could ea
mix the two whenever he chose.

laid her down and gathered her chemise in his hands, pulling it up and over her head. He tossed it aside then wiped a tear from her cheek as a pang of guilt shot through him. “
Why won

t you obey me,
? I don

t li
ke hurting you.”
It was true, disciplining her weighed heavy on his conscience. He

d never had any remorse about spanking other women until they were shaking with sobs, ready to do as they were told. In fact he found it intensely erotic to have so much co
trol over their beautiful bodies, relishing in making them submit to the flat of his hand and then forcing them to service him with their mouths, passive and afraid, but
was different. She stirred his passion, but she also laid claim to his h

I don

t obey you
because I can

t. It isn

t in my nature to be meek and docile. If that

s what you wanted in a wife, I

m afr
aid you will be disappointed.”

I have never been disappointed in you, love, and I never will be. Angry yes, disappointed, never
He stripped off his shirt and breeches and knelt on the bed, gently parting

s legs. Her dew glistened in her soft curls, clear evidence of her desire.
bent over and pressed a gentle kiss between her thighs, smiling as
moaned and raised
her hips from the bed. He reached under her and held her hot cheeks, squeezing them roughly as he slowly circled her nubbin with his tongue.
cried out at the mixture of agony and delight. Her body didn

t know which to feel, and couldn

t in fact
ate the two.

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