Lessons of Love (21 page)

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Authors: Jolynn Raymond

BOOK: Lessons of Love
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slowly kissed his way up to her breasts, pausing to nibble her hard little nipples on his way to her mouth. He joined their lips just as he surged forward and slid into her satiny folds. Both sighed deep in their throats as they became o
moved one arm so it held her around the waist and brought the other up to cradle her neck and shoulders. Everything was gentle and slow. Easy movements, soft rocking, exquisitely tender touches that built the passion that burned deep in
side both o
f them.

moved his mouth to

s neck and kissed the hollow of her throat, nuzzling her neck, and burying his face in her silky tresses. He moved forward again and again, filling
with a smooth rhythm. Nothing was frenzied or wild,
held hi
mself back, wanting to show her how gentle he could be. She

d called him a brutal beast, and he needed to prove he was tender. The amount of pleasure he felt by their gentle coupling surprised
. He had always been uninhibited in his love making, prefer
ring the act to be wild and forcefu
l, but this, this was heaven.

made little mewling sounds of pleasure and purred in his ear, rubbing her body against his, delighting in this new found intimacy. She loved his unabashed passion, but this new side of
him was wonderful as well. She felt him press forward and she tightened her muscles, squeezing his shaft and relishing in the moan she elicited from him with
her actions. “
Do you like that

entered her deeply and
cried out in return. “
Yes, you
little minx. I like it, I love it. I love all of you and what you can do to me with your beautiful body.”
He surged forward again, increasing the pace just a little and
responded in kind raising
her hips to meet his thrusts.

They continued on with
their slow languid lovemaking, enjoying each other and the feelings they brought forth, neither wanting to end their joining too quickly. Little by little their pace increased as their passion mounted until
was driving forward into
as she clung
to him.
began to cum, and her muscles clenched

s cock in a white-hot grip, and he gave himself over to his own ultimate release. He took
hard and she writhed beneath him as their passion spiraled up and through them until they were left ga
sping and cling
ing to each other in its wake.

decreased his movements to gentle rocking again, and held
as she came back to earth. Her eyes were closed and she had a silly little smile on her face as she lay in her husband

s arms, surrounded by
his strength and relishing in the last waves of pleasure coursing through her. He leaned on his elbows and looked down at her, wondering what he had ever done to deserve her. He

d spent his life selling women, and it had never bothered his conscience. Now
the thought made him ill. What if some bastard stole his
away like he had with so many innocent women? He would die without her, and knew he had left many families feeling the same way. Besides,
would despise him if he continued. It was wrong.
He again thought of his
being kidnaped and taken from him, and it made him wrap his arms around her in a fierce hug, as he
rolled them onto their sides.

Is something the matter,

Yes, everything was the matter. How was he going to get out of
his vile business? Money wasn

t the problem. He had scads of it and the plantation was becoming prosperous, but Gregor was sure to protest violently. Perhaps he could pay the man off. The others should bow out gracefully if given enough pay to make them v
ry comfortable until they found new work, they could even stay on and oversee the plantation if they chose, but Gregor,
he was sure to be a problem.

Looking down at his wife,
knew he wanted to become a respected member of the community, and this time
it wasn

t as a disguise. He truly wanted to better himself for the woman who lay beside him and he made a vow to never bring another captive into the house. His da
ys of selling women were over.

No love. Nothing could ever be the matter when I

m here in y
our arms. Do you want to rest for a bit? I need to see to the preparations downstairs, but it can wait for a little while. Shall I stay until you

re asleep?”
nodded and snuggled up against
blissfully unaware of his thoughts, and the danger that
would soon
be coming their way.




called for
precisely at 7:00, knocking on her door as the grandfather clock in the foyer struck the hour. Their guests were arriving and it was time to escort his beautiful wife downstairs.
was f
illed with anticipation at the prospect, knowing his wife would be desired by e
very man who laid eyes on her.

bade him to enter, and he did so in haste, anxious to see the vision she made in her ball gown, and he was not disappointed. She literally s
himmered as she curtsied low before him, showing her expanse of white creamy breasts. Her hair was pinned up into a mass of curls beginning at the crown of her head and falling down one side, showcasing her slender neck and flawless should
ers. She took his
breath away.

Perhaps it would be best if you didn

t curtsey quite so low, love, I fear you will spill out of your gown.”
raised her eyebrows and cocked her head at him with a little smil
e of satisfaction on her lips.

I thought it was your wish for
all the men to see and ogle my charms. Wasn

t that your intent when you instructed the seamstress in its creation? I also remember you saying it excited you to have all the other men lusting after your wife. Isn

t that one of your reasons for forcing me
o be
unclothed beneath my skirts?”

Do not be insolent,
. Tell me love, did you obey me? There had better be nothing but petticoats and a chemise under your gown.”
smiled wickedly at him, and
was delighted. She certain
ly was quite the littl
e minx.

Would you care to see for yourself, Monsieur?”

s words were husky and seductive, but were in actuality a ploy to fool her domineering husband. She had on a pair of silk drawers beneath her dress. It was the first time she dared to wear the
garments that had been ordered out of propriety sake. Even
had agreed that it would cause too much gossip if she faile
d to purchase proper bloomers.

looked his wife over with a critical gaze. Something was not right. Yes she should be compliant a
fter receiving that spanking, but this was still too easy. Even when she did as he wished, she did it very grudgingly if she were unhappy about his orders.

As a matter of fact, I would love to
see under your skirts, love.”

, you

ll wrinkle my gown.”

He was right. She was trying to get away with defying him. “
Come here, little one. A quick lift of your skirts will not ruin your dress.”
hesitated, knowing she was in trouble. “
I told you to come here, wife. Don

t worry, I won

t paddle you. I

ll no
t have your eyes red from cryin
g when I take you downstairs.”

pouted at him and stamped her foot in irritation. He was impossible. “
You are a beast! I shall do it.”
lift her skirts to her knees, the short drawers s
till covered by her skirts

voice was menacing, she was trying his patience.
scowled at him and spun away. He strode after her and caught her arm. “
You were very unwise to defy me, sweet. Lift your skirts so I can remove your drawers.”
She opened her mouth to prote
st but
held up his hand to silence her. “
We both know you are wearing them, and we both know they are coming off. Do not fight me or I
will spank you here and now.”

turned her back on
and lifted her skirts around her waist.
deftly unti
ed the ribbon of her bloomers, and let them fall to the floor in a pool of white silk. He ran his hands over the two perfect cheeks of her bottom, tracing the red marks still visible from her earlier paddling, stroking them lightly until she shivered. “

s a good girl.”
One finger slid forward and circled her nubbin until she moaned, the fam
iliar heat beginning to build.

. Isn

t it enough that I

m half
naked? Must I be aroused too?”

chucked at her words. “
My love, we are always aroused wh
en we are near each other, whether we are touching or not. Lower your skirts and turn arou
nd. I have something for you.”

did as he asked and turned, curiosity shining in her eyes.
pulled a long velvet box from the inner pocket of his waistcoat a
nd presented it to her.

s eyes opened wide as she took it from him with trembling fingers. She carefully opened the jewelry case and gasped when she saw the diamond necklace inside. The diamonds began in a row down each side and ended in the shape of
a rose that was exactly like the crystal beaded roses of her gown. It shimmered in the lamp light and she stared at it in wonderment.
had never
owned such a thing of beauty.

, it

s exquisite. I love it.”

It isn

t more exquisite than you, love.
Turn so I can put it on you.”
did as he asked, and
placed the necklace around her neck. He bent and planted a trail of tiny kisses down one side of her neck and across her bare shoulder. Giving her the necklace and seeing her happiness caused a
swell of emotions to build inside him. He was so proud of her, and loved her fiery spirit and beauty. How had he ever
lived without her in his life?

Turn so I can see you little one.”
spun around once and then stopped facing him. The necklace grace
d her throat beautifully and rested in the hollow of her neck. It was perfect. “
You are magnificent,

So are you, Cole
. You look so dashing and handsome in your silk breeches and velvet waistcoat. All of the women, especially my girlfriends, are g
oing to be ogling you and will giggle all night. You simply must dance with Soph
ie and Louisa, and Emily too.”

Shall I tell the gossiping little shrew that I beat you and keep you chained to the bed, love?”

s eyes glittered wickedly, and
d her hands in delight.

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