Lessons of Love (19 page)

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Authors: Jolynn Raymond

BOOK: Lessons of Love
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This type of gossip didn

t bother
however. It wasn

t damaging in the least. He knew that
the matrons would continue to wag their tongues, but deep inside, they would dream of having a passion such as his and

s. It was in the business world that his reputation mattered, and in the eyes of the law, and a few tidbits of scandal about how he
desired his wife would not tarnish his image when haggling over
the price of a bale of cotton.

Now it was the day of the celebration ball and the household was in an uproar. A multitude of women now hustled about, making sure everything gleamed and sparkl
ed. The kitchen was overflowing with slaves busily running to and fro, preparing a sumptuous feast for the ball. Delivery wagons came and went,
carrying everything from a fine spinet piano to a wondrous creation of spun sugar that would sit atop the cake.
The ballroom was readied, the flowers arranged, and the banquet table set, and in her chambers,
stood on a dressing stool as the seamstress and
gazed at the beautiful sight she mad
e in her shimmering ball gown.

It was a wonderful thing made of w
hite satin and lace, every little girl

s dream of a wedding gown.
insisted on white even though she

d protested, telling him white was only proper for unmarried girls, not matrons. He

d told her she was in no way a matron, she was a hot-blooded little
hellion and she was damn well going to wear white if he told her to.
had given in after much arguing, not wishing to risk another trip over his lap. Now she stood before the dressing mirror in her room and gazed at herself in wonder, secretly thrill
ed that
she had acceded to his wishes.

She looked like a princess, and felt like one as well. The gown shimmered with each tiny movement, the light glinting off the tiny crystal beads that had been sewn all over it in a pattern of roses. The neckline was d
aringly low, emphasizing the swell of her bosom, and the gown bared her shoulders as well, the little cap sleeves resting on her upper arms.
feared her breasts might tumble out if she bent over, but also knew that s
he felt incredibly alluring.

The b
odice fit her like a glove, and she knew she wasn

t in any real danger of being exposed, even as she moved about, but she felt it would be prudent to be careful when dancing all the same. Any man looking down at her as they danced would have quite a view
f her charms. It both irritated and pleased her that
wanted to show her off. She was sure he would bestow his

look but don

t touch

stare on
any of the men she danced with.

You look absolutely ravishing, my love. I can

t wait to escort you down the
staircase. You shall stir the passion of e
very man at the ball.”

Monsieur if you would leave us alone I would like to make just a few alterations once you
r wife is wearing her corset.”

Madam, I have told you before that my wife does not
wear those vile c

But Monsieur, surely for
the ball... “

s eyes flared with a warning look that was impossible to misinterpret, and the seamstress quickly held her tongue.
stamped her foot in irritation at his actions, and
rned his warning ga
ze her way.

Do you have something to say love?”
shot daggers from her eyes but didn

t speak. They would have this argument later, after the seamstress was gone.
had no desire for any more gossip to be carried back to New Orleans. It was bad en
insisted on being present as the seamstress dressed her. The poor woman had been downright scandalized when he

d first told her his intentions of staying on th
e day they

d visited the shop.

I believe that will be all Mrs. Le Blanc. Thank you for
your services. I am very pleased with the wardr
obe you designed for my wife.

I must say her flaunting fashion did pose some difficulties, all though I have to admit I

ve received two other orders for gowns without hoop skirts. Perhaps the Madam will insp
ire a new fashion style. I

m glad y
ou are pleased, Monsieur.”

I shall escort you out.
, I am sending Celia to assist you. Please wait here when she is done. I w
ish to have a word with you.”


s eyes narrowed and her brow creased in a frown. If h
e wanted to come back and speak to her about the wearing of under garments, she was more than ready. Moving about the house completely bare these past few weeks had been so incredibly unnerving. She couldn

t deny that she felt decadent at times, but when
he was around anyone besides
, she felt horribly exposed even if they couldn

t see her. The fact that
had pulled her into the pantry one morning and taken her hard and fast from behind only added to her feeling of disquiet. It wasn

t that she

d fo
und the act unappealing, it had been erotic and immensely satisfying, but someone might discover her state of undress.
vowed to fight
if he insisted on bannin
g under garments for the ball.

Celia arrived and helped
undress. She hung up the
gown and quickly headed for the door, but
stopped her.

Celia, don

t go. What would you like to do this afternoon? I know I need to nap so I can stay up all night dancing, but I have some free time. Oh I wish you could come to the ball too. It

s simp
ly not right. I

d much rather have you there than that snooty Emil
y Wellington and her parents.”

I don

t mind missing the party,
. I didn

t grow up attending balls and wearing fancy clothes like you did. I would trip over my own feet and make a fool
out of myself trying to follow
proper decorum.”


d be fine. I promise. I would stay at your side the whole nigh
t so you wouldn

t be nervous.”


ll be dancing with your husband
, and will be lost in the music and his arms. When you are together
you only have eyes for him.”

Is it that obvious Celia? Do I we
ar my heart on my sleeve?”

. One can tell simply by the happiness in your eyes that you are in love. Perhaps we can do something later, the Monsieur asked me to leave you alone after
I helped you undress.”

s mouth turned down in a frown. She had a feeling fireworks were about to erupt between
and the Monsieur. He didn

t take kindly to her challenging his wishes or questioning his decisions. The look on his face had been one
of determination mixed with a bit of anger when he

d told her to see to her Mistress and then leave. Celia knew

t truly hurt
, the love in his eyes was as clear as the love in

s, but Celia knew it didn

t stop him from dis
ciplining h
er when he saw fit.

If he thinks he can bully me into going without drawers this evening he has lost his senses. I refused to parade around the ball in a state of undress! I can

Her words were cut short as
entered the room.
knew her words
had been loud enough to carry through the closed door, and she winced when she saw the storm begin to rage
in those incredible blue eyes.

It seems that not only do you wish to defy a direct order from me little one, you dare to berate me in front of Celi
a. Leave us please. My wife will not be in need of your services until it is time for her bath.”
Celia cast a quick glance full of pity towards
then hurried out the door. Sparks were definitely going to fly. If her Mistress were wise, she would do a
s he asked. The Monsieur was not one to challenge, at least not if y
ou wished to emerge unscathed.

remained on the dressing stool as
approached. She liked the advantage it gave her, they were actually almost eye to eye. She boldly held

s fi
erce gaze as he came closer, determined not to back down. If he wanted an argu
ment, he was going to get one.

What seems to be the problem, love? I thought I

d made myself clear in regards to your under clothes. It

s a simple order really, there are not to
be any covering your luscious body.

, you can

t be serious. How do you expect me to move among our guest in that state of undress? I

m going to be dancing! What if my skirts flare out? Do you want other men to kno
w I am bare beneath my gown?”

smiled wickedly and
lost her temper. She lashed out and slapped his arm, then jumped down from the stool and stormed away, turning her back. “
How can you wish that? Do you wan
t them to think I

m a harlot?”

was torn between
rage at her gall
to strike him
, and sympathy because of the pitiful wail that accompanied her words. He followed her and grasped her arms, spinning her around with a growl. “
No one will know you are unclothed pet, and why I desire you to be that way shouldn

t be too hard
for you to figure out. If the other men found out about your state of undress they would know you are well loved, and will do anything to please me. I have always taken great pleasure from knowing they desire you but can

t have you. Men lust after you lov
, and it thrills m
e. ”

stared up at him, the fury in her eyes matching that in his. “
Why must you parade me about as a thing, a mere possession? Haven

t you proved your dominance? Haven

t I bowed to you? Haven

t I done my best to be a proper wife? Wh
y must you humiliate me? Am I truly a wife to you or am I really just the possession you claimed me to be on the night we wed? Do you plan on tossing up my skirts in front of the musicians and taking
me before all of New Orleans?”


t. You would b
e wise to do as I say and stop this nonsense. You know that I care for you. I wish you to be unclothed because it fires my blood to know that your delectable charms are just a moment away. Knowing how easily I could take you in front of all those gossipin
matrons makes me long for your body and stirs a passion in my loins that makes our lovemaking more intense when we can finally be alone. It

s the excitement of knowing your bottom and cunny are exposed, knowing you are wet and ready for my first thrust b
tween your thigh

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