Lessons of Love (45 page)

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Authors: Jolynn Raymond

BOOK: Lessons of Love
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It wasn

t long before
was panting, her juices flowing freely into his mouth. "
, oh, wait." He did
n't stop.


"Yes, kitten?" He only paused for an instant to answer
her, then resumed his work.

"I want

I me
an I …
Oh please come here."

He briefly considered refusing and sending her over the edge, but
knew what
wanted, what she needed right now. She wanted them to do this together. She wanted to be held tightly in his arms when she came. Th
ere was an incredible feeling of oneness that couldn't be matched by anything else and it only happened when you were clinging to the person you loved with all your heart as the incredible s
ensations r
oared through you.

moved up and over
. He w
as ready, the ghost of his Gregor long gone. It was time to make love to his woman. He knelt between her open thighs and paused for a moment, anticipating the feel of her hot wet core, his love for her almost bring tears to his eyes.
was more than re
ady and arched her back, needing to feel him inside her.
obliged and pushed forward into her deeply and fully, causing them both to cry out in pleasure. She pulled
to her and pressed his lips on hers, completing
the joining of their bodies.

began to move inside her, pressing down, fitting himself in her just so.
moaned and moved with
, matching his rocking rhythm with her own. It was gentle and smooth, small movements that aroused deep pleasure and prolonged the moment. T
ongues entwined, arms wrapped lovingly, securely, they slowly built up the passions between them. Moving in the timeless dance the
y had choreographed so well.

Tonight it was this simple joining and smooth movements that ignited them. Everything was tend
er and loving. Hip to hip. Mouth to mouth. Their hearts were locked together.
pressed into
over and over and she moved under him, slowly squeezing her muscles, gripping him in velvet smoothness. He groaned and surged forward even deeper, filling
her completely, pul
ling back, filling her

Their passions and movement finally became faster. Beat to beat, matched perfectly. They were lovers who knew each other so well that the tiniest movement was enough to signal the other. To let it be know
n exactly what was desired, what would bring the most delight, yet still it was not frenzied.
rocked and held each other, bodies moving in time until
brought her hips up and cried out, heat exploding through her.
held onto
nd bu
ried her face in his shoulder, the p
ain, anger,
, love, and fear rushing out of her heart, while pleasu
re coursed through her body.

Again the tears came as the rush of fire surged through
igniting every nerve and emotion in her core.
continued to move within her as her orgasm peaked, then gently kissed her tear stained face as her sobs quieted and her body ceased to tremble. He rocked his hips against hers until her breath began to quicken again, her body responding to his urgent need
and the flames of passion rekindled in her belly.
moved deeply, fighting his urgency, into his wife

s searing heat as slowly as he could, swearing he would love her for eternity as he struggled to maintain his own passion and barely suppressed emotion
s. Pleasure began to build anew and their movements became quicker, still ge
ntle but now more insi

surged into
, her muscles gripping him like a hot velvet glove and the intense sensations sent him spinning out of control, driving him ov
er the edge. White-hot pleasure exploded inside him and
called out her name as he drove into her. She clung to him, arching her back as she continued to move in time with

s now fierce thrusts, encouraging the heat, granting him permission to let
go. He looked down at her, eyes wild, as he tried to hold back the fire consuming his soul. He needed to claim her, to take her with all the urgency and longing he felt, all the passion and wild mad love, all the fierce possession he felt deep inside, but
she was still fragile. She didn

t need a frenzied, dominant, crazed lover, she needed tender
caresses and a gentle touch.

saw his desire, felt his need to become wild, to let his inner male take hold, and her body responded in kind, she cried out,
nails scraping across his back, and wrapped her legs around
, urging him harder and faster, urging him to take what b
elonged to only him. “
Do it.”

No, kitten.”
clenched his jaw and shook his head fighting for control even as his cock began to e
xplode inside her. He tried to kiss her softly, gently but she grabbed his head and pressed her lips to
his in a hard demanding kiss.

Do it!”
demanded breathlessly and squeezed his aching cock within her womanhood with all the strength she had lef
t and
roared, thrusting forward, losing control, driving down into
with all the longing, fear, and horror of the long lonely nights he

d spent without her. She was his again and he would take all of her, he would make her his woman again and kee
p her beside him, beneath him, in his arms and he
art for the r
est of his days.


re mine,
. My love. Only mine
shuddered helpless as his climax surged through him and he spilled his seed deep within
. He thrust into her and held her i
n an iron grip, kissing her fiercely and shouting over and over that she was his and only his. The mantra of claim spilling from his lips.
was his again, they were truly one. Their movements slowed and they rocked and rocked, the sensations slowly fa
ding, until both could breath
kisses turned gentle and he looked down on
somewhat shamefully but one look at

s tranquil face chased his remorse away. It was what she had wanted, what they needed to feel complete again. They had mad
e love in the way that was best for the both of them. It had stren
gthen their bond, their love.

made no move to roll off her. He couldn't let her out of his tight grasp and
wouldn't have wanted him to.
to her breast, their bodi
es trembling from fulfillment, their hearts pounding in unison, their breathing in perfect sync. Love had brought them together and it bound them together still.
quivered as the last waves of pleasure coursed through her and
looked down upon his
love smiling at the serenity that shown on her face. He whispered love words and rocked
gently as she came back to earth.
kissed her eyes, her nose, her lips, still not able to get enough of her, still not b
elieving she was really safe.

opened her eyes. The look of pure contentment they held went straight to his heart. "H
ello, my love. I missed you."

"I missed you too, kitten, more than you c
an imagine. How do you f

"How do I feel? Oh
, I love you so much. How do you think I
gazed at
, shaking her head, happiness glowing in her eyes. She reached up and held his face in her hands as she looked deep into his dark blue eyes. "I feel like the luckiest woman on earth
. You held me when I was frightened. You we
re at my side when I was sick and lost. You tenderly bathed me while easing my muscles and my heartache, and then you did wonderful things to my body. How do I feel? Loved, cherished, desired, and adored, that's how I feel. Thank you baby for making my li
e more amazing than
I ever imagined it could be."

and his heart became lighter as her words sunk in. "Loved, cherished, and adored is good, very good. That's how I want you to feel.”
kissed her eyes, and lips, murmuring sweet love words,
still lost in the feelings that had almost overwhelmed them both.
was content and completely satiated.
's body pressing onto hers was the most comforting feeling in the world. Words were not needed. The love in
both their eyes said it all.

orrow they would head for home and truly begin their new life together. It would be free of the past. Their fears of discovery had been buried along with Gregory. It was time to rejoice and count their blessings. There was Jonathan and Celia

s wedding to
lan, crops to be put in to begin the new cycle of life at the plantation, social calendars to be arranged, grand balls to be planned so he could show off his wife, and all the other wonderfully mundane tasks of running a plantation to see to. They no long
r needed to hide from the past,
was truly free. He was a changed man who had been given a chance by finding love and he wasn

t about to ever let
what had been given slip away.

He had plans for his lovely wife. She would be cherished and doted upon an
d spoiled for all the rest of his days. That wasn

t to say he wouldn

t turn her over his knee if the situation presented itself, one couldn

t let one

s wife have complete control, besides, why would he ever want to give up the fun of chasing his little wi
ked imp around the bedroom or passing up a good rough and tumble when they were feeling wild? He had found a remarkable woman. One with spirit, love, loyalty, and passion and he would spend every breath in his body for the rest of his days making sure she
always looked at him like she was doing right at that moment. A lazy contented smile on her face and her eyes full of passion and love


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