Kiss This (28 page)

Read Kiss This Online

Authors: Hadley Quinn

Tags: #General Fiction, #relationships, #sweet sexy, #humorous erotic romance, #famous family, #erotic, #dancer, #adrenaline junkies

BOOK: Kiss This
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She bit back a laugh as she leaned away to
study the bedroom eyes he was deliberately giving her. “A boner
like this?” she asked, her hand pressing against it.

He closed his eyes as she massaged him,
undoing his jeans at the same time. “Yeah, something like that,” he

“Wow, that must have been painful,” she
suppressed a laugh.

“Uh huh…pretty much,” he panted as she was
now stroking his bare skin.

“Aww, then I should probably make up for it
since it was so nice of you to think about me.”

“Yeah, it was…it was rough.”

“Rough?” she growled, fisting him

His breath released past her head as he
moaned. But she let go of him and took a step back. Eyeing him up
and down, she smiled, obviously liking the fact that he was totally
drunk for her. She grabbed the edge of her shirt and pulled it over
her head. His eyes circled over her chest and down her stomach to
the jewelry in her navel. With a smile, she unbuttoned her pants
and shimmied them down.

“This is a simplified version of the
striptease I want to give you, but that will be for the bedroom
another time,” she said with a wink.

Teague watched with undivided attention.
Even his throbbing cock wouldn’t prevent him from taking in every
inch of her beautiful body with his eyes. He wanted to strip his
own clothes off just so he could get inside her, but he was
honestly too absorbed to move. When Camryn was completely naked in
front of him, he finally took a breath of air. It came out shaky
because she was up against him now, yanking his pants and boxers
down before she stripped his shirt off. Her lips were all over his
body—his chest, his stomach, his neck and his shoulders—and the
room started to spin.

Finally she said, “I admire your restraint,
Teague. But I am so horny right now—”

He grabbed her ass and hauled her up against
him as he turned her back to the wall. His cock was smothered in
heat as he sank into her and ravaged her mouth simultaneously. When
she moaned and squeezed her legs tighter around him, her nails bit
into his skin and his thrusts went deeper.

Even though they’d discussed it several
times, Teague still worried about birth control. He knew Camryn
could sense his hesitation as he slowed, but he couldn’t help it.
Melanie’s situation was too much of a reminder.

“Cam, let’s just be more careful,” he

“I use a different method than my sister, if
that’s what you’re thinking about.”

“Kind of, but even so…”

“Teague, it’s not like I forget to take a
pill or anything. It’s in my uterus and it’s effective until it’s
taken out. I’m so thankful you’re concerned, and of course you have
your own choice, but there will be no surprises, I promise.”

He fought against the natural urge to
disagree, but she was so fucking hot he couldn’t resist. Just this
once, maybe it would be okay. He could trust her, couldn’t he?

The question disappeared in his mind the
second her tongue entered his mouth again. It was only quiet moans
and groans to maintain some privacy, even while they moved from the
wall to the counter and finally to the bedroom floor where Teague
could feel her shatter beneath him. When she rolled him over to
return the favor, Teague had a hard time keeping quiet as he filled
her for the first time, his body appreciating what his mind was
telling him not to. She felt so incredible it was enough to block
out his selfish enjoyment.

As their movements slowed, Camryn exhaled
and laid her chest against his. Teague’s hand gathered her hair as
his other hand rubbed softly against her lower back. “Your
flexibility is mind-boggling,” he finally said.

She laughed and looked up to meet his gaze.
“Eighteen years of dancing will do that for you.”

He smiled and was about to say something
when something glistening caught his eye. “Ah shit!” he exclaimed,
and Camryn hopped off of him at the same time she noticed water
flowing from the bathroom floor and into the bedroom.




It wasn’t funny, it really wasn’t, but when
she saw Teague’s naked ass make a beeline for the bathroom, Camryn
had to laugh. He tiptoed through the water to shut the tub faucet
off and then unplugged the drain.

He glanced back and caught her clutching her
stomach as she laughed. He laughed too and said, “Get your sexy
body in here and help me.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, shaking her head.
Still chuckling she added, “My God, you’ve got the cutest

“Tushie?” he grunted as he grabbed a pile of
towels. “Jesus.”

She laughed again as she carefully entered
the bathroom, but when she reached out for the towels he tossed to
her, she lost her balanced on the slick floor and her feet went out
from under her.

At first Teague’s mouth made an “oh” with
surprise when she landed on her ass with a splash, but when Camryn
started to laugh, so did he. All of the towels dropped out of his
hands as he grabbed the edge of the counter to offer his other
hand, but she was too far away to reach for it. So when he leaned
forward even more to help her, his feet slipped back and he fell to
his hands and knees.

That sent Camryn into another laughing fit
that made her stomach hurt and her eyes cry. “So much for you being
a skilled stuntman!”

He swiped his hand through the water to
splash her. “Shut up!” he laughed. “And that was graceful for a
professional dancer?”

“Ha! I don’t dance in water. That’s
expertise on a surf board.”

He’d pretty much crawled across the floor to
get to her and he chuckled again. “Okay, so get me a damn surf
board and I’ll show you my water skills.” He sat next to her and
pulled her onto his lap.

Camryn wrapped her arms around his neck, and
even though they were in the most ridiculous situation, she felt
her heart swell in her chest when he kissed her. It wasn’t more
intimate than any of their other kisses—it wasn’t even as
foreplay—but the way he held her and put everything into the
moment, confirmed every ounce of devotion she felt from him. It was
those butterflies, again—just like she’d felt a dozen other times
with Teague—but combined with the way her heart was racing and the
feeling that she could share the deepest part of her soul with him
was something more powerful than she’d ever experienced.

When Teague pulled back to look at her, she
could swear she saw it in his eyes, too. They were a dark
aquamarine as they searched hers intently. He ran his thumb along
her lip and softly held her face, and he just sat there and studied
her features for a moment. Finally he smiled and said, “I’d better
get this water up before it causes any damage.”

Camryn slid off of his lap and used the
counter to help herself up. When she got her voice to work she
asked, “Do you need assistance, surfer boy?”

He grinned and pulled himself up
effortlessly. “Nope. I think falling to make you feel better about
yourself did the trick.”

She smiled, but just looking at herself in
the mirror was shocking. Her face and body were red and blotchy;
partly from the bathroom antics, but mostly because of Teague’s
kiss. Oh well. They were both naked and in the middle of a really
awkward situation anyway. She wasn’t even embarrassed around
Teague, and that was saying something.

Teague grabbed another stack of towels from
a cupboard and wrapped one around her. “I might need a few more if
you want to grab some from my bedroom closet. They should be up on
the shelf as you walk in.”

“Okay,” she nodded.

She dried off a bit as she stepped out of
the bathroom, cringing at the water that was soaking the carpet.
She hurried to the closet and flipped on the light. Glancing from
left to right, she spotted the towels on a shelf above her head.
She reached for them, and because she tried going for the entire
stack in one try, she lost the top half of them onto the floor.
They’d dropped in front of some presents that were nicely wrapped
in Disney wrapping paper and neatly stacked in the corner. As she
knelt down to scoop up the towels, Camryn glanced over the tags on
the gifts. Each one of them was labeled with “Chase.”

She scooped up the towels and re-entered the
bedroom, dropping three of them immediately on the carpet that was
soaked with water. “Will this be enough?” she asked Teague, who had
every towel he had spread over the bathroom floor. One was wrapped
around his waist and Camryn smiled at the beautiful simplicity of
such a sight. His dark hair and muscular physique were so sexy
against the mostly pure white of the room.

He rubbed his hand over his head and
chuckled as he tossed another soaked towel into the now-drained
tub. “Well, we might have to start ripping off the bed sheets

She smiled and dropped one towel on the
floor, using her feet to mop up the little bit of water nearest to

Teague took the other two towels from her
and said, “This should be good. I think next time we’ll hold off on
the bath until our usual reunion is complete.”

“I’m sorry,” she smiled sheepishly.

“It’s not your fault. I was so blown away by
your naked body that I didn’t even realize water was flowing into
the tub. I thought that was the blood rushing in my ears.”

“Well, it’s always nice to distract you that
way, I suppose,” she winked.

“Hell yeah, I wouldn’t have it any other




Once the bathroom was entirely cleaned up,
Teague gave Camryn one of his shirts and a pair of boxers she had
to roll over a few times at the waist. While her regular clothes
were thrown into the wash, she cuddled up with him on his bed to
watch a movie. With one arm around her and the other hand tickling
her skin, Teague used the TV as an excuse to keep silent. But
despite all the fun and laughter—and incredible sex—there was still
something on his mind.

He pressed his mouth to Camryn’s hair like
he’d done several times in the last half an hour, kissing her
softly and breathing her in. This time, however, he’d built the
courage to softly ask, “Will you tell me why you almost panicked
earlier, when I said what I said about kissing you?”

He felt her body stiffen again. Maybe she
even stopped breathing.

“Camryn? Please? I want you to talk to me.
Was it because I said something about dying? I’m so sorry, babe.
That was really insensitive of me. I’m a fucking idiot.”

Finally she sat up and turned to face him.
Her expression was hard to read as she studied his eyes and raked
her teeth over her lip. She went to speak a few different times but
words didn’t come.

“Why don’t I just show you,” she stated at
last. “Give me a sec.” She left the room and returned a minute
later with her purse. Rifling through it, she pulled out her phone.
“I want you to watch a video. It’s only a couple minutes long. Come
find me in the kitchen when you’re done.”

She handed him her phone after searching
through it and he watched her leave the room.

Glancing at the device, he sat up all the
way and tapped the “play” icon on the screen. A soldier appeared on
it, dressed in his army fatigues. Behind him was a row of beds as
he positioned himself at a desk. He was a good-looking guy, Teague
thought. His sandy hair was army short and his blue eyes were
smiling at whatever he was filming with.

Hey, Cam,”
he greeted.
“I know I
just sent you one of these videos yesterday, but… Well, I have a
few minutes to spare before we ship out for an assignment and… I
just wanted to talk to you before we left. I know you’re dancing in
Florida this weekend and you’re busy, so I’ll just record this for
you for now.”

He paused as he looked down at the table.
Then he dug into the front pocket of his shirt and pulled out a
photo. He showed that it was a picture of Camryn.

I keep this with me no matter where I’m
at, lady. I never go anywhere without it. It stays here, close to
my heart. I just wanted you to know you’re always with me.”

He tucked it back in his pocket again and
then seemed to nervously tap the table for a few beats. Looking
back at the camera he said, “
It sucks being this far away from
you, Camryn. I know why I’m here, but sometimes I wish I wasn’t.
Sometimes I wonder if I still would have chosen this if we’d met
sooner. I don’t regret this but… I guess it’s hard to explain. I
feel like I belong in two places at once. I can’t wait to see you
again. In person, I mean. But until then, I look forward to your
next video. I want to hear you tell me in person about that jackass
that tried to kiss you,
” he smiled. With a chuckle he added,

Brandon said you clocked the guy pretty good. Man, what I
wouldn’t give to see that in person
.” He adjusted in his seat
and folded his arms on the table in front of him. “
I can’t wait
to kiss you again, Camryn. It’s all I think about sometimes. When I
see you again, I’m gonna kiss you all night long. If I had to pick
one last thing I could do before I die, it would be kissing
he smiled again.

Teague felt a heaviness settle in his chest
as he watched this young soldier continue to profess his love to
the girl of his dreams. He was briefly interrupted by someone in
the room, and Zach told him he was coming. He then returned to the
camera and said, “
I love you so much, Cam. I can’t wait to marry
you. You keep those guys away from those lips because they’re mine,
got it? Your next kiss is gonna be from me and you’ll never forget
he grinned. He told her he loved her one more time and
then switched off the recorder.

Teague felt numb. Numb but aching, if that
was possible. Everything about Camryn made sense in so many ways
now, and even if she had told him all of this, he might not have
felt it like he did hearing Zach speak it himself. He didn’t even
know this guy, but Teague felt some kind of connection to him. Now
here he was with Camryn, enjoying life and everything about her,
while Zach had given his life to serve his country.

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