Kiss This (29 page)

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Authors: Hadley Quinn

Tags: #General Fiction, #relationships, #sweet sexy, #humorous erotic romance, #famous family, #erotic, #dancer, #adrenaline junkies

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It seemed so unfair.

Teague rubbed his face roughly. He stood and
took a deep breath, and when he felt put-together enough, he left
her phone on the bed and made his way to the kitchen. Camryn’s back
was to him as she mixed a cup of hot chocolate. Her pretty legs
looked perfect coming out of his t-shirt, and he watched her for a
moment as one bare foot was crossed behind her ankle, her hips
gently swaying in place as she finished stirring the spoon and then
took a careful sip.

She finally glanced back and noticed him
leaning against the counter. They stared at one another for a few
seconds but neither of them said anything right away.

Finally Camryn quietly said, “I only wanted
you to hear what I couldn’t tell you myself.” She set the mug on
the counter. “I just…know you question me sometimes and I… I just
wanted you to understand better. That video is very private and
maybe listening to another guy say those things wasn’t what you
wanted to hear, but I just wanted to share it with you. Those were
the last words he ever said to me. He was killed in an ambush less
than two hours later.”

Teague came across the kitchen and stopped
in front of her, placing his hand against her face. Her green eyes
were full of unshed tears and she was so beautiful, but for a brief
moment, he felt guilty for even being here with her. He felt
everything for her that Zach had professed and now he actually hurt

“I didn’t mean for it to make you upset,”
she told him, shaking her head. “I just thought…”

Teague wrapped his arms around her and held
her tight. “I’m glad you shared it with me, Camryn. I’m not upset
about anything except what you’ve been through, hon. I’m sorry for
all of it. Everything. Losing your dad, and then Zach… I’m so

He could feel her body completely relax in
his embrace as she sighed and slid her arms around him. He held her
in the middle of the kitchen, her faced pressed against his bare
chest as her tears spilled over and wet his skin.

“Thank you, Teague. For understanding.”

He could only nod. He felt more than just
understanding, but it didn’t feel right to tell her that at this
particular moment. He was still trying to wrap his mind and his
heart around it.

“Let’s get back to bed,” he told her,
reaching for her hot chocolate. He carried it down the hall for her
as they held hands.

“You’re totally going to let me watch a
chick flick now, aren’t you,” Camryn teased as she sniffled and
wiped the remaining moisture from her face.

They entered his room and he locked the door
behind them. “Pssh, you already know I’m whipped.”

Chapter Twenty-Six



“Camryn,” Teague whispered softly. She
stirred slightly when he put his lips on the back of her neck. “I
gotta head out, beautiful.”

Her eyes barely opened when he spooned her
from behind. She hugged his arms to her chest and sighed.

“I didn’t want to wake you, but I wanted to
tell you goodbye,” he said.

“I’m getting up,” she said as she

“You don’t have to. I just wanted to kiss
you goodbye.”

“I need to get back to Fresno so I can pack
for the convention.”

“Okay. I’m gonna pull my car out to the
street. Will you meet me out there?”

“Car? I didn’t know you had another
vehicle,” she sat up.

“I keep it out back in the detached garage.
Come on,” he said, climbing off the bed. He grabbed her wrists to
pull her up. “Go take your tinkle and get dressed.”

She laughed at his mocking use of Melanie’s
“potty word.” But she slid out of bed and used the bathroom, and
when she came out, he had her clothes set on the bed for her.
“You’re like my own personal servant.”

“I’d dress you too,” he winked, “but I’m
running behind. I’ll meet you outside, okay?”

He left without her response and headed out
back to pull the Boss out of the shop. Glancing at his watch he
knew he was going to be late and he hoped Kate would give him some

When Camryn came outside, her jaw dropped.
“Oh my God, Teague. Why can’t you drive normal vehicles?”

He smiled at the comment. “You want me to be
just an average guy?”

She joined him on the sidewalk, shaking her
head at the moss green muscle car with custom wheels and black
racing stripes over the top of it. “No. That is a
car. If I’m really super sweet to you, can I drive it

The ’69 Boss
a beautiful car. Jay
had originally owned it as a project car, but when his finances got
tight, Teague was the one that paid the bills for them to fix it up
together. He considered Jay to be half owner of the vehicle, even
though it was now in Teague’s name.

But Jay would fucking kill him if he ever
let a female drive it.

“I’ll have to see how sweet you really
mean,” he teased her with a smile. He gave Camryn a long kiss
goodbye, hating that he had to leave. He held her tight next to his
car and kissed her once more. “Have a safe ride with Mimi to
Sacramento. Enjoy the, you know, dance thingy.”

“It’s a convention I’m teaching at,” she

“Okay, have fun teaching at the convention.
It’s just two days, right? You’ll be back in Fresno and I’m still
set to see you then?”

“Of course. Unless things change on your

“No, this should be the last day of filming
this scene. I’ll be in Fresno the second you say so.”

She smiled and gave him a final hug. “Be
careful today. You promise?”

“Yeah, I’m always careful,” he answered,
kissing her forehead.

“Kiss me for real and then go have a great

Teague made his goodbye kiss one to remember
as he gently and deliberately made love to her lips. Damn, if he
didn’t have to leave twenty minutes ago… He wanted to take her back
into the bedroom, make love to her, and stay home all day.

He pulled away before he could make a hasty
declaration, just as an unwelcome face appeared at the edge of his

“Mornin’ Teague,” the man said with the
smile of a salesman. “Got a minute?”

“Nope, not for you, Rick,” Teague answered,
turning his back to him.

“Ah, come on, man. I’m just doing my job.
Give me anything, just something, and I’ll leave you alone.”

“Being that you’re here once again, those
words don’t mean much.”

“How’s your brother doing? You guys still on
the outs?”

“I don’t know where you get your
information,” Teague forced a smile, turning back to him. “Things
are just fine with my brother.”

“You two don’t hang out anymore,” Rick
stated. “Kinda tells me something.”

“It’s called being busy, and I see him all
the time. Now get off my property.”

“I’m in fair territory,” Rick smirked,
holding his hands out to show he was standing on the sidewalk.

Teague ignored him and left his car to walk
Camryn to the front door of the house. “Don’t say a word to him if
he’s still here when you leave. And if he says shit you don’t
understand, it’s just to get a reaction out of you.”

“Is he a reporter?”

“Yeah, and the worst kind. Could you make
sure Mel doesn’t talk to him either?”

“Yes,” she nodded. “Of course.”

He smiled and said, “See you in a couple
days. I’m gonna miss you like fucking crazy, so call when you


One short kiss later he was in his car,
backing out of the driveway, and the reporter was nowhere to be




With a sigh, Camryn entered the house, but
Kellie and Melanie’s voices and laughter made her smile. They were
talking about guys who considered their “junk” to be drool

“You really said that to him?” Melanie was
giggling. “God, did you keep a straight face?”

“Kind of,” Kellie replied. “Once I was in my
car I laughed my ass off.”

Melanie laughed again as she spotted Camryn.
“Oh hey. Did we get our big boy off to school okay?”

“Yep,” Camryn smiled.

“You two are so cute together it’s pathetic.
But I guess I’m kinda jealous. Maybe you can hook me up with
someone else in the family.”

Melanie had always been hot for Max McCallan
over the years, and she about died when she realized Teague was his
half-brother. She and Camryn had discussed it a few times, but
Camryn was still annoyed with her sister’s superficial interests
and had made her swear to keep her mouth shut around Teague.

“Sorry, Teague is pretty much the only nice
guy in the family,” Kellie informed Melanie. “The rest are all

“Oh come on,” Melanie argued. “All of them?
I’m sure there are redeeming qualities. I’ve seen Max do interviews
and stuff and he’s completely adorable.”

“For an audience? Hell yeah,” Kellie
answered. “But to be honest, he can be a bigger dick than his

“Well there’s a reason for it sometimes,”
Melanie shrugged.

“Why are you defending someone you don’t
even know?” Camryn pointed out casually. She was straightening up
the room at the same time, getting ready to leave.

“I just believe in giving people a chance,”
she shrugged. “I’m not going to say someone’s an asshole just
because someone else says it.”

“Hmm,” Camryn responded. “We gotta get going
Mel, so go grab your things, okay?”

“We’re going home, right? Straight to

“Yes. I don’t have to be in Sacramento until
tonight, but I at least need to have enough time to grab my things
from the house.”

Melanie hopped up from the couch and headed
for the hallway. Kellie stood up too and said, “You don’t have to
clean up, Camryn. That’s my lovely job.”

“So what
the terms between you
and Teague?”

“I’m just the caretaker-slash-housekeeper, I
guess. He lets me live here rent-free and use his things. So I just
do whatever I can to help out.”

“Hmm. Have you guys always been close?”

“Yeah, actually. Me, Teague, and Jay—the
three amigos. We’re the only McCallans that are fairly decent.
Well, that’s a loose definition of decent, I suppose,” she smiled.
“I guess maybe we’re the only ones not out for fame and fortune, to
do harm to others, or rule the world. My dad and Teague’s dad are
brothers, but completely fucked up in their own ways. They also
have another brother and a sister, and both of them and their
families are greedy, fame-seeking vipers. We don’t have much to do
with any of them. I’m glad Jay and I have Teague, but the rest of
our family can just fuck off and die, for all I care.”

“What about your mom? Didn’t you say you
were heading to visit her soon?”

“My mom went off the deep end because of the
McCallans, too. I mean she was married to my abusive father for
twelve years, for God’s sake. She’s kind of a bitch and took most
of my dad’s money from the McCallan family, but I really can’t
blame her. She moved away from it all and she’s getting remarried
this weekend. Yeah, I’m supposed to head out tonight, which means
I’d better go pack. Nothing like last minute,” she grinned.

Camryn laughed as they headed for separate




When they finally pulled into the driveway
of their Fresno rental, Melanie actually mentioned the dog, like it
absolutely had not crossed her mind a single time until then.

Which it hadn’t.

“Henry came for him a few days ago,” Camryn
replied, tossing her purse on the table as they entered.

Melanie looked completely puzzled. “Oh,” she
finally said, and then headed for her room.

Camryn rolled her eyes, but she wasn’t in
the mood for telling off her sister. With Melanie’s pregnancy news,
her constant back and forth between her usual happy self and pining
for Jack, Camryn didn’t feel like getting into anything else with
Mel. She got her things packed and left with Mimi when she arrived.
She did, however, leave a note for her sister to look for a part
time job.

The convention was pretty awesome, which is
why Camryn and Mimi signed on every year to teach. It was a massive
dance competition with class after class of dance workshops of
every genre. The teachers even took some of their own classes with
other famous dancers and it was amazing. Camryn felt good when she
danced; she felt even better when she danced her ass off to forget
the worries in her life.

Teague was already at her house when she and
Mimi returned to Fresno two days later. He looked more worn out
than she did, though, and it worried her.

“Have you been sleeping?” she asked, after
one hell of a hello kiss on the front porch.

“Mmm, not really,” he shrugged. “I’ve missed
you too much.”

Camryn stretched out on the couch with him,
and both were completely content to just lie there together. While
Melanie was out with Lynn for the evening, Camryn thought they
could have sexed up the couch really well. But just cuddling up
next to him felt amazing, and they both fell asleep that way. Even
Teague didn’t wake up to carry Camryn to bed, and when she woke
around three a.m. and he remained sound asleep, she wondered what
was wearing him to exhaustion. Tuesday he’d be heading back to LA
to film an extra scene that was added to the script and he had
invited her to come with him. She didn’t have any commitments until
the next weekend and he had successfully talked her into it.

When Melanie quietly slipped through the
front door, Camryn left the couch to put a finger to her lips.
Melanie glanced at the couch and mouthed, “
He’s so

Teague, in all his captivating splendor,
filled the length of the couch—one leg on and one leg off—and with
an arm raised over his head, a bit of stomach peeked out of his

They silently walked to Melanie’s messy
bedroom and Camryn finally asked, “Where have you been?”

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