Faithfully (Club Decadence)

BOOK: Faithfully (Club Decadence)
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©2013 by Blushing Books® and
Maddie Taylor




Copyright © 2013 by Blushing Books® and
Maddie Taylor


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Taylor, Maddie



ISBN: 978-1-62750-1668


Cover Design by



This book is intended for
adults only
. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.






Fort Devens, MA near Boston,


Rushing to a meeting, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her.  She was muttering angrily to herself and digging in her purse as she stomped toward the door.  She didn’t see the very large Army Captain, standing directly in her path.  He knew she was going to plow right into him, but he stood his ground eagerly anticipating a collision with the curvy young blonde. 

Peter Davis
instantly recognized Joanna Beckett; eighteen and fresh out of high school, she was a stunner.  Wearing a red tube top and Daisy Duke short shorts, her long blonde hair was pulled up in a high pony tail; she revealed a lot of skin.  From her her bare neck and shoulders to her silky smooth legs.   She had the body of a Playboy centerfold, toned but curvy in all the right places.  It was obvious that only a tube top separated her full jiggling breasts from his view as she stormed from her Daddy’s office.   Joanna’s father, Master Sergeant Stan Beckett, was one of Peter’s top men and he felt like a real pervert standing there practically drooling over her young body.  Stan’s daughter was…what?  Peter did some quick math and realized she was eight… no, nine years his junior and probably much too young for him, but he couldn’t pull his eyes away.   

When her soft body inevitably collided with his, she let out a small “umph” as the jolt pushed the air from her lungs.  Grabbing onto forearms that felt like forged steel, Joanna looked up and saw a muscular chest encased in a tight Army issue T-shirt.   She followed it up to a corded throat and chiseled jaw.  Her eyes quickly rose to a full set of lips, and then up to the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen.  A quick glance took in dark hair and a regulation haircut, but her gaze was drawn back to those lips. 

“Are you alright, Miss Beckett?”

Startled that this hunk knew who she was, she asked, “Have we met, uh…
?”  Her eyes searched for his rank and found the bars on his cap.  She blushed when she noticed he was an officer, “Captain, isn’t it?”

“Captain Davis, miss.  And we haven’t met but I recognized you from the picture on your father’s desk. You graduated this past spring, didn’t you?”

“Yes I did.  You have an excellent memory for facts on people you don’t know.”

“I take an interest in my men.” 
And curvy blondes, he thought to himself.  Realizing that her soft breasts were still pressed against him, he gently took her by the shoulders and moved her away.  He instantly regretted that move when he felt the softness of her skin and got a whiff of her perfume.  She smelled like Love’s Baby Soft.  He knew because he gave his fourteen year old niece a bottle at Christmas.  The pervert alarm went off again in his brain.  He cleared his throat and tried to concentrate on something besides her hot body.  “What has you so upset?” 

“I just had a disagreement with my father about college.”

“Really, where are you applying?”

“I’ve already been accepted to UMass Lowell.
  I want to major in business but my Dad is being a... jerk.”

“Why does your dad disagree?”

“He is so old-fashioned.  He wants me to do something more 'practical' like nursing or teaching.  He doesn't think anyone will take me seriously.  And after undergrad, I want to apply to law school.  Hopefully at Harvard." She rolled her eyes.  "He's going to love that!"

Peter was impressed.
 This young lady had definitely thought things through.  “Do you think you'll have the grades for Harvard?”

She looked at him squarely.
 "Yes, I do.  But Dad’s
afraid no one will take me seriously.”

His eyes swept down her luscious body before returning to meet her eyes.  
Her look dared him to make comments about her outfit or her body.  Pete thought her dad had a point, but he was smart enough to keep that thought to himself.   Heavenly mercy, she was gorgeous.

The next moment his body took control
over his mouth and overrode his brain when he found himself asking her out.   “I’d like to cheer you up and get a smile back on your face like the one in the picture on your Dad’s desk.”

A glint of interest sparked I her eyes.  “What did you have in mind, Captain?”

“I have these concert tickets for this weekend.  A little obscure band called Journey. Have you heard of them?”

“Get out!  Those tickets have been sold out for weeks.”

“They’re floor seats and come with back stage passes.”   


“I’ll pick you up at three on Saturday; we can get a bite to eat before heading into the city.  The concert is at the Boston Garden.”

“Three o'clock on Saturday.  I’ll look forward to it.”

“I’ve got a meeting now, so I’ve got to go.  I’ll see you Saturday, Joanna.”

“Thank you, Captain.”

“It’s Peter or just Pete, darlin’.”

“See you Saturday then, just Pete.” 

As she watched him walking away laughing, she realized she had accepted a date with a complete stranger
for backstage passes to Journey. Other than being a Captain in the Army, she knew nothing about him.  Reluctantly, she turned and retraced her steps to her Dad’s office.  Even though she was mad at him, she could still use him for information.  “Please don’t let Daddy say he’s a complete jerk.”

Her father reassured her that the Captain was a good man, although he thought he was
much too old for her to be dating.  But she went to the concert with him anyway and had a fantastic time. He was charming and a complete gentleman, opening doors and guiding her with a hand on her lower back.  They shared a kiss at the concert, but other than that there were no touchy feely games or wandering hands which was refreshing.  Maybe, she thought, there was something to be said about dating older guys.

It was late when he pulled his car up in front of her house. 
Gallant as ever, he opened her door and helped her out, escorting her to her front door. 

“I had a great time, Joanna.  I’d like to see you again.”

“I had a fantastic time, too.  Thank you so much, Peter.”  She considered him briefly before asking, “I’m going to a beach party tomorrow, want to come along?”

Thinking of her in a bikini made his cock, which had been at half-staff all evening, t
witch and grow into a full hard-on. 

“What kind of party is it?”

“Don’t worry, it’s not a high school party; it’s at one of my older brother’s friends.  His family has a house near Marblehead with a fantastic beach.  He’s mid-twenties and I will probably be the only teenager there.”  Looking at him quizzically she cocked her head and asked, “Do you have a problem with the age difference? It’s just nine years.  And I am legal.”

Barely… I don’t have a problem but others probably will.”

“I don’t care what others think, do you

A smile crossed his face as he looked at the honest expression on her face.  She seemed older than her years.  Most
eighteen year olds were obsessed with what others thought.  “What time should I pick you up?”



Chapter One

Four months later…


golden curls gleamed in the low light of the restaurant and her eyes danced with anticipation as she opened the gift before her.   She looked up in delight as she tore into the brightly colored wrapping on the small box.  Gasping in excitement, she gave a little squeal of appreciation as she saw what was inside.

“Oh Daddy! 
They're beautiful.”  She got up from her chair and rushing to his side, wrapped her arms around her father’s neck as she kissed his cheek.

“The diamonds were your mother’s.  I had the jeweler remount them with the sapphires.” 

Joanna saw the mist of tears in her father’s eyes and her own responded the same way.   “I miss her every day, too.”  Reseating herself she held onto his hand and squeezed.  

Bold and fearless Master
Sergeant Stan Becket, gazed lovingly at his beautiful daughter.  She looked so much like her mother sometimes that it hurt.  She had the same personality, too: intelligent, spunky, and full of sass.  He thought about all they’d been through since his beloved wife had passed six long years ago.  She had been struck by a drunk driver and killed instantly.  Joanna had just turned thirteen that year and was entering a time in her life when she needed a woman most.  Stan had been left with the daunting task of raising his teenage daughter alone. 

Together they had survived, although it hadn’t been easy. 
His superiors had been extremely supportive of extending his assignment at Fort Devens and it had been a blessing.  Rather than traveling worldwide, he had been able to keep his daughter in one place.  And what he didn’t know about the girly parts of raising a teenage daughter, his friends' wives who lived on or near the base did and they helped out whenever he felt out of his element. 

He watched as she put on her new earrings. 
“They look beautiful on you, Joanna.  I’m very proud of you, pumpkin.” 

Joanna sniffled and looked
from her dad over to Peter.  He had sat, quietly observing the pair, not wanting to intrude on their special father daughter moment.  Joanna smiled at him, slightly embarrassed.  “Peter is going to think we’re a pair of saps, Dad.  This is supposed to be a celebration.”

“I don’t think your sappy at all, darlin’.  In fact, I was thinking how nice it is to see a
nineteen year old act so respectful and loving with a parent.  Usually they aren’t so mature.”

“Ha, you haven’t seen her in brat mode, Pete.”


s true.  Just two hours ago you were storming around the house fussin’ about how you never have anything to wear.  Believe me Pete, the girl is a clothes horse.  I got the courage to peek into her room and it looked like her closet had puked.  There were dresses, skirts, and blouses strewn everywhere.  I had to threaten her with a switch to get her to settle down enough to get ready.”  Looking over at an affronted Joanna, he winked and added, “That is why we were late, wasn’t it?”

“I can’t believe you said that in front of Peter, Dad.  What will he think?”

“He’ll think that you’re nothing I can’t handle.” He favored her with a long slow look.  "I can swing a switch as well as the next man, don't you doubt it, darlin'."

gaze swung to his and her mouth gaped open.  Exactly what did he mean by that? They had been dating for four months and lovers for two.  He was stern and unyielding sometimes, but she thought that came from him being an Army Captain and accustomed to being in charge.  He would usually just lecture or scold her briefly and then they went on.  True, he had given her a swat or two on the behind, but that had been in passing and so playful, she really hadn’t minded.   He had even given her a couple of swats during sex, but that was in the heat of passion and she hadn’t thought anything of it.  Her girlfriends all told her that was fairly common, that it was a retro he-man caveman kind of thing.  Joanna had actually thought it was kind of hot so again, she hadn’t minded.

Now as she sat here thinking about what her dad had said, she worried.
Was her gentlemanly Peter more like her dad than she thought?  She knew she was in love with him or she wouldn’t have given him her virginity.   But could she get serious with a spanking man?  Could she actually marry one?  She felt a confusing mix of emotions churning inside her, dread and excitement, fear and anticipation.  And the tingling between her legs, where was that coming from?  Jeez!  Could she actually want him to spank her?

“Where have you gone off to, Joanna?”

Startled by her father’s question, she looked up and saw that the waiter had cleared the plates and set a piece of chocolate-raspberry cheesecake in front of her; her favorite.  “Oh!  My mind wandered is all.”

“Where did it wander too, sweetheart?”  Peter’s low voice was teasing and color bloomed in her cheeks when she look
ed up and saw his knowing grin. 

The dog knew exactly what she was thinking.  S
he decided two could play at that game and she teased him back.  “I was thinking that I hadn’t received a birthday gift from my handsome boyfriend, yet.  And now, after my dad’s gift, he is going to have a tough act to follow.”

“Joanna the brat is reemerging I see.”  Her dad said
this only half teasing, an underlying warning clear in his tone.  “You two have plans after supper?”

thought we’d take a drive out to Marblehead.  They’re having their annual fall festival this weekend with an artists' fair, street musicians, the works.”   He put his hand on her knee under the table and squeezed.  “I thought maybe we could take a walk on the beach later and I’d give you your birthday gift then.”

Joanna loved how romantic he was.  So what if he gave her a swat or two, he was charming and handsome and made her heart race.  What more could a girl ask for?

“That sounds right up Jo’s alley.  You two head on out and I’ll settle up.”  He reached for the check and started to get his billfold out.

“Let me get that, Stan.”

“Nonsense, it’s my girl's birthday, so it's my treat.”

Joanna giggled over their usual argument over the bill.  She knew that Peter felt awkward over her father
paying for him. He was under his command and made less money than he did as a Captain.  “Let him pay honey or we’ll never get out of here.”

She bent to kiss her father’s cheek and had to mention, “Why don’t you go over and say hi to Loretta Page before you leave
? She’s been trying to catch your eye for at least a half hour.  Cut the woman some slack, will you?”

“The woman doesn’t give up.”

“She likes you, Dad.  Plus, she’s a sweet, pretty, available woman your age.  You need to put yourself out there and start dating again.  I don’t need you to babysit me anymore.”

“Yeah, Stan.  You’ve got me for that now.”  Both men laughed when Joanna took
exception to that remark and whirled on him. 

“Was that a crack about my age?  I already have one father
, Peter Davis, and I don’t need another, or a babysitter for that matter.”

“I was just teasing.  Settle down.”  His voice was firm as he pulled her into his side
, a clear indication that he didn’t want to hear any more sass from her.  “Thanks for dinner, Stan.  I’ll have her home by midnight as usual.”

A few minutes later he had her tucked in his Camaro and they were headed east toward Marblehead.  They spent the next few hours strolling up and down the seaside town looking at vendor booths,
listening to jazz and getting funnel cakes for dessert.  They even sat for a street artist doing caricatures, laughing at the artist's interpretation and the exaggerated illustration of their features.  Peter’s head was unusually tall and his military haircut and scruffy beard stood out.  Joanna was drawn with a mass of blond curls and boobs as big as Dolly Parton’s. 

Joanna acted slightly offended as they walked away, their portrait neatly wrapped
and secure in Peter’s hand.  “My boobs are not that big!”

“Your boobs are perfect, baby.
”  He said nothing else, knowing it was better to stay away from that argument.  She was quite generously endowed and he loved it.

They continued their stroll and Peter directed them to Crocker Park and a bench that overlooked Marblehead
Harbor.  It was a pleasant September evening and the stars and moonlight reflected off the shimmering water. 

Joanna sighed and snuggled into Peter as he wrapped a long arm around her.  “The night has been perfect.  I love how romantic you are
, honey.”

Anything for my girl on her birthday.”

“But it’s not just on my birthday, you are romantic and considerate all the time.  I’m a lucky girl.”

He squeezed her and they lapsed into silence enjoying the waterfront atmosphere and relaxing in each other’s arms for a while.  Peter finally broke the silence.  “I have something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about, darlin’.  It’s important.” 

She twisted
in his arms until she was facing, her expression quickly changing to one of concern. “What is it? You’re scaring me.  Are you being reassigned?” 

He could hear the anxiety in her voice.  He
’s told her about his new assignment which involved the training of an elite task force, a team of specially skilled men called a Special Operations Unit.  Due to the nature of the work he couldn’t elaborate on exactly what kind of missions they would be doing, but she knew they could be mobilized at any time. 

“No, I haven’t gotten any orders, but you do understand it’s just a matter of time?  We can’t train
forever.  Eventually, we’ll be called up.”

“I understand
, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Peter frowned at her answer.  “Is this something you are going to be able t
o deal with, honey?  Your Dad’s Army.  You know how this works.”

“I do and I remember M
om telling me it was hard to be married to a military man, but she loved him and it was all worth it. I love you and even though it will be hard when you have to leave, when you are here you make it all worth it.”

She felt the tension release from
his arms and heard his audible exhalation.  His next action had her tense and on edge for another reason all together.  She watched in amazement as he got down on one knee before her.  Her breath caught and her heart beat wildly as he pulled out a black velvet ring box.

“Joanna Beckett, I knew the instant I saw you that you were special and you
would change my life. I love you with all my heart and want you to be mine forever? Will you marry me?”

overflowed and Joanna was too emotional to speak so she nodded her head furiously.  She watched as Peter took out the diamond solitaire and slipped it on her trembling finger.  He then lifted his gaze to hers and brushed the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs.  Leaning in, he angled her face how he liked it and captured her lips in a sweetly tender kiss.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, squeezing desperately.  She loved this man and couldn’t get close enough to him.
With his hands on her cheeks he pulled away.

“I want to hear your answer, darlin’.  Say the words.”

“Yes, I will marry you and be yours forever.  I love you, so much.”  

Let’s  go somewhere private and celebrate.”

He pulled her along to his car, stowing their portrait in the trunk for safe keeping and cruised
down the coast. Before long, he pulled into the driveway of a large beach house and parked.  The house overlooked the point where Nahant Bay met with the Atlantic.  The houses lining the shore provided just enough light for the sandy beach at night; it was a beautiful spot.

house is this?  It’s dark and doesn’t look like anyone’s home.”

He got out of the car and
grabbed a blanket from the trunk before opening her door and pulling her out.  “We’re not here to visit.  This is a friend’s house and he has a private beach.  Let’s go.”

He pulled her down the wooden boardwalk that led down to the sand.  “You can leave your shoes here.  No one will bother them.”  When she’d taken off her heels he grabbed her hand and
towed her down the stretch of sand to a secluded spot that was surrounded by dunes and gave a sense of privacy.  She was out of breath from the pace he set as she watched him spread out the blanket.  She knew exactly what he had in mind.

Peter sat down
in the middle of the blanket and held out a hand to her.  “Come here baby, I’ve got to have you now.”

“Here on the beach?  What if someone comes along?”  Although she was protesting
, she stepped onto the blanket beside him.

His pants unbearably tight from his rigid cock, Peter impatiently
tugged her down until she was straddling his thighs.  Eagerly untying the belt on her wrap dress, he opened it revealing her stunning body, unwrapping her like a present.  “No one will see.  It’s late, it's dark and this is a private beach.  Now give me your mouth.  I need to taste you.”

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