Faithfully (Club Decadence) (2 page)

BOOK: Faithfully (Club Decadence)
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She lowered her mouth and he took what she offered
, his lips roughly parting hers so his tongue could dive in and taste.  After long minutes of frantic open mouthed kissing, he let her come up for air as he trailed his hungry lips down her throat, and settling at to the tops of her breasts.  His large hands came up to release the front hook on her bra and he groaned as her bounty spilled into his palms.

‘Can I leave my dress on just in

“No Joanna.  I want to see all your beautiful white skin in the moonlight.  Take it all off.  I want you naked.”

“But-.” She yelped as his large hand came down firmly on her butt.   It didn’t really hurt through the material of her dress and panties, but it startled her. 

“I said take it all off.  If you don’t quit arguing, I’ll
have to strip you myself and will have to add a little color to your backside in the process.”

Frozen, she stared at him.  He was serious
?  Would he really spank her?  She squirmed in his lap at the thought of going across his muscular thighs with a bare exposed bottom.  Instantly, she felt her juices soak her panties and then watched as a wicked grin crossed Peter’s face.

I can feel your heat clear through my jeans, darlin’. You like that idea... of being naked and lying across my lap, your naughty bottom upraised and bared for my hand.”  He slid the dress off her shoulders then and it slid down to pool over his legs.  “Well, I think it’s time you find out just how that feels.  I think I told you what would happen if I had to strip you myself, didn’t I?”

Not really expecting a response, h
e moved her into position. She was stunned and still frozen so he positioned her as he liked, as if she were a life-sized doll.  “Let’s get rid of the panties, shall we?”

His large hand
s pulled and she heard the fabric rip easily as he tore away the tiny bikini panties.  She felt his warm skin against hers and she lost all sense of reason when he began rubbing her bare flesh.  Aroused more than ever before, she arched her back pressing her full cheeks into his hands. 

“You want me to spank this naughty bottom, don’t you baby.” 
Determinedly, he raised and lowered his hand quickly and sharply, applying one brisk smack to each cheek before rubbing the tender skin.

“You want to know how
it feels to get all warm and tingly as I heat up your skin with my palm.”  Again, two swats fell, this time a little harder before the rubbing resumed.

“I’ll bet that sweet pussy is getting warm and tingly, too.  Spread your thighs for me
, Joanna. I want to slide my fingers inside you and test my theory.”  He waited for her to obey, but after a few seconds without a response, he calmly applied four firm swats for disobeying.

“Now sweetie, I want you to remember how good this feels
, but if you keep up with the disobedience I am going to have to give you a bad-girl spanking, instead of the nice, hard good-girl fucking I had in mind for tonight. Now, do as I say and spread.”

Lying helpless
and infinitely aroused over his lap, she could do nothing but follow his commands.  So she spread her legs apart and felt his fingers glide directly over her wet folds. 

“Good girl.
Spread just a bit more, let me help.”

Joanna felt his big hands on her inner thighs, separating her legs.  She felt the ocean breeze
across her heated flesh and she groaned.  Pressing her knees into the sand she elevated her behind and angled her pussy up seeking more of his touch.

“Excellent.  Just a few more spanks and I think you’ll k
now what I mean by a good-girl spanking.”  Using a light brisk stroke, he proceeded to paint her entire bottom and thighs with color.  Smacking lightly so as not to hurt, but giving enough of a sting to warm her and elicit the desired response from her body.  He watched in delight as she eagerly rocked into the swats, encouraging him to give her more.  Her groans floating up to him further signaled her eager response.

After applying about
two dozen swats, he couldn’t take anymore and lifted her off his lap.  Rolling her on her back, he disregarded the hiss from her lips as her tender skin rubbed against the blanket.  Parting her legs, he ripped open his fly and released his aching cock, driving deep inside her.  He let out a deep growl of satisfaction as her heat surrounded him.  Slipping his hands underneath her bottom, he scooped her warm cheeks up in his hands as he looked down at her.  Squeezing firmly got a little squeal out of her.

“Do you understand the difference now
, baby?”

“Yes Pete, bad girls get spanked hard and good girls
spanked hard and then get fucked.”

Tsk, Tsk, that was a very bad girl response. And we’ll work on that answer, because bad girls get fucked, too.  But for now darlin’, I need to ride.”  And he rode her long and hard on the secluded beach, pushing them both until they came apart in each other’s arms.  Afterwards they held each other close, soaking up the romantic setting with the ocean waves crashing against the shore as their music, their special hideaway lit by the full moon overhead.  It was a perfect start to their engagement and a sign of more good things to come.



months later…



It was her wedding day
, but not the one she planned for.
Since she was a little girl, she had dreamed of it and had it all planned to the most minor detail.  It would be held at the Liberty Chapel, a quaint wooden building with a spire and the bells that would peal as the bride and groom left the building.  They’d be showered with rice by well-wishers, family and guests.  Her six bridesmaids would be dressed in the pale blue satin off the shoulder gowns with matching shoes.  The six groomsmen would be handsome in their formal black.  The groom would be sophisticated in his classic black tuxedo with its crisp white accents.  And the bride would wear a  flowing white strapless gown with tulle and bead accents and her flowers would be a simple bouquet of pink calla lilies.  It would be perfect.

Dream on…
Her reality was standing next to her fiancé flanked by his best friend, both in slightly faded army fatigues.  The bride wore a pink floral maxi-dress, instead of a white wedding gown
and the only pale blue on her bridesmaid was her faded jeans.  The only other guests were his parents and her daddy.  The preacher also stood in fatigues.  No one had even taken the time to change into dress uniforms as if her wedding warranted the honor.   She noticed the dust covering the chaplains boots and he smelled like he had just finished a 10-mile run. Ah yes… It was the wedding of her dreams.  To put it mildly, she was pissed.


She didn’t care if he thought she was a brat.  It was her wedding day and it was a total and utter catastrophe.  There would be no reception, no band for her first dance, no champagne toasts or even a cake.  Was it too much to ask for a cake?   Why in God's name had she agreed to this?"  Her thoughts moved into full pout.  Maybe she’d say no when it came time to say her “I do”.


“What?”  Her response came out bitchy, exactly like she felt.

“Pay attention, the
chaplain asked you a question.”

Joanna?  Will you take the Captain here as your wedded husband?”

She looked up at Peter Davis.  He was gorgeous and she loved him desperately.  But dammit this was her wedding day.  She paused and was rewarded by an arched brow and a look that said
clearly: you better say yes.

guess I do.”

“You guess? If you’re not sure we can postpone…
”  The chaplain was concerned and he spoke to her in a soft, calm voice.

She looked from him back to her groom
, who did not look pleased.  She did love him and she knew he had no choice.  His orders had come in and his new Special Forces unit had been called up.  They were shipping out tomorrow for at least six months. Peter had asked her to change her wedding plans because he wanted the ceremony done before he left.  He even promised her a big wedding later, if she really wanted it. 

He said
his urgency was for two reasons.  First, he wanted to make sure she was financially secure and had access to all his military benefits just in case.  And second, he wanted the world to know he loved her and that she belonged to him by making her legally his wife before leaving.  The first reason scared the hell out of her, but the second was all Peter.  It was a mixture of his romantic self and his caveman persona. She often expected him to bend her over in a sensuous embrace then jump to his feet, thumping his chest with his fist while roaring “mine” for the entire world to hear.  Knowing how he felt and how much he loved her; she knew that this mission was beyond his control and she realized she was acting childishly.  But dammit, this really sucked.

back to the chaplain she reassured him.  “I’m sure.  My answer is yes… I mean I will.”

“Then by the power vested in me… “  The rest was a blur until Peter kissed her fiercely, bending her over his arm in a totally inappropriate kiss for a church.  He didn’t stop until the preacher cleared his throat and Joanna’s father
tapped him on the shoulder. 

He lifted his head and peered at them sheepishly.  “Sorry,
I got a little carried away.” 

“Save it for the honeymoon, son.  Follow me back to my office to sign the papers and you’ll be official.” 
Chaplain Wyatt turned and walked down the center aisle expecting them to follow.

Joanna looked after him with a frown
and grumbled, “What honeymoon?”

Joanna, stop acting like a brat.  I know you feel disappointed but-”

Those words from him were the last straw.  Spurred on by disappointment and frustration, and by the overwhelming fear that he would be hurt or killed, her mouth took control and her inner brat emerged.
“You don’t know Jack Squat about what I’m feeling, Peter Davis.  This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, but here I stand no gown, no music, no cake... nothing.  And tomorrow you’ll be shipping out to God knows where and I’ll have no husband.  So excuse the hell out of me if I’m acting like a brat.  I think I have a right to.  Come on, Sissy let’s go.”  With that, she shrugged off her new husband's arm, grabbed her sister’s hand, and stalked down the aisle after the preacher.

Peter stood watching her as she walked away when he felt a large hand clamp down on his shoulder.  “Take my advice, Captain.  Start out as you mean to go on.  Cut yourself a switch and wear out her tail.  It’s the only thing that will contain that wild filly.   I love her, but you just married yourself a handful.”

He looked down at Beckett
. Although born in Texas, Peter had grown up on Army bases all over the world and never acquired the full Texas drawl.  Stan however, sounded exactly like his father right down to the threat of the switch and the southern drawl. “You aren’t by chance from Texas, are you Stan?”

Born and bred, Captain, right outside of Austin.  What gave me away?  I’ve been in the Boston area for almost 20 years.”

“Just a hunch
... “ 

Joanna’s father was right;
she needed a good switching.  He believed in the vows they just spoke.  He would love, honor and cherish her and he’d for damn sure make her obey.  Even if it meant she had to spend her wedding night, flat on her belly with a freshly blistered tail.  He nodded at the older man and his parents, then headed off to sign his marriage license.

After leaving the church he drove them to his
grandparents' house.  Peter had inherited the little ranch style house from his granddad.  After parking his pickup in the driveway, he looked over at his new bride.  “Are you planning to give me the cold shoulder for the entire twelve hours before I have to leave, Joanna?”

She looked out the side window and for an answer just shrugged h
er shoulders. 

“You know I don’t have any control over his. When
the orders come in I have to go.  We talked about this at length before I proposed.  I thought you understood."

She nodded again and he thought he heard a faint sniffle. 

“Are you crying?”  He pulled her across the bench seat and into his lap.  Gathering her close he guided her head around so he could see her face.  She looked miserable.  “Aw, honey, don’t do this to me.”

“I can’t help it, I feel really bad about the way I acted at church. 
I was a real bitch, wasn’t I?”

You  won’t get any argument out of me on that one.”

“I’m sorry.”  She cuddled into his big, muscular chest and pressed her
tear dampened face against his neck.  “It’s not even the wedding that I’m upset about.”

Peter reached into his glove box and pulled out a
pocket sized pack of tissues.  Pulling one out, he mopped the tears from her face.  Discarding it, he pulled out another which he held to her nose and ordered, “Blow.”

She did and then laughed as she pulled the soiled
tissue away from him.  “That’s gross.”

“There’s nothing gross about you, darlin’.”

Sighing, she leaned into him loving the way he called her darlin’ in his deep voice with a hint of Texan drawl. Even though he insisted he didn’t have one, who else but a southerner could say darlin’ in a voice so smooth that it curled a girl’s toes and dampened her panties.  “I love you, honey.”

“I love
you, too.”  He then tipped her head back and captured her lips in a soul-searing kiss.  “Let’s say we move these activities inside.”

minutes later, Peter was reclined atop their cozy double bed dressed in only his boxers.  He looked at the closed bathroom door, past the edge of his bed and around an impressive erection that had been hard enough to pound nails since kissing her in the truck.  “Joanna, if you don’t get your sweet little butt out here soon, I’m gonna have to start without you.”

He heard a muffled giggle from behind his bedroom door.  “I’ll be right out.  Keep your pants on.”

He looked down at the tent in his boxer’s and smirked.  His pants were already off.  It was his hard-on that was the problem and despite his previous threat to take matters into his own hands, he wanted her to take care of it.  He ached and throbbed and the only solution was for him to sink deep inside her and find sweet relief.  Before he resorted to beating off on his wedding night, he’d haul her ass out of the bathroom himself.

Just then the door opened
and Joanna appeared in one of the sexiest nighties he’d ever seen.  It was a short lavender gown with a halter top.  Instead of the usual tie at the back of the neck, this gown had a collar that tied with several thin laces at her throat.  They dangled seductively in front pointing straight to her cleavage and made her look like a present he was dying to unwrap.  The short flirty skirt only reached the top of her curvy thighs and exposed her wickedly sexy legs.  The nightie was sweet, sexy, bordering on kinky and she looked hotter than hell.

Sitting up in bed, he crooked his finger at her.  “Come here gorgeous, I can’t wait a minute longer to have you.”

She walked slowly toward him, feeling shy even though they had been lovers for months.  She stopped at his side and returned his smile as he took her hands in his.  “Your trembling, darlin’.  Surely you're not nervous.  We’ve done this a few times before.”

“Yeah, but it feels different now that we’re married.  I feel… I don’t know
… shy, nervous… awed.”


“Mm, hm… awed that out all the other women who wanted you, in the end you chose me to spend your life with… forever.”

Pulling her between his legs he buried his face between her breasts and
inhaled.  She smelled like Yves Saint Laurent’s Opium, her favored scent.  He had bought it for her and he loved how it smelled on her.

“How could I not choose you, baby
? You are a sweet, sexy armful of woman.  Feisty as hell at times, but then you cuddle up to me like a soft, little kitten and purr.”  Looking up into her face, he slipped his hands to her top and pulled the fabric to the outsides of her full breasts leaving them bare.  He gazed at them ravenously for a moment, burning the memory into his brain.  For the next six long, lonely months, the memories of her glorious tits would be sustenance to a starving man.  His big hands cupped them savoring their weight, fullness and the soft texture of her skin before he gently began stroking her nipples with his thumbs.  They peaked in eager response to his touch.  Unable to wait any longer he tasted her, kissing his way up from her stomach to the silky mound of her breast and latched on tightly to one hard nipple.

Joanna arched her back, offering him more as her hands ran up his back and wrapped around his head.  She pulled him into her, silently
offering him more.  He sucked harder, capturing the tight bud with his teeth. He nipped at her and she groaned.  He smiled, knowing his darlin’ girl liked it a bit rough. Releasing her nipple, Peter gave equal attention to her other breast as his hands ran down her back to her luscious ass.  It didn’t take much for his hand to find their way under her short gown and he groaned when he encountered panties. 

“These have to
go, babe.”  He demanded as he pulled them over her hips and down her legs.  It was at that point that he saw the sky high matching Candies  she had on her sexy feet. “Panties off, but the shoes stay.”  Standing, he steadied her as she pulled her panties over her shoes.  When she was done, she squealed as he whipped her around, setting her back in the middle of his bed.

“Spread your legs wide and raise your gown for me.  I want to see that sweet pussy.”

His husky voice and naughty words were irresistible and she obeyed, exposing a neatly trimmed muff of tight blonde curls. He could see the glistening moisture and wanted more.  “Now spread yourself baby.  Show me how ready you are for me.”

She blushed furiously and hesitated for a moment.
She was nineteen to his twenty-eight and although they had been lovers for about six months, she was still shy displaying herself to him.

“Do it
, Joanna.”  He commanded her easily.  He was an officer and used to commanding fighting men.  With just a deepening of his voice and a firm tone, he compelled her to obey.  Her fingers slowly crept to her center and separated her folds, exposing the most private and vulnerable place on her body.

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