Jayded (44 page)

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Authors: Shevaun Delucia

Tags: #erotic, #Romantic

BOOK: Jayded
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Yeah, I

m starving. Where

s Valerie? Luke said you guys are inseparable,

I tease.

He chuckles.

She just got promoted to bank manager, so her hours have changed. She

s making some real good money now. We

re looking into buying a house this spring.

Shock smears my face.

Really? That

s a big step, Justin. What about marriage?

I ask.

The waitress brings our orange juices.

I actually wanted to talk to you about that.

He goes into his coat pocket and pulls out a little black box. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands.

He opens the box and a one-carat pear-shaped diamond sparkles in the light.


s beautiful! When are you going to ask her?

When I look up at him, I don

t see my baby brother any longer. I see a handsome, grown man that I

ve missed out on getting to know these past couple of years. I

m so proud of him for doing the right thing. I just hope he knows what he

s getting into. It

s a big step.

I don

t know yet. I

m waiting for the right time. I guess I

m going to carry it around until I feel it

s the perfect moment. I don

t want to do one of those cheesy proposals or anything. I want it to be just about her and I and nothing else,

he explains.


m impressed.


ve thought a lot about this, haven

t you?

Yes. She

s the one,

he admits.

What about you? Luke mentioned someone named Kyle, is it?

A huge pain stabs my heart.

We had a fling two months back. It was nothing serious.

I shrug my shoulders while looking out the window. I don

t want him to see the pain across my face.

The waitress comes with two huge trays of food. My stomach is doing somersaults. I barely wait for the plate to hit the table. I begin inhaling the food. Justin eyes me closely.


s going on with you, Max? You

re acting like you

re eating for two,

Justin throws out there. I stop chewing and look up at him.

Holy shit! I

m right! You

re pregnant, aren

t you?

I nod. I haven

t told anyone other than Kinsey. I haven

t even told Luke.

Yes, I

m three months

pregnant. Please don

t mention this to Luke. I don

t want him hunting down the guy to kill him,

I beg.


s the dad? Is it that guy, Kyle?

he asks.

I sip my orange juice. I could really use a coffee right about now

or maybe a stiff drink.


Justin finishes his bite.

Have you told him yet?


Then what are you waiting for?

he questions with his hands flaring about.

I don

t know. We sort of ended it before I found out. I made the choice to go on with the pregnancy, so I figure it

s my job to raise it. Not his,

I explain.

I push my plates away. I killed it all. They

re spotless.

But Max, you

re not even giving him a chance. You at least need to talk to him about it. If he wants nothing to do with it, then you

re still left in the same boat as before.

Wrong. I

ll be crushed into a million pieces. I won

t be able to recover.

My brother has become so wise. I

m so proud of him.

I know. You

re right. I

m going to have to figure it all out,

I admit.

The waitress brings the check. I reach for it, but Justin is faster.


s on me.

He throws the money down.

Come on. I

ll drop you home.

We reach my house, and I see a black Cadillac parked in front. My heart skips a beat. It can

t be Kyle

s. There

s no way. I can

t see inside, because of the tinted windows, but as Justin and I walk up to my door, I hear a car door slam.


Justin and I both turn around. It

s Kyle. He looks at me and then looks to Justin.


m sorry. I must have come at a bad time. I can see you

re busy,

he begins to walk away, but I call his name.

Kyle, this is my little brother, Justin. He is just dropping me off.

Justin walks down the steps with his hand out.

Great to meet you, Kyle. I was just making sure she got in safely. You two have lots to talk about, so I

ll be on my merry way.

He comes up to give me a kiss on the cheek and says goodbye.

My hands are shaking. I haven

t been this nervous since I was dropped off at college for the first time. I unlock the door and step in. I don

t even have to turn around to see if Kyle is behind me. I already know. Every nerve in my body is awakened. I

m no longer numb when he

s around. I feel alive, and I also feel all the pain he left behind.

I take a seat on the barstool. I can

t stand for this. I don

t know what

s going to come out of his mouth. He looks like he hasn

t slept in weeks. He also looks just as nervous as I am.

I speak first.

Why are you here, Kyle?


m here to tell you that I

m sorry, Max. I should have never walked out on you like that,

he says. I continue to look at him, flabbergasted. Does he really think his sorry will make up for it all?

I was an asshole. I
an asshole. I was completely in the wrong. I should have waited to hear your side of the story, but instead I let my ego and temper get in the way. I shouldn

t have hit Cody either, but
it felt so good!

he admits.

I am so sorry, Max.

A tear slides down my cheek. He walks around the counter, lifts my chin, and gently wipes the tear from my face. I look him dead in the eyes, and I can see the anguish and remorse deeply imprinted on his face.

I didn

t tell you about Cody, because it wasn

t important. I was with him for three years and only engaged for a few months. I realized he wasn

t the one, and I broke it off with him. He just didn

t want to accept it. I wanted to leave him in the past. I was ready to move on, Kyle. That is why I never mentioned him.

He drops his head, ashamed.

I should have allowed you to explain this then. I can

t tell you enough times how sorry I truly am, Max. Please forgive me?

he begs.


m still so angry, but seeing him this broken kills me.

You hurt me, Kyle. I will accept your apology, but if you hurt me or walk out on me like that again, there will be no forgiveness,

I inform him, making sure he understands. It

s not easy for me to let someone in, especially after hurting me so much, but for some reason I believe what he

s telling me.

So, what now though?

I ask.

He grabs my hand and places it with his.

I want you to come back with me. I want you to be with me, Max.

My heart picks up.

Be with you how?

He makes sure to look me in the eyes.

Max, I

m in love with you. Being apart from you has been driving me crazy, eating me up inside. Please say you

ll come back? You

re my everything. I need you.

Kyle, I love you too, but it

s just not that simple,

I confess.

His smile turns into a huge grin.

Wait, you love me too?

he asks.

I sigh. Is that all he heard?


I smile.

If you would have stayed longer when Cody was here, you would have heard the words come out of my mouth. That

s the reason why he finally left, because I confessed that I am in love with you, not him.

He grabs my face and smashes his lips against mine. His lips feel like home. In his arms is where I

m meant to be. I can

t get enough of him, but then I remember, there

s still more. I push him away. Now I

m terrified. How is he going to take this news?

Kyle, there

s something you need to know.

He looks a little worried.

Whatever you have to say, we can get through it. I love you, and I

m not going to get scared away again.

I just have to say it. The words are stuck in my throat, terrified to come out, but I just have to say it. It

s now or never.


m pregnant, Kyle.

The blood runs from his face just as it had mine.

Are you sure?

he asks.

Yes. I

m most definitely sure. I

m entering my second trimester, a little over three months,

I explain.

I can

t tell what he

s thinking. He

s like a blank page right now. He places his hand over my belly in amazement.

You mean, I

m going to be a father?

he asks, his hand still on top of my stomach.

Yes, you

re going to be a father.

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