Jayded (42 page)

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Authors: Shevaun Delucia

Tags: #erotic, #Romantic

BOOK: Jayded
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I will call him in a little while. I think I may have eaten something last night that didn

t agree with me. My stomach feels crappy,

I tell her.

Kinsey stands up.

Do you want me to pick you up something?

No, I

m fine. I

m just going to make some toast.

Okay, well you rest, and I

ll get started on packing up the office.

I take another sip of water.

Okay, I

ll be there within the next couple of hours.


take a nap and wake up feeling rejuvenated, but my mind quickly drifts to Kyle, and my energy immediately deflates. There

s a piece missing from my heart now, and the pain is utterly sickening. What the hell am I going to do? What if he doesn

t answer his phone? Am I supposed to see him at work and pretend the two of us never happened?

I guess I

m going to have to prepare myself for the inevitable. It

s going to hurt like hell to see him at work, but I took the risk, and now I have to deal with the consequences. I have to put my big-girl panties on and just deal with this. It may destroy me, but I

ve gotten through worse.

I go upstairs to freshen up, but before I head out to meet Kinsey at the office, I call my brother.

He answers on the first ring.


Hey Luke.

I hear a sigh of relief on the other end.

Max, I have been worried sick over you. I am so sorry Dad showed up. He promised me he wouldn

t. I seriously wanted to
him for that. How are you doing? Are you okay?

he asks, clearly worried.

Luke, Kinsey told me everything. I

m sorry I didn

t give you a chance to explain. He caught me off-guard. I wasn

t ready to face him yet. I made myself look like a fool, though. I just couldn

t hold myself together. I totally lost it,

I admit.

Who the hell cares what anyone thinks? I told Dad you needed time, but it

s clear he didn

t care what I thought. Max, I swear, I am
sorry! If I knew he would do that, I would have cancelled the dinner.

My brother seems heartbroken over this.

I put my shoes on.

He probably would have just shown up here anyways. You did nothing wrong, Luke. Don

t beat yourself over the head about it, okay?

Max, are you seeing that kid Kyle?

Luke asks.

Now it

s my turn to sigh.

We were more than friends if that

s what you mean.

I think he

s a good fit for you. Anyone that stands up for you the way he did is good in my eyes.

Wow. I

m shocked. I

ve never heard those words come out of his mouth before. If he can make this good of an impression on Luke, I know my heart has made the right decision. Kyle is truly spectacular. My heart twinges with pain.

Well Cody ruined it for us. He came in this morning like a freaking psycho!

I explain.

Luke sighs in aggravation.

What a dick! Listen, if it is meant to be it will be. Just relax and give it some space. Kyle will come around in time. Either way, you still have to see him at work. I guess that

s why people say


t mix business with pleasure,


I chuckle.

Yeah, you

re right about that one. I have to get to the office to help Kinsey with packing. We might not be leaving as scheduled. I have get to the office to see how far behind we are.

Okay, sis. Call me if you need any help.

I will. Love you.

I smile. He can always make me smile.

Love you too, Luke.

I start the car, and as I pull out, I get sick out of nowhere. I slam my hand over my mouth, put the car in park, and quickly open the door to vomit outside. Thank God I have a napkin on the side of the door. I

m one hot mess. What the hell did I eat last night? I tried a little of everything, but I

ve never had a problem with that before.

I pull up to the office and grab a tiny bottle of Scope from my purse to wash out my mouth before I head up.

Hey! How are you feeling?

Kinsey asks when I walk in. She

s boxing up the bookshelves.

I dramatically plop down on the plush green chair and exhale.

Not good. I just got sick on the way here. Something I ate last night is not agreeing with me at all. I couldn

t even hold the toast down.

Kinsey stops putting the books in the box.

Are you sure you

re not pregnant?

she asks and then laughs as if she

s just joking. I don

t laugh. A light bulb clicks on.

Now that I think about it, I was supposed to get my period last week. I

ve been totally preoccupied, so I haven

t even noticed. This is not good. I can feel the blood drain from my face.


Kinsey says, rushing to my side. My hearing is now muffled with a high-pitched ring in my left ear.

Max, your face just got pale as hell. Are you okay?

she questions, clearly worried.

I nod my head, unable to talk. I think I may be in shock.

Kinsey, I never got my period last week. I haven

t even realized it. Do you think I could really be pregnant?

I ask her, hoping maybe she

ll tell me no.

She goes into the bathroom and grabs me a wet cloth. She hands it to me before she answers.

I think it

s time to take one of those early pregnancy tests. You didn

t use protection?

I place the cloth over my forehead.

We did at first and then I guess we just got too caught up in the moment. We didn

t really think much about it. Shit! That sounds so bad out loud, doesn

t it?

Kinsey laughs.

Yeah, it does. So don

t repeat it.

I can

t help but laugh. She

s always way too honest. My mind is just running in circles. It

s got be something I ate. There

s just no way I can be pregnant, right? Wrong. I feel like I have just entered into a dream state, and I

m hoping I get to wake up from this nightmare.

So, what do I do now?

Kinsey stands up and grabs her car keys.

You take a pregnancy test. Come on. Let

s go.

I take a deep breath and will myself to get up. With each step, I feel like I

m sinking farther and farther into quicksand; I

m headed into the abyss. What the hell am I going to do if I am pregnant? How the hell is this going to affect the new partnership? And more importantly, what the hell would Kyle say? Would he tell me to get an abortion? I

ve never been in this predicament before. I

m not too sure if I could even bring myself to get an abortion.

Okay, you go in and buy it. I don

t think I can even do that right now,

I tell her.

Kinsey rubs my thigh as if to tell me it will be alright.


ll go in for you, but if I see someone I know, you

re going to owe me big time!


s always like Kinsey to crack a joke at this time. Thank God for her. I don

t know what I would do if I had to do this alone.

We pull up to the drugstore. I wait in the car as planned. Once she purchases the test, we head back to the office. I take the same seat again as she opens the box and unwraps the test. She reads me the directions and then hands me the stick. I look at it, unable to move or coordinate my muscles. I can

t believe I

m really doing this.

Max, honey, it

s not the end of the world if you end up pregnant. Even if Kyle won

t take part in it, you still have me. And there

s no reason you can

t raise a baby by yourself. What are you so afraid of?

Kinsey asks.


s right, what am I so afraid of? We both knew this could be a possibility without protection, and the pill isn

t one hundred percent foolproof anyway. I suck it up, hold my head high, and head to the bathroom. After doing my business, I set the stick on top of the bathroom counter. Kinsey and I stare at the clock, and when the time

s up, I peek over at the stick.

Holy shit!

Kinsey looks over my shoulder, gasps loudly, and covers her mouth.

Oh my God, Max. You

re pregnant! Holy shit is right!

she yells, jumping up and down.

Everything surrounding me begins to blur into a black darkness with tiny specks of stars twinkling around me. I hear Kinsey

s voice fading far in the distance, sinking deeper and deeper until she

s almost nonexistent.

Splashes of ice-cold water smack my face and snap me out of the dark. I look around, confused.

What happened?

I ask. I

m now sitting on the floor against the sink cabinet.

Kinsey has a wet cloth against my forehead.

You passed out, Max. Are you okay?

she asks with panic in her voice.

She helps me up and sits me on the toilet.

I think so. I don

t know what happened. I had this weird vision that I was pregnant,

I tell her, snickering.

Her eyes grow big.

Um, Max, you are pregnant,

she tells me, pointing to the positive stick.

I almost want to faint again. I pick it up to look.

What am I going to do?

I whisper, not taking my eyes off of it.

You need to figure out what

s going on with you and Kyle before you make any hasty decisions,

she advises me.

I stand up and head back into my office to lie down on my couch.


m not having an abortion if that

s what you think, but I

m not so sure I want to mention this to Kyle anytime soon. I can

t be more than three weeks. Anything could happen between now and the second trimester.

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