Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2)
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Vlad shook his head.  "No not at all.  I thought maybe considering it was much different than the time before, but no.  Do you mind if I put Annalese in the shower and help clean her up before we go?"

"Aye Christ on toast.  Ye can realla be dense ye know.  Go ye damn stubborn bastard." 

Vlad knocked on the bathroom door. "My dear, it's Vlad, can I come in?"  He didn't hear anything and tried the door.  It only opened partially, but he could see her on the floor.  "Oh Lach" he yelled at the top of his lungs.  Lachlan was there in a flash and they were ripping the door off its hinges.  It was a solid maple 10 foot door and it was shattered like glass.

"Oh Annalese!"  Vlad had her in his arms.  "Call Memhet, call the doctor.  Call, oh fuck, call anyone!"

Annalese lay limp in Vlad's arms.  He sat on the bathroom floor while Lachlan raced down the stairs looking for Mehmet.  He found the old Turk knee deep in bourbon.  "Help, Annalese, bathroom floor!"

Mehmet grabbed Lachlan and teleported them to the room.  Vlad still on the bathroom floor clutching a limp Annalese to his chest.  "Is she breathing?'  Vlad nodded.  "OK old friend, let me have her."  Vlad growled and bared his fangs at Mehmet.

“Aye T, tis okay.  Bring her to the bed.  He needs ta look at her, check the baby and find oot what's wrong.”  Lachlan held out his hand.  Vlad just nodded and took Lese and laid her on the bed.  He lay beside her, propped up, still holding on.  Tears were spilling. 

No words were spoken aloud.  All Mehmet heard was
"Fix my mate PLEASE!"
Such desperation was easily understood when spoken through their blood bond.  The first thing he did was lay his hand on her bump. 

Mehmet felt the fetus speak to him. 
"Help mommy.  Something's in her.  Feels wrong."

"Poison!" Mehmet instantly knew.  He went to the bathroom to see if he could figure it out.  He stood in the massive room, surrounded by marble and closed his eyes and just tried to feel.  There were no odd scents.  No water in the enormous sunken tub.  The vanity looked like any he'd seen where a woman lived.  Perfumes, makeup, jewelry.  Then he heard a sound, his foot had kicked something.  He bent to pick it up. It was a ruby earring.  He knew.

Walking back out, he looked at both men.  "We, my friends, have a problem. Vlad feed her.  Make sure she takes it.  Lach, I need a potion and your witch friend.  I need to look at the security tapes just to be sure."

"Aye Mehmet, what is it?  What happened?  How in the bloody hell did Annalese get poisoned in here?" 

Mehmet still couldn't be sure.  "That I cannot be sure just yet.  I only know who.  At least I believe I do."  He held out the ruby.

Vlad gasped.  "Fuck! Why would she do this!  That fucking bitch could have killed my daughter, not to mention Annalese.  She's dead.  I will end her!"  He was choking out the words.

Lachlan finally understood.  "Holy shite T.  It's Sophia isn't it?  Because you're gonna take me angel as your mate.  And now, there's a baby and she’s yours.  Oh Christ on toast!  We need to find her.  I'll get the witch to spell the house but T, we need to switch up some things first.  She knows the routines of the guards, where the cameras are, and all your hidden doors.  Time to change it up."

Finally Vlad found his voice.  "Lach, I am not leaving her.  You are a Tepes.  Do what needs to be done.  When she wakes, I will be able to join you.  Call Nico."

Nicodemus Angelov was more than the Alpha of Romania's Werewolves.  He was the best tracker in Eastern Europe.  Not to mention one of the most sadistic, dangerous people around.  He rivaled Vlad.  Nico thrived on torture.  He could "play" with his intended victim for weeks before he got bored and would finally put whoever it was out of his misery.  Vlad was sure they were related in another life.

"T, I can handle it all if I know she's safe.  Ye need to spill yer secrets though.  I need to know every hidden door, entrance, exit, crawl space, gopher hole, tunnel and any other Sophia could know about.  I need all of it T.  Doona leave anything oot.  We need to protect our home and our family."

Vlad proceeded to tell Lach everything.  Seventeen escape routes in or out of the castle, including two off the main road.  Lachlan was going to keep one open – the farthest – and pray Sophia would take the bait.  He needed a plan, the witch and of course, Nico.

There was one more thing Lachlan needed to do; a call to make to Cyrus.  The council had to be informed of what had occurred.  They had to tread carefully, and they needed this hunt sanctioned to be legal in vampire court.  Or both he and Vlad would lose their heads, literally.

He'd have to make a special request for Nico. Cyrus and Nico had history.  Hopefully 100 years was enough time for Cyrus to cool off.

Lachlan had one last stop before returning upstairs.  He was worried, but he knew, without a doubt, Vlad would care for his angel.  He entered Security, and the guards parted like the Red Sea.  Lachlan was pissed and it showed.

"Where is the footage I asked ye for?" 

The head of Vlad's security, Ivan, a huge Russian, motioned for Lach to sit while he loaded it and hit play.  He'd sifted through hours of footage and was ready to give up when he saw it – a small shadow.  It was only the backside view, but Lachlan would know Sophia anywhere.  That black spikey hair was a dead giveaway.

"I need this.  From five minutes before this spot."  He motioned to the screen.  "How many copies of this are there?  I need them all."

Ivan gave him the three discs.   "Master Vlad is a tad bit OCD.  It's always three."  Lachlan nodded and left.  He stopped by the library.  The scotch had been delivered and he was sure Vlad needed a drink, or just in case.

He grabbed two bottles and took the stairs two at a time.  He reached the door to their suite and it was ajar.  He stopped to listen. 
"Oh my holy hell"
he thought.  Vlad was actually humming a tune that sounded an awful lot like a lullaby. 
"Nobody would ever believe this."
And he would never tell a soul.  As he listened he couldn't help the grin.

"T, how is she" Lachlan asked as he opened the door. 

"She woke for a little bit.  Mehmet brought her some herbal tea.  She was worried about the baby.  I told her Lyla was fine."  Oh shit Vlad thought.  "Please don't repeat that until her naming ceremony."

"Hey T, doona fuss.  Lyla like Lillian?"  Lachlan was pretty sure he knew. 

"Yes, for my mother.  It was Annalese that asked me if it was okay.  She never ceases to amaze me.  Lach she really is an angel.  Oh and it was her water glass.  Mehmet figured it out.  Wasn't much, just enough to make her dizzy.  She hit her head when she fell.  She's got a bump, but my blood took care of anything internal that may have occurred.  Lach, I think this was a trial run.  I have a very bad feeling Sophia is after the baby.  It's all I can come up with.  Sophia loved Annalese.  This isn't about hurting her.  It's about me and the baby.  We tried for twenty years.  Nothing ever came of it.  I know why now but I really think she may be so obsessed with having a baby; she's going after my daughter.  The thing I can't figure is how she found out it's mine.  We have been very quiet about who we've told.  So Lach, how does she know?"

Lachlan pondered the question.  They'd all been very hush- hush about Vlad being the father.  And council transcripts were sealed, so anything said there was secret.  When they all left the house together she generally clung to Lachlan in public.  The staff knew Annalese was pregnant again.  But that was all they knew. 

Marcus was the only staff member that knew and he was loyal to Vlad.  Mehmet of course knew.  But he would never side against Vlad.  Lese had told Nico, but they were friends.  Nico adored her, and Lach knew Nico would fillet anyone that tried to harm her.  Who the fuck was left? He couldn't think of a soul when the light went on in his head.

"The Gods! That damned fucking boutique!  Sophia got her hooked on that shop.  You know damn well that girl who owns it would tell her in a second.  FUCK!"  Lach was livid.  "I'm goin inta town.  I need answers now!" 

Vlad shook his head.  "No Lach, not yet."

Lachlan paced.  "What do ye mean not yet?  We need answers now!"

Again Vlad said no.  "Lach, we know.  Let's keep it in-house for now.   I prefer the element of surprise.  Did you reach Nico?"

"Hmm Nico's here?"  She trying to sit up and shake off the drug-induced fog. "Where's Nico?"  Annalese’s tiny hands brushing her hair away from her face. 

"No love, Nico isn't here.” Vlad answered her in an ultimately loving tone. “Lach was calling him earlier.  I do suspect he will be around in the next day or so.  How are you feeling?  You scared the shit out of both Lach and myself."

She was very hazy on what happened.  "I don't remember much.  I got up to pee and took a drink of water.  I got really dizzy and that's the last thing I remember."

"Aye Angel.” Lachlan came to life at the animation of his beloved, “Ye hit yer head.  T gave ye blood, so ye healed quickly. The baby is joost fine.  Mehmet checked her and the doctor was here.  I need to ask ye a question OK?"

She nodded.  "Of course Lach.  You know that I’m here for all of us."  She smiled at him.  

"Okay Angel.  When we took ye shoppin, did ye tell the shop owner who the baby's father is?  We need to know lass.  Tis verra important."

"Yes I did.” Annalese told him with some chagrin, “Was I not supposed to?  I was just so happy it slipped out.  Why Lachlan, what's wrong?"

So they explained it all.  They did leave out what Vlad had in mind for Sophia, but Annalese wasn't dumb and she knew. "So this is why you need Nico.  Vlad don't kill her please.  Sophia was my friend.  I can't believe she did this.  Tried to hurt my daughter."

Vlad knew he had to tell her.  It would eat away his soul if he kept it from her.  "She doesn't want to hurt the baby my love.  I think she wants the baby for herself.  As soon as she heard it was mine, I think she kinda lost it.  Don't worry.  We have put on extra security and you are safe.  No one will ever sneak into our home again.  I love you my dear more than my own life, and I will NOT let anyone hurt you.  Lachlan feels exactly the same as I do.  We would lay down our lives to protect you and the children."

"I know guys.” She wanted more, “I have a question.  Can I get up?  I'm starving and so is your daughter!"

Lach smiled.  "Aye Angel.  We were gonna take you to Augustino’s before all this.  Do ye think yer up for it?" 

Oh she dreamed of cannoli.  "Call ahead.  I NEED cannoli like a ton and shrimp and that linguini with the pesto sauce and lobster."

"Aye lass.  Holy Shite!  Get dressed.  T was gonna give ye a bath but twill have to wait if we're gonna feed ye.  Oh do ye want the bath and I can go get it and bring it home?"

Annalese thought for a minute.  "Is that offer for a bath still on the table. Because I would love one!" 

Vlad nodded.  "Yes of course.  Do you feel well enough my dear?"

She nodded.  Lachlan asked "Hey T. ye want me to just get a bit of everathin.  Make it easy.  I'll go.  You stay and take care of our girl.  I'll have Marcus set the patio.  Would ye like to sit out Angel?  It's nice out.  And ye like the patio."

"Yeah I do.” she replied thoughtfully, “I can smell all the flowers from the garden and the air will feel good."

Lachlan went off to get dinner.  Vlad ran her a bath.  There were scented bubbles and some oils to soothe her.  "All right my love, pick some night clothes.  Preferably something that will not make Mehmet any hornier than he already is.  And let's get you into the tub."

He stripped her down and helped her down into the tub.  Just the steam alone felt good.  Vlad washed her hair and then started at her feet.  He stopped at her bump.  I love you Annalese with or without this.  You are my life.  When I found you on the floor..."  He was choking.  He could speak no more.  And he didn't need to.  Annalese understood.  She knew the depths of his love.  He let her in – took down his emotional wall.  And it made her love him more.

He dried, dressed her and brushed her hair.  They were just getting ready to head downstairs when she stopped him.  "Hey big guy.  Can we talk for a minute?  Just you and I?"

"Yes of course.” He told her, “Should I be worried?"

She shook her head.  "No Vlad.  Not ever.  I just wanted to have a moment alone.  I thought you may like some privacy for this."

He raised his eyebrow.  "What would we need privacy for?"

"Vlad give me your hand."  She placed it on her baby bump and just waited.  It took a few minutes but then it happened.

  "OH" and again "Oh Annalese!  That's our girl isn't it?  Holy shit!"  He grabbed her face and kissed her.  His tongue pushed past her lips to meet hers – lips crushing each other’s.  They broke swollen lips smiling at each other. 

"You Vlad are gorgeous.” She told him “The hair hasn't been pulled back in weeks.  I love it.  You did that for me didn't you?"

He half smiled half nodded.  "Of course I did.  I will do anything to make you happy and to see you smile; to see that sparkle in your eyes.  Oh your eyes.  Gods damn love I get lost in them.  And your touch ignites a fire in each and every cell in my body.  You are everything to me.  And this" he touched her belly "is just the sweetest bonus I could ever ask for."

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