Read Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2) Online
Authors: Annie Buff
She leaned in close "I love you Vlad. So much it's crazy. But right now baby, your daughter and I need food. But tomorrow, I'd like to just be alone with you. To feed from you. Can we do that?"
"Oh Annalese, anything for you."
They left hand in hand and at the stairs he scooped her up and carried her down. Instead of putting her down at the bottom, he carried her all the way to the patio. There they found Mehmet being chased by Michael. What a sight. She couldn't wait to see this same scene play out with Vlad and Lyla.
In a couple of days, Annalese was feeling much better, and it was a good thing. The day had finally come. Their suite was finally done and Annalese was on edge. Vlad had gone out to deal with something. He was more secretive than normal. Annalese was dying. The anticipation was killing her.
"Lach please can we just peek. The big guy already knows what it looks like. Please!" She was fast running out of patience.
"Nay Lass. T would kill me. Tis his gift to ye and he wants to be the one to open dat door. Yer gonna have to wait."
Ugh great. She hated waiting. This was not her forte. A voice distracted her from the waiting. "Where is my girl?" It was Nico. He and Lese had fast become friends.
"Nico!" She almost ran to greet him. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in weeks. Is being Alpha that big of a job? You need a second so we can hang out. I've missed you."
He hugged her, not too tight though. He could probably take one of her mates, but both would be impossible. Vlad would bathe in Nico's blood and enjoy it. Of this Nico was certain.
"I know but duty calls. It ain't easy being King Doll. I've been looking for a second, a Beta if you will. I just haven't found anyone I trust enough. I promise I'll make more time for you. As long as the Dark Prince leaves my innards where they are. Kinda fond of things like my spleen."
"Let's go get coffee or tea for me. This baby does not like caffeine, so herbal tea it is."
Vlad was in hunter mode, in tune with all his senses. He'd left their bed as soon as she had fallen asleep. Vlad had spent the night - or day as it was, in the dungeon. He had to find his Impaler side. He'd have soaked in a tub of blood if he had enough. He had dug deep, clawing his way to the pits of hell and back. And he found what he was looking for. His Dracul side; vicious and sadistic as he was black hearted. The Council had given sanctions. All he had to do was hunt. Even Cyrus had cleared Nico for the hunt. Vlad knew what he was about to do. Annalese would be livid, but hopefully she would forgive him eventually. "Nobody fucks with my family" he whispered into the wind.
Sophia; he knew he'd find her. She was predictable. His warlord side or voivode was showing as he sniffed the air, violet eyes glowing, lighting a path through the outskirts of Bucharest. People avoided the Prince. Nobody would make eye contact. He was on a mission and the determination showed on his face. Not just in his eyes, but his jaw was hard set like stone, fangs showing. He was truly one pissed off vampire. He had spoken to Lachlan. Told him what he was doing – well, not everything. Just that the longer he sat on his hands, the angrier he got. So he needed to do some recon. Lachlan had no idea just what thoughts were in Vlad's head. Vlad knew, without a doubt, what he could do to Sophia, but something was gnawing at his gut. It was a strange dull ache in the pit of his stomach. Damn if he hadn’t grown a conscience. OK, this would be a warning. He'd do that for Annalese. One and that would be all he could allow.
He felt like he'd walked 1,000 miles. Vlad was thanking Versace for one hell of a pair of boots when it hit him. It was Lavender. It was Sophia. Checking his surroundings, he knew she was close. The Boutique! The Gods damned Boutique.
He only meant to open the door, but his anger got the best of him and it flew off the hinges. His eyes met hers. She instantly knew she was neck deep in shit.
"Vlad… nice to see you." Her voice slightly quivered. "But you could have just called."
The look of death in his eyes told her he knew. "Ah yes, I suppose I could have, but then I wouldn't be able to return this." He reached in his pocket and pulled out the earring and Sophia gasped.
"Now I will say this only once. The Council is aware of everything, and I've been sanctioned to handle my business. Now here is your one and only warning. Stay away from my home and my family. If I smell you within 20 miles, I will end you Sophia. No regrets. My family and my daughter will be protected at all costs. If any harm comes to any of them, I will - and this is a promise - hunt you down. What I did to Percy will seem merciful by comparison, Pixie. Do you believe me? I certainly hope you do.
“The one and only reason you are not chained in the dungeon wall right now is Annalese. I made a promise. So thank her. Oh, and I am not alone… not that it would matter. I will give you this one warning. Nico wouldn't have been so forgiving, so be happy I found you first."
He turned to leave and she spat words at him. "She was supposed to help you not steal you! That baby should be mine!”
"Ah but she did help me.” Vlad spoke as if imparting wisdom to a child on the verge of suicide. “She kept me sane. And she didn't steal me Sophia. I loved her long before I told her, and you had gone by the time I really understood it. The only way that happens is if we were not mates. You know this.
“I was with her before the dissolution. I fed from her. It's impossible if there was the bond. We never had it. How is it possible now? Well, that's a very long story I have no intention of telling. But come Yule, she will be my mate too."
Sophia was seething about how he couldn't take Lese, she was mated to him, "You can't! I'm going to the Council."
Vlad just chuckled. "Ah yes, I was expecting that. Please feel free… they know. Call Cyrus and ask them, Sophia. Do not push me. I loved you, but by no means will that save you should you choose to pursue it."
Vlad walked out, but before leaving the entrance, he turned once more to reiterate exactly his point. "Remember my words Sophia. This is not a joke and I will not change my mind. And I have sharpened every cutting utensil I have. Make no mistake, if you try to harm my family, if you come near my home for any reason, I will end you and I will enjoy every scream."
With that Vlad walked away. He could hear her screaming obscenities at him. It just made him laugh. He had been called much worse. Necuratu was his favorite. Good God-fearing Christians saw him as the devil. And that too made him smile. He thought, however, he was much worse than the devil at times.
Time to go home now. He had accomplished his mission and he had to hold Annalese for a minute… maybe an hour. Vlad knew she wanted in those rooms. It was time to show her what he'd done. The walk back calmed his nerves and soothed the raging vampire.
When he arrived home he felt new; reborn, majestic in a way; and fierce. Like a wolf; the predator. He'd cornered his prey, played with it and released it. But only this once. If he had to hunt again, it would be with lethal force and he'd tear her to shreds, without doubt or hesitation.
He knew Nico was there, Vlad could smell him. Normally Nicodemus was a pain in the ass, but not tonight. Nico was an ally; and one of the best to have. Nico was the kill first, ask questions later kind of guy. Best part of Nico was his loyalty to Annalese. He was fiercely protective of her. She had befriended Nico not long after her mating to Lachlan. He said she was easy to talk to. He was right. She was the kind of person you could tell anything to without judgment. Vlad knew this first hand. Some of their talks in the beginning were very personal.
"Ay T, did ye enjoy your walk?" Lachlan asked suspiciously.
"Yes actually I did. It was" he paused a moment, "relaxing and very enlightening. We can discuss my walk later though. I'm certain there is a very impatient strawberry beauty doing her very best to wait, but, my friend, we both know she does not wait well. Retrieve her and meet me at the nursery door."
Vlad moved to the stairs and Lachlan went and got Annalese and Nico.
"Ay Nico, ye realla wanna see the nursery? You my friend need some serious therapy."
Lach and Nico both laughed. Then Nico admitted, "Hey I may need some pointers someday."
Not likely Lach thought. Nico was a playboy and he liked it that way. At 6'2" and 200 pounds of solid muscle, he had women dropping at his feet. Not to mention the ice-blue eyes and chocolate curly hair that was always messy.
"Vlad baby, where have you been? You know waiting is not my virtue!" She flew into his arms.
He held her for only a moment. "Come my dear. Let's see our daughter's room."
He opened the door and she gasped. Eggshell colored walls with pastel pink accents. He had removed the wall separating this room and Michael's old nursery creating a sitting area for her. An antique rocker sat waiting in front of a newly installed fireplace. All the furniture was walnut, the bedding and accessories pink. What struck her the most in this room was the mural of the Carpathian Mountains, with birds, a rainbow, and hundreds of tiny pink dragons.
"Oh Vlad! It's amazing!"
He smiled. “I am happy you approve. Do you think she will like it in here? She's a Dracul, so I had to go with the dragons. Just couldn't help myself. Oh look here!" It was a panel like an air conditioner control. "This one turns on music, this one, the monitor that is hooked into the intercom so you can hear her in any room, even the patio. Oh, this one opens a panel in the ceiling above her crib. There is a screen for movies and such. One last thing, I do not expect trouble, but if something should ever happen, push 1 and 3 together like this." The wall opened just to the left of the fireplace. "This, my love takes you directly to our suite. It will be a last resort. It's got lighting so you can also stay put if you need to. It's soundproof and fireproof. There is a phone though. It dials me first, Lachlan next if I don't answer, and then Nico if neither of us can be reached. I am not expecting any issues. I believe I handled that tonight."
She gasped. "Oh Vlad you promised!"
"No my love I did not cause harm. I just went to return something and have a small chat. I do believe she is still mad, but after I explained just exactly what would occur should she continue on with her pursuit of you and our daughter, I believe she understands the extent of what my retaliation will be. I was quite colorful in my explanation. Now love, I gave her the one and only warning I can allow. Do you understand why?"
Lese nodded. Just like Vlad. He was rubbing off on her. "Yes I get it. And it's not about who you are is it? It's about protecting the family. And the Dracul legacy."
He nodded. "Would you like to eat now or see our suite? And if you don't like the colors, blame Lachlan. He picked it all, I just paid." He held out his hand, knowing what she would choose. As he opened the door to their new suite, he thought she squealed loudly enough to be heard across the country.
Lese stepped over the threshold and was in total awe. The wall dividing this room and the next had been removed and a fireplace added. A huge stone hearth and as she studied it she saw it. The pattern was a double dragon and separating them was a Scottish Claymore. It was exactly the same as Lachlan's. The walls were a light chocolate color with cream and red accents. Walnut furnishings, but what drew her was the bed. King plus, canopied bed with red and cream bedding. Her eyes finally found the mural on the wall. Two men, one cloaked, one in a kilt kneeling, looking up at an angel above them. She looked at both men, tears in her eyes, no words to speak.
Lachlan embraced her. "Lass, I take it ye are happy with it. T said that you told him he needed to start new. I'd say we did good, yes?"
"Yes Lachlan very good. It's perfect. Vlad this had to have cost a fortune. You really shouldn't have gone this crazy, but I love it."
He just nodded. "Twas my pleasure love. Oh and my dear, I have billions, do not fear. You could never break the bank. If you want something, we will make sure you have it."
She wandered to the fireplace. "Is this where it opens?"
"Ah yes.” Vlad explained, “Same idea as the nursery, but one twist here. There is a door just on the inside. It leads to a tunnel that goes directly to Nico. He and I thought just in case’ if you feel threatened and need to leave the castle you'd have a safe passageway. Again I do not expect trouble, but when we mate you will be the Queen. That in itself warrants this."
She nodded. "Lach could we talk for just a minute... outside?"
"Aye of course." He led her out of the room and out to her spot in the garden. Vlad had given her an odd look but made no effort to stop her. "OK Angel, what didna you want T to hear. Tell me."
She just smiled at him. "I have a favor to ask of you. We are close to dawn and today is Vlad's birthday. Can you get Marcus to make something special or should we take him out?"
Crinkling his forehead, Lachlan thought a moment. "Aye I canna believe I forgot. I say we take him to Augustino’s. I'll get Nico and Mehmet to join us. Six hundred and fifty-seven years – damn he's an old fucker!"
Annalese laughed. "Yes, I will tease him about robbing the cradle with me, but I have one more favor.