Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2)
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Vlad was still sporting his grin, and it felt good to have something to smile about. "Ah yes, my daughter. It still sounds so surreal to say. She gave me an explanation of why I was finally able to create life. She said it was because her mother is my 'the one'. Even though she is your mate, she is mine too. That Sophia was not my destined mate, it is Annalese.

“She also seemed to be of the understanding that she and Michael are not the only children we will be raising in this house. It may be time to remodel." Vlad was chuckling and that too felt good.

About that time Annalese appeared in the doorway. "Hey, can I join the party?" That woman could light up Eastern Europe with her smile, at least that’s how Vlad thought.

"Aye angel of course." Lachlan held out his arms and she went to him, kissing and hugging. Then to Vlad with the same affections.

"I feel quite forgotten. You should spread a little love my way." Mehmet said laughing. He knew she had no intentions of affection towards him but the teasing was fun for him.

The best part was she gave it right back. "Nope, none for you. I like you Mehmet, but not

The old Turk laughed out loud, she was definitely spunky. He had been hoping over the centuries to find one with that kind of spunk, but so far Mehmet had not met his ‘one’. He still held out hope, even being as old as he was that she was out there somewhere.

"Vlad, can we go to the garden for a few minutes?" Annalese asked him ever so sweetly. She got the famous nod as he took her hand and led her to what he named the confessional. It was a bench in his flower garden where he would talk to her and basically confess his sins. So they all called it the confessional.

Once they were alone in the garden, Vlad asked, "So my love, what did you want to speak with me about? I will assume you wanted privacy for this." He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. Needing to feel her, and needing her to feel him. The love he had for her went beyond anything he had ever felt for Sophia. This was what poetry was written about, this feeling of the deepest depths of your soul kind of love.

"I know you were talking to her, I could feel it. She told you I have a name didn't she?"

He gave her the nod, sometimes Vlad saying nothing said so much. "Yes love she did, however she did not say what you wanted. Will you tell me?"

Annalese pulled back so she could see the look on his face when she told him her idea. "I was thinking of keeping it in the family like we did with Michael, so what would you think of Lily or Lyla, for your mother?"

That floored him, never did he think she would remember his mother's name, much less want to name their daughter after her. She really was the angel Lachlan always called her, one wrapped in sin, just for him. "I think Lyla is perfect, any ideas for a middle? And are we keeping this between us as we did with Michael?"

This time she was the one with the nod. "Yes I would like to, considering I was thinking of Allison for her middle name." Vlad shook his head laughing; he knew that ancient vampire would get to her eventually.

"Actually I thought it only fitting, without him and his persistent research we would have never known about the second mating. Speaking of, should I do the proposing? You know, like down on my knee and all." Annalese was grinning ear to ear. Vlad knew he would never allow her to do the proposing. He was the man and in his day men did that.

"Hell no, not in your condition! I should be the one on my knee." And that’s exactly what he did. Kneeling in front of her, Vlad took her hands. "Please my love, let me be your second mate, you know I will always protect you and love you until the end of time. I believe I know the answer, but say it. I need to hear it from you, please Annalese."

There would be no way she would ever say no to Vlad, She loved him just as much as Lachlan, as crazy as it was. "Yes Vlad, without any doubts, yes." He embraced her, arms wrapped around her so tight she could barely breathe. "Hey big guy, human, need air."

Vlad let go so she could breathe normally and he had a very wicked smile. "Thought you said you wouldn't break? Oh my dear, I do want to ask you what may be a dumb question. Since you are pregnant, will it be ok for us to, or you and Lach to... make love? I have never experienced this before and of course I did not think it appropriate to ask such a thing when you were pregnant with Michael."

No of course he wouldn't know and she knew when she was carrying Michael he was curious about the pregnancy but never asked her. Annalese explained to Vlad that sex during pregnancy was fine as long as she didn't have any complications, it was actually healthy. "Baby even with your size there's no way you can hurt her, she's tucked in right here quite nicely." She patted her tummy, and he laid his hand on hers. Still reeling from the events of the night, Annalese untied his hair; letting his long, black tresses flow falling well passed his shoulders. "I love it like this, you're really beautiful Vlad."

He kissed her hands, then her forehead. "I must return you as much as I do not want to. I have been monopolizing you, and I need to let Lachlan have some time, come my love." They went hand in hand back to the castle.

She kissed Vlad lightly and went to the waiting arms of Lachlan. They quietly excused themselves, leaving Vlad to speak with Mehmet. "How you can be so calm watching her leave with him I will never know. Are you planning on killing him? Is that why you are so quiet with that god’s damned evil grin?"

Vlad did have a grin, but he didn't think it was an evil one. He thought it was more of a pleased than anything. "No my old friend I am not plotting murder. I am just reveling in the fact I will be her mate also. That and she is carrying my child. Why does everyone always think the worst when I smile? It’s hurtful." This time his laugh did sound a bit evil. He did it just to get at Mehmet.

"Well my friend, it is because I have known you your entire existence, and I have seen you in action. So don't bullshit me Vlad, what’s going on in that head of yours?"

"Remodeling." Was all he would say. Vlad had a hundred ideas in his head; the perfect painting studio for Annalese, a special nursery for Lyla. He could use the west wing for her studio; the guest rooms at that end were never used. They would need chambers to accommodate all three of them. He could speak with Lachlan later about that. First Vlad needed to call his contractor and ask questions.

"Remodeling?” Mehmet mused, “Like as in the dungeon?"

Vlad just shook his head, "Go to bed my friend."



Over the next few weeks Castle Dracula was all a bustle with workers creating what Vlad and Lachlan said would be the perfect suite for them and a nursery for the baby. Both men were so secretive, every time she tried to get a peek at the plans one of them would scoop them up telling her it was a surprise.

Her baby bump had definitely started to show and her clothes were getting tight again. Vlad had insisted on taking her into town to shop. He and Lachlan helped her pick out everything. They had bought so much that Annalese knew she would never wear the same thing twice. Her men had gone totally overboard. Lachlan had been through this already, so he was relaxed this time around, Vlad however was a wreck. He had even gone so far as to carry her down the staircase. The one thing they both had in common was desire. The word insatiable came to mind, and she was flat out exhausted.

Annalese hated to do it, but she needed a break. She had to tell them. "Ok guys," it was breakfast time so they were all together in the kitchen. "You know I love you both, and I get you both like the extra curves, but I need a break, I'm dying here. I need a few days to recover before we start being intimate again, please." She didn't want to hurt their feelings but she needed some rest. 

The look on Vlad’s face said everything, they hadn't thought about her being with both of them. He apologized for both his and Lachlan’s lack of forethought and they both promised to let her have her rest, then Vlad had an idea. "My love, what if we all stayed together. It happened once before. If memory serves me correctly it was a very good thing."

Annalese remembered it being a very good thing. What woman in her right mind would complain about having the two sexiest vampires in the world naked and in her bed? "Yes, maybe that would work, but not for a few days. You boys will need cold showers, or handle your own business. I am just flat out exhausted."

True to their word, no sexual advances came.  But over the next four weeks both men pampered her to the extreme. Breakfast in bed, each took turns bathing her, brushing her hair. They basically waited on her hand and foot. Annalese noticed Vlad’s hair hadn't been tied back since that night in the garden when she untied it. He had absolutely beautiful obsidian hair, so soft and it shined like the stars. He had let it grow, and it reached almost the center of his back now. Lachlan had followed suit, leaving his loose. To her, they looked more like cover models than the lethal vampires they were.

As time went on, things were getting back to normal. The contractors were finally finishing up and Annalese was so ready to see what they had done. Lachlan said just a few more days and they would be ready for the big reveal.  The part that blew her away was neither man had made any advances in over a month. Annalese had only asked for a few days’ rest, not a month of celibacy. Both of them, Vlad especially, were loving and affectionate, but no sex. Not even a move in that direction. Her libido was in overdrive so Annalese figured she needed to get their attention. She had the perfect plan, now to execute.

She had lit candles all over the room they were sharing, scattered rose petals on the silken sheets, Chopin playing softly, now to go get her men’s attention. She dressed in only a black satin robe and little black lace panties underneath. Annalese headed to the library hoping it would only be the two of them. As she entered, she saw Mehmet. "Hi, is this a guy’s only party or can I join?" She smiled at them, lighting up the room. "I was kinda thinking I might like to borrow them when you are done" she said to Mehmet. 

"Ah yes my love, can you give us just a few more minutes?"  Vlad always sounded like he was asking, but most people knew better. 

" she thought
"here goes nothing."
Then she said, "If you need it, then yes of course.  But I needed something as well." And she dropped the robe.  All three stood and just stared.  "I suppose I can handle it myself." 

Vlad had the robe in a flash and was trying to cover her.  Lachlan too was by her side.  "Angel, what were ye thinken!   Mehmet probably already has ye on his mind during his business.  Holy shite Annalese."

All she said to them was "Well, I finally got your attention.  Mehmet can think whatever he wants.  He will never be touching me.  I said a few days – not five weeks!"  She left and went up the stairs to their room.

Vlad, being the gentleman, opened the door.  "Oh my dear, we thought we were behaving so you could rest.  Just so you know it's been killing me." 

"Aye Angel, me too."  Lachlan captured her lips, tongue pushing past to meet hers.  Vlad started kissing her neck and running his tongue over her ear.  Lachlan's kiss was so demanding that one of her hands slipped down to grip his shaft, the other behind her to touch Vlad.  Both men were hard as granite.  She led them to the bed and lay in the middle, taking one on each side.  Vlad took her nipple in his mouth, biting and sucking like a newborn.  Lachlan was doing the same on the other side.  Both men were driving her mad with pleasure.  Vlad's hand was rubbing her bump, then slid down and parted her legs.  He took his long fingers and inserted two inside of her.  Lachlan's hand found her clit and started gently massaging, circling with his thumb.  Vlad kept his slow pump, long fingers slipping in and out.  Each taking turns kissing her.  Vlad slipped out and Lachlan took over pumping in and out of her while Vlad slid down and found her nub with his tongue.  He licked and suckled her swollen clit. 

Lese moaned and thrashed.  The two men held her while they worshiped her body.  The last time they were all together was for Vlad.  Lachlan was just there.  This was all for her, every kiss, every touch, every stroke.  She was in heaven.  Lese's whole body was on fire – pleasurable fire – like controlled chaos.  Each nerve was burning.  Almost like thousands of tiny charged particles of energy.

Vlad moved back up to her breast while Lachlan lay over her poised at her entrance.  He entered her in one stroke and began an intense rhythm; in and out, harder and deeper with each thrust.  Vlad was kissing her, tongues dancing a perfect tango, fingers on her clit, rubbing as Lachlan deeply penetrated her core.  She was struggling for breath and both knew she was on the edge.  Vlad sunk his fangs into her breast around her nipple, sucking like an infant feeding from Annalese.  She finally broke, screaming for both men.  Lachlan broke next and Vlad, hand on himself went too.  They collapsed together, breaths short and shallow. 

"Oh holy hell!" Vlad managed to get out.  He leaned over to kiss her gently, sweetly.  Lachlan did the same.  They both held her for what seemed to be hours before she broke the silence.

"You know I love you both and I'd like nothing more than staying just like this, but I really have to pee and I'm starving!"

They laughed.  Vlad moved and let her up.  "I have no idea what's left in the kitchen.  Should we take her into town?"  Vlad posed the question. 

"Aye, let's get cleaned up.  Yer not feeling awkward are ye T?  We are all a family.  She loves ye just the same as me ye know." 

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