Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Impaling my Heart: Vlads story (Annalese and the Immortals Book 2)
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Vlad felt her push back into him; he instantly froze in his position. He realized over a year ago he wasn’t broken, he just wanted her. She had started to stir and Vlad was not ready to give her up.
“Fuck, not yet! Just a little more time!”

Annalese had been awake for a bit just enjoying being in Vlad's arms. However, feeling his emotional rollercoaster had hurt her. She wanted nothing more than to ease the pain he was experiencing, and she needed to feel him, needed to have him once more before she left his bed. As she rolled to face him, his glowing eyes told her he wanted her too. "Hmm big guy, something you want?" She gave him her version of the devilish grin.

His hand slipped between her legs, feeling how wet she was already. Vlad's thumb found her hardened clit. Every way that he touched her she responded to him. "Please baby, I need you in me. Don’t be gentle, I won't break."

Baby? She had never called him that before. She wanted him rough and that he could do. Vlad flipped her onto her stomach and entered her in one fluid motion. Annalese cried out, it was the most intense thing she'd ever felt. Vlad set the pace, thrusting harder than he would have, but she had asked him for rough, he liked that she wanted him this way; liked being able to make her whimper and moan. He pulled her onto her hands and knees with her ass in the air. He wanted to spank her, but thought that might be too much. He'd save that for later. Vlad ran his tongue up her spine, tasting the salt on her skin. He knew this would never be enough; that he would always want her, need her. Vlad felt his fangs lengthening; feeding from her like this was his addiction, the pheromones made her blood even sweeter. Her body responded to his as his fangs sunk into her shoulder, drinking her in. In that moment neither of them could control their bodies and both went over the edge; shaking and moaning through the most intense orgasm as of yet.

He held her tightly, intimately, until he could put it off no more. It was time and his black heart was breaking into a million pieces having to let her go.

"As much as it will tear at my soul, I must release you to your mate. I did thank any god that would listen as I held you today. You, my dear Annalese, are the most perfect creature I have ever met. As you can now tell, there is no boundary to my love for you."

Lese had tears streaming down her face. This was ripping her apart. She loved Lachlan, heart and soul. But damn if she didn’t love Vlad with the same intensity. He put his hand up to wipe them and she turned her head. "No, leave them. I've caused you so much hurt and pain I deserve some of my own."

Vlad grabbed her face in his hands, eyes glowing "You do not fucking deserve anything but happiness! Do you hear me, do not! No more, not for me. I will never be worthy of one tear from you. Please Annalese, do not cry!" The tears kept flowing. She couldn’t stop them. She kept trying but they came like a thunderstorm in July. "Fuck Annalese, I would do anything to make those tears stop, anything."

Through her sobs she choked out "Vlad please don’t send me away."

Oh mother of God, she was really trying to kill him. "You have a son that probably misses his mother and a mate. Remember? Lachlan is your mate and as much as I hate it, he loves you as much as I do." Lese had finally gotten herself calmed down enough to talk; and before she left Vlad she had a few things to say.

"Yes I have a mate, and I love him with all of me, but Vlad make no mistake, I love you too. Just as fiercely as I love Lachlan, I have no idea how it's possible but I do, so it must be. I need you both. And trust me on this, I will find a way."

And with that, she left his chambers and returned to her own. Lachlan had left a note saying he was taking Michael out to play in the courtyard and to join them when she was ready. She showered and put on a pink cotton sundress, grabbed a slip-on pair of sandals and headed down to see her men.

Lachlan knew she had been crying. He could hear it in her voice and see it in her eyes. He also knew when she was ready they would talk. "Ah me Angel, I missed you." He pulled her tight, and just held her. Vlad was right. She was perfection. And how could he be pissed at him for wanting her. She was light when they were dark and pure when they were tainted. He knew she loved him, heart and soul, but she loved Vlad too. And if it made her happy, Lach would figure out a way for all of them to be together. Maybe in some old document there was some hint of a second mating.

There was one vampire who would know, but Lach was hesitant to call him. He wasn't sure just how much information Vlad had shared. Until he could speak to him, the call must wait.

"Are ye hungry, Angel, yer son wants pancakes and Imma pretty sure Marcus is preparing a feast."

Pancakes she mused, "Yes, definitely. However my nerves are a bit on edge. Let's start with coffee and go from there. Sound good love?"

"Aye, anathing for me angel. Wanna talk?"

"No, not yet. Let's let my stomach calm down. Maybe what I need is scotch instead of coffee" she laughed.

"Mama!' Michael came running. "I am gonna git panscapes!"

He was so excited and his speech was getting so good she knew exactly what panscapes were. She giggled and scooped up her tiny tornado, which wasn’t exactly tiny anymore. Lese smothered him with kisses and he giggled.

"Mama, is Papa still stick?" Poor Michael had no idea what was wrong with his Papa, only that he missed him.

"He's feeling a little better. I'll ask him to come eat. Ok little man?" Annalese used their bond.
“Hey big guy, someone is asking for his Papa. Do you think you could come down and be with us?"

Nothing… no answer. She could feel the bond open but he wasn't talking, the saving grace was he hadn't put the walls back up. She was still reading his emotions. He finally spoke
"For you, I will come down. I told you, anything for you."

"Ok little man, Papa is going to shower and he will be down. Let's go in and get you cleaned up."

True to his word, Vlad joined them for breakfast. They all ate together just like a family. Michael had climbed on his Papa’s lap and was feeding Vlad pancakes. He was graciously accepting them even if Michael was stuffing them in faster than he could chew.

"Aye T, would ye have a minute fer me after me son is done feeding ye breakfast?" Lach laughed at the sight of Vlad, the most frightening being on the planet, being force fed by his grandson. It was a sight to behold. How a terrifying destroyer could so quickly be reduced to a pussycat.

"Of course, I'd say I've had more of these things than I need. And I can say with absolute certainty that I am going to need a drink… at least one."

Lese removed Michael from his Papa and took the sticky child up for a bath. Lachlan and Vlad made their way to the library. The silence was deafening.

Vlad began slowly,
"So I'm sure Annalese has told you."

Lachlan held up his hand. "T, stop. She didna tell me anything. I asked her if she wanted to talk. She said no. I respected that. When she or ye are ready, we'll talk. But what I did want to ask ye about was Mehmet."

Vlad did his eyebrow thing. "Mehmet? What would you need Mehmet for?" Vlad had quite the puzzled look on his face. Mehmet was the oldest of his kind. And he knew pretty much everything. Kind of like a vampire scholar.

"T, how much does Mehmet know about us. I mean all of us. You and Lese? I wanna talk to him but I didna wanna do it before I asked ye about this."

"Everything, all of it. I left nothing out." He took a sip of his scotch. "Why do you ask, Lach?"

Lachlan sipped at his own scotch, "Well T, there’s something I wanna ask him to look into, but I didna wanna do it unless he was aware of our situation. I doona wanna say just yet, until I know if it’s possible."

That gave Vlad something to ponder. What in Hades could Lachlan want with Mehmet; could it have something to do with the council? Annalese had thought he wasn’t fully mated and if that was the case the council had no authority to interfere. He and Sophia could just part ways. Vlad would always make sure she was taken care of, if he lived another thousand years he wouldn’t run out of money. He decided to excuse himself and go to the garden to think.

Instead of finding solitude on his bench, he found Annalese. Vlad settled in beside her, just sitting in silence. After a bit he laced his fingers with hers, but he still stayed mute.

"Ever since the night of Michaels birth,” Annalese confessed, “this is where I come to find my balance. This place always calms me, shows me every little thing, the magic, the beauty of it all. Tonight it’s not working, maybe it’s my nerves. I know the council is in two days and I am so nervous for you. What can they do to you anyway?"

"Ah yes, quite a bit I'm afraid. I can be sanctioned financially. They could decide not to break the mating, or they could break it and forbid me from taking another mate. Not that I would ever want anyone but you my dear. No, my own belief is that it will be monetary. A payment in the way of a fine to them, and a fund for Sophia; of which I would do anyway. She stood by me through quite a lot of shit. I owe her that much. I noticed you did not eat this evening. You need not be nervous, I will be fine. Please..." He leaned over and kissed her. Not a toe curling kiss, no this kiss was so full of love Annalese felt it everywhere. "Now my dear," as they broke apart, "come, let us feed you." Vlad took her by the hand leading her back to the castle. When they made it to the kitchen he set her on a barstool and started preparing her an omelet.

"Holy crap Vlad, you cook?" She was so shocked and he couldn't contain his amusement.

"Well yes of course I can cook. I will be six hundred fifty-seven next week. I had to survive you know. Marcus has only been with me about twenty years." Vlad had diced ham, onions, red bell peppers and mushrooms. He put these in a pan to sauté as he whipped the eggs. "I am quite handy in the kitchen when the need arises."

Annalese spoke to Lachlan through their bond,
“Did you know Vlad cooks?”
It only took seconds for him to respond,

“Holy shite! This I have ta see.”

It took all of two minutes for Lachlan to be in the archway of the kitchen laughing. "Where's me fucking camera when I need it, nobody will ever believe dis!" Vlad just flipped him off and continued his master chef skills, and he was grinning.

Lese ate about half the food, Lachlan and Michael finished it off. Then she excused herself to their suite. She was tired, still queasy so she thought a bath and some peppermint tea might help.

Michael had gone to play and his nanny was caring for him so Annalese could relax. Lachlan had gone into town to handle a few things, but he had asked Vlad to keep the link open in case it was needed. Vlad had no idea why it would be needed but he complied anyway. He decided the library was the best place to spend the rest of his night. With the fire lit he went for the scotch and
"Fuck! Lachlan!"
Vlad opened his mind,
"Look here you Scottish bastard, we are out of booze! I will be expecting six cases when you arrive home!"
He was trying to be a hard ass and failing miserably at it.

"Aye T, if ye didna drink so much we'd nay be oot, fucking Romanian bastard!"
They were both silently laughing, Vlad hadn't laughed in weeks and it felt damn good.
"Therra six bottles of Bulliet bourbon behind the dragons, emergency... booze. So quit yer belly achin ye ancient shite!"
That made Vlad laugh out loud; Lachlan always knew how to make him feel better.

"Hey Lach,"
and he waited for only a second.

"Aye T. What?"
Vlad gave him the response he knew was coming.

"Fuck off."
He continued to laugh as he broke the connection. He found the bourbon behind the sculpture, just as Lachlan had said. Thank the gods, today had been emotionally trying. He had kept his walls down, but tried very hard to push his emotions aside. Vlad pulled the cork and swallowed straight from the bottle. A glass would not be necessary as he had no intentions of leaving any liquid in the bottle.

He settled in the chair facing the fire and let his eyes close, Vlad was silently praying for good results at the council when he heard her. "Vlad, can I come in?" Why on earth would she be asking him that? This was her home too.

"Oh my dear, you need not ask, come." He motioned for Annalese to take the chair next to him. She shook her head, "Your lap, please, just hold me Vlad." Oh for the love of everything sacred, she really was trying to kill him but he opened his arms anyway. She climbed onto his lap and laid her head on his chest.

"Annalese, you are in sleeping clothes, are you alright my dear?" She nodded, not saying anything for several seconds.

"Yes it was just after my bath and tea. I thought I have no plans to go out so why not. I think the stress of the last few weeks has caught up with me, that and I haven't been taking blood like I should."

"Fuck, why not? It is me is it not? I have been the cause of your stress, and for that I am so sorry." He hadn't given it any thought, but he should have. Annalese was used to taking blood from both men. And since he had been unavailable, she wasn’t getting what she needed.

"Yes, but not in the way you think. Lach thought if I only took from him it might weaken my bond with you. Honestly I wasn't sure but I was so afraid of not feeling you at all I haven't had blood in weeks." She didn’t understand, but Vlad would clear it up immediately.

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