HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter (16 page)

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Authors: Margaret McHeyzer

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter
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“So tell me Ethan, what exactly did you have planned for our Police Chief?” We are nearing my cabin.

“I didn’t want to kill Ben after what we did to his parents but the fucking idiot wouldn’t take the damn bribe” and here it goes.......

“What bribe Ethan?” I don’t think I have to push for information. I actually think that Ethan is cocky enough to believe he’s going to kill me, so he will be very vocal in his plans for Ben. Well, even if he does manage to kill me I still need to know what is happening and how Ben plays in this whole scene.

“Dad said he is looking forward to seeing you tomorrow when he flies in. He said he really wanted to be here today but he had some, um” he stutters and stalls “business to take care of before he can be here in St Cloud”. Ethan’s face has transformed into a demonic scowl.

“We’re here Ethan we need to go the rest by foot. It’s not far.”

“Get out and show me the way. I have a gun pointed at you so you won’t live.” Ethan was all warning and cocky as he spoke to me.

“Ethan you’re holding a Beretta Elite. Do you think I can outrun a bullet?”
No wander his father hired me.

We are in the cabin within a few minutes and I don’t bother checking for security breaches, because Ethan is here. No greater breach then the enemy being here already.

“Sit,” he points to the chair with his gun. I do as he asks and sit. “Have you got rope?”

“No” I’m not afraid of Ethan or his gun. I have various weapons around the house and all I need is my opportunity, but first I need to access all information that Ethan Martelli is willing to give me. He starts ruffling around in the draws in the kitchen and tries to find something to tie me and finds tape. He tapes my arms behind my back and leaves my feet free. He doesn’t bother with one over my mouth, because we are in the middle of nowhere and no one can hear how loud the screams get.

“So Anna, where should I start?” Ethan makes himself comfortable sitting directly opposite me. “I really really REALLY do like you Anna. Maybe before Dad comes in tomorrow I can have some fun,” his eyes turn dark and he licks his bottom lip. The look on his face is exactly the way Damon looked at me, all those years ago in my room.

“If you think you need to Ethan, then by all means we can have a lot of fun.” My interpretation of fun is very different to his.

“So Pearson. What a damn fool he is. Falling for an assassin. He’s going to be heartbroken when your body is discovered in Minneapolis down a dirty alley, but I owe the fucker one for killing my brother.” Wait, what did Ethan say? His brother died in gun related crime. “You see, Ben shot my brother 10 ½ years ago when Pearson disturbed him robbing a drug store. Pearson was relatively new to the Force and went to check out a B&E but my brother shot at him and Pearson opened fire. Pearson shot him and they cleared him on all charges. My brother was a fucking strung out junkie idiot, but he didn’t deserve to die and Pearson shot him and got away with it. I fucking hated Pearson from that moment. When the business moved down here it was my chance to give it the green light it needed by becoming a police officer and keeping all the Feds off our property. You see Anna since we moved the manufacturing of cocaine down to the old cattle station our drug business has increased by 90% just in the first year. No one suspected the milk trucks taking milk back and forth, they actually hold the cocaine we produce and cut. Pearson’s CI got the artillery haul wrong and inevitably gave Pearson our milk truck. Thank fuck it was only a small shipment because I don’t think it would have mattered that I’m Dads’ son. Dad would have killed me for it.” The puzzle was coming together quite nicely.
Keep talking Ethan, you idiot.

“Tell me about the bribe Ethan”

“I suppose it doesn’t matter what I tell you, tomorrow you’ll be dead” he smiled to himself not before getting up and coming over to me and planting a wet kiss on my mouth. His tongue forcing its way into my mouth. “Mmmm Anna, we are going to have some fun,” he licks the side of my face and walks over to the fridge and gets a bottle of water for himself. “You see Anna, about 7 years ago just as we were moving our business over here, one of my father’s men got in contact with Ben and offered him a large amount of cash to ‘look the other way’ and keep Narcotics off our backs,” he says using air quotes again. “But Pearson is too straight laced to take the fucking money so we had to send him a warning with his parents”.
. “Then I set up an account for Ben that he is totally unaware of that has money deposited into it every month.”

“$150,000 a month” I say. Ethan’s eyes smile as I say that.

“Yep, you see Anna, I had it set up so Ben was going to look like a dirty cop. But you had to come along and fuck all that up for me.”

“Why do you have 4 bank accounts getting the same pay in each from the Police Department Ethan?”

“Damn Anna, you are fucking awesome. I was screwing the fucking pigs while I could. They fucked with me and my family by always coming after us so I’m fucking with them. Of course the money is inconsequential, but the more I can fuck with them the better I feel. By the time they’ve figured out what I’ve done I’ll be long gone as Ethan Martelli and taking my rightful place as Tony Mancini JR heir to ‘The Family’ and no one will know any different because the only witness will be dead,” he’s referring to me. “With a little plastic surgery no one will recognise me and I would have pulled off the best con job inside the fucking Police.” Now he is smiling a truly evil smile that reaches his eyes. This man is demented. Royally screwed in the head!

“Why is it so important to keep the cocaine manufacturing here is St Cloud?” I still need to know more answers.

“I scoped out all the areas we wanted to go to get the operation in a quiet secluded area and St Cloud worked. You see we have all sorts of businesses but this is the most lucrative. Dad owes the Yakuza and this is the only business that turns over what we need. The fucking whores at the houses can only fuck so fast, and most of them end up with some disease so we fucking kill them, and the guns aren’t moving as fast as we need. You know how the Yakuza are, there is no delaying their payments.”

And there is all the information I need to know. Ben is just an innocent in all of this. Other than killing Mr Deranged brother in self-defence, he really is going to be made to look like the scapegoat all because Anthony Mancini owes the Yakuza and the Mob boss can’t get his product out quick enough for the payment. Which is where I came into it because Ben was in the way and Ethan could run the shipments free of police interference.

“So Anna” his tongue stays connected to the roof of his mouth as he says the N in my name. “What should you and I do? Dad is due here in your pretty little cabin in around 14 hours. Which means you and I have 14 hours to kill. Any suggestions?” he calmly walks over to me and grabs my breasts. He’s stops and looks at me with a fierce look on his face. He lifts his hand and with his entire might he back hands me across the face. “I really enjoy it rough Anna,” my chair flies over on the side. I don’t dare make a sound because this is what Ethan Martelli wants. He lifts the chair back up and I feel a trickle of blood drip from above the eye and land on the floor. I wiggle my hands and find that the tape has only slightly dislodged. “Oh Baby girl, isn’t that what your precious Ben calls you? You are fucking hot sitting there with that tiny bit of blood on your face. Let’s see if I can’t make the other side bleed too” and with that he’s laid into me on the other side and my chair topples over on the opposite direction. Again he lifts me and is smiling at me, running his tongue over his teeth. There’s no blood this time but I can feel the bruises coming up. “Shit Anna, looks like I’ll have to go again,” he slams my face with the back of his hand and again I topple over. “Fuck that is so hot,” he says as he lifts my chair. I have more wriggle room around my wrists, another few hits and my hands should be able to come undone. “Baby girl, you’re gonna make me come in my pants and I wanna fuck you so bad and so hard. You’ve gotta stop taking it from me and start screaming a bit. I want you to scream and tell me it hurts. Come on Anna I want to hear you scream.”

All I do is look up at him and smile.

“What the fuck are you smiling at Anna?” he’s starting to get angry and I need him to hit me so I can loosen the tape around my wrists.

“I’m smiling Ethan, because I’m going to love killing you and I’ll save a special bullet for your father,” this enrages Ethan and he punches me with all his force in the cheek this time knocking my chair backwards. My hands are almost out. The chair is unstable and I think one more hit and I’ll be free. But he stops hitting me. He picks my chair up and grabs me out of it. He swings me around towards the table.

“You think you’re going to kill me you fucking bitch? I’ll fucking show you.” His anger is uncontrollable. He pulls my pants down and slams me bending over the table in the kitchen. He rips his pants down and spreads my legs with his own. One of his arms is pushing my face down on the bench and his entire body weight is on my back keeping me firmly in place. “You fucking cunt,” he’s yelling as he thrusts into me. “You fucking think you’re fucking something special.” it hurts like hell but I’m not responding. “Do you know who the fuck I am,” he’s repeating the thrusting with so much force I can feel myself tear. “You will fucking respect me you fucking whore.” He comes inside me with anger and agitation. “You’re not a fucking assassin, you’re a fucking nothing,” he leans off me and that’s where Ethan Martelli’s life changes.


Chapter 22

It all happened within a split second. Ethan goes to straighten up and I manoeuvre my hands out of the tape. I head butt him behind me and Ethan stumbles back. As he reaches for his gun that he has left on the chair I was sitting on, with all my force I punch him to his temple. Ethan falls to the ground and lays there. I get the tape Ethan used to tie me up and I bound his legs and hands together. I check on his vitals and he is alive..... for now.

Now that I know Ethan is secure I go into my bathroom. I kneel over the toilet and throw up, a few times. That pig has just violated me and all I want to do is kill him, but I can’t yet. I go into the shower and I clean myself up. I’m bleeding and I’m hurting but I have a job to do. When I’m out of my shower I go back to my car and get my Glocks and bag that has my phone in it. No missed calls. Once I return to the cabin Ethan is still out on the floor but I can see him stirring. I give him a swift kick to his ribs to wake him up. He wakes up and tries to sit up but cant. His face is white but still full of fury.

“Untie me you fucking bitch,” he’s yelling at me and I can see that he believes he still has the upper hand.

I stretch my body in front of Ethan. I have one of my Glocks in the back of my jeans and I walk around a little. “You see Ethan, I told you I was going to kill you and you raped me. Now I’m just going to kill you slowly. I think I’ll wait until your Dad is here, or I might do it before he gets here. I’m not sure really. I’ll see how I feel. But for now I need a drink” I turn to go over to the fridge and Ethan is thrashing around trying to free himself. “Ethan, I’ve been doing this a long time. Tonight you will have the privilege to watch me work, admittedly, I’ll be working on you and you may pass out at some stage, but I’ll enjoy every minute of it”. I decide to help him up against the wall so he’s in a sitting position before I get to the fridge.

I grab a bottle of water and an apple and come and sit in front of Ethan. I take my Baby out of my jeans waist band and hold it in front of him, just taunting him. His eyes pop out of his head. My beautiful gold Glock with pink mother of pearl grip is right there in front of his eyes.

“You see Ethan, as I was saying I have been doing this a long time. I may as well tell you about me because let’s face it, you will be dead soon. So Ben was supposed to be my 149
Hit, but it appears you will be replacing him. I’m not going to kill Ben at all. Matter of fact I’m going to protect him against you and anyone else who wants to come along.”

“149?” is the only thing that Ethan can spit out almost breathless.

“Yes Ethan, 149. You think you scare me? I’ve done this so many times before. My first kill was on my 15
birthday and I’ve been doing this ever since. You see Ethan, this is my territory I lived here in St Cloud with my father Police Chief Henry Brookes” I hear an audible gasp and I turn to him.

“You’re Anna Brookes” it’s not a question or a statement, it’s a realisation of who I really am. His face is as white as a sheet.

“So you HAVE heard of me then?”

“Everyone thought you were dead. You’re not an urban legend you
a legend. I didn’t make the connection between you and 15 and Anna Brookes. How is that possible? You were the girl with the golden aim. So many people, police and my kind still talk about you and your accuracy”

I let out a huge sigh and my shoulders relaxed. “Then you know what you’re in for don’t you Ethan?” Ethan’s head just moves in the smallest way as he nods and his eyes roll to the back of his head.

“Seeing as you know you’re going to die, I need to know if I’m the only one hired to take Ben out.”

Ethan starts laughing, uncontrollably laughing. “You think once you kill me that you’ll be safe. My father will kill you”

Now it was my turn to laugh. “I told you Ethan, after I waste a few bullets on you I’ll be paying special attention to your father. All I need to know is has anyone else been organised to Hit Ben”

“You fucking bitch, like I’m going to tell you”

I stand up and enter the code to my safe room. It houses my weapons, but I also need a place I can work on Ethan. I cover the few weapons I’ve amassed over the last few days here in St Cloud because I don’t want body matter on them. There’s not a lot, but I have ample ammunition and for now that’s all I need. I see one corner has no weapons so I go back out and drag Ethan in here by his clothes. He is heavy, but this is not going to stop me. Ethan’s eyes widen as he realises this is going to be his resting place. I prop him up against the wall. I pull my silencer on my Glock because it’s pretty loud in the steel box once I start working. As I screw it on Ethan is starting to sob. “It’s ok Ethan, I won’t kill you yet. I need to make sure you suffer first.” And with that I shoot his left knee.

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