HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter (12 page)

Read HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter Online

Authors: Margaret McHeyzer

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter
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“Hang on my bag is in the lounge room.”

As I get up off him to go get it, he grabs my arm before I’m too far away from him and says “I have some here beautiful,” he leans over to his bedside table and opens the top draw. He brings out the box and gets the silver foil pack out. He rips it open with his teeth and starts putting it on.

“Wait, let me,” I stop him and grab the condom.

“Holy hell. I think I’m about to come again now I know you want to put the condom on”.

“Baby let me take care of you,” I say as I roll the condom on him using both my hands and my mouth. He’s in a sitting position and I climb up and position him at the entrance of my pussy. I slide down and take him. Simultaneously we both throw our heads back and moan together. I start moving slowly as I stretch to accommodate his large size. I’m moving up and down and rolling my hips. He has one arm out on the bed taking both our body weight and he has one arm around my lower waist holding on to me as I’m moving and rocking. He’s looking straight into my eyes as I’m looking straight into his, so much passion exchanged between us both. He leans forward and brings my body so it’s flat with his and starts kissing me. Slowly his tongue is dancing with mine and I’m rocking and finding this close contact and position is pushing his cock deeper in my pussy. “Ben I’m going to come,” I whisper in his mouth as our lips are locked together.

“Baby girl I’m not going to last either.”

I’m rocking faster and moving faster and the delicious feeling of an orgasm is tightening in my stomach. Ben slides his hand between us and starts rubbing circles on my clit, that pushes me over the edge and I shout Ben’s name out.

Ben thrusts up two times and finds his own release whilst his face is buried in the nape of my neck kissing and licking me and I hold him as close as I can to my body.

We both have a thin layer of sweat over our bodies and Ben keeps his arms around me tightly. He’s not saying anything or doing anything, his lips are at the nape of my neck regaining his breathing. I’m running my hands all through his hair and lightly scratching his back. “Sweetheart what you’re doing to me by running your hands all over me is going to make me want you again. My body needs 5 minutes to recuperate”. He lets out a small laugh and looks me in the eyes. I let him go and start manoeuvring my body so I lay next to him. “NO,” he almost yells at me, “I didn’t say I want you to move, I’m just saying not to scratch my back and tug at my hair”.

I laugh and shake my head at him. “Ben, we have all night. I think you can go clean up, I’ll still be here when you come back”

“You’re staying with me tonight?” it’s more of a question then a statement and Ben looks surprised.

“We have tonight.” That sentence saddens me, because after tonight I need to kill him.

Ben gets up and goes to the bathroom and I lay down on my stomach. My hair is fanned out on the pillow and my head is turned towards the side Ben will be laying on. I don’t intend on sleeping a lot tonight. I intend on making the most of our last night together.

Ben comes back and lies down next to me. His hand is running through my hair and it feels really personal to me.

“Baby girl, being with you these last few days and the way we move together just shows me how much we belong together.” His hand has moved down to my back and is now drawing slow light circles.

The feeling of Ben’s hand on my back feels like an inferno combusting. I goosebump everywhere his hand is touching. “I know Ben. I feel it too. Let’s not over think what we have and let’s just....be.”

We spend the rest of the night not saying a lot to one another but taking turns to worship the other’s body slowly. We enjoy our touches 3 more times until dawn breaks over the horizon. Constantly touching, caressing, honouring and pleasuring each other.

The sun rises and I know I need to leave. Ben has fallen into a light slumber and I move to get my clothes. “I don’t want you to go.” Ben’s awoken and his words are so real that I feel them in my heart.

“I know Baby,” I say as I go to sit on the bed next to him.

“Then don’t leave,” he snakes his arms around my waist and kisses my upper arm. “Ever. Just stay with me. We can make this work.”

A tear escapes my eye and I look away from Ben. This is so much more difficult than I thought. Ben has possessed every part of my body, mind and soul and I suspect I have the same effect on him. He sees my tear and quickly sits up in bed just holding me to him. I want to stay, but I know I can’t. My heart is in turmoil and I’m trying to will my body to get up and leave but my body is betraying my mind; it’s not betraying my heart though. My heart belongs here with Ben. It belongs here TO Ben. His hands are gently running up and down my back and his nose is buried deep in my hair. He’s taking long breaths in and I can feel my body relaxing against his. I can feel the heat and desire emanating off his body towards me.

“Stay” he says. The more he speaks the harder it is. The tears are welling up in my eyes and my mind is shutting down. “Please,” he whispers. I lean into his body. He pushes me away slightly and cups my face with his hands and stares me straight in the eye. “I want you to stay with me,” his voice is so soft. A tear escapes from my eye and he wipes it with the pad of his thumb.

“I can’t,” is all I manage to choke out.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in through my nose and let it out slowly through my mouth. “I can’t,” I say again but this time it’s a whisper. It’s a struggle and I’m fighting with myself but I straighten up and rise from the bed. I gather my clothes and put them on and walk out his bedroom door. I thought leaving him in Salt Lake City was hard, this is impossible and gut wrenching, but I HAVE to go. I get my bag from the kitchen and run out to my car. I try to go before Ben can run out and stop me, because I know I can’t stay with him no matter how much I want to. I’m in my BMW and backing out of the driveway when I see Ben run out the door and towards my car. He’s only wearing jeans with no shirt. I take off down the street as fast as I can.

I look in the rear-view expecting to see Ben jump in his car to follow me and stop me. He’s not. He’s standing in his driveway kicking at something on the ground and his hands are on his head.

Once I stop looking at Ben I see a dark new sports car matching my speed.


Chapter 15

I’ve slowed my driving as I want to see the number plates on the vehicle and get a trace on them. He’s hanging back so I can’t make out the numbers and letters. I assume its Simon the salesman from yesterday but I’ve been around long enough to know that he certainly is not a salesman. I’m grateful that he’s after me and not Ben. Which can only mean one thing, the $36 million bounty is still on my head, which of course means there’s a new boss over at Hunter Inc. Just another complication for me to deal with.

My burner phone is ringing non-stop, there are text messages coming through and numerous voicemail. I can’t think or deal with Ben at this moment, I need to get a look at the number plates and if I can’t do that I need to get rid of the car following me.

I turn down some streets knowing these roads from when I used to live here with Dad. Some tricky turns and some careful manoeuvres ensure that the dark car is now nowhere near me and I manage to get back to my cabin. I can only think that dark sports car will head back to Ben’s house to wait for me. I’ll need to plan this person’s demise.

I get into the cabin, run a security check and nothing has been breached. I take my burner phone out and find that Ben has tried calling me 8 times, left me 2 voicemail messages and 4 text messages. The theme to the voicemails and the texts all match.

Baby girl please come back

Baby I want us to talk

Baby girl last night was the best night of my life and all I want to do is hold you in my arms

I think I love you

That last text message sends me over the edge. I start crying and crying and I can’t stop myself. The tears become sobs and they are falling down around my face. I find myself slumped on the floor at exactly the spot that I read the text message.
How is this possible?
My body is not controlling itself and my façade has let me down completely. I’m shaking and I’m flushed. I can’t put a finger on my emotions. I’m not sure if I hate this man or if I love this man. I think I’ve fallen in love with him too. No, I know I’ve fallen in love with him. What do I do? My mind drifts back to the amazing night we spent together just hours earlier and I recall every kiss and every emotion that we poured into our touches. My hand is on my neck and my eyes are closed as I replay the amazing loving night in my mind.

My eyes pop open and my façade is back on.

I have a job to do.

If I kill Ben, I will also take out the people that put a target on his back. They are after this wonderful man who clearly doesn’t have a bad bone in his body. So I will find them, every last one of the fuckers and kill them too. Starting with dark sports car guy.

First I call ‘Agent’ and need to find out what he knows. I know it’s not 36 hours yet but I’m under the pump now and I am more determined to kill every fucker who wants to mess with Ben.

“Agent, information required”

“Employer Anthony Mancini. No information yet on Ethan Martelli. Eta 12 hours. No other information has been presented” The call is disconnected.

Shit Anthony Mancini. I know who he is. Mob boss. Drug lord. Prostitution. Human trafficking. Guns dealer. Drug manufacturer. There’s not much that Anthony Mancini isn’t into. He’s got the east side covered in every illegal trade there is. He goes everywhere with a small army attached to him. He’ll be harder to get to then Roman Murphy was. But he’s not impossible. He’ll be on a par with that President I took out a few years back. I push Anthony Mancini to the back of my mind for the time being because I have dark sports car guy I need to handle and.... Ben with his declarations of love.

I call Ben and he answers on the second ring.

“Baby girl we need to talk.”

“Fantastic greeting Ben. Yes, you’re right, we need to talk. Can we meet for lunch?” My tone is short and almost pissed off, I’m just not sure how pissed off I am with Ben.

“I’m sorry, I was afraid I scared you off. Of course we can meet for lunch. How about Mammas? I know you like their food and I like having you all to myself. But I need to go to the station first because I need to have my weapon signed off that I haven’t let off a round whilst on vacation”

“I didn’t know Police did that. But if that’s what you need to do then do it and I’ll meet you at Mammas at midday” It’s something I have never known Police to do.

“It’s something I have enforced when I became Chief of Police because I don’t want our police thinking it’s ok to discharge their weapons for no reason.” He says with the authority in his voice that he must use when he is on duty. I like it when he speaks like that.
It’s a turn on.

“Ok then. I’ll see you at midday.” I’m becoming a little hot under the collar as he is talking about guns with that seductive voice.

“Looking forward to it Baby girl”.

I do some research on Anthony Mancini and find he has been married for 31 years. His wife’s name is Gabriella Mancini. They have 2 sons, one died almost 11 years ago in a ‘gun related’ incident and the other is still alive. Other than the name of the son who died I can’t find anything on the other son. I look up at the clock and it is flashing violently at me telling me its 11am already.

I get ready and head into town. No doubt Ethan Martelli is still tracking me but I do take a different route to Mammas just in case he is waiting for me where he pulled me over last time. I get there at 11.50am and see Ben waiting for me inside. Mammas is very quiet today, other than Ben, myself and the staff there are no other patrons. Ben is sitting at a table in the back. As I approach the door, Ben jumps up and comes to open it for me. I’m not even 2 steps inside when his lips find mine. He’s kissing me slowly and passionately, pouring all his unspoken words into that one kiss in the middle of Mammas. I hear a clearing of a throat and don’t care. I kiss Ben back with the same raw passion he is showing me. When we break free his beautiful deep blue eyes are now black with love.

“Thank you for coming to lunch today Baby girl.” He guides me to our table and his hand is on the small of my back.

“As if I would miss it,” I smile at him and take his hand in mine. We sit at the table he has for us just holding each other’s hand and looking into each other’s eyes.

I don’t even see Plastic Tammy standing there staring at us with her mouth wide open until the menus hit the table. “That was so hot,” she says as she turns her back to us to leave.

A laugh escapes from my chest and I raise an eyebrow to Ben. “Apparently that was hot Ben,” I say and slowly bite my lower lip.

“You have got to stop doing that. It’s a task not jumping up and taking you right here.” I can see he is struggling yet I consider the concept.

“Anyway Ben, lets order first.”

Ben understands what I am saying and leans in over the table and says quietly so Plastic Tammy can’t hear us “does that mean you’ll let me take you right here after we order?”

“No Baby. It means I’m damn hungry.” I wink at him and I bite my lower lip again.

Ben shakes his head but his face is with a huge carefree smile.

Plastic Tammy is approaching the table to get our order when everything stops. Literally time stands still. That familiar feeling of a serpent bite is all over my body. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I know danger is here, right now. My Glock is in my bag. I’m reaching for it but I also look to see where the danger is coming from. It all happens in less than a second. Plastic Tammy is on the floor with a bullet in her heart, I’m leaping for my bag and Ben has his gun out. I look to the door and see dark sports car guy AKA Simon the cable guy with a G22 that has a silencer screwed on the end of it. He points the gun to me but is shot dead before he gets his round off. Ben has discharged his weapon and is standing tall with his shoulders back and a menacing look on his face. His face is all hard and his eyes are narrowed and his jaw tight. He stands his full 6 foot 2 inches tall. Nothing is escaping his gaze. I carefully close my bag where my Glock is and stand up to assess the situation. It appears we have 2 dead people. One is Plastic Tammy the other Simon the cable guy. I can’t question him now so I don’t know why or who sent him. But I am thinking it’s for that bounty, damn.

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