HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter (7 page)

Read HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter Online

Authors: Margaret McHeyzer

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter
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I head into town and pull into the local supermarket. It’s not huge, but it has everything I need. I walk through the fresh produce and am picking up some bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers and I reach for the red peppers and I hear from behind me, “Anna Moore”. The voice is smooth and velvety, the tone undeniable. My heart immediately leaps up into my throat. My hands start shaking and excitement flitters around in my stomach. I turn around immediately and see him. He is beautiful. Just the way I left him in the hotel room, only with more clothes. Black jeans, a dark blue Henley shirt and boots. Good God. This man is just scrumptious. Calm Anna, breathe Anna. Breathe in and out. Think Anna.

“Ben Pearson. What an absolute delight and pleasure to see you standing in front of me”
I wish you were naked though. Doing me up against the wall, or in the shower.

“Anna. What are you doing in St Cloud?” He says, if only he knew the real reason.

I rattle off the same bullshit I told EAC Ethan Martelli when he pulled me over. Ben’s face has completely transformed. There’s a smile that is in his eyes. He looks so happy to see me. He’s just standing there looking at me and his brain must be processing the answer I just gave him.

“I really hope that you’ll have that dinner with me now that you’re in St Cloud and possibly staying.” He has such high hopes for us. This is where my plan changes. I’ll befriend him and see what he does and take him out in a way that won’t cause anyone any pain. This could work. I just can’t sleep with him. Or fall for him. He is Hit 149. Not Ben Pearson. Just Hit 149.

“You know Ben,” I start off saying. And I bite my lower lip knowing that will send him crazy and he will want to hang out with me as much as possible. But I won’t sleep with him.
Hit 149
. “I only got in tonight, and I am rather hungry right now. I was just going to go back to cook dinner at the cabin where my friend is letting me stay but I would rather have some company”. I cock an eye brow at him. I have to keep thinking, Hit 149.

Ben swallows noisily whilst his eyes are drifting over my body and he takes me in. “Well Anna, a good thing I haven’t eaten either. Perhaps I can take you to dinner at Mammas across the road?” He’s waiting for my answer.
Hit 149.
Take the emotion out Anna. Don’t think of him as Ben Pearson.

“That sounds terrific Ben. I’ll just finish up what I have here and I’ll meet you outside in 10 minutes,” I say to him not really giving him an option to follow me around and watch what I put in my basket. He steps closer and kisses me on the cheek. That damn electricity is jumping between us. The kiss is slow. He hovers a little longer then he is supposed to. I close my eyes and lean into his kiss and let out a low moan. His right hand finds the small of my back. It’s taking every ounce of strength I have in me not to throw him to the floor and fuck his brains out right here in the fresh produce department. I need to find my bearings and pull away from him.

There’s fire in his eyes. I can see his chest rising and falling fast. His mouth is slightly open his head tilted down just a little bit. He is feeling exactly what I’m feeling. And I can see he’s very excited. I bite my lip to stop me jumping him. He looks at me and says “Please don’t take too long Anna”. I nod and walk off. That’s got to be the hardest thing I’ve done, walking away from this man. I quickly get my breath under control and finish getting the things I need. I go out and see Ben sitting on the bench outside the supermarket. He jumps up and grabs my bags. We silently walk over to my BMW and I open the trunk. I knew I wanted to take my equipment home before I came shopping for a reason. Ben placed the shopping in the trunk and looked at me with a perplexed look on his face. “Didn’t you have a Mercedes?” he asks me. He was paying attention to something other than my body that night.

“I have 2 cars. I like to go fast and I like style.” My sweet smile is on my face again. Actually I’m lying to him. I have more than 2 cars. I have bikes and cars. But again, that’s a need to know information. Ok, time for some recon work. This is what it’s about! Just as I’m thinking these words, Ben grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. Oh no. That heat immediately returns to our hands. Ben looks down and slightly frowns at where our fingers are locked together.

He turns to me and opens his mouth. He is breathing shallow and hard. His eyes are dilated. The look is one of lust and want. “How is this possible Anna? It’s like it was that night. I can feel that, what you do to me is something I’ve never felt before”. He swallows hard and snaps his head away. He’s tugging me towards the restaurant. He is still shaking his head and muttering as he is going. I can feel that familiar clenching in my stomach, the heat pooling in my panties is unbearable. I’m trying hard to stop him and not attack his mouth,
and every other part of his body.
My heart is beating so rapidly that it feels like I’ve just run the Boston marathon. We make it to the restaurant and Ben opens the door for me. As I pass him he slides his hand to the small of my back and just that little bit lower to run his hand over my arse. Holy hell, it’s so hot. I want him to continue but I HAVE to detach from this.
Hit 149 not Ben Pearson
. We are shown to a table at the back of the restaurant and the waitress is batting her eye lids at Ben. He doesn’t even acknowledge her. Actually I don’t think he even knows she’s standing there drooling over him.

“Hello my name is Tammy and I’ll be your waitress tonight. I’ll give you a few minutes to look over the menu Sir and I’ll return to get your order,” she says flashing her pearly whites at Ben.
I mean Hit 149

Oh no you don’t bitch. You DO NOT ignore me.

“Can you stop looking at my husband before I grab the nearest thing to me and threaten damage to your mediocre face?” I say with a huge smile on my face, but a menacing look in my eyes.

She gasps at me and then at Ben and slithers away
. Yes bitch, you best leave before I do hurt you.

Ben looks at me and smiles. The look on his face is one of amusement and his body language screams out ‘PROUD’! “Babe, you didn’t need to say that. I wasn’t looking at her. I was looking at you. And you know, I really should arrest you for threatening grievous bodily harm. Don’t worry Baby girl, I’ll let it slide this time” He chuckles to himself and winks at me.

What the hell did I just say? I was trying to make her see me here too, not take her eyes off Ben. Shit, I mean Hit 149. What did I care if she’s looking at him? He is a gorgeous man. His eyes alone could make a woman buckle at the knees. Just as Ben was getting ready to ask me what I would like to order I heard a slap of skin on fabric. I look up to see a man standing next to Ben with a large smile on his face, the smile is directed to me.

Ethan Martelli.


Chapter 10

“Miss Moore. I see you have met our Chief of Police.” His eyes are on me and nowhere else. He is taking me in just like he was when he pulled me over earlier today. “Ben, how did you meet Miss Moore?” Ethan asks him almost in a menacing dangerous manner.

“Anna and I met a few days ago whilst I was in Salt Lake City. We just ran into each other at the supermarket and decided to grab a bite. How are you Ethan? Actually, Ethan how do you know Anna?” Ben’s, I mean Hit 149’s, tone changes and he is quite pissed off. I think I know what he’s thinking but he hasn’t and probably won’t say it.

“I’m sorry Anna. How rude of me. Let me properly introduce myself, Ethan Martelli.” He sticks his hand out so I can shake it. As soon as I grab his hand it happens. That EXACT same feeling of when I met Damon and Nox that very long time ago at the shooting range. That serpent bite, the cold rushing through my veins in my hand travelling into my stomach.


Ethan Martelli is not who he seems.

Immediately my skin crawls and is covered in goose bumps. The hairs on the back of my neck rise.

I need my façade NOW. I take a deep breath as I remove my hand from his. Danger is lurking near, fuck danger is standing next to this beautiful man opposite me. I survey the area again and don’t see anything that stands out as a threat, except for Ethan Martelli. Breathe Anna.

“Oh well you already know my name Mr Martelli seeing as you held my driver’s licence and registration for a good 5 minutes before you returned them to me.” Of course I say this with a warm smile on my face. My eyes go straight to Ben and see he relaxes instantly; he must be aware now that I must have met Ethan over a small driving incident. I giggle to ease Ben and say, “It appears I may have been playing AC/DC a little too loud in the car on my drive over this afternoon. Mr Martelli pulled me over and was generous enough to just give me a caution. Again Mr Martelli, I’ll be sure to keep my racket to a minimum.” I wink at Ben as I say that. Ben can take that statement anyway he wants.

“Ethan, please join us. Anna and I have yet to order,” Ben says in a tone that I’ve not heard before. It’s almost like a warning tone. Is it???

I’m wishing that this evil man is nowhere near myself or Ben.

“No I’m sorry Ben and Anna. I’m unable to. I have a date of my own. I was walking past to go to the supermarket and I glanced in here and saw you both. I thought I would come in to say hello.” Ethan’s eyes don’t leave mine as he is speaking. I know that not one word of what he just blurted out is true. Not a fucking word. Is he after me? Or is he after Ben? SHIT! I mean Hit 149! This whole situation is seriously fucked up. I think it’s time that my recon work is now broadened for two people not just Hit 149. I need to find out as much as I can about Ethan Martelli.

Ethan leaves after a few more minutes of small talk with Ben. I graciously stay quiet and listen and when the conversation between Hit 149 and Ethan becomes strained, Ethan turns and says his goodbyes to both of us and leaves. Something is not right. I can feel it in my stomach.

“So what have you decided to order Anna?” Ben asks me politely not even realising that Ethan Martelli is a serpent. Someone not to trust. Someone willing to strike at any time.

“I’m actually really hungry. I’m thinking a steak,” I say and Ben is looking at me with a very perplexed look on his face. “What?” I question the dumb arse look he is giving me.

“Are you for real? You’re ordering a steak”, he asks.

“Is there a problem with that?” I’m getting pissed because he’s looking at me like I have 2 heads.

“Good Lord no. The last 2 dates I had only ordered salad because they said they were watching their weight. Not that you need to watch yours. You are sensational. Every square inch of you”, he lowers his voice and says, “EVERY square inch. I can’t wait until my hands can feel every part of you again”. His voice is smooth and low. His eyes are heavily lidded and they have a certain smokiness colour to them. Damn. Who put butterflies in my tummy???

Just as I was about to respond, Tammy comes back looking at me and ignoring Ben. “Mam are you ready to order?” There’s a fake smile plied on her face. A bit like the fake boobs that are way too big or the fake nose she is sporting or the fake blonde hair. Plastic Tammy.

“Thank you Tammy, I’ll have the scotch fillet cooked well. Mashed potato and root vegetables. I’ll also have a mushroom sauce on the side. I’ll have a bottle of sparkling water. Not opened.” I rattle off my order and look over at Ben. He is looking at me with that familiar lustful look.

Plastic Tammy turns her body to Ben but makes no eye contact with him. She’s stealing small looks over to me to make sure I can see she’s not looking at him. “And for your sir,” she asks?

“I’ll have the same as my wife please. But I’ll have a Budweiser please not water. Baby girl can you drive home tonight?” Ben looks at me and gives me that sexy, instant thigh clenching smile.

I shift in my seat to try and get some friction between my legs and say, “Of course Baby”.

Plastic Tammy leaves without another look in our direction.

Ben leans in very close to my ear and says in just barely an audible whisper “whilst you were ordering your meal I wanted to rip your fucking panties off and feast on your pussy, then when you called me Baby I almost came in my jeans,” he skims his lips across my jaw as he moves away from me.

Damn. Hit 149 is going to be difficult. He sits back down and I can’t get the stupid smile off my face. But I need to work. I need to sort this issue out.

“Ben, as much as I enjoyed our time together in Salt Lake City I just don’t think anything is going to work out between us. Let’s just leave that behind in Salt Lake City and carry the memory with us.” I try to convince him but I’m actually having a hard time trying to convince myself.

Ben sits all the way back in his chair and rubs his hands down the thigh part of his jeans. He’s twisting his mouth and biting on his lip. His eyes have narrowed and I can see he is thinking about what to say. He’s quiet for a good 9 minutes. Then he launches into:

“What’s the problem Anna? Do you not like me? Have you got a boyfriend? A husband? What’s the issue here? I mean I just don’t get it. Please explain it to me, because just the other night you couldn’t wait to get me back to my hotel room. I mean I couldn’t wait to get you there either. And here we are 1100 miles away from where we first met and we meet again by chance at a fucking supermarket and you are telling me we can’t be together. Tell me why? Give me a reason. This is meant to be. You know it, and I know it. What’s the damn problem Anna?” His features are now hard and cold. The police officer in him is emerging. His chest sticks out, he raises his chin. He’s not the sweet man I have met before. He is now the hard cold police officer demanding an answer.

“Ben its nothing like that it’s.....” I start saying.

“It’s what Anna? You can’t say “it’s” and not finish the damn sentence. What the hell is it?” He’s getting angrier by the second. At that very moment, Plastic Tammy comes in with our drinks. That seems to stop Ben’s rant. He takes a swig from his beer and he goes to say something else and Plastic Tammy interrupts us again with our food. I’ll have to keep a mental note and slip Plastic Tammy a decent tip. She may have pissed me off earlier but now she’s saving an uncomfortable situation with a beautiful man. She must have heard the conversation though. She scooted over pretty bloody fast to put the drinks down. Obviously she knows I’m not Ben’s wife.

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