HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter (6 page)

Read HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter Online

Authors: Margaret McHeyzer

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter
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I decide to throw her a bone and I say to her “You are much too smart to lower yourself to be someone’s tramp for the night”. And with that I pick up my bag and turn to head towards the elevators, but not before I give the 2 men a look that tells them to keep their dicks in their pants.

The elevator ride is quick and I ascend to floor four and go to the left and open the door to the Presidential Suite. It’s nice. Its large, it has everything I need. Realistically I could have taken the Jackson room because all I want to do is have a shower and put my head on the pillow, but I was not going to stand there and be judged by someone other than my maker! I hop in the shower and let the heat of the shower beat around my body. I use the bottles provided by the hotel in the shower, to wash myself and my hair. This shower is sensational. And the water is never-ending. I sit on the bench in the shower and just let the water wash away every feeling I am having. I turn my brain off and let the water pound onto my body. I roll my neck from side to side with my eyes closed. I roll my shoulders back and forth slowly just letting the pressure and the heat take my tension away. I sit in the shower for at least the next 20 minutes, letting it withdraw all my fears. However, I know tomorrow will be a start of a new day. But for now, I let all the stress go.

I get out of the shower and look over the room service menu. I am so hungry. I’ve eaten light throughout the day and am ready for something a bit more substantial. I order a porterhouse steak well done. All these people who eat meat bloody, yuck. That’s not for me. Blood in meat I’m eating, no thank you. I like my meat not mooing when I cut into it. Funny that, I can stand to shoot virtually anyone and watch their head explode with brain matter flying in every direction, but I’m not keen on blood in my meat! I wait for room service and get a bottle of water out of the fridge provided in the room. I turn on the TV and watch for anything light and entertaining that will catch my eye. Nothing really is on, so I switch over to the news. It’s always good to keep up with what’s happening in the world because you never know who your next target is going to be.

As I’m watching the news a story comes on about a shipment of cocaine that has been intercepted at St Cloud by the local Police Chief and his staff. Just then Ben Pearson appears on TV and is giving a statement. I turn the TV up and I stand right in front of it because this to me is very interesting. Ben says “approximately 2 hours ago St Cloud PD intercepted a truck that was suspected of carrying illegal firearms. Upon inspection it was discovered that the truck actually contained cocaine. The street value of these drugs is in the vicinity of 5 million dollars. St Cloud PD has been working closely with other departments and even though we were expecting a shipment of guns, we are happy to have stopped such a large quantity of drugs to hit our streets. Thank you very much for your time” and the interview stops there.

Ben Pearson is still beautiful. Even on TV he is gorgeous and delicious. He must have returned to St Cloud soon after I left him.
But he had asked me to dinner
. Maybe his holiday was cut short and he was called back because of the guns he was expecting to find on that truck.

The one thing I know for sure is that now, Ben Pearson has become a target from more than the people who paid me to kill him.

Just then there’s a knock on the door and I hear “room service”. You can never be too careful. One of my Glocks is in my waistband at the back of my jeans and I open the door standing to the side. Cautious as usual. The young boy brings in my meal and places it at the table. He’s fine, he’s no threat. I pull out $5 and tip him. “Thank you Mam” are his only words. His eyes are to the ground and he scoots out of the door. Maybe reception chick told him about me, maybe that’s just the way he is.

Once I finish my dinner, I brush my teeth and head to bed. It’s still early, only 9pm but I am very tired. Actually, I am exhausted and I still need to make way to St Cloud tomorrow. I lay my head on the pillow and my brain is taken over with one thought. One person has bombarded me and filled every part of my mind.

Deep blue eyes.

Dark brown sex tousled hair.

Lips to die for.

A tongue that is tasty.

Hands that are soft.

Arms that are strong.

Legs that are toned.

Ben Pearson.


Chapter 9




Fucking alarm. AGAIN! My dream of Ben Pearson destroyed by a fucking alarm! Grrr!

I get up out of bed and start getting ready for the last leg of my trip back to St Cloud. I start making a mental note of everything I need to do before I get to the cabin. I know there are limited supplies there so I’ll need to stop off at the local supermarket and pick up a few things. But I have my babies in the trunk of the car and there is no way I’ll be leaving them out in the open. If someone stole my car they would certainly shit themselves if they opened the trunk. Not that it’s possible to steal my car. Change of plan though, will head to the cabin first to store my babies then head to the supermarket.

So I go to the front counter and surprise surprise reception chick is there. Her blouse is a different colour, her hair is down today which tells me that she has been home and is back on for the day shift. Its 10am and I’m checking out. I should be in St Cloud by 7pm tonight. I head straight up to the counter and hold my key out to reception chick. Today she stands tall with her shoulders back and smiles to me “Good morning Miss Smith. I trust your stay with us was enjoyable?” she starts. Kudos to reception chick. You’re not scared of me after yesterday’s show.

“Thank you, it was exactly as it should be.” My façade is back in place. I’m cold, but this time not angry in my words.

“Mam, if I may speak out of line?” she starts but waits for confirmation that I will allow her to speak to me about anything unrelated to my hotel stay.

I simply nod my head once.

“Mam, after what you said to me I went home and thought exactly about what you said. No one has ever caught me out or even acknowledged me the way you did. I know what you said was the truth and that’s why it hurt me so much. Last night after crying until early this morning I decided to return to school and study so I can run a place like this one day rather than just work behind the desk. I know this may sound unconventional but...” she stops and it looks like she’s fighting with herself. It looks like she’s about to burst into tears. My eyes have not left her. Her body is nervous, she’s fidgeting.

“Get on with it” I say, she is starting to bore me.
Really reception chick just spit it out

“Thank you” she says and looks me straight in the eyes.
Wow, that must have taken her a lot to say that.

I actually smile at her. Her demeanour relaxes immediately. She takes a huge breath in. “You’re welcome. Work hard at what you do. Now do you have my bill ready?” Again ending this peculiar show of emotion that reception chick is showing me.

“Yes Mam.” She smiles and hands me my bill along with a copy of the credit card slip. I sign it and turn to leave. I head down to the BMW and leave the garage.

I’m back on the road and headed towards Minnesota. The past few days events keep going around in my head. I have not been able to turn it off. Images of Ben keep flittering around. Those eyes are just so hypnotic. Those lips are so sensual. That mouth is so warm and delicious. I have never thought about a man like this before. No man has ever had that effect on me. I just don’t know how to respond to these feelings. I need to shut that part of my brain off before I do something stupid, like not kill him! Or worse still,
like him
. That would be so dangerous. For everyone involved.

Before I even realise, I have crossed the border into Minnesota and am making my way over to the cabin. I should be there within 2 or 3 hours, all depending on traffic flow. I turn the stereo on and plug my iPhone in. I need something loud to get some of the shit swimming around in my head out. AC/DC I think, A bit of Thunderstruck. Yep perfect. AC/DC Razors Edge. That’s exactly what I need. Loud. I’m driving along and it’s blaring from my car. I mean people are turning to look at me as I drive along. I’ve had my stereo on for a good two hours and the music is possessing me and it’s working. It’s distracting me from everything I need distraction from. Maybe it’s distracting me too well! I look in my rear-view and I see the flash of red and blue lights. Shit, you must be kidding me. Being pulled over by police at this very moment is not good. Not with all my weapons in the trunk.

I stop in the breakdown lane and watch as the man exits his vehicle. Is that who I think that is? My heart skips a beat as the man approaches my car. I smooth my hair and take a quick glance in the mirror to make sure I look ok. I usually look great, but after driving for hours there is a possibility I’ll look less than stellar! There’s a knock on my window and I look up to see..... brown eyes. Nope not Ben. It’s ok. It’s ok. It’s ok. No it’s not fucking ok. Anyway, I put the window down and take a deep breath and look very sweetly at the officer.

“Madam it appears your music was way too loud. I could hear you from where I was 2 cars behind you. I had my lights on for a good minute before you saw me and pulled over. That’s very dangerous,” he states. He’s a nice looking man. Tall 6 foot 1 inch. Built quite well. Dark hair. He has darker skin. Beautiful brown eyes. I look at his badge and it says EAC Ethan Martelli. Executive Assistant Chief. That means he’s second in charge. Which means he knows and works with Ben? “Licence and registration please” Wow. He’s straight down the line.

“I’m sorry Officer Martelli I’ve been having a terrible day and all I want to do is get home and relax.” I’m hoping he doesn’t check over my car. Because that will be a hairy situation to get out of. Who am I kidding? I’ll kill him and leave.

“Madam, licence and registration please” he says again. Oh no, I could be in trouble. Change that, he could be in trouble.

I lean over to the glove box and take them both out. Of course they don’t have my real name on there. I’m Anna Moore in virtually all aspects of my life. I have my aliases and I have my work name and I have my real name. Only one person knows that name. Me.

“Mrs Moore” Officer Martelli starts – this is my opening

“Miss Moore Officer Martelli” I interrupt with a smile. Yep I turn on the Anna charm. I know I’m attractive, I’ve not denied it. I’ll use my looks to get me what I want. I won’t sleep with a man unless I want to or need to, and I certainly don’t want to sleep with Officer Martelli, I just don’t want to kill him which means I don’t want him looking around in the car.

“Oh well Miss Moore, where are you off too?” yep it’s worked. He’s going to say at the end of this conversation, ‘hope to see you again’. Fool.

“I’m thinking about purchasing a property out at St Cloud. I’ve passed by there before and would love to have a holiday home that I could come and visit when it gets too much at work. So I’m here to see if I can find something I like” I say giving him a once over. A very blatant once over, just enough to give him the idea that I may be interested in him. I’m not, but like I said, I don’t really want to kill him.

“Well I hope for St Cloud sake you find what you are looking for. St Cloud could always do with a new beautiful addition,” he says whilst he gives me my licence and registration back.

I smile sweetly, if only he really knew anything about me he would be running for the hills. “I hope so too,” I say looking at him from under my lashes. Anna charm turned on to maximum.

“Well I would appreciate that you keep the volume turned down. I wouldn’t want you hurt in any way.” He starts saying. This man clearly has no idea that he is the one in danger. Not me. That’s ok; I can give him his fantasy about me.

“Of course Officer Martelli. I do apologise. I’ll keep it turned down” again I smile at him.

“Well Miss Moore I do hope I’ll see you again. Hopefully, it will be on different terms and please call me Ethan”. Fool. He says those words hoping I’ll give him my number. I won’t.

“Thank you Officer Martelli. I may see you around.” I know I’ll see him again. He may not see me because I need to do my research on Ben Pearson AKA Hit 149 but I’ll see him. I put my window up and leave. Ethan Martelli walks to his car and follows me for approx. 2 miles before he pulls into a gas station.

Before long I’m at the cabin. I’ve not stayed here before. It’s large. Single story. 3 bedrooms. Well 2 now, because I’ve made the 3
room a safe room, the steel box. You cannot get into it from any angle you try. It’s a totally reinforced steel box in that room. There are no windows. It will house the guns I have in the trunk. Except for my Glocks. They are never too far away from me. The cabin has a country kitchen, a large lounge room and a fire place. It looks like a normal cabin from the outside. You really need to know what you’re a looking for to see the surveillance equipment I have set up. The state of the art alarm protecting the property is exactly the same as all the other properties I own. The safe rooms are the same in each and every house or apartment I own. They are linked into my laptop. I can see everything that takes place in and around my properties. My safe rooms are set with a detonation device so that if I suspect the Feds are onto me I will blow the steel boxes up and contain the blast to within those walls. Enough to destroy any evidence that they might be looking for. I designed this device to not hurt anyone. Yeah yeah yeah, an assassin with a conscience. No not really, I just kill the people I get paid to kill, or people that piss me the fuck off! I off load the BMW of my equipment and head into St Cloud to the local supermarket to buy supplies. I’m really hungry and want to eat, but there’s nothing here. I also need to get other personal products. I really want to go to Lionsgate Road and check out Ben’s home and also where Henry and my house was. I think I’ll leave Lionsgate until tomorrow when the sun is up and I can access everything I need.

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