HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter (4 page)

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Authors: Margaret McHeyzer

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter
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“How???” He is a man of very few words. But I’m not here for his words tonight.

“Wait, where is your hotel?” I stop us right outside the bar on the side walk.

“The Hilton one block over” he says. That heat emanating off him is making me uncontrollable. I need to calm my body before I lose my mind and lose my façade. I still need to be aware of my surroundings and I’m always on alert. I break the connection of where our hands are entwined and try to think clearly.

“I’ll meet you there. I don’t want to leave my car here so I’ll drive over and park under the hotel. What room number are you?” Good, my mind is coming out of the cloud of Ben Pearson. It’s starting to think again. It’s accessing all information around it. Danger lurks everywhere and I don’t want myself or this gorgeous man in danger because I’m not on my game for a few minutes. Once we are in the hotel room though, then the fun can certainly begin.

Ben pulls out his hotel card. He places it in my hand and says “room 147”. Not before he steps right up to me and smashes his lips on mine. His right hand comes up to the back of my head and holds my head in place, his left hand slides down my right side and firmly grabs onto my hip. His tongue is dancing around in my mouth and I’m letting him explore it. I nip on his bottom lip and he grumbles from deep inside his chest. Our kiss is becoming more desperate. If we don’t stop this soon, we’ll be putting on a show for everyone. I pull away and he looks at me through hooded eyes that have totally dilated. They are almost black with passion and lust. He turns to leave but stops himself a few steps away from me “Don’t be late, you have 10 minutes” and with those words he heads towards his hotel.

I am so hot for him right this minute. I can’t focus, but I have to. I go to my Mercedes and head off in the direction of the Hilton Hotel. Room 147 is going around in my head. Room 147. 147. Shit, 147. Roman Murphy was Hit 147 today. Wait, what??? My brain is turning and turning and I can’t shut it off. 147 is the room number of the sexiest man I have ever met and the number of my kills. This has got to be a coincidence.
Isn’t it???


Chapter 5

Within minutes I’m in the parking garage of the Hilton Hotel. I’ve been here before, but only for a ‘job interview’.

I make my way to room 147 and don’t even bother knocking. I stand outside the room for 30 seconds composing myself.
Breathe Anna.

I use the key that Ben had placed in my hand and open the door. As the door closes behind me I am thrown up against the wall. I didn’t even see where Ben came from. His lips are all over me. His hands are trying to be all over my body at the same time. His body has me pinned up against the door. I can feel his hard on pressing into my groin. He’s trying to get as much friction between us as possible. I rip his shirt off, there’s no time for pleasantries here. The buttons on his shirt fly off in all different directions. It’s raw and enflamed and needy and hot. His hands have unzipped my dress. I’m making light work of his zipper and he wiggles his hips so his trousers fall to the floor where we are standing. My dress falls on the same heap as his trousers joined closely by the shirt that I push off his shoulders. We break the connection of our mouths on each other and he stands back to look at me whilst I stand up against the wall looking at him. His boxers are still on, but I can see every muscle on his body. He is truly God like. His shoulders have muscles that show the strength in them, his chest defined, his abs, a perfect 6 pack. His legs are toned. I’m licking my lips knowing that very soon I’ll be able to lick his entire body.

“You are a beautiful woman Anna. What you have done to me tonight is......” he shakes his head and can’t quite finish the sentence. He lunges for me as I lunge for him. His hands go straight for my panties and he shreds them. He rips them off and throws the scrappy little piece of material to the floor. His hands find the clasp of my bra and he throws the bra across the room. He’s ravaging me and the need he is showing me is like he can’t get enough of me or close to me quick enough. I push his boxers down and he springs to life. He is a good 9 inches. He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist.

“Wait, you need a condom,” I’m breathless but still have my brain thinking safety first.

“I don’t have one” he says but is still licking my neck.

“I do,” I slide down and get my clutch where I pull a condom out. The look on his face is one of surprise. I knew what I wanted from tonight so I came fully prepared. I give him the silver foil pack and he tears it open and puts it on. The moment it’s on I’m pushed up against the wall again. I manage to wrap my legs around his waist and lock my feet together. He is thrusting into me with vigour and passion and urgency.

“Anna” he breathes heavily. His breaths are ragged, laboured and loud.

“You’re so beautiful,” he says.

“Shut up and fuck me hard,” I say as I capture his mouth in mine. He’s using the wall to keep me up and he brings his hand forward and he’s making quick circles on my clit.

“Faster and harder,” I growl at him as I’m bouncing on his cock whilst his hand is making my clit sing.

“Anna, I’m close. You need to come now.” His breath is strained, he can barely speak.

I erupt around his cock and he growls from deep inside his chest. Three more thrusts and he’s done too.


Chapter 6

We have made our way over to the bed. It’s a king size and it’s comfortable, but of course it’s nothing like I’m used to. We have been lying in bed just touching, kissing and making small talk.

“Where are you from Anna Moore?” Ben asks as he is playing with my hair.
Mmmm, it feels nice how he’s entwining my hair in his hands and gently running his fingers through it.

“Florida” I say. It’s a lie, but it’s my standard answer. No one needs to know anything about me.

“So Ben Pearson, tell me something about you.” I’m lying back enjoying his gentle touch. I ask because I don’t think it’s nice to say ‘thanks for the fuck see you later’ and really, I like this man so I’m thinking I might stay and have another go with him. I have all night actually. I’m leaving for Minnesota in the morning so I can take my time here.

“Well, as you’re aware my name is Ben Pearson. The girl at the bar tonight is my sister Emily and that other bloke is her husband Thomas. I also have another sister, her name is Claire and she and her husband Jeremy live in New York. Emily and Thomas live here in Salt Lake City and I’m here visiting them from Minnesota. I don’t like staying with them because frankly, I don’t want to. I am 33 years old, never been married, don’t have any kids,” he finishes up saying. He manoeuvres his body over to be closer to me and is kissing my shoulder. His lips are alternating between kissing and nipping all around my shoulder and my neck. I start moaning, because this is feeling sensational. I can feel heat start to pool around my pussy again and if he continues this, it won’t be long before I’m straddling his hips.

“I’m the Police Chief over at St Cloud” he starts saying. I freeze. I literally stop moving and can’t quite bring my head around to what he is saying. He noticed how my body becomes rigid and he immediately stops his kissing and nipping. “What’s wrong Anna?” he asks me genuinely concerned by how my body has reacted to him.

“You live in St Cloud and you’re the Police Chief there? Wow, I actually know of St Cloud. Once I passed through there for work. I was on my way to Minneapolis and stopped by St Cloud. It’s a lovely place, very quiet by looks of things” I stop saying anything else because frankly, this is pretty much the most I have said to this beautiful man. But In my mind there are thousands of thoughts running through it. Thoughts of Henry, of our old home, of the shooting range. I get up and make my way to the bathroom. I close the door and lock it. I turn the shower on and step inside. And for the first time in 13 years I let go. I start to cry, the water is pounding on my body and the heat is washing away all the emotions that have been evoked since Ben told me he is the Police Chief of St Cloud PD. I have my moment. I hear Ben at the door knocking and asking me if I’m ok. I quickly finish the rest of my shower. I grab one of the luxurious towels in the bathroom and wrap it around myself. As I unlock the door and step outside, I see Ben lying back in bed. His torso exposed. His stomach has those beautiful ripples going through it, his arms behind his head accentuating his muscles and his deep blue eyes looking at me with worry and almost hurt.

“Thank you for a lovely time Ben.” I start this awkward goodbye as I reach for my dress.

“It really has been great. I very much enjoyed myself,” I say as I put my dress back on. I make my way over to the bed and by now Ben has swung his legs over the side of the bed and is sitting up ready to pounce in case I make my move to leave. I bend down and stop millimetres from his lips. I can feel that spark jumping up from his lips across to mine. It’s like a live wire exposed directly over our lips and way deep down to my pussy. But I can’t be here with him. This is way too risky. Police Chief at St Cloud! I lean down a touch further and kiss him. Not gentle and sweet but rough and hard. His arms are tugging at me, he wants us to get back in the bed, he must be feeling it too because it is near impossible to leave this man. I break the kiss and stand up straight.

“Wait” he says as he stands up grabbing at my arm. “Please you don’t need to leave. Have dinner with me tomorrow night. Please,” he sounds almost desperate. “Anna, I really like you. You can’t tell me you don’t feel what I’ve been feeling. There’s something magical about us. There’s a spark that just keeps jumping every time I touch you. It’s like we fit together. Tell me you feel it. Tell me I’m not imagining it. This is crazy Anna,” he stops. He runs his hands through his hair tugging at it. “Just, don’t go Anna. I’ve never felt like this for any one in my life Baby girl. What we have....” He trails off not composed enough to say what he wants.

I need to break this. As difficult as it is, I need to walk away. I also know that this is what’s best. I can’t be real with this beautiful man. I can’t open up to him. Other than the fact that I don’t know how to open up to people, I just can’t let him into my world. I stand up straight. “Goodbye Ben” and I turn to leave. I reach the door and Ben grabs me again by my shoulders and slams me into the door.

“You can’t deny this Anna,” his tongue is licking lightly over my neck, he is peppering me with gentle kisses over my jaw. “Please give me your number” he’s pressing himself into me.

I push him away and with no more words I leave. This is the first time in 13 years that I’m feeling regret and sadness.


Chapter 7

I’m back at my Salt Lake City apartment and I’m trying to compose myself and have my brain work through everything that’s happened since Pier One. How has this most amazing man come into my life, only to find that he is the Police Chief of St Cloud PD?

Just when I start trying to make sense of the situation my secure line rings. This only means 1 thing. I have a ‘job interview’. I reach for the phone and pick it up.

“This is 15” My only words. 15 is the only name I am known by. Why 15? That was when my life changed. My façade has slipped back in place and it’s all about business now.

“Firestone Building. Level 10. 0600”. They are my only instructions. These instructions are given to me from the same person as they are always given to me. My Agent. He is the only one who sets up ‘job interviews’. He has set them up since I found him shortly after I killed Damon and Nox. He knows nothing about me except this one number and my bank details. I have his bank details which I transfer his wage into. He asks me nothing, I ask him nothing. But I know exactly who he is and where he lives. He knows nothing personal about me. He only knows me by my Professional name: 15.

I look over at the clock and see it’s late. Its 1am in the morning and I have an interview in 5 hours. So I have another shower to wash away everything that has happened since I put a bullet through Roman Murphy’s head and I will my body to relax. Once the shower is over, I dry my hair and get into my pyjamas. I head to bed and check on my Glocks in the bed side table. They are loaded and ready to go. I’ll never be caught again the way I was 13 years ago, the night my Dad was killed. Sleep takes me fast tonight. I dream of a beautiful man, with dark short hair, deep blue eyes, perfect lips and a hard taunt body.




I hit the alarm and turn it off. Its 4.00am. I need to get up and get ready for my ‘job interview’. But instead I lay in bed and my mind is taken over by thoughts of Ben Pearson. My stomach starts to tighten, my pussy is getting wet and my heart is palpitating. I look over at the clock and it says 4.20am. SHIT!!! Already I’ve lost 20 minutes. I leap out of bed and start getting ready, I need to stop thinking about Ben Pearson.

I make my way down to the garage and take the Toyota this time. I really don’t want to draw attention to myself on the way to a job interview.

I arrive at Firestone Building and make my way up to level 10. I’m here at 5.05am. Gives me time to set up traps, recordings and check the building. I’ve only just finished the traps when the door opens at 5.45am. There is nothing on this floor except two couches facing one another. I have my Glocks on me in my holsters under my jacket. However when I arrive at job interviews they are usually taken from me and given to my ‘employer’ until we establish the money details and then I am given the information I require for my next target. I am sitting on the couch staring at the door. In walks a man flagged by 2 on either side of him. The 2 on either side look like body guards. They are both carrying semi-automatic Sigs and look menacing. I suppose if I didn’t know any better I may be scared by them, but I know that within seconds I can have a bullet in each one of their heads. And they wouldn’t even stand a chance.

Usually there are no pleasantries exchanged at ‘job interviews’. It’s a simple exchange. Money then the target information, interview over.

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