Smoke and Fire: Part 3

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Authors: Donna Grant

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To Kelly Mueller –

You helped save my sanity.

I owe you. So pick your Dragon King!


To my editor, Monique Patterson, miracle extraordinaire. Sums you up perfectly!

To my agent, Natanya Wheeler, for always being ready with an answer no matter what my question might be. And for our mutual love of wine, pasta, hunky guys, and the written word.

To everyone at SMP who was involved in getting this book ready including, Alex, Erin, Amy, the truly amazing art department, and marketing. Y’all are astounding. Thank you!

A special thanks to my friends and family for the endless support and love.

Chapter Twenty-four

Henry called upon every ounce of his training in order to keep his cool, but nothing worked. He wanted to yell and hit something. Hard.

He stared at a face he knew, but his sister was no longer the same person. MI5 and Ulrik had done their job to perfection. The girl he remembered who always had a dirty joke to tell and who was known for her infectious laughter was gone.

The woman in front of him had been reprogrammed, thoroughly erasing everything that made her special.

“Stop looking at me like that,” Esther said from the chair in the middle of the cavern.

Con used his magic to make the room impossible for Esther to leave without Con beside her. So there was no need to tie her. But Con took it one step further and altered the cavern so it looked like an interrogation room instead of a cave.

Henry raised a brow. “Like what?”

“Like you don’t know who I am.”

“I don’t.”

She gave him a scathing look. “Do you think it was any different when you went to work for MI5?”

“I know it.” He motioned to her. “You’ve erased all that you were. I didn’t.”

“Ah, dear brother, that’s the rub. Because you did. You think you didn’t change, but you’re wrong.”

Henry wasn’t going to get into a debate with her about his life. This was about her. “I did a little digging through my contacts at the agency. You’re no longer working for MI5, and haven’t been for quite some time.”

In response, she merely looked at him, her expression closed.

It’s what he would expect from an agent. Henry clasped his hands behind his back. He wanted to ask specifically about Ulrik, but something held him back.

Henry didn’t question his instinct. Though there was no doubt Ulrik was her new commander, Henry wasn’t going to give her a name to latch onto. With all Henry knew about Ulrik, the Dragon King had most likely given her another name.

And another name was exactly what they needed. Despite Ryder’s skill with computers, Ulrik managed to somehow keep anything from being connected to him.

“Who are you working for?” Henry asked.

Esther crossed one leg over the other. Her coat had been removed. She wore a thick taupe sweater and navy pants. If anyone saw her on the street, they wouldn’t look twice at her. Just as Henry was able to blend in, Esther worked that trait as well.

“Do you even know who you work for?”

She smiled slightly. “Of course.”

“Then why not tell me a name?”

“You’re here with these … things … and you don’t know?”

It was Henry’s turn to stare noncommittally. If Esther thought she was good, she was in for a rude awakening. So far Henry had taken it easy on her because she was his sister.

And he began to suspect she expected just such a reaction.

Esther gave him a meaningful look. “You do know who these people are?”

“I do. They’re honest and loyal. They’re my friends.”

“Then you’ll go down with them.”

The more Esther talked, the more Henry could see she wasn’t his sister anymore. Blood was the only thing that bound them now. “You’re so sure you’ll win.”

“I know it.”

“Very confident of you. You can say that knowing who my friends are? Unless you don’t really know.”

Esther made a face. “They’re dragons.”

“Well, she got one thing right,” said a voice Henry had been yearning to hear for weeks.

He whirled around to find Rhi standing behind him. She briefly met his gaze as she walked into the cavern. His heart was pounding, his palms sweating. Rhi was within reach. All he had to do was lift his arm and he could touch her.

He stopped himself before he gave anything away to either Rhi or Esther. It was bad enough he was head over heels in love with Rhi and that every King on Dreagan knew it. Later, he would tell Rhi of his feelings. Once they were alone.

Esther regarded Rhi with a mixture of curiosity and wariness that she hid well, but Henry knew what to look for.

“Your sister. Interesting.” Rhi walked around Esther slowly, her gaze never leaving his sister.

Esther waited until Rhi stood in front of her before she asked, “Who are you?”

“You seem to know so much. I thought you’d know.”

“I wouldn’t be asking if I knew,” Esther retorted.

Henry stood to the side so he could see both Rhi and Esther. Rhi appeared as if she’d interrogated others before, and as a Queen’s Guard, perhaps she had.

Everything about Rhi made Henry love her more.

Rhi chuckled softly. “I don’t think you’ve quite comprehended just how over your head you are, darlin’.”

“Beautiful with an Irish accent. A seductress by the way she holds herself,” Esther said as if talking to herself. Then she looked Rhi up and down. “And dresses. I’m guessing you use your body to gain information for those here at Dreagan.”

At this, Rhi’s smile grew. “That’s a fair enough assessment. Except for one fact. I don’t work for Con or anyone here. I’m a friend.”

“So many friends,” Esther said with a bite to her words. “Where were those friends earlier?”

Henry made himself focus on his sister. It was difficult since all he wanted to do was gaze at Rhi. She looked amazing in tall stilettos that had a black heel and a zipper at the back. The shoes had ultra-thin stripes of various colors from her toes to her ankles.

Skinny black pants that skimmed her lithe legs and stopped at her ankles were paired with an orange sweater. It didn’t matter what she wore, she was gorgeous.

Rhi glanced at Henry. Then to Esther she said, “You proclaim to know those here on Dreagan. If you truly did, you’d know they don’t need friends.”

“Then why are you and Henry here?” Esther asked with a cocky smile.

Henry moved to stand beside Rhi. “Because that’s what friends do. They don’t need me, but I’m here for them. Just as they’d be there for me if I needed them.”

Esther shot him a contemptuous glare. “I thought you were smarter than that, big brother.”

“I could say the same of you. It seems lying comes easily.”

“You should know. You did enough of it through the years.”

“I only lied about my assignments and where I was,” he argued. “Other than that, I told you the truth.”

His sister’s smile was mocking. “Another lie.”

“It’s pointless to tell her anything,” Rhi said to Henry. “She’s not going to listen.”

Henry was in agreement. “What do you suggest?”

“The truth. All of it,” she said and waved her hand around the room.

Henry hesitated. “I’ve only begun to question her.”

“Fear is a powerful motivator,” Rhi stated and turned her back to Esther. She leaned close to Henry and whispered, “She doesn’t fear you.”

He knew that all too well, but it was his sister. Henry didn’t want to turn her over to Con. He’d seen what Con could do to a person. They were never in any physical pain, but he used everything he could against them to get what he wanted.

A prime example was Grace, who was terrified of thunderstorms, and what did Con have Arian do but use his power to create a vicious storm?

But all of that was better than what humans did to their prisoners when an interrogation took place. Waterboarding, mutilation, drugs, and anything pain-filled they could think of was used.

“No. She doesn’t fear me,” Henry said blandly.

“Then let’s give her someone she will fear.”

Henry jerked his head to look at Rhi. “You can’t be serious. You really want Con in here?”

Rhi flicked her long black hair over her shoulder and glanced at a corner. “I’m talking about me.”


“Don’t act so surprised. I’m very good at this,” she said with a lift of a black brow.

“No doubt.” They needed answers, and Henry obviously wasn’t going to be the one getting them. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

A serious light filled Rhi’s silver gaze. “Yes. I owe you this.”

“Owe me?” There was something in her tone that sent warning bells tolling in Henry’s mind.

Rhi took his arm and walked him through the doorway into the tunnel. There she stopped and faced him. “I’d like to talk later. Right now, let me do this.”

Talk. That wasn’t what he wanted to do at all. Kissing. Now that’s what he’d been dreaming about—when he actually slept.

“Henry, you look like hell. Get some rest and eat. You’ll feel better,” Rhi said, giving him a little push.

He took one step before he halted, a conversation with Con filling his mind. “I don’t think it’d be wise for you to interrogate her alone.”

“Because Con doesn’t trust me?” she asked with a smile. “Way ahead of you, sweet cheeks.”

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Rhys turned the corner and walked toward them.

“Rhi,” Rhys said and held out his arms.

The Light Fae threw her arms around his neck. Henry watched the embrace, hating the jealousy that soured him to the point he wanted to physically harm Rhys.

Rhi stepped out of Rhys’s arms and turned to Henry. “See? It’s all good.”

“Henry,” Rhys said in a tight voice.

He nodded to the King of the Yellows, noting that the smile was gone from Rhys’s face.

“All right then,” Rhi said as she widened her eyes and rubbed her hands together. “It’s time we got some good intel.”

Rhys waited until Rhi was in the cavern with Esther before he took a step closer to Henry. “Your sister willna be harmed.”

“I know. I wanted to be the one that she spoke with. I thought she might share with me.”

Rhys looked inside the cavern. “You’re a good man, Henry. You’ve done amazing things to help us.”

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