HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter (19 page)

Read HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter Online

Authors: Margaret McHeyzer

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: HiT 149: Anna Brookes First Chapter
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“I don’t doubt you can take a target out at 800 yards”

“1.5 miles and not break a sweat”

“1.5 miles??? That’s impossible that’s unheard of, ever. The record stands at 1.1 mile”

“I said 1.5 miles without breaking a sweat. And really Ben, who would measure me? You yourself called me the girl with the golden aim. I took Roman Murphy out at 1.8 miles. He was personal though so I made an extra special effort for him”

took out the boss of Hunter INC?”
Ben knows who Roman Murphy was?

“I told you it was personal.”

“One day you’re going to tell me why you took him out and explain what you mean about ‘personal’” ‘
one day’
he says - Is there hope for us? A police officer and an assassin? My mind quickly fast forwards to a year that Ben and I are living together and are happy. But that future doesn’t seem attainable.

We are checking weapons and checking magazines. I know I keep them in perfect condition and they are clean and in fantastic working order.

“Anthony Mancini is due here and I’m going to go up the mountain with my rifle. You need to come with me and stay by my side because if they come at us from all sides I’ll need you close to me. You need to take out anything that moves towards us. I’ll have eyes on Anthony and I will take him out. I’m hoping you aren’t needed to shoot, but if you are you don’t hesitate. If I’m captured by them you do not come to rescue me do you understand?” “Yes but...”

“No buts Ben. This is for your safety. I’m doing this to keep you safe. Promise me you do not come for me if I am taken by Anthony Mancini and his men”

“I can’t promise you that Anna”

I pull my Glock out of the back of my jeans and hold it to his head; I’m seriously going to kill him if he disregards my instructions. “If you don’t give me your word you are as good as dead so you will die by my hand and I am prepared to do that right now. You will not come for me, you will live for your family and protect them and you will take down the cocaine manufacturing and you will protect the people of St Cloud or I end you now.”

Ben knows by my tone that I am prepared to kill him. He nods and finally says, “I promise you Anna I will not come after you if you are captured.”

I lower my Glock and put it back in my waist band. “Good, now let’s head up the mountain and set up.” We head up the mountain and in my duffle I have guns, ammunition, part of my rifle, my laptop, my phone, water and the vial of blood from Ethan. The other part of my Barrett I carry up out of the duffle. When we get to the perfect attack zone I set my Barrett up and bury the vial of blood in the dirt. I bury it because I need to keep it cool and it won’t be damaged where I have it. If anything happens to my cabin I will always have that vial nearby. I open the laptop to keep an eye on the surroundings. Ben and I are sitting quietly and I am in tune with my environment and I am listening to every sound. They could be here in the next 10 minutes or the next 3 hours. We need to sit and wait and there is nothing else we can do. “You need to be on high alert and totally quiet for me to work. If you sense something I don’t want you to talk, I want you to tap my arm one time and motion where you think or see the danger is coming from. Watch the laptop once it all starts and indicate how many men are coming through. From here on in it’s total quiet. Nod if you understand,” Ben nods. We sit for 38 minutes when I sense the danger and turn to Ben and tap him. I bring my finger to my mouth reconfirming for him to be quiet and not make a sound.

I hear the one sound I know so well.

A whoosh of a bullet. Not heading here but towards my cabin.

A sniper bullet.

I close my eyes.



In and out.


All I need to do is concentrate. To breathe in and out slowly. Henry always told me, that’s what I need to do. To just breathe.

Concentrate... Breathe.

Façade on.

I snap my eyes open and find my target through my scope.


Chapter 26

The sniper is about 900 yards away from us down, to the left and about 800 yards away from my cabin. He really must not be that good if he is that close and he is in plain view. I check his rifle out through my scope. I make a mental note that I like his rifle and I think I’ll be the new owner of it, if I manage not to get it too bloody. I place my finger over the trigger and let my breath out just as I release it. The sharp sound of the bullet leaving the chamber sends calm over my body. I watch as the bullet makes its way over to the sniper and explodes his head. Ben taps me once and I turn to face him, he holds up 1 hand with all 5 fingers extended. He also points due north and North West. It appears that Anthony is coming at us from one direction. He must still think his son is alive and that I must be half dead so he is only cautiously approaching and isn’t in an attack mode. I watch through the scope and see a dark Hummer parked back a little bit and then I spot my old friend from our meeting a few days ago. He is right at the back and I can see 2 men in front of him. I turn the scope a small amount and see 2 more men, I don’t see Anthony Mancini though. I’m not going to take another shot until I see Anthony because he may have more men hiding and if I shoot his entourage right now Anthony may get away or bring in a small army. And either option is not good for me or for Ben. All the men have the same weapons – machine guns. Making it a bit more difficult for me, but not impossible to take them all down. Just as I focus on my old friend I see the back door of the Hummer open and out steps Anthony Mancini. First things first, destroy the Hummer so he can’t get away. I let one shot go to the front of the Hummer and that will put the engine out of commission. Anthony Mancini ducks his head down and jumps back in the comfort of his car. I’m going to show him what I have done to his precious Ethan so I need to keep him alive. My old friend is taken down within seconds of me destroying the Hummer. Not giving him time to see where I am at. But I know the others will be alerted to our whereabouts, but I’ll have time to take them down. The others start to scatter and the 2 that were closest to my old friend are now down too. However the other 2 have scattered and I can’t find them through my scope. I search but I still need to keep an eye on Anthony Mancini. Ben taps me on the shoulder and indicates 2 fingers and that he can see them through the surveillance that they have split and are coming to us due west and due east. If they come at different speeds I can take them both down but I won’t be able to do it alone so Ben will need to help me. Just then Anthony Mancini jumps out of his car and goes to run towards my cabin. I put a bullet in his leg so he stays exactly where I need him.

“Which one is closer?” I say to Ben still focused on Anthony Mancini.


I turn my rifle and wait for the killer to come at us from the right. I can’t see him, but Ben has him on the laptop so he must be coming soon.

“2 o’clock 900 yards,” Ben says with precise and clear directions.

I see him through my scope and release the trigger. I watch as his head snaps back and he falls to the ground. One more target left then I get Anthony Mancini.

I turn the rifle but before I get the chance to, I hear gun fire. Ben is standing up, right leg and shoulder protruding forward, his stance is deadly, menacing and powerful. Back straight, chin down cast, Glock pointing where his eyes are looking. There’s an intimidating and undoubtedly a hostile look on his face. He is focused and is watching for any other dangers. I look at the direction of the pointed gun and see that man number 5 is lying slumped on the cold ground. “Get down Ben” I turn to the scope of my Barrett and look over the area and don’t see any further risks. I check on the laptop and can’t see any more threats. “Let’s go.”

I am methodical in the way I address Ben.

We pack up quickly and I partially disassemble the Barrett. I also dig up the vial of Ethan’s blood and pack that away. “We need to get down there to Anthony Mancini. He’s injured but I don’t know if he has made any calls. We have to do it quickly. Do you understand?” I ask Ben who is quietly and carefully packing up.

“Yes I do. Are you going to kill Anthony?”

“I’m going to show him his son first”

“Anna, let me have him arrested”

“Ben you told me this is my show today. I’m not giving Anthony Mancini a chance to get out OR get away. He dies today, next to his son. This is not open for discussion.” I take the duffle and start towards the cabin as fast as I can. Ben is behind me and says no more about my revelation for killing Anthony.

We make our way down to my cabin and Anthony Mancini has dragged his leg that is half hanging off towards the entrance of my building.

“Anthony Mancini. It’s so nice to meet you again. Unfortunately the circumstances aren’t so pleasant. Well for you they aren’t so pleasant, for me they are great”

“Do you fucking know what I’m going to do to you? You fucking bitch!!!” He stopped himself screaming because he is also in agony and holding on to his thigh to relieve the pain.

“Ben can you drag him inside to the steel box, I’m sure he wants to see his son”

“Where is Tony? Is he ok?” He suddenly becomes a concerned parent.

“You’ll see him soon enough”
well his body, but then Anthony will see him in hell soon after.

I go in front and open the steel box and Ben doesn’t bother picking up Anthony Mancini he literally drags him inside by the collar of his suit that is now destroyed.

“You’re a police officer, help me! Stop her! You’re going to let her kill an innocent man.” Anthony is desperate and trying whatever he can but Ben is ignoring him like he can’t even hear him. “I’ll pay you, I have a lot of money,” Ben smirks at Anthony and stops dragging him just short of the steel box.

“How much did you pay her to have me killed?” Anthony’s face becomes ashen and knows he has got no way out now.

Ben continues dragging Anthony in and as soon as he makes it inside the steel box Anthony turns and looks at his son’s slumped barren body.

Anthony is yelling, nothing audible nothing that makes sense, he is just screaming and crying for the loss of his son.

“It’s time to meet your son Anthony,” as I reach for my gun Ben puts his hand over mine.

“Let me”

“Ben I told you that he is not going to jail.”

“I know.” it dawns on me that Ben is asking me my permission to kill Anthony Mancini. I nod and step back and let him do what he needs to do to find peace within himself.

Ben stands over Anthony Mancini. No words are exchanged. Anthony is looking more frightened by the second. Ben is letting the silence drive Anthony insane. Anthony is sobbing and crying and starts fruitlessly begging for his life. Ben stands with a smile on his face and he raises one of the Glocks that he used to kill guard 5 at the top of the mountain. He has it pointed to Anthony, the situation is becoming uncomfortable and it must be unbearable for Anthony. Not knowing if Ben is toying with him, if he is going to pull the trigger or let him live. Anthony’s sobs turn into anger and he starts shouting at Ben to kill him. He yells, “It should have been you in that fucking car with your fucking parents. I’m going to kill your whole fucking precious family Ben Pearson.”

Ben smiles at Anthony. “I just needed to hear you say you killed them” and shoots Anthony between the eyes.


Chapter 27

I grab my phone and call Agent. I need to remember to give him a good bonus this year because he is always on his game and never disappoints me.

“Cleaner to come to co-ordinates sent and Doctor to remain on standby. Co-ordinates for Doctor in 2 minutes. Eta?”

“Cleaner 1 hour away, Doctor same location will wait for your go ahead” the call is disconnected.

“Ben get your gun, we need to go”

“Where are we going?”

“The cleaner is coming. To sort this out” I throw my hands up to indicate the bodies everywhere.

“Anna, I don’t understand. Who is the cleaner and what does the cleaner do?”

“I have several people on my payroll Ben. One person is the cleaner. They don’t kill, they come in and take care of all the garbage. The cleaners aren’t always needed but in this situation we need to get rid of all the loose ends”

Ben’s brain is ticking over and he finally says “This will never be uncovered will it?”

“No Ben. All these people will simply disappear with no one knowing what has happened. And if anyone comes after me, I’ll take care of it. But right now Ben, we need to leave here. Because soon, there will be no here.”

He makes his way outside and we start towards my car. A quick check of my phone sees no tampering. Of course there wouldn’t be tampering, Anthony Mancini thought he was coming here to kill me, not be killed by me
or Ben.

We get in my BMW and I’m driving us back to Ben’s house when Ben turns to me “what do you mean that ‘there will be no here’?”

“The cabin and everything around it will be involved in a terrible fire and totally destroyed.”

“But that’s your home, where will you stay?”

“I’ll be staying with you until I find the other assassin and kill him. Make necessary arrangements at work so that you won’t be returning until your safe. I don’t care what you tell them, just make sure there are no suspicions.”

“Ok I understand. This is bigger than I thought,” his voice trails off as he is considering his own statement. Finally realising the enormity of the matter and the power I yield.

We reach his house and there’s something that just doesn’t feel right. We are in his driveway and right away Ben can tell by my stiff and rigid body that there’s a problem.

“Something is not right. I can feel it. Stay in the car until I give you the green light to get out then stay down and run into the house.” Ben nods that he understands. I draw one of my Glocks and with a watchful eye I go up to the house. Ben has given me the keys and I enter inside. I quietly and slowly creep through the house but my ears are on high alert and the tension in body has quadrupled. I’m fully aware of every sight, sound and smell in this house. I can smell cinnamon which I always identify with Ben’s aroma, I can hear the birds flying over outside and I look to see if anything has moved spots in the house. After thoroughly searching the house I climb up to the attic and there’s nothing up there either. I go outside and give Ben the go ahead to come inside whilst I take my duffle and part of the rifle out of the car. It’s mid-morning and even though I know there is a danger coming for us, I am also dead tired and hungry.
Maybe I shouldn’t say dead tired and just say tired.

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