Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2)
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     “Umm, I’ve missed you.”  Antonio breathes
against my lips as he wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up for a
tender kiss.  “Antonio.”  Winding my arms around his neck, I return his kisses
with enthusiasm…until reality intrudes and I make him put me back on my feet –but
I can’t get him to step away.  “Antonio, I’ve missed you too and I’m so glad
you’re back.” 

     “You know I wouldn’t have left town if it
wasn’t really important—”

     “Antonio, I’m not some clinging vine.  I know
that your business sometimes takes you out of town.  I know that and I don’t
expect you to change your business practices for me.”

     “That’s one of the things I love about you.”  He
says tasting my lips again.  “I want to see you tonight.  Although we’ve talked
almost every night, we haven’t been together in days.  Do you want to see me,
Tiressa?”  He asks in a husky hopeful voice as he leans in to nuzzle my neck.  Turning
my head, I capture his lips and show him how much I’ve missed him too.  “Yes,
Antonio.  I want to see you tonight.”  I whisper in between hot wet kisses. 
“And, as much as I love the way you’re making me feel, we have to stop.  We’re
supposed to be discussing the security you will have in place at your brothers’
birthday bash.” 

     “Baby, men don’t have bashes.  And I can’t
focus on anything but wanting to be inside you.”  He lustily admits as he
tightens his hold and begins kissing me with more heat and a lot more passion; his
fingers searching out my pebble hard nipples through my blouse.  “How long are
you going to keep me waiting…this is torture!”  His long firm fingers glide
down to stroke me intimately through the material of my slacks and panties.  “Are
you ready for me to make love to you again?”

     “Yes, I’m more than ready, but we have a few
more days before we can.”  I pant nervously, because I suspect Antonio would
take me on my desk if I let him.  We’re given a brief warning before my office
door suddenly opens and Adam bursts in, coming to a surprised stop.  I automatically
jerk out of Antonio’s arms, immediately putting space between us.  Adam’s
eyebrows are practically in his hairline as he stares at us in shock.  “Oh shit! 
Excuse me!  I didn’t mean to barge in.”  Adam starts rambling.  “I just wanted
to talk to you about some ideas I had—well, actually never mind about that…I’ll
talk to you later… apparently you’re—damn…I’m just going to leave...”  Adam
looks at his brother one last time and bolts back out of my office.  Antonio looks
at me, lips quirked, obviously amused.  “Deja vu.”

     “Yeah, deja vu.  You’ve got to start locking
my door when you come into my office, Antonio.”  Chuckling, he agrees.  “That
would probably be wise, since I can’t keep my hands off you, especially when
we’re alone.”

     “Oh Tony, it’s not funny.”  My voice quivers, I
feel like crying. I’m ashamed -being caught like
- with Antonio’s
hands clearly where they shouldn’t have been…
at least not here at work
.  “We’re
supposed to be keeping our relationship a secret and now here’s one more person
who knows about us.”  Sitting on the edge of my desk, Antonio places his finger
under my chin and coaxes me until I raise my face to his.  “I hate seeing you
so upset, Ti.  You’re making more out of this than it is.”  When I begin to
protest, he silences me with a quick kiss.  “I’ll talk to Adam.  You’ll see,
there’s nothing to worry about.  Adam will keep our secret… the same as William
and Katherine.”

     “Oh no, not him too…William knows about us?”  I
can’t help trembling at the thought.  “Ti, my brother is a lot of things, but
stupid isn’t one of them.  Of course, he knows about us.  And if he had any lingering
doubts, my behavior at the company picnic took care of that.”


     “Baby, why are you freaking out about this?  This
is an office building and any place there are people, secrets don’t stay
secrets for long.  You weren’t as upset when my father found out about us.” 

     He’s right, it’s more distressing that William
Bentini knows than it is that Mr. Bentini knows…at least Mr. Bentini is kinder
and likes me.

     “Tony, what are we going to do?”

     “I told you, I’m going to take care of it.” 
Standing and pulling me up with him, he gives me an affectionate squeeze and a reassuring
kiss.  It doesn’t make me feel any better, but I do so enjoy the taste of his

     “As much as I don’t want to, I have to go.”  I
love his hugs, there’s something comfortable and yet wildly erotic about being
surrounded by so much hard body…It’s a bonus that he’s so damn sexy.  “I have a
meeting in about…”  Looking down at his watch, “In about seven minutes.”  He
says, touching his lips to my forehead before walking to the door.

     “What about going over security for the
party?”  Which is what we were supposed to be doing.

     “We’ll go over it sometime today.  I’ll call
you as soon as I get a break in my schedule.  If not, I’ll see you before you
leave tonight.”  With that, he saunters out of my office.




     “Tiressa Hawkins.”  My standard phone

     “You promised to call me.”

Shit, I totally forgot
.  “Allen.”

      “I’ve been checking my cell every two minutes
like a damn fool and you sound as if you never had any intensions of actually
calling me.”        

     “That’s not true Allen.  It’s just that I got
so busy that I haven’t even had time for lunch yet—”

     “Then come out for a quick bite to eat with

     “I can’t be too far from the office today, I
have a meeting sometime this afternoon, and since I don’t know the exact time,
then it’s best that I stay close by.”

     “Okay, Tiressa.  We can have lunch in your
office…or how bout walking over to the park across the street for a hotdog.”

     Knowing that it would be better just to get it
over with, I agree to meet Allen across the street.  “Okay Allen, I’ll meet you
at the park by the hotdog vendor in exactly twenty minutes.”

     “Why don’t I meet you down in the lobby and we
can walk over together?”  My heart skips a beat at the thought…this is so not a
good idea, but it wouldn’t seem right if I tried to avoid him –so, I agree to
meet him downstairs.  “Okay Allen, I’ll see you in twenty minutes.”

     Before going to meet Allen, I let Kathy know
that I will be out of the building for a few minutes, and that I’ll be right
across the street at the park.  Although she gives me a questioning look, she
doesn’t ask why; for which I am relieved.  As soon as I get to the lobby, Allen
walks up to me and tries to take me in his arms. 

     “Allen, don’t, this is just lunch, nothing

     “If that’s how you want it.”  He says
reluctantly, placing a hand at the small of my back as we head towards the
exit.   Just my rotten luck, on our way out of the building, I run right smack into
Jason and Adam on their way in.  “Hi Tiressa.”  “Hi Tiressa.”  They both greet
at the exact same time, with twin sexy smiles.  However, Adam’s smile drops
almost immediately as his gaze switch to Allen close at my side.

     “Hi Jason, Adam.”  I try, but I can’t get my
face to relax and my smile feels just as fake and fixed as it is.  I’m having a
hard time holding Adam’s eyes…I wonder if he’s told Jason about how he caught Antonio
and me together.  Now, I’m going to be worried that he’ll think I’m some kind
of office slut; first his brother, now Allen.  “Do you know Allen Langston?”  I
ask, gesturing to a silent Allen by my side. 

     “Sure. How’s it going?”  Jason says speaking
to Allen; but Adam only nods his head in that manly way before turning his
attention back to me.  “Tiressa, we’d like to personally invite you to attend
our party …bring a friend.  Hell, bring as many friends as you like, especially
if they’re
and especially if they’re hot!”  Adam is not being
very subtle…something else he has in common with his older brothers.  I can
feel Allen tensing up at the intended slight.  “I’m not so sure that’s a good
idea.  You know how your mom feels about—”  Jason cuts me off.  “We’re not
taking no for an answer.  We’ll handle Mother.”  He smiles with confidence,
reminding me of Antonio when he’s determined to get something he wants.  “Okay,
thanks for the invite.  I’d love to come celebrate with you guys…besides, I
haven’t been to a club in a hot minute and I can use a little fun in my life.”

     We banter for a few more minutes before Adam
asks, “So where are you two heading, I thought you were supposed to be
my brother
this afternoon?”  Once again, he’s not even trying to be subtle
in his meaning.   I feel defensive and guilty, like I’ve been caught cheating
on Antonio.   I don’t really want to say, but knowing that he can be as
tenacious as a dog with a bone, I quickly tell him.  “My
here is taking me out to lunch. I’m craving a hotdog from the vendor at the
park.  I’ll be back soon.”  I toss the last part over my shoulder as Allen and
I start walking towards the park.  I didn’t miss the suspicious look in Adam’s

     As soon as we enter the west side of the park,
Allen insists that I have a seat at the picnic table while he gets our hotdogs
and drinks.  “I don’t really want anything to eat, Allen.”

     “Okay, then would you like something to drink?”

     “Sure, I’ll have a small orange Fanta.”

     “One Fanta orange coming right up.”  He shoots
me a dazzling smile.  
Oh, if only Antonio hadn’t entered my life and won my

     When Allen sits down across from me with our
drinks, he doesn’t waste time.  “I want to show you my divorce papers.”

     “Allen, that’s not necessary.”  But he
disregards my protest and takes papers out of a folded manila envelope and
places them in front of me.  “See.  Look closely at the seal and you’ll see
that the paperwork is authentic.  I’ve been divorced for almost three weeks. 
I’m not married Tiressa.  I know I was wrong for not being straight with you
right from the start and I’m sorry about that.  I’m asking for a chance to
correct my mistake…please, Tiressa, give me another chance.”   Gazing into
Allen’s beautiful topaz eyes, I wish he had never lied to me.  But, I can’t
change any of that…and now, I’m with another man. “Allen, I believe you. But—”

     “Then we can start over.”  Allen says

     “Allen, we can’t…I need to tell you—”

     “Yes we can, Tiressa…all you have to do is
forgive me… forgive me and give me another chance.  I’m sorry and I’ll keep
telling you how sorry for as long as it takes.”

     “Allen, I’m seeing someone.”  I quickly cut
him off.

     “What?  Are you telling me the truth?  Or are
you just saying that to hurt me?”  I genuinely like Allen, and I think that
maybe he would have been
the one
, if Antonio hadn’t charged into my life,
turning it upside down. “I’m telling you the truth Allen.”

     “How long?  How long have you been seeing
him?  Who is it?  Is it that bastard Derrick Matthews?!”

     “No, it’s not Derrick Matthews.  I told you
we’re friends and that still remains true.”

     “Okay, if not him, then who is it?”

     “Allen, I’d rather not say who it is.  Our
relationship is relatively new and I…we…want to give it some time before we let
it be known that we are…you know…that we’re dating.”

     “Tiressa, that sounds a bit like a cop-out.”

     “It’s n—”  I begin, but then suddenly we are
interrupted by another B&S security officer.

     “Excuse me Ms. Hawkins, Officer Langston.  I
have been directed to escort Ms. Hawkins back to the building.”  Before Allen
can ask any questions, I ask one of my own. “Johnny isn’t it?”  Asking the
officer to confirm his name, although I’ve seen him around B&S often
enough.  “Yes mam, Johnny Bennett.”

     “Officer Bennett, can you please tell me who
sent you?”  Just as he’s about to reply, I hear the low ring tone of my cell. 
“Excuse me gentlemen.”  Pulling my cell phone out, I answer the call.

     “How in the hell do you expect me to keep our
relationship damn secret if you’re having a lover’s tryst right under my nose. 
You don’t have any idea how much restraint it’s taking to keep from coming over
there.  But make no mistake about it, I will make him sorry he ever met you, if
you don’t get up and allow Officer Bennett to bring you to me.”  The line goes
dead, and for a few seconds more, I sit there stunned.

     “Tiressa.  Are you okay?  Who was that?” 
Allen asks with obvious concern.  The sound of his voice snaps me out of my
paralysis and I quickly get to my feet.  “Allen, I’m late for that meeting I
told you about.  I have to go, they’re waiting for me.”  There’s a slight
quiver in my voice and I don’t make eye contact with either men as I toss my
drink in the receptacle and begin walking away with Officer Bennett.  Allen jumps
up.  “Wait Tiressa.  Can I call you?”

     “No Allen.  That wouldn’t be a good idea.”

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