Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2)
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Chapter 17



     “You’d be surprised if I told you how often I
catch him out here looking at the stars in the middle of the night.”

Damn! The last thing I want or need is my
siblings putting their nose where it doesn’t belong!
  “What the hell are
you two doing up past your bedtime.”  Antonio barks by way of greeting Nicholas
and William Bentini.  Neither brother responds, instead they each take a seat
on a chaise on either side of Antonio.  “What do you want?  My misery doesn’t
need any damn company.”  Antonio growls.  

     “Maybe we’re just here to look at the stars
too.”  Nicholas shoots back as he makes himself comfortable on the chaise to
Antonio’s left.  “Look Antonio, it’s clear that something is bothering you …
been eating at you for the past couple of days.  You’re not even able to hide
it.”  William states what the other family members have noted, and are
concerned about.  “Tony, Mom is worried about you.  She thinks there’s a woman
involved.”  Nicholas says with a small knowing smirk.

     “Mom worries over nothing.  I’m here aren’t

     “Yes, but you’re detached and isolating
yourself.”  William says.

     “Look Will, we’re not all able to put our
hearts in a lockbox to satisfy the family.”  Antonio throws the insult right
into his brother’s face.

     “What the hell is that supposed to mean?!”  Will
is blazing with indignant anger.  How dare Antonio criticize him over something
he knows nothing about!

     “You know exactly what it means.”  Antonio
glares back.

     “Wait, what’s going on here?”  Nicholas sits
up quickly, sensing that there’s more to his brothers’ heated exchange than
either of them are saying.

     “Nothing.”  Antonio relents felling guilty for
taking his frustration out on his brother.  “Sorry Will.  It’s none of my
business.  I’m having problems with T—”  Antonio catches himself, forgetting
for a moment that Nicholas doesn’t know about his relationship with Tiressa.  “I’m
having personal problems and I’m not sure how to fix it.”

     “So, your lady love is at the heart of this?” 
Nicholas crows.

     “I thought it was supposed to be a big
secret?  When did you tell Nick you’re dating Tiressa?”  William snaps at
Antonio, irked that Nicholas might have known about Tiressa before him. 
rivalry…it never really ends.

     “Damnit Will.  I didn’t.  You just did!” 
Antonio says with a disgusted look at his big brother.

     “What the hell!  Are you serious!  Your lady
love is mom’s Tiressa?!”  Nicholas says a little surprised, considering that
other incident that happened years ago…  But, now that he’s thinking about it,
it makes sense…he’s caught Antonio staring at Tiressa when he thought no one
was looking.  Actually, it’s really no great shock that Antonio would be
attracted to someone as pretty and fine as Tiressa, who wouldn’t be? 

     “Lower your voice!  It’s not public knowledge…for
obvious reasons.”

     “Well hot-damn…so she’s the one.”  Then after
a slight pause.  “Wow, this is going to poke the hornet nest for sure.  Mom’s
going to be furious when she finds out.”

     “She’s not going to find out…at least not for
a while.”  Lying back on his chaise with a tired sigh, he adds.  “And it may
not matter at this point because she won’t have anything to do with me.”

     “Who mom?”  Nicholas asks with confusion.

     “No, dimwit.  Tiressa.”  William lets out a
low chuckle and then asks Antonio, “Would you care to share what the problem
is?  Maybe we can help you solve it…we’re pretty clever men.  Well, at least
you and I are…not so sure about your little brother there.”  Will and Tony have
a good laugh at Nick’s expense.  But he doesn’t appear to mind and after a
minute laughs himself.  The brothers spend the next hour drinking, joking, and
coming up with idea after idea, until finally, Nick yells, “I’ve got it!”

     “Got what?”  Will asks with a slur in his
voice.  Ignoring his brother, Nick turns to Antonio.  “This can’t go wrong,
Tony!  You’ll see!”




     I haven’t met with Allen again, but that
doesn’t mean that he doesn’t ask me to.  Even though I keep telling him that we
don’t have anything more to say to each other.  Exiting the elevator on the
fifth floor, I wave to Ms. Mason, the receptionist, and as I round the corner,
I run into Kathy coming from the lounge with a cup of coffee and a bagel.  “Well
good morning.”  She exclaims.  “I’m so excited…it’s almost time for the b-day
party tomorrow night.  I haven’t been to a nightclub since Wi— well, I haven’t
been in a while.”

     I smile at her enthusiasm and compliment her
on her hair and outfit –Kathy has great fashion sense.  As I unlock my office
door, I invite Kathy in so we can go over some of the last minute items for the
party.  Turning back to enter my office, I come to a surprised stop.

     “Oh My Gawd! Tiressa.  Who are they from?” 
Kathy breathes in delight as she sniffs one of the twelve bouquets of colorful
roses set in beautiful clear vases throughout my small office.

     “I don’t know.”  I take in the beautiful scene
the roses make as I search for a card that indicates the sender.  Walking over
to my desk, I see an envelope propped against one of the bouquets with my name
on it.  Opening the envelope, I silently read the card inside,
“I can’t be
sorry for being angry when I see you with another man.  I can’t be sorry for
making love to you in my office.  But I am sorry, and I greatly regret causing
you to feel the way you felt.  I don’t understand how you can ever see yourself
as cheap, when you are priceless to me.  For making you feel that way, I am
sorry.  Loving You Always, Antonio.”

     “Well?  Who are they from?  What does the card
say?”  Kathy can barely contain her curiosity.  “They’re from Antonio, but I
can’t tell you what he wrote, other than to tell you that it’s an apology.”

     “Wow!  You got an apology from Antonio Bentini. 
Well damn, girl!  That’s a reason to celebrate.” 

     “Yes, I suppose it is.” I say with a big wide
happy smile. 
I’ve missed him so much!
  Beaming my bright smile towards
Kathy, I ask for her help.  “I can’t keep all these roses in here.  They’re
beautiful, but they are taking up a lot of space and oxygen.  I’ll keep two
bouquets, you take the one you want and help me think of who in the building we
can share these with.”  We easily come up with a list that includes:  Mrs. Bentini;
Mrs. Fuller- Antonio’s receptionist on the second floor; Ms. Mason- the fifth floor
receptionist; Ms. Carlito- the executive assistant to Mr. and Mrs. Bentini, Ms.
McDonald-head of hospitality; Mrs. Weaver- in the personnel office, and Mrs.
Honeycutt- Bentini’s Housekeeper at Bentini Mansion.

     I can hardly wait to see Antonio.  I thought
for sure that he would show up at my office door sometime before lunch, but its
hours past lunch at no Antonio –not even a phone call.  Maybe he thinks I’m
still mad at him.  I’m tempted to call him.

     An hour later, I still haven’t seen or heard
from Antonio so I decide to call him myself.  Just as I pick up the receiver,
Kathy knocks on the door as she enters my office.  “Hey girl, these gentlemen
here are looking for you.”  She moves further into my office to make room for
two young men, each carrying a medium-sized white box with holes all over it
and a big red bow on top.

     “Ms. Hawkins, we are from The Deluxe Gifts
Shop and we have a special delivery for you.  Please sign right here and we’ll
be happy to give you your presents.”  The first young man says with a big cheesy
grin.  Looking at the boxes suspiciously, I quickly sign the delivery slip. 
“Can you tell me who these gifts are from?”

     “There is a gift card attached to each box,
mam.  Have a nice day.”  They say the last part in unison, smile and leave.  “Well!” 
Kathy says excitedly.  “Aren’t you going to open them?!”

     Just as I reach down to take the gift card off
the box closest to me, there is a small yelp from inside one of the boxes. 
Then a small bark from the other box.  I lift one of the tops off the box and
Kathy lifts the other top off. 

     “Oh My Starz!”  “Oh My Gawd!”  Kathy and I
exclaim at the same time as each of us reach inside a box and take out the
cutest little West Highland Terrier pups you ever did see!

     “Oh my gawd! Tiressa, did Antonio send them to
you as well?”

     I read the first small gift card.  It simply
reads, “I miss you so much, Antonio.”  The other matching gift card reads,
“Please forgive me, Antonio.”

     “Tiressa, why are you crying.”  Kathy asks as
she—still holding the white fluffy puppy in her arm—tries to console me. 
“These are happy tears.  I can’t believe Antonio did this for me.  These are my
dream dogs.  I once mentioned what type of pet I thought would be absolutely
perfect for me…and he remembered.”

     “That must have been some fight you two had. 
Look, it’s almost five.  Do you want me to help you take the puppies home?” 
Kathy offers.  Before I can take her up on her offer, Antonio walks into my
office.  “Good, I see they arrived.”  He says, flashing me a beautifully sexy

     “Well, this is where I disappear.”  Kathy says
as she gives the pup in her arms a final kiss and places him back in the box. 
“I’ll see you at the mansion in the morning Tiressa.”

     I’m standing there holding my puppy with
shimmering eyes just absorbing the presence of Antonio Bentini, my guy.  I have
no words, I’m so choked up. 
I think I’m falling in love…

     He walks over to stand in front of me.  “Do
you like your presents?”  I’m so overcome with stupid emotions that I collapse
into his arms crying silly tears, holding my dream pup as Antonio holds me.


     Sitting on Antonio’s lap on the sofa watching
my new twin pups asleep on their fluffy blanket, in their eight-panel puppy
playpen. I am blissfully content, hugged up with my guy…and I’m the proud
parent of two cute cuddly adorable babies.  Watching me watching the pups, over
in a corner of the living room all made up just for them, Antonio asks, “So
have you decided on names for them?”

     “No, not yet.  I have to give it some thought;
a name is not to be taken lightly.”  I reply in all seriousness.  Angling his
head to better nuzzle my neck, Antonio ponders nonchalantly, “I wonder if
you’ll be this fastidious when we choose names for our babies.”  My heart jumps
into my throat.  “Antonio?”  Shoving on his shoulders, I ask, “Antonio, why
would you say that?”  Looking at me, he replies with some confusion.  “Say

     “Why would you mention picking out baby
names…for real babies…our potential babies?”

     “Why wouldn’t I want to talk about babies…our
potential babies?”  Getting up off his lap, I head to my bedroom.  “Tiressa,
what…where are you going?”

     “It’s been a long day, I’m going to bed.”

     “Just like that?  We aren’t going to finish
our discussion?” Antonio asks as he follows me into the bedroom.

     “No. I don’t want to argue with you—”

     “Tiressa, we’re not going to argue.  What’s
there to argue about?” 

     “Okay, Baby, we’ll see.”  He responds with
absolute confidence.

     “I’m serious Antonio.”

     “I know you are Baby.  Do you want to shower
with me?”

     Shooting him a perturbed look, I reject his
offer.  “No. I’m not ready for that either.”

     “In that case, I’ll give you your privacy and
take a shower in the other bathroom.  I’m taking it for granted that I don’t
have to ask permission to stay the night with you?”  He states with a raised
eyebrow.  Looking at him steadily, I respond with a somewhat uncertain
expression.  “No, you don’t…at least not tonight.”

     Antonio is out of the shower and in bed sitting
up against the headboard by the time I emerge from the bathroom, dressed in one
of my newest sleeveless shirt-nightgowns with a long slit up both sides.  I’m a
bundle of nerves as I walk across the room to the other side of the bed, feeling
Antonio’s hot eyes on me.

     “Tiressa.”  Stopping short, I turn towards
Antonio as he gets out of bed wearing only his boxer briefs. 
He has no
business being so good-looking!

     Bringing my body up against his, he growls in
a husky timbre, “You’re so beautiful”, weaving his fingers through my unbound
hair.  “I desperately want to make love to you.  But I also want to show you
that I can be here for you without pushing for sex.”  After tasting my lips
briefly, Antonio steps back.  “Come on Baby, let’s go to bed.  I want to hold
you.”  I will never stop being surprised and secretly pleased by how much this
big tough man loves to kiss and cuddle.  


     “Antonio what’s that?”  I whisper groggily,
having suddenly been awoken from a sound sleep by an unfamiliar noise.  “Nothing
Baby, go back to sleep.”  Antonio says sleepily as he tightens his arms around
me.  Suddenly I remember.  “My babies are crying!” I exclaim as I throw the
covers back and scramble out of the bed.  “Tiressa.  They’ll quiet down on
their own.”  But of course, I’m not hearing any of
as I rush out to
the dark living room to rescue my babies. 

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