Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2)
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     “I don’t know why, you know that Jason and I
are friends.”  Then dropping his voice and leaning towards me, he continues.  “Look
Tiressa, we need to talk.”  I glance up to see six pairs of eyes trained on
me.  “Derrick, this is not the time or the place.”  I whisper. 

     “Well, when is the time or the place, because
you don’t return my calls and you avoid me like the plague at work.”  He

     “Yes, I do and you know exactly why.”

     “All I know is that no matter
you’re dating, it shouldn’t affect our friendship.  We were friends well before
entered the picture.  He doesn’t have the right to control who you are
friends with.”  He says with a sneer.  Turning back to address the table, I
tell them, “Sorry, I’m still on the clock and I’m going to have to circulate
for a few minutes.  Although they are reluctant to see the scene end, they

     “You sure you don’t want to stay and finish
your conversation with Derrick?”  Carmen, ever mischievous, asks with her
customary sly smile.

     “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”  I respond
with a smile as I prepare to stand up.  But Derrick stops me with a hand on my
arm.  Then saying in his most charming voice, “I’m sorry if I’ve upset you,
especially tonight.  You’re a knockout.  I mean, I always thought you were a
pretty woman, but damn, Tiressa…I want to take you home—”

     “That’s not going to be possible Derrick,
because she’s going home with me.  Tonight and every night after.”  Antonio
says in a hard, controlled voice.  I jump up out of my chair so quickly that it
almost topples.  Derrick stands up as well.  “Antonio.”  I exclaim stepping
closer to him.  “Stay out of this Tiressa.”  Antonio throws out the command
without bothering to look at me.

     “What part of hands off, she’s mine, did you
not understand?”  Antonio demands of Derrick.”

     “Oh, I understood every word, but I don’t
think it’s your place to tell me or Tiressa who we can or can’t be friends
with.”  Derrick defends himself.  I hurriedly step in between the two glaring
men before anyone can say another word and the situation escalates.  “Antonio
can I talk to you in private”, I ask holding onto his arm.  “Please!  You’re
causing a scene at your brothers’ party!”

     “I’ll do more than cause a scene.”  His voice
remains low, controlled and furious.  He shakes me off his arm as he moves to
confront Derrick.

     “Hey Bro, what’s up!”  Nicholas says in a loud
voice as he and Vitto Rossi position themselves between Antonio and Derrick.  Thank
Gawd!  They are just as big and tall as Antonio, and will be able to act as a
barricade if need be.

     “Nothing’s up.  I’m just going to put my fist
through Derrick’s pretty face.”  Antonio replies as if he’s responding to a
question about the weather.  Nicholas looks at Derrick and orders him to leave
the club.  Which he does, but not before attempting to speak to me one last
time.  “Tiressa—” At the sound of my name coming from his mouth, Antonio tries
to push through the hold that his brother and Vitto have on him.

     “No, Derrick.  Please, just go!”  I insist

     While Nicholas and Vitto escort Derrick out of
the club, I turn to Antonio, caressing his stiff arm.  “I’m sorry Antonio.  I
didn’t know he was here.  I was trying to get him to leave…” 

     For a minute it looks like Antonio is so angry
that I think he is going to walk away from me –but then, slowly his big tense
body relaxes, he looks down at me, smiles and gives me a soft lingering kiss on
the lips.  In front of everybody!  I don’t even think about pulling away
because it would be a public rejection of his claim, and I’m not willing to do
that to him.  “Come on, I’m through watching other men flirt with my lady.”  He
says taking my hand.

     “Wait.  I’d like to introduce you to my
friends.”  I didn’t expect to be introducing Antonio to the
soon, but with the way things have turned out, I seem to have very little
choice.  Turning back to my friends—who are all in varying degrees of complete
shock—I make the introductions.  “Antonio Bentini, I’d like for you to meet my big
sister, Mya, my cousin, Danece, my girlfriends, Janette and Carmen, and this is
Brian, Janette’s boyfriend.  Everybody, meet Antonio Bentini…my guy, my
boyfriend.”  I feel Antonio give my waist a squeeze indicating that he’s aware
of how hard it was for me to say those words out loud to so many people, in
such a public place.  He turns on the charm.  “I’ve been trying to talk Tiressa
into letting me meet her family and friends.  It’s a pleasure to meet you
all.”  We spend several more minutes at the table talking—nothing serious or
deep.  My nosey friends must sense that I’m still trying to recover from the
confrontation between Antonio and Derrick, and are taking it easy on me.  But I
know they’ll eventually get around to hounding me for details about me and
Antonio’s relationship.   After we leave my friends, Antonio tries to escort me
over to the VIP area where his family is.  “No, Antonio.”  I exclaim, digging
in my heels and trying to go in another direction.  “Calm down, Tiressa.  We
were so far back and it’s so crowded in here that I doubt anyone in the VIP
area saw anything that happened.” 

     “I’m still not going over there.  That’s only
for family and close friends, not the hired help.  I’m not going.”  I remain
stubborn and determined.

     “First of all…don’t ever refer to yourself as
hired help
.  I don’t appreciate it, because it’s not true.  And even if it
were, I don’t give a damn.  You could be Molly-the-Maid, and it wouldn’t make a
bit of difference to me.  You’re my lady, and I’m your man.  I’m damn proud of
that.  You should be too.”  He says reproachfully, causing me to feel
defensive.  “I am.  It’s just that…”  My words trail off.  It’s hard to make
someone so bold and confident appreciate what it’s like to feel so unsure, so

     “Yeah Baby, I know.”  He says, looking at me
in understanding.  “Okay, since you’re being obstinate, I’m going to take you
over to Katherine.”  Which he does and issues a teasing command to stay out of
trouble.  Then kisses me firmly and walks away.

     “He’s really into you.”  Kathy says as I sit
down next to her. “Yeah, I’m into him too.”  I admit, watching Antonio weave
through the crowd.  “That’s understandable.  The Bentini men are irresistible.” 
Kathy says with bitterness. 

     “Do you regret getting involved with William?”

     “Just about every day.  But then, I remember
what it feels like to be in his arms and all that we’ve done and shared
together.  If anything, I regret that he won’t stand up to his mother.  That he
won’t stand up for me.  What you have with Antonio is different.  He’s willing
to defy any and everybody to have you.  Your relationship will be out in the
open, flying in the face of his family’s wishes…well actually, his Mom’s

     “I guess just about any girl would be on cloud
nine to have a man like Antonio attracted to her…but I just don’t know.”

     “Don’t know about what?  Do you see the way he
looks at you?”

     “That’s the thing…I know he cares about me…and
he says he wants us to have a future together, but—”

     “Are you kidding Ti?  Why do hesitate?”

     “Now, who’s kidding whom Kathy?  Are you
really going to pretend that my being black isn’t a problem?”

     “It doesn’t appear to be a problem for
Antonio.  Why should you let it stop you from at least seeing if you guys can
make it work?”  She says with a sympathetic smile.  But then her face suddenly
freezes, and her eyes fix on a point over my shoulder.

     “Kathy what’s wrong.”  I ask, looking over my
shoulder.         “Who is that?”  William Bentini has entered the club and is
being escorted to the VIP area with a tall beautiful blond on his arm.  Turning
back to Kathy, I see that she’s preparing to leave.  “Wait, Kathy…where are you

     “You said earlier that you would be willing to
cover for me if I wanted to leave.  Is your offer still open?”

     “Sure it is.  But are you going to be okay to
drive home, you don’t look well.”  Standing up too, I offer, “Let me go tell
Antonio that I’m driving you home and—”

     “No. Tiressa, please. I’ll feel better knowing
you’re here in my place.  I’m fine really…I just can’t stomach seeing him with
The way she said the word -her- I know exactly who the blond must be…Alison
Donavan –William Bentini’s fiancée.

     “Okay, I’ll take care of everything.  But
please call or text me when you get home so that I know you made it safely.” 
Kathy agrees and then gives me a quick teary hug and takes off.  As I scan the
crowd, looking for the event planner, I notice that William Bentini is staring
intensely at Kathy as she walks out of the club.   



Chapter 20


     “That went well.  You did a great job.” 
Antonio says pulling out of the night club’s parking lot.  “I know, I don’t
think anyone saw us leave together.”  I reply, teasing him.

     “You know that’s not what I’m referring to. 
The birthday party went well.  Jase and Adam really had a good time…well
actually, are having a good time, because the party’s still going on.  I
instructed my security team to stay til the very end and make sure things
continue to go smoothly.”

     “Good.  I’m glad that your people are in
place.  Those are some big
especially Vitto Rossi.”

     “Don’t go getting any ideas.  I know how much
you like big men.”  Antonio says teasing me back.

     “Yes, but I’m only interested in one big man…he’s
my guy, and I’m falling in love with him.”  I speak the words in a low voice as
I hold his hand on my lap, gently rubbing his strong arm, feeling the need to
just touch him.     

     “Damnit Tiressa…  You tell me that while I’m
driving!”  Suddenly he pulls the SUV over into the emergency lane on the
highway and turns on the flashing hazard lights.  “What’s the matter Antonio,
why are you stopping here?”

     “Because I’m trying to avoid getting into a
wreck.”  He says, as he turns and grabs hold to me, wrapping me up in his arms. 
“Those aren’t the words I wish to hear, but they’re close.”  After giving me a
quick heated kiss, he pulls back into traffic and we head to my apartment.  

     “Baby, let me go inside and get the pups and
your bags.”  Antonio says as he parks outside my apartment. “Why don’t you want
me to go in?”

     “Because it’s late, I’m tired, and you’ll take
too long.”

     “Okay, suit yourself…Oh, and please don’t
forget the puppy pen.”  It takes three trips, but Antonio finally got everything
packed into his SUV, and we’re soon on our way to his place.  Antonio’s house
is about twenty-five minutes away from my neighborhood.  In one of the more
affluent suburban areas of the county.  He presses a button on the console
inside the car and the tall black iron gates begin to open at once.  Antonio’s contemporary
two-story glasshouse sits back from the gates.  “Your house is beautiful Antonio.” 
He smiles, and as we drive up the driveway, he pushes another button on the console
and one of the four panels on the garage lifts without delay. 

     “Home sweet home.  You grab the carrier with
the pups—”

     “Cotton Candi and Snow Ball…Candi and Snow for
short… and that’s candy with an

    “So you finally came up with names, huh?  Well,
it’s a good thing their tiny and female or they’d be embarrassed.”  He mocks
with a straight face.  “Okay, grab Cotton Candi –with an i- and Snow and I’ll
get everything else.”

     “We enter the house through the four car garage
and walk right into a high ceiling, sleek kitchen.  Sitting the puppy carrier
down next to the island, I head back out to the garage to help Antonio bring in
my bags, but he shoos me back in.  Walking around the elegant kitchen, I see
that all the stainless steel appliances are some of B&S finest high-end products. 
The cabinets are made of light colored wood—probably birch, ash or maple, I
have no idea which.  Looking at the granite counter tops, as I run my fingers
along the edge of the island, I can’t help comparing my tiny basic kitchen to
this.  This kitchen is just incredible.  I don’t like to cook, but I can definitely
see myself cooking in

     “Come on Baby, it’s late and I’m exhausted and
I’m sure you are too.  I’ll give you a tour of the house tomorrow.  If that’s
okay with you.”  Antonio says as he locks the door and sets the security alarm. 

     “Sure.”  He takes my hand and starts walking. 
“Wait, my babies.  We can’t just leave them here in the kitchen.”  I give him a
look that says, “
And you better not dare suggest we do

     He picks up the carrier and takes my hand
again and we walk out of the kitchen, and across a spacious room –huge to be
just a living room— to a wide glass-paneled staircase.  I’ve never seen stairs
like this before.  As a matter of fact, I’ve never been in a house where the
entire living room walls are mostly glass…no curtains, just glass.  You can
actually see outside, there are no barriers.  It’s dark outside and although
the property is well-lit, it’s still kinda weird.  Beautiful, but weird.  The
second floor of the house is oval shaped; the same glass panels surround the
entire upstairs landing.  We pass five or six doors before we get to the
double-wide cream colored doors at the end of the hall.  Antonio hands me the
carrier, and then turns and throws both doors wide open.  Turning back to me,
he sweeps me and the puppies into his arms, causing me to shriek and squeal. 
Laughing he declares, “I’m marking this as a special moment.  I’ve been wanting
you here, in my home, for months.”

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